This S.O.B. System


The ship docked and everyone exited quickly. “What now, my sexy know it all?” Asher asked Joon. 


“We are at the section with the Academy,” Joon said. “I’ve never been here before. We will follow them,” she said, pointing to a group of high humans. The cluster included the 2 high humans that had confronted them earlier. “I think I was right on the dates. This is registration day for these beautiful idiots.” 


They began following the group. There were no guards, no customs agents, nothing to stop them from going where they wanted. Just as Joon had said. 


“You haven’t been very forthcoming with the info Joony. Time to start spilling the beans on this Academy,” Asher said. She had given them broad strokes before, but she made it sound like an opportunity they couldn’t pass up. 


“Ok,” Joon said. Still quiet they joined the flow of people as they followed the group. “League loves their superiority, right? And all of these people have Systems. High humans age slower than humans. They awaken their Systems at 20 instead of our 16. Where do you think they learn to use their Systems? Not from their folks. They’re too busy lording over this place. No, they made their own school to teach them what they need to know. We are talking about the school for the top 1%. Everything they could ever want or need. Free dungeon spots, high level teachers, supplies and weapons that would be hard to find anywhere else are practically thrown at these kids.”


“And you want to go to this school?” Tiff asked, unconvinced. Asher agreed, he wasn’t sure that going to a place like this was a good idea. 


“Fuck yeah, we need to,” Joon said. “This is the opportunity of a lifetime. High humans are super racist. Most of the League members live a long time. So they awaken usually between 40 to 100 years old. The high humans restrict access to this place by age. You have to be between the ages of 18 and 24 to go here. And have your System awakened. That pretty much leaves humans, some beastkin, and high humans. They restrict it further by skyrocketing the cost to go here for those that aren’t from Central too. So even seeing a regular human here will be rare.”


“How much will this cost us?” Asher asked. 


“A lot,” Joon said. “If we don’t have enough we will have to Roleplay. How many Syscos you got?”


“Over 100,000,” Asher said. “And 10 charged Medals if we need it.”


“Damn, how you get so much?” Joon asked a little shocked. 


“I told you I sold most of my Comms. People can’t live without their phones. At 5 Syscos a piece, and 20,000 of them, it was easy.”


“Then we should be fine. We only need to stay here for a semester anyway,” Joon said excitedly. 


“Is this going to help us find how to save Prime?” Asher asked. 


“Maybe?” Joon said. She didn’t sound too happy with the idea. “We should focus on squeezing this school dry for everything it’s worth. If we find something along the way, great. But you all saw how big this place is. It would take years to search all of it. Besides, Nora said you were specifically needed for this Red Quest. I’m sure your Fate Mana or whatever will just lead you to the problem. If we don’t find it, we teleport out of here and let them deal with their own problems.”


Asher thought about it. She really was ruthless, but dang it was kind of hot. “Whatever you say Joony baby,” he said. She smiled cutely and jumped up for a kiss. He grabbed her waist and carried her. 


“Is it going to be a problem that Asher is the Lawful Good?” Tiff asked. 


“I really don’t know. Hurting an Academy member is like striking a baby in the high human’s eyes. If we can get enrolled we should be fine.”


They had been walking through streets following the group. Eventually they got to a large platform at the center of the open expanse of the level they were on. Asher struggled to imagine that there was a moon somewhere below them. Stepping onto a platform elevator they moved to a side as it began to raise. 


No one looked at them or bothered them. Joon was right, they were practically invisible. Everyone was quiet. On the level that the big group of young high humans got off they followed. 


“This is it!” Joon said excitedly. They were in a large courtyard. There was green grass and trees in front of him. A black polymer path led them to a wide open gate. The model-like high humans walked in like they owned the place. Joon pulled them over to a side wall reception area. A smaller woman was seated at a desk as if she wasn’t in an immaculate garden. 


“Who are you here for?” She asked. Wearing glasses and a little mousy Asher used ID on her. 




Level 14


“Oh thank god, a human,” Joon said. “We are actually here to enroll in the Academy.”


The woman was more than a little surprised. “You are? I’m not expecting any more humans.” She began to look through some papers on her desk. 


“Oh no. We just decided to come here today. I was told only our levels and age matter. Do people transfer in?”


“We have a few transfer students. Are you part of a big family? Usually we have warnings about children of dignitaries,” she said. She pushed a button on the side of her desk. It didn’t take long for a high human to walk up from the wide gate. She was tall, blonde, and beautiful. 


“Lesmi, what’s the problem?” The high human asked. 


“Ofrea, these um, humans said they wanted to sign up for the Academy?” She asked, still questioning. 


The high human gave their group the once over. Asher used ID, but again it was all question marks. “You know the requirements I assume?” Joon nodded. “And the…tuition for outsiders?”


“Uhh how much is that exactly?” Joon asked. 


The high human let out a small smirk, confident and full of herself. “10,000 Syscos, each.”


Joon let out a long sigh. “That’s it? Oh, then we are good.”


The response surprised both women. It took a moment for the high human to recover. Soon she was leading them through the garden. Her demeanor toward them had changed, and she was now all smiles. He guessed she thought they were some rich leader’s kids. Taking a side hall her attitude was chipper and inquisitive. 


“What empire do you hail from?” She asked. 


“Earth,” Joon said, Asher thought it best to leave the talking to her for now. 


“I don’t think I’ve heard of that location. Is it all humans? I thought I was aware of all the large human settlements.”


“Our planet is mostly humans,” Joon said confidently. She left it at that. The group tried not to stare. High human after high human walked past. It was like being in the movie Zoolander. Everyone was well over 6 feet tall and immaculate. Muscles bulged with simple movements. All wore loose fitting clothing that showed off their physique. 


The group eventually came to a large room. At the center of the room was a green orb. The sphere glowed and hovered a few feet off the ground. Asher was reminded of the Upgrade Orb. 


“An ID orb, eh?” Joon asked. “I assume this is standard procedure?”


“Of course,” the tall woman said. “We have to verify your age and species.”


“And levels and Systems too I guess,” Joon said with a long sigh. Stepping up to the orb she placed her hand on it. Above the orb read: 


Joon Sang



Age: 20



Level 47


“Very good,” the woman said. “I am sorry for doubting you. You meet the age requirements.”


Joon was very pleased. Per her direction the other girls did the same. Tiff was still level 54. But Zora had raised to level 36. Genevieve was the lowest at level 32. 


“Your levels are a little low,” the woman commented to the last 2. “But a White Knight System. 2 name Systems are rare,” she said to Zora. “Would you mind telling me your main affinity?”


Zora looked to Joon who nodded. “Holy.”


“Interesting,” the woman said. “Professor Pureliev would be very interested to work with you. He is the current Holy professor.”


“There is a professor just for Holy mana?” Asher couldn’t help but ask. 


The woman looked at him shocked. “You are coming here and don’t know that?”


“Sorry, my companions were a little sheltered on our planet,” Joon cut in. “There is a professor dedicated to most mana types. Each of the main elemental ones anyway.” The high human nodded with the explanation. Asher grew excited, maybe one could help him with his Sex mana. It would be good to learn some more skills. 


“And your turn, sir,” the high human said. 


Asher gulped but stepped up. Setting his hand on the orb he was surprised but also not surprised by what he read. 


Asher Whitmore 



Age: 21



Level ???


His time in the 2nd Trial really had raised his age, he should be 19. 


“Porn Star?” Ofrea whispered. “Asher Whitmore?!” She practically yelled. There was fear in the high human’s voice now. Asher turned to her, she was slowly backing up as if he was going to attack her. “The Lawful Good,” she practically hissed. When she backed up into the wall she asked, “are you on a quest? Are you here to kill someone?”


“Uhhh I don’t think so?” Asher asked. She didn’t like that answer as she bolted out of the room.


“Damn, this is going to be such a good school year,” Joon said with a smile. She clapped happily from the woman’s fear. Asher rolled his eyes, he hoped this wasn’t the normal reaction to his presence. 



It didn’t take long for 2 big burly high humans to step into the room. They were quickly escorted to a large room and told to wait. Joon’s mood kept getting better. 


“Is this normal?” He asked. 


“Here? Yes,” she said. “On most other planets they’d roll out the red carpet, but high humans fear you. Especially after the trial with the Avatar.”


“Should we be worried?” Zora asked. 


Joon barked a laugh. “No, high humans like to scheme. Not show aggression. They think they’re above all that. You could literally do whatever you wanted, and they would turn the other cheek. Then plan your death behind your back. But our beautiful husband is too nice for that. We just play these power games for now, and wait.” 


Tiff let out a long sigh. “I’m napping then,” she said. “Its been almost 2 days since we’ve had sex, and this is really starting to piss me off. Wake me when something interesting happens.” 


Joon let out a long yawn. “I’ll join you.” They tried to pull items out of their rings, but apparently they were disabled. “Asher, body pillow.” Quickly Asher was laying on the cold hard metal ground. Joon, Zora, and Tiff were laying their heads on him. Gen sat close, her back against the wall. 


“Come join us, Genny,” Tiff said. “Asher radiates heat. He’s like an oven.” She snuggled closer. Tiff read Genevieve’s mind. “Then cuddle up to me. We could be here a while.” Gen slowly moved over and began spooning Tiff. Asher chuckled. Too lost in his thoughts he couldn’t sleep. The others were not so worried, and were quickly drifting off. It took an hour for the door to open. Despite how they acted, all the girls shot up as one as a high human stepped in. 


He was older with gray hair. Wrinkles on his face looked good on him. He wore a white cloth vest and pants that showed off his thick muscles and gray chest hair. With a kind smile he studied the group as they slowly got up. Asher didn’t bother to ID him. It didn’t work on anyone they saw. 


“Shit,” Joon said as she stood. “You’re…dammit, don’t tell me, Yevus, aren’t you?” She sounded a little nervous. 


The man looked surprised that she knew the name. “A recently Initialized planet actually knows of me?” The man asked, he had a deep baritone voice. “Consider myself honored. And to meet the Lawful Good. Today has truly been a treat.” He walked up and was quickly shaking Asher’s hand. Unsure what to do, Asher let it happen. The man didn’t seem too intimidating or pompous for a high human. 


“Thank you,” Yevus said. Asher rolled his eyes. The first thing he was buying was something to guard his thoughts. “A very good idea,” the man said. “Now, do you mind telling me why I had one of my subordinates practically screaming down the halls?”


“Yeah, I’m not sure myself on that,” Asher said. “We have a quest. A red quest.” 


“To kill someone?” Yevus asked as if he was asking about the weather. 


“I don’t think so,” Asher was reluctant to say more. “I’m sorry, my fiance knows more than I do. Who are you exactly? I don’t think I’m comfortable sharing the contents of my quest with just anyone.”

The man chuckled and walked back to the door. “I am Yevus. I run the Academy.” 


“He’s more than that,” Joon said loud enough for everyone to hear. “He’s a Primeval.” 


Asher was more than a little shocked. He knew Primevals were the oldest and strongest of the League. The man could kill all of them easily, he was probably hundreds of levels high. Tacitae, their Sponsor, was the only one he had met. When she let her mana out, it became stifling, but the man in front of Asher felt like any normal person. 


“Yes, that’s right. I forgot Dea was sponsoring you,” Yevus said. “Tell me, how is my wife doing?” Asher didn’t know how to respond to that. The Queen of Death did not seem like the married type. “Oh, I assure you, we are married still. Though I haven’t seen her in 8,000 years. Quite the shock to hear of her resurfacing after all this time to sponsor you. But that’s a story for another day I think. Come on, let’s get you all registered for the Academy. I assume you have the funds.” 

“We do,” Joon said. Asher and Tiff shared a look. They both understood to stop thinking. They didn’t want something to slip about Tacitae. 


“Follow me then,” he said. They stepped out of the room and followed quickly. “It is interesting to have Earthlings here. But there is nothing in the bylaws that says non-League members can’t attend. Although I bet there will be a meeting called to fix that for next semester.” The man was very open about what was going to happen. Asher could tell the Primeval was relaxed as he headed through the halls. “It’s been some time since we have had a Hero System attend. And a Lawful Good? That has never occurred, and I didn’t think it would.” 


“You don’t sound too disappointed,” Asher said. “Everyone else has been a little scared of me.” 


“Eh, don’t worry about that. It will be good for them to be around a Hero. There aren’t many around this Sector. I have run into my own fair share. People in the League don’t realize that you’re just a normal person with a little stronger System.” 

“It’s sad how nice it is to hear that,” Asher said. 


“And a White Knight System,” Yevus said, looking at Zora. “I’ve never heard of your System, but it will be interesting to see what you can do as well.” 


“What is so special about my System?” Zora asked. 


“2 names are always strong. Almost as rare as Hero Systems. And a Holy? Much rarer. Professor Pureliev will want nothing more than to study your skills,” he said. They stepped into a large room. There were high humans lined up in front of booths built into the wall. People sat at the booths like tellers at a bank. 


More than a few of the high humans stared openly at the Primeval in front of them. “This is where you will go to register for classes. First, there is an offer I would like to make to you Lawful Good.” 


“What is it?” Asher asked. He tried to be on his best behavior to not piss off the man. 


“What do you think about teaching?” Yevus asked. 


“Teaching? What about it?” Asher asked.


“What do you think about teaching a class?” Yevus clarified.


“Like me teaching? What could I teach here?” Asher asked, he felt like this was some sort of trap. 

“Sorry, this must not be common knowledge to you,” Yevus said with a chuckle. “Sex Mana is very rare in this sector. No high humans I know of practice it. But it is one of the main elements of the Spectrum. We usually have to transfer someone in to teach a class on it. The TA for our Sex Mana professor last year was going to run the class, but she is inexperienced. Most everyone here watched your Trials. Your Sex Mana is quite strong. What do you think about teaching the class?” 


“You have Sex mana classes?” Tiff asked excitedly. “What do you learn?” 


“Of course we do. There are Sex mana monsters. People need to know how to defend themselves. There are accessories for that of course, but a class is still needed to show people what could happen,” Yevus said. 


“I don’t know too much about Sex Mana beasts,” Asher said. “I’m not sure how much help I would be.” 


“Trust me,” Yevus said. “There is usually only enough interest to fill one class. If you teach the class I will waive your fee, and you can have full access to the campus library.” Asher looked over to Joon, she shrugged. 


“I mean, ok,” he said. 


“Perfect, let’s go get your Trial out of the way,” Yevus said. 


“Trial?” Asher asked. 


“Yes, we have our own Professor Trial. It tests the professors on the elements they teach. You must pass it to teach, but if you do you will gain 5 stats. From what I saw I think you will do fine. Your friends can pay for classes. After the trial you can meet back up, shouldn’t take too long.” 


Asher thought for a little bit. He knew Sex Mana pretty well, he had even created his own skill with it. He wasn’t exactly sure how to teach a class on it though. “How many days until classes start?” 


“5 days,” Yevus answered. 


Asher asked the real question he needed an answer for. “These are my wives, and this is my fiance. Is it a problem for a professor to be with students?”


“No, they will have to sign a consent form,” Yevus said. “Us high humans love our bureaucracy. Everyone that takes your class will also have to sign the forms. Since you use Sex Mana it would be hard to teach a class if you didn’t use it on people.” 


Asher tried to weigh the pros and cons. He was on a quest to save the place. Maybe being a professor would give him more access to try to find the problem on Prime. The biggest draw was the resources that Joon and Yevus were hinting at. Full access to all the knowledge this place had sounded worth it. Asher had never expected to go to college, but here he was, signing up for classes, and offered a teaching position. It also sounded like whoever was in his class was free game for his wives to hit on. 


“Do it,” Joon said. He looked to Tiff and Zora, they too seemed more than amenable to the idea. 


“Ok. As long as I do 1 class, and get to sign up for my own classes to learn. I guess it won’t hurt.” 


“Perfect,” Yevus said. “I’ll assign someone to help tour you girls around.” Asher was soon transferring 10,000 Syscos to each so they could pay tuition and he was guided off down a new hall. 

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.