This S.O.B. System


“You’re going to miss your sister’s birth,” Ria said with a frown. 


“I know ma, and I’m sorry,” Asher said. “This has to be done.” She was due near the end of next month, Daphne was due a little sooner. Asher had waited for years for a sibling, and now he was going to miss it. 


“With any luck I’ll get to see Lyola give birth now,” he said. 


Her expression flipped with that. “Then you need to do everything you can to be there,” she said. He laughed with her sudden change in demeanor. She had been very vocal that he had a responsibility to his children. Not that he disagreed of course, but he was only one person. 


“Love you mom,” he said, kissing her cheek. 


“Take care,” his parents said as one. They were 2 of the strongest people on planet earth, literally. They would be fine. 


“Let’s go hubby,” Joon said. 


“Did you get married again?” His mother asked, more than a little angry. 


“Engaged,” he said, but soon Joon was pushing him through the portal. The other girls followed. 


They were in a rocky area, Asher would have guessed Utah. Joon led the way. “Have you not met my parents?” Asher asked Joon. 


“Not officially,” she said as her eyes scanned around. Asher used Mana Sense to make sure there was nothing around. “I’m not good with your parents. They would have tried to ask a million questions, and we don’t have time.”


“I guess, but I’d prefer you get to know them,” Asher said. 


“I will again, I promise,” she said. “Sorry, I’m just so excited. We get to go on our first real adventure.”  


“I guess that’s true,” he said. They had plenty of sex, but very little fighting had been going on. 


“Me too,” Zora said. “Finally, I get to be a part of it all.” He looked back to her. His small wife practically bounced in excitement. “We get to go off-planet. See new species. Fight stuff. It’s really happening.”


“I’m sorry,” Asher said with a frown. “I forgot how much you said you regretted missing out. We have to be careful though. The System warned me some of these high humans wanted me dead.”


Joon laughed. “Some? Try all,” she said. “High humans like to be the center of attention. It’s one of their major flaws. They hate all heroes with a passion. But you especially.”


“Just because I draw attention?” He asked. 


“Basically. People worship the System. Since the high humans run League Prime, over time some of the people have practically worshiped the high humans. But you my beautiful Lawful Good, get all that attention focused on you. Keera showed me your trial, I doubt they would have been able to kill you. But they would have turned some people against you. The System Avatar flipped it though. Reminding everyone that you are the eyes, ears, and arms of the System. Not the high humans, no matter how much they want to be.”


Asher frowned. It was annoying to have a job you didn’t want. Of course there were perks, he now had a hot redhead trailing behind them. 


“Ha!” Tiff said after reading his mind. She was beside him holding his hand as they walked. They looked back to the aforementioned redhead. 


“Gen, you good?” Asher asked. 


She looked up from the ground to them. “Nervous. I might have gotten caught up in the excitement. But now I realize we are really going to leave Earth soon.”


“Try right now,” Joon said. Pointing to a rock outcropping a dungeon swirled in the air in front of it. It was only about 7 feet tall, but Asher could see the dense mana leaking from it. He cast ID. 


Dungeon portal 

Level 20


“Level 20,” he said. Nora had told them the levels of all the dungeons they needed to take. There were 12 in all. She gave them directions and specific locations for each. The Future System User was guided by some sort of Fate Mana, but refused to go with them. 


The group of 5 stopped in front of the dungeon. “You have your home set?” Asher asked. 


“Yep,” Joon said. “Set it outside your guild hall. If this doesn’t pan out I can use it in a month.” Asher hadn’t thought about if Nora had been lying. With a red quest in hand, he doubted there was much falsehood in her words. 


“Everyone ready?” Asher asked. Joon looked excited, Tiff and Zora held hands as they stared at the portal, Gen was still very nervous. “Last chance to back out.”


Genevieve thought for a moment but shook her head. “This is like, 100 times cooler than staying at home. I actually get to be a part of the story.”


“The real question is,” Tiff said, drawing eyes. “Will you be a part of the sexy part of the story?” Gen blushed deeply. She looked to the ground, not giving anyone an answer. Tiff bit her lips studying her. 


“You try Atty again?” Asher asked. 


Tiff was brought out of her daydream of the French girl. “I did. No answer from her, Abby, or Amanda.” Asher hadn’t thought about Amanda. In fact he hadn’t seen her since their mana fueled hallucinations the night before. Chartalla couldn’t leave, but they were able to warn her they would be gone.


“I guess they miss this adventure,” Asher said. 


“More for us,” Zora said with a wide smile. Unable to help himself, he kissed her. With that Tiff and Joon demanded their own. He offered one to Gen but she blushed and declined. Asher was curious what she saw in her visions. She had been more receptive to his advances before the revelations. 


“No time like the present,” Joon said and she jumped into the portal. 


“Dammit, I wanted to be first,” Tiff said and followed. Dragging Zora behind she laughed happily as they jumped in. 


“Ever been in one of these?” Asher asked. Gen shook her head. “It’s real easy,” he said. “You just-“ he pushed her in and followed. She screamed as they fell through the air. They didn’t fall long as they landed in green moss covered water. They hit the moss and water with a splash. . 


When he resurfaced Gen was slapping his head. “You asshole! I wasn’t ready!” She screamed. Asher laughed loudly as the other girls surfaced near them. 


“I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it,” he said, wiping a tear from his eye. She eventually stopped hitting him. He looked up to see the portal a good 20 feet above them. “No turning back now. Where to Joony babe?” 


“You need to do better on your memory,” she said, rolling her eyes. 


“I kind of remember,” he said. There had been a lot of information to take in. 


“Should have to go about 100 miles south. I’ll be able to sense the portal when we get close.” Asher condensed his mana. Extending it from his body he pushed it down through the murky water. The lake or whatever they were in was much deeper than he expected. Eventually the mana reached bottom and he was pushed upward out of the water. 


“Hey, little help,” Joon said. Tiff was already flying and pulling Zora up with her. Asher used mana to pull Joon and Gen out. Soon all but Gen were disrobed and mounted on their Mana Gliders. 


“I need one of those,” Gen whispered. She was bathed in a white light as everything but her bra and panties disappeared. They were red, matching her hair. He wondered if that was intentional. 


“We can get you one on Prime I bet,” Tiff said. “Come sit with me, I’ll teach you how to fly while we travel.” Asher manipulated the mana to take Gen over to Tiff on her blue Glider. “No you have to sit in front,” Tiff said. “How else will you drive? Keep your clothes off. You’re still wet. We will air dry.” Asher watched as his wife masterfully manipulated the shy girl to sit in front of her to handle the Glider. Tiff's hands did not shy away from wandering over her body. Tiffany began to whisper in her ear, causing Genevieve to blush harder but not pull away. 


Asher shared a look with Zora. They both chuckled. He poured mana into his bike and directed it to move toward her. “You know, you haven’t had much practice either. Maybe I should give you a refresher.”


“What are you talking about, I-“ she stopped as she caught his suggestive look. “Yes, I could use a refresher.” She stepped to his Glider, her white one disappeared into her ring and she seated herself right in front of him. Her hands moved to the handles as she pushed herself into his crotch. Asher’s hands slowly moved across her abs. His nostrils filled with the smell of her. 


“I get a refresher next planet,” Joon said. 


“Deal,” Zora said. Her small ass wiggled in his crotch and they soon headed South.


Asher was quickly feeling it. Not just Zora’s body. The excitement. The adventure. Something he had been missing for a month. No longer worried about giving his wives what they wanted, they were now thoroughly distracted. 


They had a schedule to keep or else he would have wanted to do the sexy time with all of them on each planet. This was what he had always dreamed of. Adventure and his wives to be there with him. The wind in their hair. Excitement on the horizon. He kissed and nibbled Zora’s neck as she flew. The small girl was blushing and giggling. It was the perfect flight. 


“I love you,” he whispered. 


“I can tell,” she said, grinding her firm rear into his erection. Asher’s hands moved all over her body. Raising them up he settled them on her shoulders and began to rub. 


“I’m looking forward to our kid,” he said. “What did you see in your vision?”


“A lot of bad stuff,” she said with a shiver. But continued to groan as he rubbed her shoulders. “But there was a lot of good too. You and I fighting monsters. Me getting pregnant. Lots of sex of course. And the face of our daughter.”


“Just one?” 


“From what I saw. But who knows?” She asked. He kissed her cheek. Her frame was small compared to his. “I thought the point of undressing was supposed to be for us to get dry. Not get me wet.”


Asher laughed. His hands moved down to her abs then further down to her panties. Her body shivered as he rubbed her pubic mound. 


“Hey!” Joon said. “Save it for tonight.”


“We have a long way to go,” Asher said, but moved his hands back up to her abs. “Besides, we didn’t have sex last night. For like the first time in a month.”


“Holy cow we didn’t,” Tiff said with a gasp. Her hands let go of Gen’s. “Let’s drop down and take care of that real quick.”


“Why do I have to be the bad guy?” Joon asked with a whine. “We need to keep our schedule. Nora said it’s going to be tight. Do you really want to be trapped on some planet because we got caught up in having sex?” 


“Psh, fine,” Tiff said. Asher was also disappointed. Tiff soon had to take over flying so they could speed up. Gen was behind her, nervously holding on. Her face never stopped blushing. 


What followed was 24 hours of dungeon portal jumping. They went from a swamp area to an underground cavern, to a lava planet, to a water planet, and every planet they could think of. They ran into monsters, most small fries. Some gave him experience. And on one planet they ran into a boss monster that looked like a cross between a crocodile and Edward Scissorhands. Asher really wanted to fight it, but they were on a schedule. 


At one point they were on a desert planet and had to find a specific trap of quicksand. It took a lot of convincing from Joon that it was the right one. Everyone had grown up with fear of the stuff, but in the end they were sucked in and dropped into an underground sinkhole that had a portal inside. 


It was a fun trip. Always moving, Asher was able to switch who sat in front of him at every planet. Gen became confident enough to fly the Glider. Though she didn’t ask for a turn with him, she had become a little more comfortable with Tiff's advances. They were able to whisper a long talk together and set expectations. Asher knew this from Tiff’s telepathic play by play. 


Finally they came to the last portal. They were in a valley with tall jagged rocks jutting out from the ground. The portal was at the peak of one of the sloped rocks. They had walked up it, and were staring at the black gate that would lead them to their destination. 


“This should be it,” Joon said. “Nora said it wouldn’t be up for long, we need to go now. Once we are on the other side I will make a portal and we all jump through.”


“Why?” Asher asked. 


“I’ll explain on the other side,” Joon said as she jumped in. Asher cursed but they all followed. They didn’t have time to view the area as Joon was walking through a window portal of her own making. Asher walked through with the other girls and Joon shut it as they exited. She let out a long sigh. 


“I can’t believe we are really on Central,” Joon said. 


Asher looked around. They were at a town. Like a human town. He did not expect that. There were short black buildings all around them. They resembled the tower buildings on Elantontrin, but only about 12 stories tall instead of the 50 stories of the Roktai homeworld. There were no Gliders in the air. The road underneath them was a gray polymer that had some bounce to it. 


“There,” Joon said, pointing to a building. With his Omni skill Asher could read a sign outside the building that read ‘Transit’. Joon began walking toward it and everyone followed. 


“Why did we have to rush away from the portal?” Asher asked. 


“You know that all of these planets monitor dungeons,” Joon said. “They know when they pop up and it doesn’t take long for a team to get there to investigate. Monsters wouldn’t be able to get through, so they don’t worry about it too much. Most travel to Central is restricted. Very restricted. What we did is kind of a gray area from a legality standpoint. People don’t dungeon jump to a civilized planet.”


Asher could see that. To keep from getting stopped by authorities they ran away. He noticed a few high humans walking the streets now, but no one paid them any mind. 


“Should we be worried?” Asher asked. 


“I don’t think so. We aren’t technically in the League yet. And as long as we don’t stick out too much we should be fine. I’m just curious if I remembered dates correctly.” They stepped into the Transit building. There weren’t many people around. “Act like servants,” Joon commanded. “Don’t look anyone in the eyes. I’ll get us tickets.”


Joon looked to the ground and walked to a booth that had a regular human at it. Some money was exchanged and Joon led them through clear glass doors. They walked out into what appeared to be a train station of some type. There were people standing around a gap in the concrete floor. 


“I thought we were going to League Prime,” Gen said as she looked around. There were some high humans waiting on the opposite side of the gap for the train or whatever it was.


“We are there,” Joon said. “Technically this is the center of League Prime. This planet is called Central. Prime is up there.” She pointed up to the sky. Asher wasn’t sure what he was looking at, but slowly his mind put it together. There was a giant ring shaped station over top of them. 


A white metal, the station shined in the sun as it sat unmoving over them. Asher tried to see how big it was. The station was at least the thickness of a moon. But it kept going in a straight line off into the horizon in both directions. 


“What the fuck…” he said as his mind couldn’t fully comprehend the massive Prime. 


“This planet is Central. Did you notice that the gravity is stronger here than on Earth? This planet is about the size of Jupiter. Like Jupiter it had a lot of moons. One of the Primevals was a strong Geomancer. He was so strong he moved the moons into a straight line around Central. They built Prime around the moons. Making a huge ring around this planet. I think there are about 40 moons that make up Prime. So there are about 40 Sectors, all controlled by a different high human.”


“I was wrong, I want to go home,” Gen said as she stared slack jawed up at the monstrous space station. Asher had been to Prime once. He had taken a portal from Elantontrin. There was level after level in the section he was at. He had thought it was one tall building as he tried to look up.


“So each moon is a base for a different part of the Prime station?” Asher asked. 


“Basically. They are able to match gravity in all the sections by doing mana charger runs to the local Ether Stream. Each section you need access to get to. The portal area you went in from Elantontrin is one of the few common areas of Prime. Another section houses the prominent members of the league. Another is dedicated for Primevals. Most all house the high humans. This planet really only has their young and elderly. The majority of them are up there.”


Asher gulped. Still not fully understanding the massiveness of League Prime. “Just…how?” Zora asked, staring up. “I mean do we really need to be here for this quest? There’s like no way you could hurt that thing.”


“It can be done, but it’s hard,” Joon said. “It would take a good plan to blow it up. But if you could get one section. The rest would break off. Killing billions at least.”


“How the hell are we supposed to save something this size?” Asher asked. 


“We don’t,” Joon said. “We should let it crumble.” Asher studied her. She was serious. He wasn’t a fan of high humans. But that was no reason to let all of them die. There had been a lot of innocent other species there too. He was about to say something to her when they were stopped by a group walking up to them. 


“Humans, what are you doing here?” A very regal voice asked. Asher turned to see a perfectly punchable face. Tall, long golden blonde hair, perfect skin, a butt chin, muscles that bulged out. It was a man a little taller than Asher, about 6’-8”. He wore a white cloth vest that showed off his muscular torso. On his waist was a Roman inspired leather skirt with black pants underneath. He wore thong sandals. 


Joon stepped up, looking to the ground, she said. “Our master asked us to prep for his arrival at the Academy,” she said meekly. 


Joon says to look down meekly, don’t stare the man in the eyes. Focus on his feet, Tiff said in his mind. Asher did as he was told. 


“I know everyone in this town,” the high human said. “Who is your master? And why does he dress you in such odd clothing?” Asher felt like Schwarzeneggar was asking who is your daddy and what does he do. The man only lacked the accent. He was all muscles on muscles. 


“We are not from this city. We were on another errand when he changed his mind and wanted us to do this instead,” Joon said. Asher cast ID on the guy's feet. 





He doubted the man was too high level for him to see. He most likely wore an accessory to hide his level and species. 


“Our master allows us to wear the fashion of our original planet,” Joon added. 


“Leave them alone, Mael,” a sweet voice said. Asher peeked upward to see his first high human female up close. 


She was about 6’-4” tall. She had long dark hair that extended down her back. Her skin was tan. She wore a red cloth shirt that was tight to her ample chest. Her muscles were just as prominent as the males, but not near as bulky. The beautiful woman reminded Asher of Wonder Woman. He might actually like it here if all the women looked like this. 


Right? Tiff thought. He looked over to her next to him. She winked at him, he fought a smile. 


“They seem odd, Siela,” the man said. It didn’t take long for him to ignore them and move away.  


When they were far enough away Joon let out a sigh. “Fucking hate these people,” she hissed. 


“Why are we acting like servants?” Tiff asked. 


“High humans rule the planet. Every other species are servants,” she said. “Less attention on us too. Most of these fuckers wouldn’t look a servant in the eye. But that guy likes to play detective I guess.” Asher noticed the blonde man and dark haired girl discussing with another high human couple as they waited. 


“She’s hot,” Tiff noted. “You need to seduce her next husband.” 


Joon laughed. “I would literally pay all of my Syscos to see you seduce a high human. I don’t remember much interaction with them but I know they’re purist. Very master race kind of purist.”


“Jeez, that’s annoying,” Tiff said. 


“Excuse me, uh how do you know so much?” Gen asked Joon. “Is this common knowledge in Community. I thought you guys shared all the info you had.” Nora had said Joon had future memories. Asher guessed Gen wasn’t paying attention. 


Asher, Joon, Zora, and Tiff shared a look. They hadn’t explained the fact that Joon was from the future. Before they could answer a ship came down from the sky and fell into the platform slot in front of them. It was a tall ship, shaped like a crescent moon. Black steel exterior there were windows on the side. 


“This is us,” Joon said. They stepped in and she led them to a corner of the ship. “Eyes down until we get on Prime. After that we shouldn’t have to worry. Since high humans don’t check their own, we get to skip customs.”


Everyone was too nervous to speak. Excitement still in the air they ignored Genevieve’s question as they waited. Soon they were lifting off. Gen and Zora grabbed his hands. 


“Omg space virgins,” Tiff said. Asher realized she was right. 


“Don’t judge.” Zora said. She was shaking. They raised up in the air quickly. He pulled her to him, Gen too moved a little closer. Asher did his best to pretend to not be affected, but it still freaked him out to stare out a window as they went into space. 


League Prime helped distract him. The massive hundreds of miles thick ring was what he expected of a massive spaceship. It was made of large panels, antennae and weird metal structures stuck out of it. The exterior of Prime reminded him of a Gundam space colony. 


“You’re such a nerd,” Tiff whispered. She laughed sweetly moving to the window. 


Asher moved next to her with Zora and Gen. They stared at the monstrosity of a spaceship. Asher had never read the book Ringworld, but he guessed this was what it entailed. He had no idea how they were supposed to save this place from destruction. Finding the cause would be like trying to grind his way to level 100 with sex. A lot of work, but a lot of fun on the way. 

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