This S.O.B. System


Asher turned to see a group of 4 people in plate armor. The armor pieces were identical, but each set was a different color. A shorter person in a white armor stared at him. She was flanked by a girl in black, another in green, and lastly one in red. They were basically the power rangers. 


The girl in white armor began to glow as the armor disappeared, before it was off he had her in his arms. Raising her up he couldn’t help but laugh happily. She looked almost exactly the same as the last time he had seen her. Her mostly white hair was braided and down to her chest now. Her once pale skin was tanner, but still smooth and without blemish. Her muscles were still slim though they bulged with each movement. 

“Zora, my love,” he said. Her tears fell on his face as he brought her back down. Hugging her for all he had her voice was music to his ears. He found himself crying too. “I was worried.”


“You don’t act like it,” she said through a sob. He laughed and let her down. “Level 39?” he said amazed. You must have killed a lot.” 


“I hear I should have you to thank for extra experience. Although it disappeared a month ago. I was worried you were dead.” She slapped his chest. The small girl was still 5’-2”, but her hits packed a punch now. 


“Damn, I forgot,” he said. “I had to take my Champion Gear off, and since I wasn’t killing so much I didn’t see the point to redistribute it.” 


“Hey!” Joon said. “How come you gave her XP, and not me?” She walked up to him angrily. 


“Our relationship level is only level 8,” he said. “Have to be level 10 for me to share.” 


“Shit,” she said thinking. “Been driving me crazy with that since I started hanging with Zora here.” 


“I saw you were both in Denver. Get to know one another?”


“Oh, yes, more than you know,” Zora said with a wink. She leaned over and pulled the Asian girl closer. She laughed and kissed her on the cheek. 


“Time for gifts for you too,” he said. He pulled out a Timeless band for her. “Infinite space,” he promised. Her eyes sparkled as she put it on. “And of course…” he pulled out her own white Mana Glider. 


“Fuck yeah,” Joon said looking at it. Zora walked over touching around the smooth edges. 


“How does it work?” She said, amazed. 


“Mana,” he said. “I’ll show you how to drive it later. Right now we need to catch up.” Asher looked around, more than a few were staring. “Joony dear, do you know a good place?”


“I do,” she said as a portal window appeared next to her. Zora put the Glider away and jumped in his arms. 


“Tosh, we can talk about portals later,” Asher said. Joon jumped on his back and they stepped through into a hotel room. At least it looked like a hotel room. Standard bed, hardwood floors, a bathroom off to the side. “Where are we?”

“Talk later,” Joon said, dropping from his back. 

“Sex now,” Zora said as the portal closed. He set her down and all 3 were bathed in light as they disrobed. 


“Make her cum quick,” Joon said. “I want my turn.”


Asher laughed, coating their faces in 100 Pheromones. They came standing up. Both bent over in shock as their bodies shook and they yelled or groaned. Ashe bent down and picked them both up mid-orgasm. Throwing them both on the bed he moved his face to Zora’s pussy. Coating his fingertips in Casanova he barely touched Joon’s clit. Licking Zora he timed it for both of them to cum at the same time. 


“Stop that,” Joon yelled as she pulled her nipples. “We need the real thing.” 


“Yes, Joony,” he said as he stood up. Plunging into Zora she gasped as he sheathed in her fully. Joon giggled as she turned over. Her face draped over Zora’s chest she began to nibble on her nipples. 


“I see you’re close,” Asher commented as he thrust into Zora. The small Slovenian screamed as she came again. He forgot how loud she was. There had better be a sound dampening enchantment on the room. Speeding up she held Joon’s face to her tiny breasts. 


“I haven’t had anyone since you left,” she squealed. “Joon helped me relieve some stress.” 


“Fuck thats hot,” Asher said. He began to grow his dick in her. Zora’s eyes widened as she felt herself stretch out. He slammed all the way in and all 3 watched as his glans poked up through her abs. 

Zora last her voice as she stared at it. Joon moved her head down and began to kiss the head through her skin. Asher cast Casanova all around his dick. Zora screamed and squirted on his abs and Joony’s face. It was hard and long. When the water show finally stopped her eyes had a distant look as her head turned to the side. Tongue out of her mouth she breathed in ragged breaths. 


“Fuck I missed this,” Joon said. She moved to straddle Zora. Her pussy lined up with his abs. He pulled out of Zora. The small girl groaned as he left. Asher remembered how much she liked it rough. His head teased her clit a little and then he slammed all the way in. She groaned as he bottomed out. Dick still coated in Casanova she came too, but they only made her stronger. Finally into it she started pushing back into him. 


“Damn I missed you,” he said. 


“Good,” her vaginal walls clenched as he fucked her harder. “How much?” 


“Enough that we should get married,” he said. Bending down he nibbled on her ear as he whispered the words, “I love you.”


“Ha, you barely know me,” she said. Turning her head to hide the blush. 

“But I will get to know you,” he promised. Pulling her face back to him they began to kiss. She groaned in his mouth as he humped her harder. Large hands moving to her larger D Cup breasts he began to squeeze them. “You’re moving in with us.” He ordered. She nodded her head as her body shook in another orgasm. “When?”


“Soon,” she said. “Just-just fucking fuck me till I pass out. Talk later.” His dick grew again. Grabbing her neck he began to squeeze. She groaned in his grip. Pulling her back he made her stand on her knees as he slammed into her. 


“You’re my slut,” he ordered. 


“Yes!” She grunted through her restricted throat. 


“I will dump load after load into you every day,” he promised. She shook, her eyes closed as she gasped. “No more secrets or being away.” 

“Fuck, take me,” she ordered. He pounded into her while cycling mana in his dick. The huge appendage began to vibrate in her. The woman’s small hands moved to the bulge in her abs as she began to gasp and moan louder. Orgasm after orgasm hit her as he pounded into her. His hips caused her ass cheeks to quake with each thrust. With a groan in her ear as he squeezed her throat her mouth yelled in a soundless scream. Only a raspy plead sounded from her as her body shook in her strongest orgasm. 


Going balls deep into her his testicles emptied in her. Joons abs swelled with his cum. Dick pulsing load after load into her when he was done gasping he let go of her throat. Her front half tried to drop boneless. Asher slid her to the side of Zora as she fell. He looked down to see his pristine goddess. She smiled up at him. 


Leaning over her body he began to kiss her cheeks and down her neck. “I missed you,” he said. 


“I don’t know,” she said, her body shaking in excitement from each kiss. “You already got engaged to some elf princess.” 


“A lot of bad things happened out there Zora,” he said. Moving up to face her he tried to think of what to say. “I did-”


“Stop,” Zora said, moving her finger to his lips. “I’m sorry, I was joking. I-I was in a bad place after you didn’t return,” she admitted. Tears were in her eyes. “I feared you forgot about me.” 


“Never,” he said grabbing her arms he had to stop himself from getting angry at the thought. 


“I know,” she said. “Now. Joon came to me a few months ago. Was worried about you too. There was a big raid we had to close or it would break. She walked me through stuff she remembered. Explained things she understood about the universe. Very very bad things that have happened to others. Bad things that could happen to us.” Tears leaked out of her eyes as she studied him. “I think I know now how important all of us together can be.”

“Oh, yeah? How?” He asked mischievously.

“She swore me to secrecy,” she said with a wry smile. “I can’t disappoint my girlfriend.”

“But I’m your husband,” he said aghast as he pecked her lips. He began kissing her chin then moved to nibble on her ear. 


“Not husband, yet,” she corrected. 


“Then let’s make it official,” he said. “Come back with me. You, me, and Tiff get hitched.” 

She groaned as her hands began to lightly scratch his sides. “Give me a few days,” she said. “Come get me.” 

“Really?” He asked with a big smile. 


“Of course. But I will have my own wedding,” she said. “You will come to Denver, and we will be married.” 

“Perfect,” he said. “Are we going to make a baby?” He asked hoarsely in her ear. 


She groaned, her lower half bucking. “Right now.” 


“No, not till we are married,” he commanded. She groaned but nodded. “But we can always pretend.” She nodded as they locked lips. His large dick spread her like never before as he descended into her. “You can’t wait for my baby in you, can you?” He asked. She shook her head. “But you are my badass warrior princess,” he said. “That armor was hot as hell on you. Will it fit a baby bump?”


“I’ll make it,” she said. Grabbing onto him he pulled them up. Latching her legs around his waist she began to grind into him. “How are you not tearing me apart?” She asked. Her eyes closed she refused to look at the bump in her belly. 


“Better control of my mana,” he said. “I’ll teach you. Also my Sex System is pretty strong. Would you care to try 100%?” 


She shook her head. “I want this,” she said. “All of you.” He nodded and they grinded into one another. His Ahegao skill still made her scream and cum, but she didn’t pass out again. 


“You are so much stronger,” he said. “Old Zora would have had to take a break.” 


“I learned much,” she said. “I run a guild now.” 

“Which?” He asked as he grabbed her hips. Thrusting her lower half faster she gasped as she looked down. Zora’s body shook as she came again. Her head shot back as she yelled a high pitch squeal.

“Junak!” She said. 


Asher laughed out loud as he continued to thrust her onto him. He recognized the name now, Junak was a Slovenian word. The only reason he knew that was the skill he got from their first time together. “Hero in Slovenian,” he said. 


She nodded with a big smile on her face. “You remembered,” she said. 


“Told you I learned some Slovenian all to date the pretty girlfriend of mine,” he said. He grunted as he humped into her. Cumming hard and deep she squirted a little as they gasped. Holding onto each other almost desperately she caught their breath. 


“Fuck,” Joon said. “I forgot what you can do.” She got up. Seeing the state they were in she moved over. Moving behind Zora she started kissing her neck. Hands snaking around her nimble fingers started pinching the small girl’s nipples. “Keep going. We only just started.” Asher laughed as he thrust into Zora again. 



“We have less than an hour,” Joon groaned. She laid on his right arm as Zora laid on his left. Zora had her eyes closed as her hands lazily moved up and down his side. Joon was holding onto his dick, playing with it idly. “Walk us through what happened.”


“First, where the hell are we? League Prime?” Joon nodded. 

“This is a normal room we visited now and then.” 


“So the conference is on prime too?” She nodded again. “I’m guessing I should hold off on saying some things in case people are listening.”


“...Probably a good call,” she said with a sigh. “Looks like you pissed these fuckers off again.”

“That I did,” he said. Zora began to hum happily against his chest as she kissed his pec. He missed her so much it was hard to say. They both were a piece missing in his life for the past 9 months. “Let’s see. We boarded Tyranis’ ship the Helion. They taught us a lot of stuff at ninja school. Made some friends and enemies on the ship. We got to Elantontrin, their planet, and Lyola came knocking. Fetince Burill, who was her fiance was on the ship, and he heard we slept together.”


“Wait, you knew Lyola already?” Joon asked. 


“Yeah, I slept with her during my first dungeon dive. Did it not happen like that last time?” 

“I remember you got stuck in the dungeon. I don’t remember you meeting Lyola. I could be wrong though,” she said. “Sorry, keep going.”


“Her fiance claimed I dishonored him and challenged me to a death duel. I killed him, and the Lofgren’s lost their trade deal,” he said. 


“Not ringing a bell,” she said. “I remember her fiance died in the Roktai Trial. You and Lyola met and hit it off.” 


“Weird,” Asher said. “The Roktai Guild Master, Tiberion, made me take the Roktai Trial in response to me killing her fiance.” 


“Wow, last time you volunteered for it. They said it was really hard, but good stats, and you wanted to do all you could before the first trial. You regretted it of course. The Roktai is a bitch and a half.” 


“Did I get the Hell version back in the other timeline?” He asked. 


“You got Hell!?” She asked, sitting up. “Of the Roktai? Holy fuck, I can’t believe you survived.” 


“It was tough,” he said. “And I regret it. But I survived.” There were too many changes in this timeline for his taste. 


“Damn you’re sexy,” she said, kissing him. He laughed. “I got the Hell title for my tutorial,” she said. “I’ll tell you about it later. Please continue.” Laying back down she gripped his dick and began jerking him off again. It wasn’t long till he was hard. 


“Uhhh took the Roktai Trial. I was in pretty bad shape. The Trials showed me what would happen to Earth without Alliances. Without us there to represent everyone.  Tiff helped me out of my funk after the trial.” He didn’t mention the hookers. It might ruin the mood. “Lyola and I got engaged.” 


“Already?” Joon asked. “Pretty sure it was a few years before that happened. I mean we all slept together, but took Tyranis a while to warm up to the idea.” 


“Sounds about right. Uhhh we went to a simple dungeon. A week later our trial started. It was on a planet with Mana Corruption. I fought a bunch. Killed a lot. Can’t remember what level I was. Maybe 40? We passed as the top 11. Then the System gave us the planet Tiint.”


“Tiint? Not Roudle?”


“That’s what it said. We cleared the Corruption and the System gave us Tiint.”


“Interesting,” she said. “Roudle wasn’t terrible for a planet. It had Mana Corruption too. No good resources, but the Corruption caused the different continents to have different Tiers. The monsters bred like crazy. We used it as training grounds, then every 6 months we sold spots on it to help others raise lower levels.”


“Cool,” Asher said. “Tiint is very tropical. Bunch of different monsters and mana affinity stones. Tiff wants to make it a vacation home.” 


Joon laughed. “Sounds like her.” Her hand moved to playing with his dick head. He groaned but continued. This was much like their last meeting. He didn’t mind at all. 


“Oh right, Atalanta took the Roktai Trial too. She kind of fell for us during it, and we started doing it too,” he said. 


“Atalanta!?” Joon asked, amazed. “Atalanta Atalanta? I can’t believe it,” she said. 




“Matrix girl was an utter bitch last time,” she said. “A true pain in the ass. She stole kills and artifacts. I don’t know how many times. But every time she did you forgave her. I said she had a thing for you, but you didn’t see it.”


“Hmm, I mean she’s a lot better than she was. Tiff kind of has her wrapped around her finger,” Asher admitted. “And I kind of fell for her too.” 


“You do you babe, but I’m gonna keep my eye on her for now,” Joon said. She began playing with his balls, squeezing and twirling them around in her hand. 


“Lets see. We did a Roleplay for some extinct skill books,” he said. “We got 2, and a key.” 


“2 books? Which?” 

Asher looked around the room. “One makes things super cold on a planet. There was an animated movie of it with a squirrel back on Earth.” 


“I got you,” she said. “Yeah, got that last time.” 


“The other causes a giant rock to fall from the sky,” he said. She looked at him confused. “Think Bruce Willis movie where he has to blow a big rock up.”


“Met-” She stopped herself. “You got that book too? Holy hell. You just saved like 3 planets,” she said. “That thing got on the market, I don’t remember who got it, but at some point they used it.” 


“Damn, I’m glad we kept it then,” he said. “Lyola has it.” 


“Lyola could use it,” she said as if realizing it. “Holy hell that opens a lot of doors for us.” 


“Do we have to use it?” Asher asked. 


“No, let me think on that. There’s this stupid thing that comes up, that might be a good threat to keep everyone honest. I’ll let you know when we get closer. May not happen this time.” 


“Okay. Yeah we got the 2 books, and a key,” he said. “A yellowish key.” He hinted. She still didn’t get it. “Almost amber color.”


“You got the-!” She said more excitedly. “How? Where?” 


“I’m not sure, it came with the books.”

“Amber…amber…” she said, thinking hard. “I got it. That was the first one found. It was on the Prison planet Karkeris. It made the vids cus some prisoner found it and was freed. No one is freed from Karkeris.”

“That’s a real place?” Asher asked. “I said that in the Roleplay, but thought I was making something up.”


“Wow,” she said, amazed. “That opens so many doors. We wanted to go so bad.” 

“Well, that’s not the only one we got,” he admitted. 


“What? Which?” She asked, jumping on his chest. Zora bolted awake with the movement. “Sorry dear,” Joon said. “Our husband just basically admitted to winning the lottery more than once.” Asher raised 3 fingers. “3 more?!” He shook his head. “Thank god, that could have been bad.” 

“That’s what my sponsor said.”


“What colors did you get?”


“Green and black,” he said. 

“So cool,” she said. “They would be great to use, but you really only need one. Would be nice to use for leverage in the future.” She began to think. 


Asher decided to tell her about the Onyx Key later. “Next we went to our 2nd Trial. It was on planet Xare.”


“Was it still the Mana Halls?”


Asher nodded. “I went to the Hall of Synergy.” 


“Synergy? You did Physical last time. You made Synergy?”


“Yeah, I mixed Physical and Sex Mana into Coupling mana,” he said. 

“You made a new mana branch?” She asked, amazed. “What does it do?” 


Asher growled with a heavy Sex Mana Sex Bomb. The girls shivered. His voice became louder and they both came hard. “Did you just?”


“Make you cum with my voice? Yes,” he said.


“Holy shit that’s hot,” she said, grinding on him. “Do it again.” Her lips split in a wide smile. He obliged. They both came again, but harder. Joon rolled off of him. 


“That’s it,” Zora said. She jumped on him and sunk down on his dick. Her small body grinding into him quickly. 

“Fuck, yeah give me the broadstrokes,” Joon said. His hands moved over to begin playing with her pussy as Zora sped up. 


“We umm,” he said, trying to fight the pleasure of Zora’s tight cunt. “Uhh passed the trial.” 


“How?” Joon asked, kissing his arm as he cast Casanova into her. 


“Doesn’t matter.”


“It does, you didn’t pass last time.”


“Well then we need to fuck and get it over with,” he said. Joon nodded. Asher grabbed Zora’s waist. Raising the Pheromones on them they both came hard. He thrust up into her, never stopping. Casanova coating his dick she screamed again and fell off. Her hands going to her chest she took a fetal position as she shook. 

Joon jumped on. “I love you,” she said, kissing him. 


“Then marry me,” he ordered.

“Where’s my ring?” She asked. Asher grabbed her hand. Taking off the Timeless Band he slid it back on. 


“Happy?” He asked. She looked at the ring for a second. 


“Very,” she said. “Yes, I’ll marry you again.” She became heated as she grinded faster into him. He locked eyes with her as he humped up. Using his powers she began to talk dirty. “Tear my pussy apart, husband. It’s all yours. No one else has been inside. Except for my sister-wives tongue and fingers. They felt so good after so long without this fucking massive dick. God just destroy it.” His dick grew. He thrust up faster and as one they came together. Breathing heavily in one another’s mouths they took a short break. Asher brought up his Relationship Screen. 


Relationship Screen (LVL 12)





Prefered Phallic Size

Erogenous Zone

Alice Campbell

Level 4

California, Earth




Zora Mlakar

Level 10

League Prime

Impregnation/Wife Play



Tiffany Tyler

Level 12

California, Earth




Lyola Lofgren

Level 10

Roktai Capital

Large Genitalia/Women



Amanda Neil

Level 1

League Prime




Joon Sang

Level 10

League Prime




Tillie Shubrun

Level 8

Roktai Capital




Prillish Klashsic

Level 1


Power/Different Species



Elifflee Ialna

Level 8


Bondage/Orgasm Control



Chartalla Ursa

Level 1

California, Earth

Rough Play/Submission



Azya Burill

Level 4







He moved the experience points over. 


Experience Screen

Asher Whitmore


Zora Mlakar


Tiffany Tyler


Joon Sang


Lyola Lofgren



“There,” Asher said. “Now you have 3% of my XP.” 


She laughed, sitting up her eyes zoned out as she checked. “Thank you husband,” she said. “That’s all I wanted. Now I get XP every time we do the sexy time.” 


Asher laughed. “We have 10 minutes until we have to go back. Sex or talk?”


She groaned but nodded. “Talk, but quick. I think we can do another quickie.” She laid on his chest with him still inside her. 


“Where was I?” 


“How you won the second trial?” 


“I don’t know. I was in Synergy. When I came out Batman and Ming were the only one’s stuck in Halls. They came out with the Dragon and Death Hall.” 


“Damn, cool. Yeah neither of those were with you last time. Not important now. I’m sure all of you together helped you do better.” 


“Yep, and I kind of took charge of the other groups too. Last boss was a Destruction Boss. Didn’t bother with it. Kind of a trap. After that we had the 3rd trial which was a Wist. Took us to a planet attacked by zombies.” 


“Yeah, you didn’t make it to the 3rd trial last time. You only made it to the 2nd. Really proud of you,” she said, wrapping her arms around him. He ran his fingers through her hair. 


“Place was a bitch, stuck there for like a month or 2. We beat it, then the System put it on hard mode. Said we skipped the last boss in the 2nd Trial. It was the Destruction Boss. Humanoid guy with wings. Keera showed me fighting it at the end of her video.” 


Joon shivered. “Looked like a Seimurre to me,” she said. “I didn’t remember them until I saw the picture. Those thing are bad news. All humanoid monsters are.” 


“What do you know about them?”

“I want to say a dungeon opens with nothing but them. That one you fought was probably a weak one. They are on a Tier III Planet, but every single one there is over 3 stars. Place is a nightmare.” 


“I can imagine. One was enough of a pain,” Asher said. “I killed it. We got out. We got a sponsor.” 


“I saw. Tacitae, isn’t she the Queen of Death? How’d you meet her?” 


“I can’t say here,” he said. She nodded. “But Tiff and I trust her.”


“I thought she was dead,” Joon admitted. “I remember that she disappeared like 10,000 years ago. She’s one of the Primevals. Back then a Tier VIII dungeon appeared. All the Primevals gathered for it. They double crossed her, she killed everything in her way. Took out of commission like 5 Primevals. She’s pretty badass.” 


“I could tell,” Asher said. “After that we got our ship. The Starburst.” 

“I saw, looks the same as last time. You have a type,” she said. “Miss anything?” She asked. Sitting up she began squeezing him with her pussy. 


“Oh right. Ely,” he said. “Eliffy, I met up with her.” 

“Elifflee Ialna?” Joon asked in surprise. “How’d you hook up with her already?” 


“We took both books. Tiff left a note, and she found me.” 


“Ooooh,” Joon said. “Last time you only took 1, but left a note. Someone stabbed her in the back, and she used her System to survive. Her System is pretty badass, did you see it?” Asher shook his head. “She uses Fate mana. Her people believe in a sex god. They don’t have dice or gachas like here. They gamble with these Tarot card things. Each card is a different sex position. Anyway, she shuffles the deck daily. Draws a card, and depending on the card her skills change for the day.”


“Sex position cards?” Asher asked. “She never showed them to me.” 


“Oh, you missed out. She has powers like saving her or others' lives with Fate. When she was younger she asked one of her annual questions a skill gives her. It was ‘who will I marry’ she drew the card for missionary position. Apparently you were the first person to ever take her missionary. Said she knew you were the one after that.”


“That’s messed up,” Asher said. 


She slapped his chest. “Don’t laugh. She hadn’t had sex much. Her dad is a fuck and a half. She tell you about him?”


“Sustutna? Not much, just that he keeps his wives locked up.”

“He does more than that. Collects women like trophies,” she said. “When Eliffy woke up her System he wanted a Fate Mana wife. He was going to force her to attune to him, so she escaped.”


“Her own father!?” 


“Yep,” Joon said. “League is pretty fucked up. As we get stronger our impurities are cured. A lot of them practice incest to keep bloodlines pure. There really isn’t a risk of birth defects the higher level you are.” 


“That’s still messed up,” Asher said. She nodded. “2 minutes,” he said. She started grinding into him. He groaned as he raised pheromones and cast Sex Bomb. They came together. 

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.