My mother wore a gown with a similar design to mine, except while mine was silver, hers was blood red. She held a silver goblet in her hand as she approached and stood beside me.

I steeled my spine and looked forward, resisting the urge to look at her face.

Patricia Kastillion is a great beauty, with raven black hair striped with gray and deep green eyes like mine, wicked and cruel.

"The ball? I guess so" I said, in answer to her question.

I could feel her gaze narrowing on me, but still I would not look "Not the ball you ignorant child" she spat, then gestured her hand to Ramiel and Melissa. I knew that was exactly what she meant, but I would not acknowledge it. "The king and future queen. They will both make this kingdom great once more"

I shrugged, if greatness requires hanging and butchering witches or those they suspect of wielding magic, sure. "With your guidance and that of the duke, I'm sure of it"

She did not like the tone I used, not one bit "Mind your tongue with me child," she spat, and I began regretting finishing my cup of wine quickly, I don't think I can stomach a conversation with her while sober "I know you've always been jealous of your brother"

That alone almost made me hurl my guts out "Whatever for?" I asked, keeping my tone as neutral as possible.

"Don't play dumb with me, did you really think the throne that has passed from one great king to another would actually be yours?"

I felt the sting of the question, I would not react the way I normally would have, I wouldn't get away with it anyway. I clenched my jaw "I am the first-born child"

She laughed, a serpentine, venomous laugh "And that alone guarantees your succession? Even if it were so, Ramiel is a man, and everyone expects him to rule, it's his destiny"

I hated that word the moment it left her lips, so much that I said nothing as I watched them exchange a passionate kiss which left the crowd in awe.

In that moment, I felt a crack in my heart, the prison where I trapped the girl I was, the girl that loved her mother despite all the hatred, despite the beatings, and the insults.

"Why… why do you hate me mother?" my voice sounded croaky as I asked.

The question took her by surprise because she took a long pause before answering "When I married your father, we were as in love as your brother and his betrothed, maybe even more. He doted on me and never denied me anything. For six years we remained childless, and he needed an heir, six years of pressure on me from the court, my mother, and resentment from your father" I could hear the pain in her voice, or maybe I was imagining it, but she continued "His joy was incomparable when I was declared pregnant, the love began to flow again, until…" she didn't need to finish that statement, because I knew.

"Until I was born" I completed.

"He was angrier than I had ever seen him in my life, he would not talk to me, and in my anger I sent you away to leave with my cousin and his wife, not able to stand the sight of you," she spat those words with so much venom it made my stomach turn. "He continued to resent me and took mistresses, but none gave him the son he desired, only still-born children. Until I gave birth to my boy" she looked at Ramiel with so much wonder and awe, as though he was her savior, which I guess he was in some way.

I willed the crack in my heart to close and trapped the girl I was back, never to be released again.

Clearing my throat, I dared ask "You still hate me even now? Even after all this time?" my question held no emotion whatsoever, I didn't ask it for her to realize that hating me for something I had no control over was a pointless thing.

"Yes" she replied at last.

I dipped my head in a shallow bow "Thank you for the conversation, your majesty" I didn't look back as I left the hall and into a nearby clearing, the music drowning as I walked out.

Time passed by in a blur, it seemed that no matter where I went, I couldn't escape the sound of music and chatter that emanated from the hall not too far from me.

Well, at least this night wasn't a complete waste, I now had confirmation of what I had wondered for some time in my life, and though I already knew it, hearing it from her lips was a different kind of pain. I would not cry, not again, not ever.

I was too lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear the footsteps coming from behind me, I didn't look, didn't care.

"You get bored of these sort of things don't you?" the voice asked, and I quickly turned to find a woman, probably in her forties. She wore a beautiful lilac gown, her ginger hair was striped with gray, and she held two goblets of wine in her hands.

"Indeed, I do" I replied as I took a goblet from her outstretched hand.

She smiled as I took a sip, savoring the taste in my mouth. "I don't think we've been properly introduced, I am the Lady Cerys Ashwood" she smiled, and I somehow found it comforting.

"Princess Natalya, a pleasure"

She sat beside me on the stone bench, and we engaged in conversation very quickly "If you find these events tasking then why do you bother?"

I took another sip of my wine, shuddering at the bitter-sweet sensation "You tend to find that when your brother is king, you don't have a say in these matters" I replied.

Cerys laughed, the sound familiar and comforting. "When my husband was alive, he threw parties such as these, though not as luxurious. A knight couldn't afford such luxuries but did it anyway, almost bankrupting himself" I stifled a laugh, "Go on," she encouraged "Laugh, I know I did, but didn't find it funny when his lack of coin began to affect my lifestyle"

She definitely looked like she had spectacular taste only by her dressing "were you able to recover?" I asked. She downed her wine in one gulp before answering "Of course, then I understood that people who spend their money on this sort of nonsense don't tend to have it for long"

I offered her my wine, only to be turned down "You look like you need it more than I do dear. Plus, this tastes like ale, and not the good kind. You should come to my manor, it's a three-hour ride east from here, I'll serve you wine and tea better than this place could offer." For a moment I considered her offer, I don't think I could stomach being here any longer.

"Will the day after tomorrow suffice?" she smiled once more "I'll send a carriage."

Cerys shifted closer to me "I don't mean to pry, but I did hear the conversation you had with the dowager queen" my heart beat so hard in my chest I thought it was going to burst, I didn't know why it bothered me, but I didn't let it show.

"Don't worry your highness, I don't judge you. I'm surprised your mother made it this far in life with the backward mentality of hers, and I agree with you, you should be the one on the throne and not your brother." She took a deep breath before she continued "But this is the hard truth, and I'm sorry you had to experience it first-hand. Men would sooner put the realm to the torch, than see a woman ascend the throne"

Her words held truth, but I didn't feel sorry for myself, only anger. Her hand on mine is the only thing I felt before she stood up. "I must return home now your highness, there's much to do, coin to make"

Laughter escaped from my lips, and she returned it with a smile.

"Natalya," I said, and she looked at me with a confused expression "No more of that your highness bullshit, I believe we're friends now. So, no titles"

She nodded "I haven't had a friend in a long time. Very well then, Natalya, I will see you the day after tomorrow"

"The day after tomorrow" I repeated, she gave a mock bow and took her leave.

As I watched her leave, I realized I couldn't remember the last time I met such an incredible woman.

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