This S.O.B. System


“The Guild Conference will now break for 6 hours,” a voice announced in their bubble. “You may exit at the back of your platform. Green lights will guide you to the courtyard. Red lights will guide you to separate rooms for private meetings.” The door behind them opened. 

“Guess that’s all for now,” Asher said. 


“You sure about this? This will be a lot of work,” Wayne warned. 


“I’m sure. Need to work hard now. I don’t want to regret it later. Start passing Comms out to guild masters, make sure you get their numbers. I’ll pass out some gifts and sage advice.” Wayne nodded and they headed out. 


“You sure have changed,” Amanda noted.

“How so?” He asked. 


“For one, you’re actually volunteering for responsibility,” she said. 

Asher laughed. “Marriage and kids will do that to you.”

“Fucking married and kids already?” She asked, amazed. 

“Yep, kind of had to, kids are on their way at least. Needed to lock em down before they ran off on me. Besides, we needed the alliance,” he said. “Tiff and I still have our fun though if you’re interested. We are a lot stronger now. Or did you get a boyfriend too?” 

She blushed and shook her head. Asher laughed. “What about you Scarlett? How’d your tutorial go?” 

“It was alright,” Scarlett said, she was always quiet.

“Get all the cool Gantz stuff?” He asked.

“Maybe,” she said. 


“Oh we are sparring in this courtyard,” he said with a laugh. “How was yours Joan?” 

“Pretty bad, but looks easy after all the crap you did,” she said. “We were on a weird gravity planet. Could be heavy or light. Stuff floating everywhere. Had big space trolls. You really fight a lot of bosses?” 

“We did. Heck I soloed a few,” he said. “Don’t worry, I’ll train all of you. Daphne mentioned the Colossi you fought Arnold. I bet with my trick you could solo one.” 


“I’d like that,” he said. A slim smile on his face. With that they were in the other groups on their way to the courtyard.


The hall opened to a huge room about half a mile in diameter. The courtyard wasn’t outside, but the walls were a nice hologram that pretended they were. Once inside Asher jumped to the center of the yard. With Battleshout active he yelled, “Alright who wants to spar.” 

“I’ll take you on,” someone said immediately. He had an Australian accent and a wide smile on his face. He pulled a light saber out of his spatial ring. Asher heard the wurr of the blade from there.


“You run the Northern guild?” Asher asked. Watching the lightsaber he noticed that it was using condensed Fire mana. Very condensed. With a smile he brought out his Dragon Slayer. 


“I do, I’m Ethan Hughes, good to meet cha,” he said walking up. 

“Same to you, I assume I don’t need to introduce myself.”


“Nope, I think I remember that figure from a amateur video I watched online once,” he said. 

“Pff, which one? I had about a trillion aliens watching me have sex nightly during my trials,” Asher said. 


“Oh yeah? You get paid at least?” 

“Nope, no royalties either. But made me quite popular.” 


“I bet. You might want a sword you don’t like, kid. This thing cuts through most anything.” He pointed the saber at the ground to emphasize. The metal decking of the floor began to melt.

“It’ll be fine,” Asher said with a smile. Ethan began twirling the blade expertly. Then he was throwing it. Asher coated his sword in condensed Physical Mana. The sword hit his blade and bounced off. Ethan grabbed it with Mind Mana and pulled it back. Then they were on one another. Asher moved his sword easily to intercept each slice. 

“Good use of mana,” Asher commented. He noticed Ethan channeling Mind Mana in his eyes, he guessed it was some jedi mind trick. Asher used Mesmerizing Gaze. “Stop,” he ordered. The man stopped mid-swing. He stayed like that for a full second as Asher slowly moved his sword to the man’s throat. Then he released the hold. 

“Fuck,” Ethan said. “Neat trick.” He breathed in and out heavily, staring at the thick steel blade at his throat. Asher slowly moved it away. 

“Learned a lot,” Asher said. “Mana is the basis of our skills. Keera there will be releasing some videos that explain it better. Should help everyone understand how to fight better.” Asher pulled out a Comm. “My gift to you. Link it to yourself and we can exchange numbers. Works anywhere in the world.”

“Kicked your ass, I see,” a girl said walking up. She was blonde and wore a white tank top. Her muscles were slim, but she wore metal claws on her fists.

“Bet he could kick yours too,” Ethan barked as they shared Comms.

“Up for it?” Asher asked with a smile. He studied her figure. She was a bombshell. 


“I’m good. Don’t want to make a fool of myself like you two,” she said with a smirk. 


“Consolation prize then,” Asher said, pulling out another Comm. 


“I’m good, a lot of people have them,” she said. 


“Do they work planet-wide?” He asked. 


“Mostly,” she admitted. 


“What Tier planet do they work on?” 

“Don’t know that part,” she said, a little confused. 


“This works on up to a Tier IV, and guaranteed planet-wide. Besides, you can have my number,” he said with a wink. She took it with a slight blush. He exchanged numbers and quickly someone else walked up. 


The woman was average height, had long black hair, and her heart shaped face practically glowed. He thought she was a little familiar. But he would remember a woman with a rack like hers. She had an hourglass shape to her body, and her breasts were at least DD. Her lips were thick and luscious. Slowly Asher realized he was already in her charm. He raised his Pheromones and the spell she had been casting disappeared. 


“Asher Whitmore, so good to see you again,” she said. Her voice sounded like a phone sex operator, it was difficult not to get hard watching her. Hips swaying, breasts jiggling with each breath he wondered what the hell power she had. Sex Mana practically poured out of her. 


“I’m sorry, do I know you?” Asher asked, taking her hand. 


“I know its been a while, but don’t you remember me?” She asked, her face pouting made her lips purse and become bigger. 


“Nope,” he said. “Sounds like my loss though, I could get to know you.” 


She laughed sweetly. “My name is Ashley Tilda. We met on a movie set over a year ago. You and I were supposed to have a few scenes together.” 


“Oh right!” Asher said excitedly. She played Zora’s step-sister in the boyfriend porn he did. “Jeez, that was a long time ago. Have you seen Zora?” He asked hopeful. 


Ashley frowned. “Is she all you can think about?” She said with another pout. Asher felt her Sex Mana rise. 


His face took on a stoney stare. “Of course, she’s my wife.” He looked her up and down. “Keep raising your Sex Mana and I’ll start considering it an attack. Shit like that doesn’t work on me,” he said. She practically shook with the threat. He wasn’t sure if it was a pleasurable shake or scared, probably both. 


“Come off it, Ashley,” a voice said. The voice was a man in thick leather armor. He wore complete black. His jaw was chiseled, and he had a long scar across his cheek. Asher was ashamed to admit how long it took to recognize him. 


“Doug!” Asher yelled. A laugh in his voice, he rushed the man and brought him in a big bear hug. “Holy shit, I thought you were dead.” 

The man slowly reciprocated the bear hug. “I made it alright,” he said. 


Asher drew away to stare at his old friend’s face. He had hard creases in his face. Weathered and tan he looked nothing like the husky guy he grew up with. “Where were you man? I had to dump my phone after I became famous, totally forgot to save your number. Did you go to the guild? I left a spatial ring with the guild master for you.” 


“You did?” Doug asked, surprise in his voice. Some tension left his face. “I uh, couldn’t find the guild. I saw your videos, but you guys weren’t at the church anymore. Your website didn’t list your new address.” 


“Oh shit, I didn’t think of that. Yeah we didn’t want people storming the place,” he said. “Hell man, you look good though. You change your System?” 

“I did, got something a lot stronger,” he admitted. “Run my own guild now.”


“Which?” Asher asked in amazement. 

“Seven Sins guild,” he said. 


“No way, you’re Wrath?” He asked. Doug nodded. “Shit man, I’d love to spar, but what do you use? Destruction Mana? Maybe some Havoc?” Asher studied him, there was a lot of power radiating off of him. “We need to catch up, do a spar later. Here, some gifts. This is a mana-bike. Here’s a Timeless Band. And a Comm. We can call each other and meet up. You still in California?” 

Doug accepted the gifts. “There abouts. Mostly Nevada now.” The man finally cracked a smile. “We can meet up later. I know you’re busy. I uh, we have to work on some alliance stuff with another guild.” He grabbed Ashley’s arm and pulled her away. Ash wanted to catch up more, but someone else stepped up. It was a young kid and he threw a hard punch right at Asher’s face. 


Asher ducked and kicked the kid hard. He flew up in the air, and did a somersault. His feet landing on the ceiling he pushed off and launched himself back at Asher. With a smile he poured Mana into his fist and punched the other kid’s fist. His wrist buckled with a gasp and Asher grabbed him before he hit the ground hard. Thick arm wrapping around his neck Asher said, “That’s not very nice.” 


“Sorry about him!” Someone said in a British accent. “Kid, likes to fight now.” Asher looked over to see a man in old Japanese samurai attire. Asher threw the kid to him. 


“I can understand that,” Asher said. The kid nursed his hand as someone in their party healed him. “Good strength kid, but you need to focus more on your mana use.” 

“Mana, for a punch?” The kid asked.

“Yep, we will have videos explaining later. Asher Whitmore,” he said walking up to the samurai. 


“Jack Torrents, I run the Wiggan guild,” he said. 


“Care for a spar too?” Asher asked with a smile. 

“Nope, I’m good, too much to do. Maybe some other time though.” 


“Here is a Comm for you,” Asher said. “Let’s link up. We are working on Portals, and would like to try to get portals all around the world. Open to an alliance with Community?”


“I’ve heard good things about Community. And I must admit, my eyes were opened a little by your videos. I’m more than happy to set up a conversation.” They shared Comm IDs and Asher was on to the next. 

“I will like a spar,” a big man said. His hair was long and mostly white. He had a few day old beard, and wore very identifiable gear. 

“Oh my god, are you the Witcher System?” Asher asked with stars in his eyes. 


The man chuckled and nodded. “You have heard about me, that is nice to hear,” he said with a smile. 


“Who hasn’t heard of the Witcher?” He asked. The man kind of looked like the video game rendition of him. “I would love a spar.” The man nodded and began to glow with mana. Asher noticed that it was Physical. He had seen a few of these, but the interesting part was he didn’t transform much externally. His skin became more gray, and eyes turned black. His mana shot up exponentially and he rushed at Asher. 


Asher circulated mana quickly and blocked the blow. They were soon exchanging hit after hit, moving around in a circle. A smile was on both their faces as they fought. The Witcher moved to kick him, and Asher jumped. Casting a condensed Mana Manifestation he latched himself to the ground for leverage and kicked the man hard. He flew back 15 feet, but landed on his feet. 

With a smile the mana was released from his body and he looked normal again. “Very interesting,” he said walking back up. “What was that mana you used to latch yourself to the ground?” 


“You have Mana Sight?” Asher asked, amazed. “Could you see what color it was?” 

“Color? Aren’t they all blue?” 

“It was mentioned in the video Keera showed. All mana has a specific color on the Mana Spectrum. When your Mana Sight is high enough you can know what type of mana people are using. I have a skill that allows me to condense mana. I used that to anchor myself,” he said. More than a few people were listening in. 

“Interesting, you are very free with information,” the older man said. 

“We are all human. I would prefer we work together,” Asher said. He handed out a Comm and mentioned portals. He and his group left for a new group to step up. 


“Hansen! Franks!” Asher said happily. He moved closer to hug them both. “Again I’m glad you made it.” 


“Thanks sir,” Hansen said. He looked much stronger than before. He still wore military fatigues, but there was some chainmail mixed in. 


“Good to see you,” Franks said with a slight blush. Her brown hair was cut short. He guessed she put some points in Charm, because she was much more beautiful than the last time he saw her. She had been unassuming before, but now she was a bombshell. “Thanks,” she whispered. 

Asher noticed the Mind mana around her. He blushed. “Sorry, thoughts get away from me. I gotta know. You 2 get in the same tutorial?”


Hansen nodded. “Yes, we made it out ok after we got our Systems.”


“Great to hear. I want you both to have Comms,” he said, giving them out. “Call me if you need anything.” They linked them together. 


“Can you tell me where Vincent Gordon is?” An older man’s voice asked. Asher recognized the military man he confronted earlier. 

“You must run the Old Glory guild,” Asher said. “Vincent is back at my guild. We can share Comms and I can have him get in contact with you.” The older man nodded. Asher threw him a Comm and they were on their way. He wasn’t sure if they would be able to work together, the man was very confrontational. He guessed the old man hadn’t learned yet that the world had changed. 


“Mia!” Asher said rushing up to her. He caught sight and the German bombshell laughed as he picked her up. “How are you? Where’s Wendy?” 

“Wendy is back at home,” she said. Mia’s accent had disappeared. Asher guessed she had the Omniauris skill and was speaking in German. 

“You make it ok? The rings help?”


“They did,” she assured him. “Just wanted to say thank you.” 


“Here,” Asher said, giving her a Comm. He had thousands to give out, and when he stopped giving them for free he would make a nice profit off of them. “Call me when you need anything,” he said. She nodded and kissed his cheek. The sexy foreign exchange student made him watch her leave as her hips shook with each step. 


“Asher,” Tosh said walking up. “I want you to meet the Guild Master of the Songoku guild.” He was an older man, likely Asher’s dad’s age. He was quite strong too, level 39, which was one of the highest in the area. “He is my son, Nagasaki Kaito.”


“Son? Your human son? That’s great!” Asher yelled with a laugh. He moved over and clasped the man’s hand. “This is an otaku’s dream. An isekai meeting his family again.” 

“Yes,” Kaito said with a sigh. “I am still trying to wrap my head around it. Though he knows everything about me, I am struggling. I am surprised you would take the information so easily.”


“He had no reason to lie,” Asher said. “Tosh is probably the only reason we all made it back in one piece. I’m sure I would have got us killed if he wasn’t there to talk sense.” 

“I would laugh if that wasn’t true,” Tosh said. 

“It is a great honor to meet you, Whitmore,” Kaito said, bowing his head. “This is my daughter, Himari,” he said, pointing to a beautiful girl next to him. She had long dark hair. Though she didn’t have a bust, her hips were ample. Asher glanced her over quickly. 


“Nice to meet you,” Asher said with a smile. She blushed, Asher winked. 


“You touch her, and I will kill you,” Tosh stage whispered. “That is my granddaughter.” 


“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Asher said. “And you must be Kenichi Mori.” Asher tore his eyes from the beautiful Himari and stared at the younger kid next to him. 


“I am, how did you know?” The kid said. He was only about 16, but Asher knew him well. The Uzumaki System was his right hand during the Roktai Trial. 


“Divine knowledge,” Asher said. “I have a gift for you.” He pulled out a custom orange and black Glider. The colors happened to match Naruto Uzumaki’s outfit in Shippuden. “This is a Mana Glider. Top of the line. Goes 300 miles per hour easily. Just needs mana.”


The kid looked at it with awe. Before he touched it he drew his hand back. “Why are you giving this to me?” 

“It’s a wide universe,” Asher said. “I’ll say that a gypsy woman warned me you would have to do me a favor in the future. Take it as a pre-payment for it.” 


“What kind of favor?” 

“You would know if I did. I don’t have mystical powers. I tell you what, if you don’t want to do it you can give the bike back. Or you can buy it from me,” he said. 


“How much?” 

“2,000 Syscos,” Asher said. The kids and a few other’s eyes bulged. 


“That is a fair price,” Tosh said. The elf knew the real reason, but kept it to himself. 

“I will borrow it for now then,” the kid said with smile as he got on. 


“Store it for now,” Tosh ordered. “I will show you how to drive it.”


“You going back with them?” Asher asked. Tosh nodded. “Fair enough. I want you to meet Joony first. She will hopefully set up our Portal network.” With that the black haired bombshell jumped out of nowhere and latched onto him. Asher let himself fall to the ground and be kissed by her. He threw a few of his own as she attacked his face. 


“I missed you, missed you, missed you,” she said with each kiss. 


“I missed you too, Joony,” he said. 


She slapped his chest. “Stop calling me that.” The Korean woman looked down at him. Her large rack may have grown since he saw her last. 


“No,” he said. “Let me up, I have gifts for you as well.” 

She smiled widely jumping up. “Gimme,” she said with her hands out. He pulled out a Timeless Band. “That it?” She asked, skeptically. 


“You got one better?” He asked. 


“No, but…” Asher pulled out the black Mana Glider. “Perfect!” She said with a squeal as she jumped on. The motor revved up and she was at full speed in an instant. Flying over heads she did a full 2 laps. Stopping expertly next to them she let out a big sigh. “Finally, I missed you,” she said, hugging the bike. 


Asher willed out her new leather gloves too. “More gifts?” She said, confused. “Where did you get these?” 


“Contribution Store after the 3rd trial. Increases Space Mana, hope you like,” he said. She grabbed them and slid them on. The fingertips were cut off, and they tightened around her skin. 


“Damn, babe. I don’t think I’ve ever seen something with a whole +1% before,” she said amazed. 


“Glad you like. Now Joony, time for serious talk. Where is Zora?”


“Behind you, idiot,” she said looking at her Glider. 

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