Again, another blasted gathering that my brother is hosting, and I have to attend. By the goddess, I'd rather eat boiling rocks than attend this, especially because in less than a week, Melissa and Ramiel will be married. I can't even begin to imagine what she'd do if she became queen, but it falls into two categories.

It's either she'll be used as a pawn in which Herbert would use to control Ramiel, or she'll become an independent power. Both will ruin my life in some way, I'm sure of it.

My mind wondered back to what Eleanora said to me, in order to fulfill my destiny, I'll have to take the throne. But again, I can't do that, because it's literally impossible.

Someone knocked at my door, but I did not answer, not when my mind was all over the damn place, or perhaps she would change, and all the years of hatred and pettiness toward me would clear like the morning dew once my crown was placed on her head. But that was a fool's dream, Melissa Valendel will always remain a hateful, spiteful bitch.

At the last knock, Acrisius strode in and threw himself on my bed, I didn't berate him for it, the sheets are going to be changed today anyway.

My cousin was literally dripping in sweat, courtesy of Amenadiel's rigorous training, they'd been going at it for two days now, and the only complain I got was that he wishes he could learn faster so his body could stop hurting like a newbie. I laughed at him and told him how lucky he was that the person he named his sword after wasn't the one training him, he would have experienced hell, as I did.

"My bones hurt" he groaned. I stifled a laugh as I looked at him.

"I can tell, do you need some water?" a nod was all I got, as I poured him a glass and watched him drink greedily.

"Amenadiel is a great mentor, but I wish he'd take it easy on me" at that I barked a laugh, Amenadiel never takes it easy on anyone, I should know.

"Once you get better at it, you'll see that what you think is Amenadiel being hard, is actually him being very, very easy"

He stood from the bed, leaving a pool of sweat behind on my bed. Again, I made myself not think about it because the sheets will be changed before the end of today. He poured himself another glass of water "I won't be able to accompany you to the gathering" he said.

My heart felt like it was squeezed, Acrisius is the only reason I stomach attending any of these ridiculous events my brother throws, I do not want to go to this one without him.

"I don't think I can stomach socializing when my body feels like it's going to be torn apart every time I move" as much as he is my anchor when it comes to these things, I wasn't going to let him know that I can't go without him, lest it gets to his head.

"I understand, I'll have Alice send you some tea to help you relax." He smiled "You're the best cousin"

Alice came in an hour after Acrisius had left, bringing with her new sheets thank the goddess. "Forgive my lateness your highness" she said, and immediately began changing the sheets, while I fed Regina, for the fourth time today.

"It's alright Alice" I told her.

If I was to attend this wretched gathering, I would choose my clothing myself, so I dove into my wardrobe and chose a silver backless gown, where and when I had gotten this I could not remember, perhaps I got it on my twenty-second birthday.

Lunch was served and I didn't wish to eat alone, so I asked Amenadiel to join me. The sound of his armor was what I heard first as he entered the dining suite and took the seat opposite me.

"Thank you for joining me Amenadiel"

He smiled at me, like actually smiled "I couldn't very well refuse a royal summons now could I?"

I returned the smile "No you couldn't"

We ate in relative silence, save for the times when I'd ask him questions that he'd reply vaguely.

Amenadiel finished his meal before me, and I could swear he rushed it "Am I that bad a company?"

His shoulders dropped "No, my lady." He answered.

"I only ask because you were so eager to finish your meal and leave" I eventually finished my own meal and drank some juice to wash it all down.

"Forgive me if I've given any offence, I just have a lot of things on my mind" his expression turned grim, and I instantly felt worried "It isn't bane again is it?"

He tipped his head back and laughed "If it comes to that, I'll leave him for you to handle. It is matters of the heart"

My worry disappeared like it never came and I chuckled "You can talk to me about it, who's the special lady?"

Another chuckle, then another "I'm sorry if I cannot come to you with such matters, since you've never shown interest in any man at court"

Ouch! But fair point, though not entirely accurate "Your words wound me good sir," I quipped "I am a woman after all, so I think that alone qualifies me to give you some advice on the matter"

He took a deep breath then spoke "I will tell you, though I think it's for naught, women in the capital do not really fancy northern men"

"Perhaps, but tell me about this one, maybe I could put in a good word, or compel her if need be"

I couldn't get enough of the times Amenadiel laughed, it's a stark contrast to his usual stone-faced self.

We sat in the dining suite and talked for two hours about his lady crush and how I might help, and boy what a surprise.

"I never knew you harbored such feelings toward Alice" I said.

I swear I almost saw his face redden "I do not know if she would feel the same way"

With a wave of my hand, I dismissed the statement "I'm sure if you talk to her, she'll understand. maybe tomorrow?"

He smiled once more and nodded.

The sunset was beautiful as I witnesses it from my balcony, the feeling quickly dissipated as I remembered I had to attend another gathering. Before wearing my gown, I did what I usually do before I leave the room, toss two dead mice into Regina's box.

Alice helped me wear the gown and I sat in front of my vanity as she styled my hair, now's my chance.

"What would you like to do on a free day?" I asked Alice.

She paused and looked at me, as if she has never been asked the question before "Well, if my lady would be kind enough to do so for me someday, I would love to go riding in the fields, have a picnic, I've been reading romance novels lately and I wish to find my dream husband"

There it is, my entry point "Perhaps you could"

Her eyes flew wide "You wish to grant me a day off?" she asked in surprise. I smiled and nodded, "I might even add the dream husband to the mix. What say you about spending the day with our lovely Amenadiel?"

Alice' cheeks reddened, I mean truly reddened. I had never seen her in such way before, she covered her mouth with both her hands "I take it you would enjoy that wouldn't you?" I mused.

She nodded slightly "I… I've been looking for a way to---"

"So has he, now fix your affairs tonight, and you have the rest of the day off tomorrow till sunset. The hair is very lovely Alice, thank you"

I stood from the vanity chair triumphantly as I successfully played matchmaker for my two lovely friends, I can't wait to see where this leads.

Alice was still too stunned to speak, even as I left the room. I must have still had that smug smile about me, because when I met Amenadiel he gave me a confused stare. "You have the day off tomorrow till sunset, so does Alice. Use it wisely" I winked at him and strolled down the hall to the great hall.

The great hall was as it always has been, luxurious.

Lords and their lady-wives were in attendance, the knights who were to participate in the jousting were present as well, I had no doubt whatsoever that many more still make the journey to Moonspear. Who would want to miss the king's wedding joust?

I walked to the buffet table and poured myself a cup of wine and excused myself from the lords who wished to speak to me. Irritating fools.

I leaned against a pillar, the cool sensation of the stone on my exposed back was a welcome feeling as I watched Ramiel and Melissa intently.

"Magnificent aren't they?"

I immediately recognized that icy voice, one that once made a shiver run down my spine.

Dowager Queen Patricia Kastillion.

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