This S.O.B. System


Asher woke up warm and cozy in a pile of supple flesh. His head was laying on Lyola’s chest as she ran her fingers through his hair. She hummed happily as he looked up into her eyes. 


Her eyes sparkled as he stared at her. Kissing her he whispered. “I missed you.”


“I missed you. I thought it would be months till we saw you,” she said. “I’m glad it wasn’t.”


“Same,” he said. Moving his head back to her stomach he kissed it over and over. “I’m excited to see this little guy.”


“Good.” Her hand went back to his hair. 


Asher let out a long sigh as he tried to picture having a kid. Some crying boy that had pointy elf ears. Growing up, who would he look like? Him or her? When would he awaken his System? What kind of a world would he grow up in? Would earth be safe so he could live there? Or would he grow up on an Ethership?


“What are you thinking about?”


“How much I’m excited to see our kids,” he said. He looked over. Tillie was still asleep next to her. Zora was on one side of her, head resting on belly. Tiff was on the other. Her arm draped over her tits. They had all switched partners after the first round. Everyone was now a lot closer. They let their bodies do the talking. 


“I am very excited. My mothers did not want me to come here. They have been very doting.”


“Good. Someone needs to dote and coddle my pretty princess,” he said. His mouth started kissing her belly again. He dragged Nsabita away from between her legs. The siren groaned. 


“Too many dicks,” she whispered and was back asleep. Asher chuckled as he positioned himself between Lyola’s legs. 


He was back to one cock again. Everyone but Tillie and Tiff wanted just 1 round with the double decker dick. He slid into her pussy with a groan as he draped himself over her body. They kissed hungrily as he humped into her. 


His abs kept touching her stomach. He had to sit up as he humped her to make sure he didn’t accidentally hurt them. Asher pounded into her slowly. His libido rising as her state turned him on more. 


It didn’t take long for the others to wake. Asher moved from girl to girl. Some had their own fun with each other. But as time went by their appointment came closer and closer. Asher was able to please all 8 girls. None of the elves had approached Lulu for her special skills, but the weekend would be long. 


They left eventually and headed to the affinity stone. It was a cheap 20 Sysco to bribe the guard. Since everyone there was supposedly rich, the cost of living also increased. Prime was one of the most expensive places in the League to live. 


The girls got their affinities. Asher checked and his were still hidden. Not too surprised, they headed to their meeting with Quanen. 


“By Hammerfaust,” the dwarf said as they stepped out of the elevator. “Quite the large group you have.”


“Yep,” Asher said. “What can I say? I like strong women around me.” The girls weren’t too sure what Asher was on about meeting Quanen, but they had a general idea. “I’ve been more than interested in your class. But I’m on a quest so I’m not sure how long I will be here. I’d like to discuss some major points. I was hoping we could come to an agreement. If you’d help us understand our mana affinities a little. And keep our affinities a secret. I’d be more than willing to hand over my Synergy Stone.”


“Would you now? That is a mighty tempting proposition,” Quanen said. 


He waved them further into his room. It was set up much like Asher’s. The chairs and sofas were shorter to the ground. Everything was just as opulent. They were soon seated at the short table. Quanen offered them tea. Asher had hoped for ale, not for the alcohol, but because that’s what stereotypical dwarves should offer. 


“What makes you think I can help?” The dwarf asked when they were settled. 


“I have an interest in Synergy. After using the affinity stone most of us learned quite a bit about our capabilities. More than we knew before,” Asher said. “I think it would be worth it to learn if possible Synergies could be formed.”


“Aye, synergistic manas are worth it in my book,” Quanen said. “But some people are hesitant because they can direct future skills you learn. So if you’re happy with your path, it may not be advisable.” He sipped his tea. “I think I could help a little. But I don’t have all the answers.”


“Understandable. But I feel like I could trust you more than some of these high humans,” Asher said. 


“You got me there. Don’t know why, or care why, but they don’t like you much,” Quanen said. “Can’t say I don’t enjoy seeing you get them panties in a bunch.” He let out a big laugh. “What do you propose?”


“A simple contract. You tell no one about these girls' affinities. At the end of the semester you get the stone.”


“Not yours?”


“The affinities I haven’t awakened are hidden from the stone,” Ahser said truthfully. 


“Really? Happens now and then. Some people just don’t work well with Identifiers,” he said. “Yes, I don’t have a problem with that.” Soon Joon had another one of her contracts out. Asher and Quanen signed it. 


“Let me see what I’m working with then,” he said. He pulled a large mana board out of his spatial storage. The board filled a wall. He used mana to write on it as he sat. The girls explained their affinities and percentages one by one. 









Astral Soul/Mind




















Dimension Space/Rift



Cosmic Rift/Time



Abyss Death/Darkness






































Vitality Holy/Soul











Magma Fire/Geo




















Statue Metal/Physical












































Dream Mind/Illusion











“A mighty diverse group you have here,” Quanen noted as they finished up. “We usually wait to do something like this until you have some years under your belt, but I also understand wanting to start early. Let’s start at the beginning. These percentages are not set in stone. They often rise as you level up, and of course these aren’t the only possibilities that you have.” 


“Really? I hadn’t heard that,” Asher said. 


“Of course, your body changes and evolves as you gain levels. After level 100 everyone should gain at least a few more affinities,” Quanen said. “I am curious how you got some of these well over 100%.” 


“We have some accessories. I purchased them after my 3rd Champion trial from the System.”


“Ah, of course the System would have better equipment. Many of these percentages will rise. There is such a thing as a Skill Stone, but that was long lost from Prime. It showed your efficiency with specific skills. Through that we learned that every 1% over level 100% dropped the mana cost by 10%. The max percentage you can get is 110% which is what happens when a skill is at Max Level.” Asher understood now why his percentages of mana were question marks. A lot could be learned from someone by that information.


“Of all the accessories you want to make sure to wear, it is those that raise affinity percentages,” Quanen explained. “On to you lot specifically. Tiffany, I am not sure what the question marks are for, but again that happens. It could be a strong mana the stone can’t judge, or maybe one you’re about to awaken. It should be strong since it is high on the list. It is too bad that you have Mind and Sex Mana. They are far from one another on the spectrum so I wouldn’t recommend trying to mix them. But you could make Astral, from your Soul and Mind Mana.” 

“What can you do with Astral?” Tiff asked. 


“Oh, lots of things. Strengthen your own soul for one. Leave your body to wander. The best scouts in the world have this skill. Some spirit monsters can only be hurt by astral attacks.” That sounded intriguing. 


“Is it a problem that the Soul affinity is so low?” Tiff asked. 


“No,” Quanen said. “It will be harder to awaken. But once you can sense it and bring it out on its own, it’s not a problem to mix. The efficiency will be lower of course, but not by much. The 100% of your Mind will help.”


“And if I did want to mix Mind and Sex?” She asked. 


“Why would you want to do that?”

“Because it sounds fun,” she said. “I gain experience through sex. Maybe I’ll awaken some new experience method.” 

“It’s worth a shot. I am all for trying to find new affinities. My list doesn’t have them all, maybe its already out there,” Quanen said. Tiff nodded, but Asher noticed a happy smile on her face. She actually looked excited to try. “Off to you Joon. I have never seen such a dangerous set of affinities in one person before.” Joon beamed a smile with the compliment. “I know high humans that would give their left nut for your affinities. You could make Dimension with Space and Rift. Cosmic with Rift and Time. Abyss with Death and Darkness.”


“What would you recommend?” She asked, her smile widening with each of his words. 


“Depends what you want,” he said. “Rift on its own is a great attack. It is the opposite of Fusion, so you make things separate. Even Mana if you learn the right skills. If you’re going for killing power you should go for Cosmic or Abyss. Abyss is almost as strong as Rift, and a lot less mana intensive. Cosmic is one of those 1-hit killers. Some people can jump forward in time a little. Or are strong to attacks because they have such high vitality. Cosmic bypasses those completely. You could kill a dragon in a few hits with Cosmic.” 


“All this time,” she said to herself. “I wish I had known.”


“Zora, my dear,” he said. Zora was practically the star pupil for everyone's classes. It didn't help that she was so cute. “I’m sure you already noticed that you’ve achieved Synergy with your Blessing affinity. The only thing you could make that I know of is Vitality with Soul and Holy. I don’t think this is recommended because the Soul mana is so low. Maybe level more and see if it raises. I would focus on awakening the other affinities you have.” 

Asher knew that she was more than a little excited to have Sex Mana. She had been focusing on Lightning for now though.


“Miss Lyola, I don’t think I have you in my class, do I?” Quanen asked. 


“Umm no,” she said, and left it at that. 


“Either way, it is nice to meet a kindred spirit,” he said. “Fire and Geo are my highest affinities as well. I merged them to create Magma.” 


“What are the advantages to Magma?”


“Lots of things. Fire is weak to wind, magma doesn’t have that problem. They have their own uses of course, but I like the option to use both,” he said. 

“How could I go about awakening it?” Lyola asked. “To be honest I didn’t know fire was one of my affinities.” 


“Awaken Fire first,” he said. “Get control of the mana. If you can dual cast that always helps to try to control them. How I awakened mine, I spent a long time in a volcano dungeon. Being around the molten hot rock allowed me to awaken it in me.” With a nod from Lyola he turned to Tillie. “Right now you could mix Metal and Physical to make Statue.” 

“How is Statue used? I’ve never heard of it.” 


“That’s not surprising, it is rare. Usually they can turn people into statues, or strengthen party members. A very interesting technique. But normally I wouldn’t say this, you could try for Fire and Physical. Many people have attempted. I don’t know if any succeeded. Also people have tried Physical and Sound. There are options everywhere,” he said. “Genevieve, your skills are interesting. Energy and Physical have been tried to mix in the past, to no success. And it is hard to mix a non-elemental like Creation with an Elemental, but people believe it is possible.”  


“Nsabita, I know we have had this conversation in the past, but I would recommend mixing Mind and Illusion to make Dream,” he said. 


“I have thought on it more,” she admitted. “I am not against it as much as I was. I tried to focus on my Hydro a little too much.” 


“Good gal,” he said. “What now for you lot?”


“We did a little digging in the library. There were a few options. But I don’t remember many skill books on the Synergy manas,” Asher said. 


“No, there wouldn’t be. Some people awaken the synergies with their System. But they’re rare. There might be skill books out there. Your best bet is meditation and training,” Quanen admitted. Asher had been hoping he had some cache of them somewhere. 


“There is the Prime auction in 19 days,” Lyola said. “Maybe we can find some there.”


“Aye, maybe check the Auction Catalog,” he said. Asher was having their own book sold then, so it was worth checking out. 


“This is a good start,” Asher said. “We will do some research and come by again.”


“Good man,” Quanen said. “I’ll hold you to our deal.”


“I keep my word,” Asher said. If he wanted to help the girls achieve Synergy with their manas they would have to do some major meditation. They soon left his floor and were back to their own. Asher had meant for them to work on skill, but one thing led to another and Tiff started a game of truth or dare. Since there wasn’t much they wouldn’t do, it quickly turned into another orgy. 

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