This S.O.B. System


Day by day the classes went on. Physical Mana class was his most boring. The Professor didn’t like Asher and Asher felt the same way. He was a bald dick that wasn’t very helpful on Physical Mana. He wasn’t learning anything new in the class, but maybe it would lead somewhere. 


Primeval History only delved into individual histories of the Primevals a little. It focused on when they were all together. They talked about the main ones that the names of the week were named after. 


Boreal the Wind Primeval. She was a species called an Aurae, like a wind nymph. Not to be confused with Sylphs. With a corporeal body her people were rare. She sounded like Karhoribol the Hydro professor. Her planet had been sucked into a black hole after she escaped. 


Yevus the Darkness Primeval. Of course he was the high human male that ran the academy. They minorly touched on his roots and that his planet’s moon destroyed his home. Asher was starting to see a theme. Maybe they just said something unavoidable happened to their planet, but really they killed them all.  


Tellu the Geo Primeval. He was a dwarf man that owned almost a whole sector of dwarves. He was the man that moved the moons to make up Prime. Considered one of the strongest, his original planet had a plague go through and kill most everyone. 


Cratoshe the Physical Primeval. He was a demonkin that hadn’t been seen in years. Every few centuries he would appear in some battlefield. Sounded like Zodd from Berserk to Asher, he hoped to never run into him. His planet died off one by one in wars until he was the only one left. 


Hyrtem the Holy Primeval. He was a species called Angelos. They were all androgynous. Asher had been interviewed by one during his Champion Trial. His planet was once clouds in the sky, but another species of humans from the ground level killed all of the Angelos. Asher wasn’t too convinced that was how things went down. Usually when you had someone living above another you tried to rule over them. 


Dea the Death Primeval, but she was more typically called Tacitae, Queen of Death. The least was touched on about her. They said she showed up one day as the Primevals gathered, and that was it. No one knew her history. 


Raijit the Lightning Primeval. He was an elf that had supposedly transitioned to Divinity, whatever that meant. His planet was brought down by an asteroid. Very convenient in Asher’s eyes. 


Egniir the Fire Primeval was a dragonkin like the current Fire professor. Dragonkin lived for a long time, but have very low birth rates. The men and women died out slowly on his planet. 


Aiysoyim the Ice Primeval. She too was an elf that ruled a whole sector. She was one of the few that had been around for a long time, but didn’t make a lot of enemies. Her planet was destroyed during a dungeon break of a Tier X planet. 


Meliades the Nature Primeval. She was an Enthaos, like a wood nymph person. Apparently a plague that attacked trees was let loose from a dungeon and killed all but her. She had landed on a desert planet and made it a paradise that she still resides at. There was no mention of Awyrenn, the Sex Primeval, or any of the others yet. Asher stored the information for later.


League History started roughly 100,000 years ago. It spoke of Yevus’ great sacrifice to take in the high humans. Then their rise on their own planet. They didn’t touch on what went down between the Primevals to make them give up on Prime. The class said that the high humans stepped up and went through the changes and good the high humans enacted once in charge.  


His Spectrum Guidance class became good as it touched on all the different elements and their sources. He felt like he knew it all, but it was leading to areas he was interested in. His favorite class was Synergy Mana. 


Quanen touched on the mixing of mana. Ratios of Synergy to the elements themselves. He also mentioned experiments he had heard of people trying to mix certain manas. Like someone had tried to mix Arcane and Energy. Both were powerful and right next to one another, so it made sense to try. The last person that got close simply blew up. No one had attempted it since. 


The older dwarf also explained that though some manas could be used in the same skill there wasn’t true synergy between them without Synergy Mana. It reminded Asher of Batman’s Shadow of Death skill. Though he used Darkness, there was death mixed in. Because Darkness and Death mixed together was Abyss he would have to work with the superhero on awakening the Synergistic Affinity. 

Slowly Asher was forming a plan to get himself and his girls stronger. Since they knew their affinities there was no reason to not try awakening them. If they could begin to try to mix them together then they would become more powerful. His plan would have to wait for the weekend for now. He did ask Quanen for an appointment. The dwarf was more than happy to discuss Synergy in his free time. He was a fanatic when it came to the mana, like Asher was. 


Sex mana class went well. They closed the doors after the 2nd class as more tried to join for the 3rd. He was happy with his 99 students. Luckily no one asked him to start another class slot. The girls became more comfortable and he asked more philosophical questions about love and sex. The next class he touched on Mind Mana and why Sex wasn’t simply a part of mind. If anything Sex was Mind and Physical mixed together. Why did it deserve to be its own element? The class was good. Everyone touched Lulu and he was ready to send her into the mass of girls. Then he made them all cum their brains out during the last 15 minutes of class. 


His last favorite class was dueling. Taught by Diatrix. No one volunteered to spar him. Many were skittish of his sex mana. Asher shared the first hour with the girls. He trained with them. Especially with Gen and Zora since they were trying to better learn their weapons. Asher signed up for 2 dueling sessions. The girls had a separate class during his 2nd dueling course. 


During that time Diatrix dueled him. Finally Asher got a real challenge. She wiped the floor with him. First as he circulated no mana. She used a thin wood blade to pelt him into submission. Then as he circulated mana she did it all over again. She was so experienced that circulating mana was unneeded to focus. Going from no strength to full in an instant. Diatrix gave some pointers but proved he had a lot to learn. 


After another day of classes it was finally time for his elves to arrive on Prime. Asher and the girls expectantly waited for them at the teleportation section of Prime. The myriad of races walked around them from their own portals. Everyone but Nsabita ogled wide eyed at all the different species. From giants to faeries the place was filled. 


“There they are,” Asher said as they stepped through the Elantontrin portal. Lyola wore her long blue dress. Her long blonde hair was braided for once. Her wide ears poked out of the side of her head pointing almost perpendicular from her head. Tillie wore her elven leaf etched leathers. Her long brown hair was tied in a ponytail. Both of their baby bumps were slightly noticeable. 


Asher ran over to them quickly. They looked lost for a moment but recognized him and closed the distance. Asher bent down and grabbed them both at their rears. He laughed, raising them up. Their bellies were in his face as he kissed them both. 


“Husband!” Lyola gasped. “You are making a scene.”


Asher laughed as he set them down. “I’m sorry. I just missed you.” Both elves blushed as he wrapped his arms around them. They squeezed him tightly as they hugged. “This stupid quest is definitely worth it to see you 2 again.”


“Good,” Lyola said with a wide smile. “You must tell us about it.” 


“Not here,” he warned looking around. “First I want you to meet Zora and Joon.” The girls had walked over. Zora meekly stood a few feet away. “You all know each other from the vids of course. But Zora, Joon. Lyola and Tillie.”


“Yes, it is good to meet you,” Lyola said, extending out her hand to Zora then Joon. 


“My God, Lyola. I swear you never age,” Joon said with a wide smile. She was quickly hugging the surprised elf. “So good to see you.”


“You as well,” Lyola said. 


“And Tillie,” Joon said. “I can’t believe you’re pregnant too. Just so amazing.”


“Ummm yes,” Tillie said meekly. They hadn’t disclosed her future memories yet. 


“Much to explain,” Asher said. “First, here are your 3-day passes.” They were simple rings of course. “I was told I can have up to 10. Shall we head back to the Academy?”


“Already?” Zora asked. “I wanted to explore.”


“There’s a reason for it. I thought we’d explore in a day or so,” Asher said. She frowned but nodded. They headed to one of the transfer pods and were quickly heading back to the academy. 


“Have we missed anything on Elantontrin?” Tiff asked as she hugged Lyola. 


“No, very boring. I received another request for Tiint from the Aartiliak,” she said. 


“I’m going to have to talk to them soon aren’t I?” Asher asked. 


“Yes,” Lyola said. “I will try to set up a conference. Also the Prime Auction is set for 20 days from now.”


“Perfect. Should we bring your whole family?” Asher asked. “We could make a weekend out of it.”


“I think they would like that,” Lyola said. “It is hard to get passes. There is much to see. Now, are you going to introduce your new additions or shall we guess their names?”


“Oh right,” Asher said. “This is Genevieve, she’s from our planet. One of the strongest guild masters. She got roped into the quest as well. And this is Nsabita. She’s my guide and assistant. As well as our siren lover.” Nsabita blushed. 


“And you Genevieve? Are you our lover as well?” Lyola asked. Gen blushed. 


“Recently , yes,” Asher said. 


“My redhead is very fiery in the bedroom now,” Tiff said. “And of course we can’t forget Lulu.” With her name the shoggoth slid out of Tiff’s cleavage. She dropped off and began to grow into a real human. 


“Is that a?” Tillie asked. 


“A shoggoth, yes,” Tiff said. “Asher kind of tamed her. But I plan to bind her soon. Trust me the tentacles are an experience all their own.”


The elves gulped as they stared at the pale woman. Her tentacles writhed and she had no shame as she stared at them as naked as the day she was found. 


“We are going to have such a fun weekend,” Tiff said with a clap. Bouncing up and down she would enjoy leading another orgy. 




“How it was explained to us,” Asher said from in front of the fireplace. A large sofa where the girls sat was facing him. “We are being affected by Fate Mana. The System User we talked to said that our fate mana is controlling our fertility so that we won’t conceive. Either to make a certain child, or we have to achieve something that children would get in the way of.”


“I have never heard of this,” Lyola admitted. 


“Yeah, this isn’t something they teach here,” Nsabita said. “I know we don’t have one now, but I doubt the Academy has ever had a Fate Mana professor.”


“I was hoping Eliffy would be in contact to help explain Fate Mana a little better, but since she is still in the dungeon that will have to wait. We choose to believe it for now. I’m supposed to be a Hero System. She implied that this isn’t something the System controls. Some sort of destiny between us.” 


“Then what about our babies?” Lyola asked. Both girls sat at the center of the sofa. Tiff sat between them. Her arms draped over their shoulders. She had been on them since they got back. 


“Who knows? Maybe they’re meant to be as well,” Joon said. “Either way it makes our quest easier.” Nsabita had already placed her silencing wards. 


“Yes, what is this mysterious quest?” Tillie asked. 


“We are supposed to save Prime from destruction,” Tiff said with a laugh. She moved her arm from Lyola to caress Tillies belly. 


“What?!” Lyola asked. 


“Yes, we got looped into it. The Future System User implied that it was for me specifically. But all the girls received it. Sometime in the next 180 days we are expected to save League Prime,” Asher said. “We have no idea where to start. Right now we are leaving it up to fate. Meanwhile try to learn what we can here. I did tell Yevus the local Primeval our quest. He signed a contract to not tell anyone the contents for 100 days.”


“A Primeval again?” Lyola asked. “How do you always find yourself with the most interesting characters? No one I know has met a Primeval but you lot.”


“Just lucky I guess,” Asher said. 


“Can we trust him?” Tillie asked. 


“He says that he’s married to our sponsor Dea. But something bad happened between her and the Primevals about 8,000 years ago. I doubt it was a simple disagreement for her to disappear.”


The girls thought for a time. “What is the plan?” Lyola eventually asked. 


“Reap the benefits of the Academy for now. We have teachers and resources that we didn’t have before,” Asher explained. “They have something called an Affinity Stone. It tells you your hidden affinities.”


“There is such a thing!?” Tillie asked. 


“That was my reaction,” Joon said with a smile. 


“Can we get them in to use it?” Asher asked the siren. 


“A small bribe couldn’t hurt,” Nsabita said. 


“Good. I have been talking with the Synergy Professor. He wants something I have. I have made a tentative agreement with him to help us figure out a game plan for our future growth. The stone shows us our affinities. But he would be able to tell us possible paths to create Synergy. And maybe some pointers.”


“I like that idea,” Joon said. “Getting stronger should be our focus.”


“Good, I have a meeting with him tomorrow. I’d like us to hit the stone, then we can look at options for awakening some of your affinities.”


“Alrighty,” Tiff said. “Sounds like stuff that should be worried about tomorrow. Tonight I think we need to get to know one another more.” Asher had to agree. All the girls were more than a little standoffish around the elves. “Lyola and Tillie. I would like you to meet Zora.” She gestured at the shy girl on the other side of the sofa. 


“Zora has dreamed of having Asher’s baby since before I met him. And she was more than a little upset that it wasn’t happening when we wanted.”


“I’m sorry Zora,” Lyola said. “Tiffany and Asher told me much about you before they left Elantontrin. Would you like to feel him?” 


Zora’s eyes were moist as she looked at their bellies. She nodded and moved over. Hesitantly she reached out her hand. Lyola reached out and brought Zora’s hand to her slight baby bump. The belly wasn’t overly large. Elves' pregnancies lasted around 450 days. And there was still about 120 days left in her pregnancy. Tillie had an extra 30 days or so. Asher had watched his mother grow and he guessed she appeared about 6 months pregnant. Zora laughed as she ran her hand over the belly. Then she moved her hand over to Tillies.


“Because Fate is keeping us from getting pregnant. We will be holding off on having any more kids until Tiff and Zora are,” Asher said. 


“I think that is for the best as well,” Lyola said. “We have enough on our plates as it is.”


“Good,” Tiff said. Zora sat beside Lyola, her hand still on her belly. “Now a meet and greet. Joon, are we going to limit information?”


“Nah,” she said. “I already told some other people I trust back on Earth. I’d feel bad if I kept it from Tillie and Lyola.” His Korean bombshell got up. She wore her white tank top and black leather jacket. Her tight yoga pants stretched with each movement of her muscular thighs. 


Chewing her lip she stared at them all one by one. Asher moved to sit next to Tillie and caressed her belly. Tillie smiled slightly as her hand went over his. 


Joon looked to Genevieve. “I expect everything I say to stay confidential.” Her eyes went to Nsabita. “Us having sex with you is very sacred. It is how we show trust. I expect no one to betray that trust.” Gen and Nsabita looked to one another. Confused, they nodded slowly. 


“Ok then. My original System used to be Returner,” she said. “I could go back in time a few seconds. Then further back as I got stronger.”


“Back in time?” Lyola asked. “I’ve heard of slowing time or speeding it up. But never going back.”


“Right. I was the only one I knew of. I originally met Asher, Zora, and Tiff sometime after they failed the 2nd Champion Trial. As you know they passed the 3rd trial. But in my original timeline they didn’t.”


“You’re saying you’re from the future?” Genevieve asked, a little scared and excited. 


“I’m saying some of my memories are. I don’t have control over them. But sometimes I will get new ones from my timeline. Usually about big stuff that happens. But honestly we have changed so much I haven’t gotten a memory in a while,” Joon said. “The only thing I remember for sure is my time with Asher, Tiffany, Zora, Tillie, and Lyola. As well as a few others. I don’t remember if we have children. Or even if I do eventually. But our time together I can recall vividly.”


The room was quiet. “I take it you believe this?” Lyola asked he and Tiff. 


“Wholeheartedly,” Asher said with confidence. “The Avatar of the System came to me. Said he knew about her memories.”


“Again?” Lyola asked. She began to breathe in and out slowly. Her hand gripped Zora’s on her stomach. “Husband, I don’t think I can handle any more surprises. First Primevals and now the Avatar? Please tell me there are no more shocks.”


“I think that’s all of them.”


“What the hell,” Nsabita said. “I knew things happened around Hero’s but still. This is a little much.”  


“Eh, you get used to it,” Tiff said. “But I agree. Let’s stop the boring stuff, and start the orgy. I have been away from my sexy elves for too long. And now that your bellies are bigger. I’m extra horny.” Her hand began to glow as she moved her fingers up Lyola’s side to the Ero Zone on her ears. The elf shivered as a smile split her face. 


“I do have another small surprise I guess,” Asher said. This stopped the girls from exploring more. “I had a breakthrough on a skill I’ve been trying to learn. And Lulu was the key to it the whole time.” With the mention of her name the tentacle monster moved slightly from her spot in the sun by the window. 


“Did you really do it?” Tiff asked excitedly. 


Asher became a little nervous. This was more than a little odd to try with a bunch of women watching. Letting out a long sigh he willed his clothes away to show his naked body. His skin was still tan despite not spending it in the sun. His muscles bulged but no more than when he was level 20. Apparently levels condensed muscles. Which is why the girls weren’t muscle heads like him. They were muscular but not overly. 


Asher was a little nervous but under the girls stares he willed his dick erect. Cycling mana through his cock it didn’t grow. Like how he had copied the ambrosia skill he made his mana cycle through his dick. The mana learning every bit of it from tip to base. Then slowly about an inch above the base, mana began to glow in a circle. Quickly another dick grew out of the circle. 


Tiff gasped excitedly as it formed. A perfect copy to his lower dick he had been practicing this in secret. Like Lulu was able to make tentacles with mana he grew an extra dick. 


Tiff was quickly standing. “Don’t block it!” Zora said. Tiff moved to the side. She stood next to him as both hands caressed a dick. Asher groaned under the double stimulation. 


“Is it real?” Tiff asked, amazed as she stroked them. 


“Very,” he said. “Basically a copy,” he grunted as her hand sped up. Tiff alternated jerking them off as she moved to the tip on the lower one she was at the base on the higher.


“What-what brought this on?” Lyola asked as she watched his 2 dicks get jerked off. Her eyes and all the other girls' eyes were transfixed on it. 


“I’ve been trying to make a cloning skill,” Asher said. “Like Atalanta’s. So maybe you girls wouldn’t have to wait so much between turns.” He looked around the room. Genevieve and Nsabita blushed as they leered. The recent virgins weren’t as adventurous as the others yet. “At first I tried using Coupling mana. But after watching Lulu I realized I could do it with sex. I have Full Body Control. And I think it means just that. I can control everything in my body. I’m playing around with making myself into a new species too.”


“Do you like?” He asked. He grunted as Tiff's hands sped up. Lyola and Tillie quickly nodded. Tillie especially liked her ass penetrated. Zora got up. She started playing with his balls as Tiff worked. His head leaned back. 


“They share nerves,” he warned. “I’m gonna cum.” Tiff and Zora leaned down. Zora took the head of the lower one in her mouth. Tiff the higher. He began cumming immediately. Both dicks spurt at the same time as the girls swallowed the semen down. Asher hadn’t orgasmed yet with this method. It was more than a little intense to feel his dick explode out from 2 different tips. 


When he finished, Tiff released him with a plop. “Less cum than normal,” she said. 


“My Libido was low,” Asher said as he caught his breathe. “Haven’t tried it yet.”


“Well you did a good job keeping it secret,” Tiff said. “I guess these Mindguards aren’t so bad.”


“So, who first?” Asher asked. 


“Hot tub,” Tiff said. “I’m thinking…” she looked around. “Tillie. Our butt slut will pass out the quickest.”


Tillie blushed deeply as she stared, but didn’t deny the accusation. Asher stepped forward and grabbed a hand from each of the elves. His 2 dicks were still erect and flapping around. The girls took his hands but never looked away from his groin. 


“I’m excited for pregnant sex,” he admitted. 


“We’ve been having pregnant sex for some time,” Lyola said as they walked to the large bathroom. 


“True. But you are both extra beautiful when your bellies are big,” he said. They stepped in and Joon was doing her magic at the hot tub controls. 


“Wow,” Lyola said. “We might need this in our future home.” 


“I agree,” Tiff said. “Come on. I want my own pregnant sex. Zora I’ll need your help.” She dragged the 2 to the quickly rising water.


Their clothes disappeared one by one. Tiff made Lyola sit down. Kissing her she pulled Zora into the kiss. Asher would let Tiff handle the girls getting used to one another. For now he focused on Tillie. Turning her to face him she smiled widely as he leaned in to kiss her. 


“I missed you,” he said with a smile. Raising the Pheromones in the area to 100% the girls moaned as they all began kissing or touching one another. The synthetic chemical reaction from his skill made all of them become horny instantly. Desperately trying to get some relief from one another as clothes disappeared. 


Asher picked up Tillie. Walking her to the hot tub he moved to a corner and descended them both down to the pool. “Do you want both?” He asked. Both of his dicks lined up perfectly with her holes. She stared down at them. 


“Yes,” she whispered. Asher slowly lowered her body on him. She was very tight as he did. It had been some time since the elf had all of him. Gasping she grabbed onto his shoulders to stop him. Locking eyes with her she bit her lip then nodded. He began dropping her down again. Both of his rock hard cocks bulged inside as she only became tighter. 


Asher held back from cumming already. The sensations from 2 sex organs at once was almost too much. Finally she hit the base of his dick and came hard. Her body shaking her breasts shook from side to side as both of her holes became full. 


“Holy goddess,” she gasped as the orgasm faded. “It’s been some time.” Her body quivered as his dicks filled her. 


“Did being pregnant remove your sex drive?” He asked. 


“No,” she blushed. “Simply very different with you.”


“Good,” he said. “I hope I didn’t miss the horny phase.” She shook her head and came in for a kiss. Girls moaning all around them Asher became serious as he started casting Casanova in his dicks. Tillie screamed as she came again. Asher pulled her up a little. His fingers on her belly and began humping into her. 


Orgasm after orgasm went through her body as he grunted with each thrust. The feel of his dicks in 2 extremely tight holes was euphoric. Pushing through he sped up causing her to scream loudly. Asher pushed in one final time and filled her. Her chest heaved with effort as he thrust in with each pulse. When he was done her tongue hung out of the side of her mouth and her head laid back relaxed. 


Extricating himself he laid her on the water. The strong jets made her jolt in pleasure. Asher looked over to see Tiff going down on Lyola as she ate Zora out. His Slovenian wife pinched the hard nipples of the elf as she used her thousand year old cunningulus skill. Joon and Nsabita licked and nibbled on Gen’s nipples as their fingers moved between her thighs. 


Asher moved through the water. Tapping Tiff she looked up to his towering dicks. Moving to the side she got up to start making out with Zora as the elf ate her out. Asher lined up his dicks and slowly entered her tight lips. The elf gasped, her hands gripping Zora’s thighs harder. She didn’t realize he was the one entering her until he was almost half way. Tiff's long tongue had already loosened both holes for him. 


Zora slid off her face as Lyola gasped. Asher smiled down at her as his hands moved along her abdomen. Asher continued to move into her slowly. Both members making her tighter than ever before. With a final thrust he entered all the way. 


Her eyes fluttered. “I missed this,” she said as her hands went to her own A cup breasts. 


“Missed you. And the baby,” he said. He pulled back a little then thrust back in. She gasped as her body shook in pleasure. He cast Casanova and was quickly humping into her. Tiff was right. Sex was their love language. They could talk later. 


Asher pounded into her with increased vigor as he thought of the fact that they had actually made a life. It was one thing to talk about it. But to actually do it was way different. His arms wrapped around her as he whispered his love for her and their kid. She reciprocated but his elf wife always came too hard when she was without him for a while. 


She quickly screamed each orgasm one after another and as he filled both holes she gasped and shook. He thrust harder causing her to shake and moan. When he was done she passed out as well. Asher moved to Zora. Shrinking both dicks down a little he entered both of her holes. Certain to make himself fertile he gave her the full brunt. 


Doing his best to cycle mana and make them vibrate. It wasn’t long until she was a mess as well. The trio of Joon, Nsabita, and Gen were still going heavy. Asher picked up Tiff. She had a wicked smile on her lips as she directed him to the other girls. Her hands reached down grabbing them. Her body aglow with mana their bodies soon shone with it as well. 


Tiff used her Sharing is Caring skill to link the 4 girls to her sensations. Asher slowly slid into both holes. They gasped as they stopped licking one another. Asher wasn’t sure if Gen or Nsabita had seen this skill yet. 


The room filled with their gasps as Asher filled both Tiffs' holes. He thrust into her hard and fast. Casanova coated everything as he hungrily pounded into her. Tiff took everything. Orgasms rocked her entire body. Her hips thrust into him despite her body uncontrollably shaking. 


She gasped, her mouth locked in an O-shape, her large tits jiggled with every thrust. Her eyes never left his as he let her experience something she had wanted for a long time. 


Asher knew he loved the other girls just as much as Tiff. But right then the only person that mattered was her. Their carnal desire to please one another only grew each day as they grinded experience points through sex. Tiff was his soul mate. Someone he didn’t want to live in a world without. He would work hard to make sure he didn’t have to. 


All those feelings he tried to convey into their lovemaking. Though he knew she couldn’t read his mind exactly. She was still strong enough to understand the undertones of each thrust. Her desire for him only became more heated as they went on. Her pussy glowed with mana as he began cumming into both holes. 


Bottoming out inside her his dicks pulsed simultaneously. Filling both, Tiff too came harder as more Casanova was cast. Their bodies pushed into one another as they hungrily kissed. They became lost as their euphoria only spread through their bodies. 


It felt like their mutual orgasm lasted for minutes. As one they stopped and breathed in and out heavily. “Fuck,” Tiff said. “I love your dicks.” 


Asher laughed. “I love your tight ass and cunt.”


“Look at that,” she said. “You didn’t blush. You’re learning so much in school.”


“Sex education is my favorite course.” The couple looked around to see all the other girls passed out. Joon, Genevieve, and Nsabita especially were out. They cuddled up to one another. Eyes closed and asleep. “May have gone too hard on the mortals.”


“Eh, they’ll get used to it,” Tiff said. Someone joined them in the water. The pale hands of Lulu touched his arm. 


“Oh I’m sorry baby. Do you need your fillup?” Tiff asked. Asher let her go and she dropped down with a grunt. “Can’t use my legs,” she noted. And began drifting away. She moved over to Zora and snuggled up to her in the water. 


Lulu stared hungrily at his dicks. Asher gave her a kiss on the cheek as he turned her around. Her large F-cup breasts jostled as he moved her. His hands went to them as he lined up with her back holes. The shoggoth grunted as he entered. Making his dicks larger he was quickly jackhammering into her. The sex beast began to scream under the onslaught. He wasn’t sure he had ever made her scream.


The 2 small tentacles at her back grew and latched onto him. Helping him push into her faster and harder. The shoggoth came over and over as his dicks made her as tight as possible. His hands kneaded her tits. The feel of them increased his pleasure as he wasn’t gentle with the monster. In their own battle she screamed as he came into her with everything he had. Her head hanging she panted trying to catch her breath.


 It was good to have his family back together.

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