Chapter 14: Chapter 14
"And it kept saying fly or die."
"The raven?"
"With three eyes," Cyel couldn't understand what that all meant. Bran had told her what he had dreamt before he woke up after the fall. He was falling and a raven made him fly. Bran said that he saw his father, Sansa and Arya in the south, Sansa was crying and behind his two sisters three strange figures. He saw lady Catelyn and Antea going South, where they had exactly gone, how could he dream of it?
He then said he flew to the Est, to Asshai of the Shadows and he saw dragons fly there.
Coming back North he saw Jon at the Wall, sleeping and cold. And he saw even Cyel at Winterfell alone crying.
"What do you think it mean?" asked the girl sitting on a chair next to Bran's bed.
"It doesn't matter, it was lying," he said shortly, "I can't even walk, how can I fly?" Cyel look at her hands on her lap at those words.
Bran hadn't cried, since he woke up. Since he had learnt about his legs. He was just full of anger and frustration; he didn't say it out loud but it was clear at her eyes. He didn't smile anymore and he always looked the window, trying to see the world outside. Cyel wanted to help him somehow, but she didn't know what to do.
"You don't have to be here, if you don't want to," Bran muttered sadly, "I know how you like to be outside," Cyel bit her lip looking at how sad he was.
"None sense," she said with an encouraging smile, "I want to stay here with you," he looked at her before nodding with a quick smile.
Sounds of laughter and howling came from outside. Rickon was running in the gardens with the wolfs, Cyel turned to Bran who leant back on the pillow puffing.
"The raven said anything else?" Cyel asked quickly, trying to distract him from any bad thoughts. Bran held himself up on his elbows ready to answer, but before he could Old Nan spoke, "Crows are all liars," the old lady was set in a chair doing her needlework, "I know a story about a crow," Cyel took a breath in relief, she should have thought about stories, Bran loved them.
"I don't want any more stories," Bran snapped and Cyel's relief was gone in a moment, "I hate your stupid stories," Cyel slapped lightly him on the arm and when he glared at her, she glared back challenging him.
The woman didn't seem to mind Bran's words, "My stories? No, my little lord, not mine. The stories are before me, you and the little lady, they are before all of us."
Cyel had always liked how Old Nan spoke, she was able to enchant everyone to listen to her. She was kind and wise and all her stories were beautiful. Cyel's favorite were the love ones, like Sansa, but maybe because she spent so much time with Bran, she had to admit that even the adventurous ones, with heroes and magic were very pleasant to hear.
"I don't care whose stories they are," Bran spoke again, "I hate them," so much had changed for him in such a short time, he couldn't run and climb anymore, he didn't have his family with him in a moment so complex for him. Of course, Robb was there, but he was lord now and when he was on duty, he wasn't the same Robb. Bran called his serious expression the face of Robb the Lord.
Cyel tried to ease Bran's pain, but in that moment, he didn't need her or his siblings, he needed his mother and father. He asked where lady Catelyn had gone, since she hadn't replied to the letter, they wrote to let her know Bran was awake, but Cyel couldn't tell him, Maester Luwin told her and she had sworn to the lady not to.
Robb asked Cyel to see if Bran remembered anything of the fall, but he didn't, so Bran had told her.
"I know a story about a boy who hated stories," Bran rolled his eyes angrily and then he turned to Cyel trying to have her support against the old woman, but Cyel just shrugged her shoulders.
"I could tell you the story about Brandon the Buildler," now that was a great idea, she loved that story and so did Bran.
"It had always been your favorite, actually," Cyel said thinking out loud and Bran looked at her like to ask her what side was she on. She would have laughed if he hadn't been so frustrated.
"No that's not my favorite," liar, she thought, he just wanted to won that battle, he loved Brandon the Builder, "My favorite were the scary ones," Cyel widened her eyes at his comment, and he looked at her proud of himself, knowing that Cyel didn't like scary stories. A little smirk appeared on his face, but suddenly Rickon run again just outside the window, laughing like just before.
Rickon, please play somewhere else, Cyel thought looking at Bran, who was trying to see outside, but when he failed, he slammed his fist on his thigh and a shocked and angry expression appeared on his face, his gaze fixed on his leg. Cyel looked at him sadly, master Luwin had told her that he couldn't move his legs, but he couldn't even feel anything. Not even if his flesh got burn or scratch, nothing. She couldn't even imagine what he was feeling right now. So, she took a breath, she stood up and then set on Bran's bed, next to him, who looked at her surprised.
"Old Nan is going to tell a scary story because of you," Cyel said playfully, "And you know how I fear them, the least you can do is give me strength," Bran observed her for a moment, searching for something, but it didn't seem to find anything so he relaxed and nodded his head.
"Of course," he said scrolling his shoulder, "I won't be scared."
"Oh my sweet summer child," Old Nan said quietly making them turn to her, "What do you know of fear?" so it began. "Fear is for the winter, little lords, when snow falls a hundred feet deep and the ice wind comes from the North. Fear is for the long night, when the sun hides its face for years, where the children are born, live and die in darkness, when the white walkers move through the woods," Cyel was already knowing what fear was, by her words, but Bran seemed even more interested.
"You mean the Others?" he asked curiously and Cyel looked at the woman waiting for an answer.
The woman nodded her head with Cyel's sorrow, the Others had always scared her "Thousands and thousands of years ago a long and cold winter fell. There came a night that lasted a generation and everyone couldn't bare the freezing cold and died, kings, lords and peasants" the woman's eyes fell on Bran "Is that the sort of stories you like?"
Bran hesitated "Well… yes but…"
"I knew the scary ones weren't your favorite!" Cyel exclaimed winningly, Bran turned to her.
"They are!" he argued.
"They are not," she singed proud of herself; she knew him to well.
"They are," he insisted, "It's just… I've never heard this one. So, shut up, let her continue," Cyel laughed at his attempt to keep on with his lie. He was so stubborn.
Old Nan looked at them with a smile, before return serious to keep telling the creepy story. "In the darkness, the Others came for the first time," the sound of her needles keep working made the atmosphere even more scary, the smile on Cyel face disappeared. "They were cold things and dead. They hated everything that was living and they destroyed everywhere and everyone they passed. No man could stop them."
Please say that there is someone who can, Cyel begged and without notice it, she and Bran found themselves leaning forward to hear better.
"This were the times when just the First Men lived these lands and when the children of the forest lived in the woods. So, when the death filled the earth, the last hero went to seek out for the children, to have help by their ancient magic and take back what was lost. He searched for years with a sword, a horse, a dog and a dozen of companions, but one by one all his friends died and his sword froze. And the Others smelled the hot blood in him and stalked him with packs of white spiders big as hounds-"
The doors burst open suddenly with a bang and the two children turn immediately yelping. Cyel could hear her heart drumming in her chest so loud she didn't even know if someone had spoken.
"Oh gods, Measter!" Cyel breath out with a hand on her heart. The Maester was the one who entered, with Hodor, the tall and sweet stableboy.
"Hodor," he greeted them with a smile, like usual. He couldn't speak other words; he just said his name. Actually, that wasn't his name. Old Nan told them that his real name was Walder, she knew since he was his nephew or grandnephew. But he one day had started to repeat just that word, so since then everybody called him Hodor.
Bran looked at the Maester before let out a laugh "You got scared."
Cyel's eyes widened, "Oh, because you didn't?" she said mockingly, with a little smile.
"No, of course," he said shrugging his shoulders, "These are my favorite stories."
"Liar," he got scared, she knew, he yelped when the Maester entered, she heard him. They laughed at each other before Maester Luwin spoke to have their attention, "My lords," they turned to him and Cyel gave an apology look.
"We have visitors," he announced, "and your presence is required, Bran."
"I'm listening to a story now," he complained and Cyel hid a smile, he didn't even want to hear stories just few minutes ago.
"Stories can wait, my little lord," Old Nan said, "You'll find them here when you'll come back, but visitors are not that patience."
"Who is it?" Bran asked seeming convinced by what the woman had said.
"Tyrion Lannister," Maester Luwin said looking Cyel for a moment. The girl's expression changed immediately and she hoped that Bran hadn't saw it. What was a Lannister doing in Winterfell?
"And there are even men of the Night's Watch, with a word from your brother Jon," Bran eyes lighted up at the mention of Jon's name and he nodded his head. "Hodor, will you help Bran down to the hall?" the sweet man gave an "Hodor" before walking towards the bed and picking Bran up.
"Are you coming with us, Cyel?" Bran asked, his fingers clutched to Hodor's clothes, while he looked down at her.
She wouldn't let him alone with a Lannister ever again "Of course" she answered standing up, but before she could exit the room Maester Luwin stopped her. Bran looked at them with curious eyes, but the man spoke "Go on, I had to ask something to Cyel" Cyel smiled at Bran before he disappeared behind a corner.
"Remember we do not know anything," the Maester said in a whisper.
Cyel frowned "Why are you telling me this?"
"Cyel, your eyes speak for you," the man said, "I know you are angry, but not let them see it."
"Was I too obvious?" she asked uncertain. The man smiled "Just a little."
Cyel nodded her head, "I'll be careful," the man seemed to look at her proudly, before leading the way to the main hall.
The room was crowded, there were a dozen guardsmen lined, in the center of the room there was Tyrion Lannister with his servants and Cyel had to take a long and calming breath, to not let see the anger raising in her. It the room there were men of the Night's Watch and two women wearing black vests. One had blond hair the other had auburn hair, their dresses were different and made by unexpert hands, even though they were very beautiful. Those women must had been Keepers of Light, the order Cassie was part of.
In front of all of them there was Bran sit on the high sit of the Starks, the one, she knew, where the Kings in the North had set long time ago. Robb was standing with his sword pointed at the dwarf. She may need to control her anger but she wasn't the only one. Having a sword in hand declared to the guest that he wasn't welcomed. Cyel turned to Maester Luwin who gave out a breath.
When they opened the door, everyone turned to them and of course even the dwarf.
"Lady Sand," he said bowing his head.
"Lord Tyrion," she answered alluding a bow. She wouldn't have bowed fully, not to a Lannister. Cyel then stopped to a side of the room next Maester Luwin.
"Cyel, come here," Bran said suddenly. Cyel felt the gazes of all the people in the hall, before turning towards Bran, that almost shyly spoke again, "If it pleases, my lady."
The girl looked at Maester Luwin, who nodded his head with a small smile. Then she looked up at Robb that nodded his head. She noticed the lord of Lannister's different color eyes observing her with inquisitive curiosity. Cyel did her best to show how much all those gazes felt on her. And lastly her eyes fell on Bran, who was quietly waiting for an answer.
Help him, protect him. Protect him from anything that feels like threat.
Her Lady's words echoed inside her mind. As she remembered the vow that she made. And looking for the last time at Tyrion Lannister, Cyel made a step forward.
She walked to the Stark boys and Robb told her she could sit on the sit next to Bran. Cyel thanked him before sitting down with all the room's gazes fixing at them, a light laugh came from behind her and she turned to see Theon Greyjoy looking at her amused. Cyel shook her head before turning to the Lannister.
"You said you had business with Bran, Lannister," Robb said putting away his sword. The short lord's eyes were fixed on Bran, studying him and Cyel felt the boy shift, clearly noticing him staring.
"I've come to know you were quite the climber," Lord Tyrion said and Cyel fought the urge to shook her head "How is it that you fell that day?"
"I never," Bran said without hesitation in his voice. And for a moment Cyel thought that maybe he remembered. But then she recalled what Bran always said: I never fall.
It was impressive that he was right even that time.
"The child doesn't remember of the fall and the climb before it," Maester Luwin explained at the man.
"Curious," Lord Tyrion muttered. He seemed honestly interested by the fall, maybe he wanted to cover for his brother? Cyel studied the man, wandering why he was there.
Robb was getting angry, she really hoped for Antea to be there and calm him down, "My brother is not here to answer questions, Lannister. Do your business and go away," Cyel looked at Robb, understanding his feelings, but he was the lord he couldn't talk that way.
"I have a gift for you," Lord Tyrion asked Bran and Cyel frowned, "Do you like to ride?" Bran loved to ride, he always wanted to ride like his brothers and race with them, but since now he only had a pony. He was dreaming the day he could have ride a real horse. But he couldn't now, not with his legs. And Cyel heard the Maester tell the men exactly this, but lord Tyrion disagreed.
"With the right horse and saddle even, a cripple can ride," Cyel flinched at his words and she turned to look Bran.
"I'm not a cripple," his eyes were watering and the girl's stomach clanged. He shouldn't have been on that tower.
"Then I am not a dwarf," the man answered and Cyel looked at him with hate in her eyes, "A small horse would do fine; you need to teach it how to respond at the reins and to the voice" he said handing Maester Luwin a paper. Bran's eyes never left the dwarf as Cyel's never left the boy next to her.
"Will I truly be able to ride?" Bran asked carefully, it was like he didn't want to believe, afraid it was a lie.
"You will for sure," Bran turned to Cyel with a smile when he looked at the drawing on the paper. Cyel looked at it, he had really thought of everything. But could they trust him?
"You drew it?" Cyel asked looking up from the paper and the man's different colored gaze fell on her.
"Of course, little lady," he answered "Don't worry, your friend will be safe"
Safe, she bitterly, she failed to believe him, but the Maester seemed to believe it was all good.
"Your sudden kindness brings all of us joy, my lord," Cyel said with a forced smile, which the man noticed and smirked at her.
"I'm a very kind person, if the chance to show it is given to me," he replied with the grin never leaving his face, "But it's not on me this time. Your brother Jon asked me, my lords," he said to the Stark boys, "And in my heart I have a soft spot for bastards, cripples and broken thinks," and he place an hand on his heart dramatically. Cyel just studied him, like Robb was doing. But suddenly light invaded the room and Rickon entered with the direwolves, but when the boy stopped the wolves walked forward eyeing the Lannister.
Summer was the first to go closer to him, starting to walk in circle around Lord Tyrion. Grey Wind followed immediately
Theon gave out a laugh "The wolves do not like your smell, Lannister," Cyel didn't even turn to look at his friend, but she appreciated the comment. She would have even smiled if the wolves hadn't seemed so threatening.
They know, Cyel thought amazed looking every steps of the creatures before them.
"I think is time for me to take my leave," lord Tyrion said walking backwords from the wolves, but Shaggydog came out from the shadow behind the man, growling at him. Cyel now really was worry for the man. Shaggydog was the most aggressive among his brothers, he growled and stared at any person who went to close to Rickon, friend or not, his green eyes scared her sometimes. Just the youngest Stark was able to calm him and make him seem a sweet puppy.
Summer appeared at one side of Tyrion quietly, like always. But Cyel had seen what that pup could do to a man even bigger that the little lord in front of them.
Grey Wind suddenly snapped at him, ripping with is teeth Tyrion's sleeve. Everyone gasped in the room, the men of Lannister ready to get their sword, Cyel cover her mouth with her hand before Bran yelled "No! Summer, here. To me" Summer eyes moved to his owner and looking at the man one more time went to sit at Bran's feet, guarding him. The same did Grey Wind when Robb called him. But Shaggydog was still there growling at the man.
"Rickon call him!" Bran shouted from the high sit and Rickon looked at him before calling his direwolf and went away.
Robb immediately apologized for the wolves' behavior and offered hospitality to the man, but Tyrion Lannister dismissed his offer and went away with his men, checking his arm. Then Robb talked to the men of the Night's Watch who would have spent the night in Winterfell, to leave for the South the next day. Soon the meeting was over and they could all go.
"Cyel," Bran called her, making her turn, "Can you believe it? I will ride again!" he was so happy and she found herself mentally thanking the Lannister, but most Jon Snow. She didn't know how he convinced the man, but she was glad nonetheless.
"See, Summer," Bran shown the drawing to his direwolf, who moved his tail happily. Bran laughed and petted his head. Cyel looked at him, everything would have been so difficult for him, she hadn't even realized how much before he woke up. But she was proud of him, Bran was so strong. He still believed he hadn't fell, he wasn't giving up. Maybe time would fix things in his mind and heart, she really hoped that.
"You really don't like lord Tyrion," Bran said suddenly looking up from Summer.
"What makes you think that?" she asked denying, but he glared at her with a knowing look.
"I know you," he said simply, "That wasn't your kind face," Cyel laughed lightly, let him know he was right. She knew him, but he knew her well too.
"Yes, you are not mistaken," she answered honestly.
"Why?" he frowned, "You like everybody," Cyel couldn't answer to that, not now anyway. Maybe one day, when he wasn't suffering too much, if it was possible for him not to suffer about his legs.
"I don't know," she said, "Probably because he is a Lannister. My family doesn't like them very much," Bran looked at her, trying to be sure she wasn't lying, which she wasn't, and when he seemed convinced, he nodded.
"Bran," Maester Luwin's voice made them turn, "It's time for you to go to your chambers," Bran rolled his eyes, in a couple of hours he had a lesson with the Maester, which he didn't like very much. Bran was very smart, but he didn't like to study. Hodor arrived with his usual smile before picking Bran up in his arms and Cyel stood up too.
"Thank you," Bran said to her before going, "For staying with me. I know it's boring being trapped inside."
"It is not," she said with a smile, "I'll see you later," Bran waved his hand, while Hodor took him away. She looked at him disappear behind the door before turning around to see the high sit and the one she had set on. The high sit was beautiful, huge made of dark strong wood and to heads of direwolves engraved on the edges of the armsets. The Kings in the North had set there and now it was the place of the lord of Winterfell. Then she looked at the place where she had set, lady Catelyn's sit and she felt suddenly out of place. Why did they let her sit there? It wasn't her place.
"Are you getting comfortable already, little one?" Theon Greyjoy came up behind her with a mocking grin.
"Oh, shut up," she said turning to look at him, "I shouldn't have set down. That's not my place"
Theon crosses his arm over his chest looking at the chairs in front of them "Maybe not this," he said, "But your place is next your betrothed and since he can't stand, you have to sit," Cyel eyes widened… how did he knew?
"Please, little one," he said with a smirk, "It was obvious. You can't marry Robb and you already spend your life with that boy, after the wedding nothing will be different," she blushed, she didn't want to talk about marriage now and not with Theon, she felt embarrassed.
"I made you blush," he mocked her, bopping her nose with his finger before turning and going away.
Cyel spent her afternoon in her chamber, she had her lessons of music and needlework with the new septa that her father sent to her from Dorne, to not trouble lord Stark with more thoughts. Her name was Dorena and she was very sweet, she was strict but she smiled more often than Septa Mordane, that was sure. She even talked to Cyel about her sisters in Dorne. Obara always trained and Nymeria seemed a young queen, while Tyenne was continuing her studies to become a Septa. Her youngest sister was playful like always and Ellaria, their mother and the new love of her father, had sent her a beautiful neckless shaped like a snake. Even her uncle and cousins were fine.
Cyel missed all of them very much and she couldn't wait to see them again, of course once her mother and Bran would feel well again.
Cyel looked outside the window remembering how much Winterfell was different just a few months before. She would have given anything to hear the laughter echoing in all the castle, knowing that no harm could have come to them, but it wouldn't happened. She had to become an adult now and she really hoped she was ready for it.