Travel to Another World because ROB asked me.

Chapter 25. Negotiation and Battle Showcase.




Time skip after the exam.

Everyone doing well surprisingly despite the failure of the studying together session, except my twin sister for obvious reason.

She loves to sleep and skipped most classes by doing so.. effectively resulting that her has no idea about the class.

["You are about the same, only if you don't have your academic knowledge stuff, user. You literally stare at her all day most of the time and secretly taking photos of her in class. Duh."] The system retort at me.


Well, I need to set her priority straight soon. I'm happy that she wants to become stronger in this chaotic world but kids of our age should not neglect our studies.

["Hearing that from you.. Pfft."] The system said to me.

Just Ignore me, system. Please.


Azazel just calls me out to his room just now and I'm going into his room now.

Today is the time I would meet Archangel Michael with the church representative too.

I feel nervous for some reason even though I have a plan in my head already.

["Don't worry user. You got this, remember you are doing this for your friend."] The system said to me.



*Knock* *Knock*

"Enter." Azazel said from inside.


I'm entering the room as he instructed and inside I saw 3 people sitting around each other on a comfy sofa and snack.

A pale blonde guy.. his face was beautiful even though he should be a guy and his face always looked melancholy.

That one should be Archangel Michael.

Then an old man with white hair..  huge body full of muscle.. Scar everywhere.. his aura scream of a war veteran.


It's the goddamn second strongest former exorcist, Vasco Strada.


Really? I didn't expect that the highest-ranked church official comes here at all.

Both representatives look at me with judging eyes. I feel nervous again.

"This is the son you are talking about, Azazel?" Michael said as he looks at me.

"...Well he is my champ. This boy is still immature, but he got the right heart." Azazel replied.

"...I see. So.. Satoru.. right? Azazel already explains the detail of your situation a bit.. you want to have heaven permission to take a certain girl that will be part of church representative based on your knowledge because of her supposed fate right?" Michael talks to me as he looks at my eyes intensely. Is he judging me right now?

Seems Azazel already fills some detail on him too, nice.

"Yes." I replied.

"Then for what reason? I doubt it is only because you know the character...  Should be another reason for that." Michael keeps asking me.


...Michael is surprisingly sharp. What do you think, system?

["Just stick to the plan."] The system replied


I can't think of any reason thought. How I should answer? Because I want it? That sounds retarded.

["You are always retarded anyway.. added more into your list shouldn't be a problem"] The system said to me with an amused tone.


I know and I'm sorry.

But I feel I shouldn't be retarded now so he could take me seriously.



"Yes," I answer Michael as I look into him.


["User? What you are doing?"] The system said to me in a panic tone.

I'm a bad liar, and I don't know why but I feel I shouldn't lie to him.

I will be honest even if it is painful.

["...Ok go ahead, do as you like. just remember to not reveal me and mission."] The system said in a resigned tone.

Yeah, I will not reveal it you don't worry.


Hearing my reply, Michael stands up and looks at me.

Suddenly I feel intimidated.

"Tell me Matsuzaka Satoru, For what reason? Don't try to use fate or sympathy for a reason because if what you are saying is right, I could easily save her myself.. That's actually my responsibility as leader of the faction." Michael continued talking to me.


I don't think it that deep, and he is damn right about that.

No turn around about this.


"I want to save a friend, and I need Asia's sacred gear for that." I replied to him.

"...So you want to use Asia Argento as a tool to save your friend?" Michael said as his eyes sharpen.. seems he doesn't like my answer at all.

"No. My wish to save her is still real, and I want to give her a much more happy childhood too than what I know from my previous life."I said as looking at his eyes, show my determination.

"For what reason? I doubt you don't have any motive." Michael keeps asking.

"I said I really want to save her!" I replied.


"Because she also deserves it!"



For a while me and Archangel Michael looking intensely at each other.


Michael then shook his head and his eyes.. he is amused?

Did I do something wrong?

"You passed my test, Satoru. You have a good heart and are also an honest person. I have activated the lie detector for a while... and it said you are not lying at all to me. I believe I'm a good judge of character and I like your determination. I really want to invite you to join my faction now, if not because Azazel takes you first." Michael explained to me.


He seems happy with all my honesty.

Also, I just feel that I just avoiding a literal landmine. I didn't realize he already set the lie detector up from the beginning.

Did the negotiation successful then?

["Somehow, yes. But don't let your guard down, user."] The system replied.

"Hey Mic, He is my son. Stay away." Azazel said as he shook his head with also smile on his face. 

Azazel also seems happy with the outcome.


Michael crossing his hand and look at me.

"Now about things you can offer to my heaven and church.. I honestly don't need to do this personally since I believe you are doing it for good ...but Azazel should tell you already my position as leader right?" Michael asked me.

I nodded toward what Michael just said.

"Azazel already explain that you will prove your worth as our alliance. Show us your strength, Matsuzaka Satoru. Here, the Church representative that I bring with me.. You probably know his identity from your knowledge but here is one of the top former exorcists Vasco Strada, who now serve as a High-ranked official in the church.

He will be your opponent to show your ability and we will determine you are worth or not for an alliance with fallen angel faction and yourself." Michael continued.


Fighting Vasco Strada huh, looks scary. But I know he is also a kind person.

I might need to go all out on this battle, this guy can fight against god being after all. He is one of those on the original series that probably should be on the top 10 strongest or something close to that. 

I should be scared with his goddamn muscles full-body appearance but I didn't feel any.

Like my first kill, I feel.. empty.

It should be a good thing though before the battle but..


This feels weird.

"You are interesting, Matsuzaka Satoru. You are seem not intimidated by me even a little bit. You are promising." Vasco Strada said to me.


"Good luck son, you need it. Even I'm not sure if I'm able to win against him or not. You might put your strongest ability against him." Azazel said to me as he put his hand on my shoulder.



Is he also get buffed here?


{3rd POV}

Location : Training Field.


Satoru looks at Vasco Strada.. and Vasco Strada looks back at Satoru with a smile. This version of Vasco seems stronger than canon since Satoru see he still have Durandal, Satoru thought.

His appearance also helps the impression.

"Start your attack, Matsuzaka Satoru. Show me your determination. Show me what potential young generation of humanity could do." Vasco said to Satoru with his kind smile. 


Satoru dash toward Vasco with his right arm imagine breaker activated and EMS also activated.

With help of strengthening magic, he is able to keep up a bit against Vasco though he easily avoids all Satoru attacks and punches Satoru a few times. 

*Swish* *Swish* 


The reason why Satoru is quite okay got punched few times by Vasco is that he got used to getting punched daily by Baraqiel. Satoru feels weird that he feel grateful to Baraqiel that he used to punch him daily.

*Swish* *Swish*

Vasco really has time in the world to avoid all Satoru attacks.

"Show me your resolution. Show me your potential as a human like me, Matsuzaka Satoru!" Vasco Strada yells out.

Suddenly a kick landed toward Satoru's head, throw away to a random tree on the training ground. Satoru really feels DeJaVu there.





From this initial confrontation, Satoru realizes that he won't be able to do anything with only Imagine breaker.

Vasco is much stronger than Baraqiel.

He might be able to win with Tsukiyomi.. but he thought he better save it, for now, no need to reveal one of his secret weapons.

He decides to use one of the most iconic abilities of Mangekyou Sharingan.


The giant red skeleton shadow comes forth from his body as Satoru knows he needs to up his ability to fight against Vasco evenly.

Satoru only able to use Susanoo for 2 minutes or he will be run out of chakra and stamina if he pushes furthermore.





Vasco seems finally got serious. Satoru feels a sudden influx of bloodlust and oppression aura. Both of Vasco's fists now seem imbued with strong holy power which means Vasco also begins to take Satoru seriously.


Vasco suddenly moves out toward Satoru, and Satoru who is too shocked to move instinctively raises Yata Mirror to confront him.



Yata Mirror clash against Vasco Holy Fist for a while. 

Satoru gets pushed for few meters but he is standing still easily from confrontation. Satoru was able to protect himself thanks to Yata Mirror's property to nullify any damage.

Vasco who realizes his fist doesn't do any damage just now seems unconcerned and he actually smiling.


Satoru begins to attack again.

Satoru using Totsuka blade to hit Vasco but he easily avoids it, and he keeps avoiding it.

Vasco Strada is extremely fast, beyond Baraqiel, and his swordsmanship is nowhere to good enough as a real swordsman.

*Slash* *Slash* *Slash*


"Not fast enough. Also, your sword form is a mess. Much worse than your close combat with a fist!" Vasco said as he keeps avoiding Satoru's slash.

Satoru is nowhere expert using a blade and he doesn't have a lot of opportunities to train with Susanoo to begin with.. due to the lack of chakra at the moment.

"Let me show you how to use your sword right, boy." Vasco said to Satoru.


Vasco then finally unleashes Durandal to counter Satoru attack.


A holy energy slash comes toward Satoru.

Satoru who sees the attack coming, step aside to avoid it but Vasco is just too fast as in a fraction of a second he has appeared in front of Satoru.

Satoru raises Yata Mirror again to stand still against it since he just can't see how he would avoid it now.







The confrontation between Yata Mirror and Durandal creating a spark of power around them.



<User, Let me help you add Imagine Breaker effect to Yata Mirror. At this rate, Yata Mirror would be destroyed!> The system talks to Satoru

<Sure thanks system!> Satoru nodded as he notices he would be lost.

Durandal being peerless holy sword seriously no joke, indeed.

<Fused!> The system notif Satoru.



The Yata Mirror is suddenly becoming brighter and completely reflect the Durandal attack.

Vasco Strada gets thrown away due to the impact of the collision.





After a while, Vasco Strada seems to come out unscathed and said. "Good job, it is the first time I have been lost when confronting directly someone with Durandal. You are sure to have potential." 

Vasco Strada seems already acknowledge Satoru's potential.

But Satoru feels he need to prove more by defeating Vasco.


Vasco Strada is so strong beyond what Satoru expected. Satoru now only has 30 seconds left before he would succumb to exhaustion.


Satoru realizes he needs to take decisive action as he won't last fight Vasco in attrition battle.

Even with Susanoo, he is still unable to have an advantage against Vasco. He doubts adding Amaterasu would do something either.

He needs to use his strongest ability.


<...System, help me using Encounter for short time.> Satoru asked.

<I see your current predicament, user... But are you sure?> The system replied.

<Yes> Satoru answers.


<...Alright> The system replied.


With the system's help, Satoru was able to offset the side effect for a very short time with help of imagine breaker and system control, but even with all of that Encounter side effects become stronger over time and begin to affect his mind either way.

<"You only have 5 seconds before it will begin rejected your mentality, user. Go for it."> The system said to Satoru.

That's more than enough, Satoru thought.

"[[Encounter Mode]]" Satoru softly said.



Everyone who watched him was surprised, even Vasco also feels Satoru somehow completely changed.


Then Satoru's aura changed, as random line marks appeared around his face. Everyone who watched the battle feels chill on their back.

Michael and Azazel who watched from inside the building even feel the aura come from Satoru.

"Is this the boy's true potential you said, Azazel?" Michael said.

"...Yeah. This is my second time to see this, and seriously.. It's still ridiculous as always. I thought he is Saiyan from Drag-soball anime." Azazel replied.


Back to the training arena, Vasco notices something happen on Satoru, and feels his body screamed to leave as if it's telling that it's an enemy he can't hope to defeat.


Satoru begins to use his strongest attack to end this in one hit.

Satoru overloads his strengthen magic so much to the point that he almost depleted all of his energy and stamina for it... making him get boosted to become overwhelmingly strong that it should break his body.


But with Encounter, he redirects the feedback strain damage of it causes fully collected on his left hand, while his right unusable at the moment.. as there is Imagine Breaker to suppress side effect of Encounter.


Satoru dash toward Vasco Strada with incredibly high speed, which Vasco even can't see clearly.



Satoru literally crashed into him because he still can't control his speed well. Vasco didn't expect it fail to anticipate it and get threw away because Satoru crash into him. But Satoru didn't stop there and unleashed his strongest attack at that moment.


"I'm sorry but.. Gorilla Impact!" 

Satoru raises his left hand and strikes down Vasco while he is still in the air.




Vasto Strada suddenly feels immense pain due to the effect of super-strength Satoru and feedback of Satoru body strain added to the punch, Breaking Vasco body from outside and inside simultaneously.




The impact is so strong that it creates a crater 3 meters wide and 1 meter deep around Vasco. The debris flies out everywhere destroying the environment a lot.



<Encounter deactivated. Good job, user> The system said to me.

Hearing what the system said, Satoru fall down, too tired to even move now.



"You... are surprising me, boy... I have never been this injured... since the time.. of the second world war. Huff.." Vasco said to Satoru with a pleased tone yet ran out of breath.


Before Satoru was able to say anything, he passed out.





Ugh, my head. 

I open my eyes and found myself.. in my own room?


["Welcome back user. You passed out after use Encounter."] The system said to me.

I see..

I remember I'm using it to strike down Vasco. Did I win though?


The door opened reveal Michael with Vasco on the bandage and Azazel come walked inside.

"I have heard it from Azazel about you are really something but see it directly still feels so unbelievable. Very interesting ability." Michael said as he looks at me.

"...Thanks, I guess?" I replied instinctively as I have no idea what to answer with.

"Your punch sure hard, you really beat the old man here, Matsuzaka Satoru. Seems humanity have a new champion now." Vasco said to me with a smile.

He seems really satisfied. But wait, Champion?

"Champion?" I asked.

"It is your new title son, I mean.. you just beat legendary Vasco Strada, Champion of humanity." Azazel answer me with a chuckle.

...I didn't mean it. Also, I'm pretty sure there is no title for Vasco back in the original so is this another difference?

"I don't think Vasco Ojii-san go all out though." I said to them.

"Neither you do right? We know because Azazel told me you have a lot other troublesome abilities." Vasco said counter my argument.

["He is not wrong, Tsukiyomi could end the battle with an instant user."] The system said to me.

...Oh well, I guess I will just accept the title. What could be wrong with it?




Except attract a lot of enemies.

["You already know it then."] The system said to me.


After all of that, We signed a contract, and both Michael and Vasco promise to deliver Asia Argento very soon.

They both leave already because they are a busy person within their faction.

... Anyway It feels anticlimatic no matter what I think about it. I was prepared to get something that could surprise me within the negotiation but was surprisingly smooth.

Not so smooth, but I expected more to happen.. since my life to be honest already crazy enough.

One step closer to save my friend I guess.

I really need my sister's hug now.

["Now, you just jinx yourself, user."] The system comment on me.


"You didn't mad at me?" I ask Azazel as I have been curious for a while.

Azazel shook his head.

"I know your character well, Satoru. So I did expect this to happen. But I did proud of you to pull that off. Michael also believes your memory lost bullshit is right.. because your inability of unable to lie a shit, that's what matters the most. This is the best outcome." Azazel explains to me with an amused tone.

...Azazel is right. Michael doesn't ask a further question about me and just believes in me because of all my act.

The negotiation becomes fruitful. Vasco also praised me for being able to defeat him, even though it's clearly I won't able to do that without surprise element and Encounter. He offered me to join the church and he will train me as Durandal's next successor. Obviously, I reject it, as I won't leave my sister alone for the Vatican.

 I don't need to fill in the detail of the conversation because I'm too tired to pay attention to it.


{3rd POV}


Unknowingly to Satoru, Michael still sitting in Azazel's room to discuss more detail about the alliance and enjoy evening coffee.


"Michael, You didn't ask the boy about his knowledge?" Azazel asked as he walks into the room.

Michael shook his head and answer, "Not really. I know any knowledge he would say probably also changed too much at this point as you probably already did something about it. I will hear the detail from you later, Azazel." 

"Alright, you got me on that." Azazel replied with a relaxed tone.

"But are you not concerned that this would break your alliance with Phenex Family?" Michael suddenly asked Azazel.

"I have told the Phenex family about this beforehand, and they accept it without any rejection." Azazel replied.

"Why? And how?" Michael asked with a curious tone.

"Nah.. Let just say, I got my way on that." Azazel answer.


"Hmm.. I remember you said the Phenex family got their daughter betrothed to him right? Might as well get Asia to him from Heaven's side then. The boy seems to have good intention toward her anyway." Michael said to Azazel.



"I like your idea, Mic." Azazel chuckled.

Michael nodded toward Azazel.


["More harem member for my idiotic user. Also, my user really should work increase his stamina and energy."] The system monologues as he close the chapter.

This chapter is showcase about MC abilities so far and negotiation done. I could do full conversation but eh, after the battle I think its not necessary to put detail. 

I think I'm doing writing battle skill bit better than chapter 15 but it still suck, gotta keep learning. 

Mc barely scratches Encounter surface ability, it will be OP as duck thus why I keep Overpowered Protagonist tag despite he keeps losing most of time so far lol.

In here I'm also show that with system mc able to activate 2 of his ability at once. 

He is really dependent on his system.

Next chapter would be Asia and Vali join the group, then time skip to junior highschool.

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