The Wingman’s Rebellion

Chapter 13: First Layer

Over the course of a few days, it's been a gradual adaptation of the programs and training that tilts more to practical applications and studies.

Most of the lessons went over the basic knowledge of our status and the basic nature of the labyrinth and the organizations surrounding it.

Lessons on our status was more repetitive than I thought and it felt more of a reminder than an actual discussion.

Not only that, most of our time was dedicated to training courses, mana control and physical training exercises.

It was a natural curriculum considering that we had to dive on the first layer at the end of this week.

However we did have academic lectures concerning our future choices for electives that is divided between our professions and classes.

One such theoritical and academic lectures was a class headed by Vivian herself which was centered about Labyrinth-System integration on our status.

More specifically she was asking as of now about our respective professions that the system adapted after the labyrinth appeared.

Professions in this case is divided into three categories which are pathfinder, fighter, and support.

Well everyone already knows how these things work since it is assigned to a person at birth and is an essential part of the status.

What she was asking though was important for us newbie delvers nonetheless.

"Can anyone of you point out what your professions entails on the labyrinth?"

Vivian then looked around the classroom which she avoided looking over Jun  but what was puzzling was that she was being kind of aversive of my presence.

She immediately passes my gaze whenever she meets my eyes which was kind of rude in my opinion.

'...Did I do something?. I can understand Jun's treatment but why does she look at me that way?'

It was lot different from her initial look of wariness on the first day.

As I was lost in thought, the four-eyed fox girl stood up to answer Vivian's question.

"Oh Sophia. So what does your profession entail?"

"My profession at birth is Fighter which means nothing in particular regarding my stat distribution nor tier in general, so does for other profession such as pathfinder and support"

"What it entails though for delvers is the optimum role one plays when inside the labyrinth, that is also a point of study why scholars think that professions affect what classes will be available to you"

"At this point, it is even considered a fact with multiple points being proven one after another but my point is that it solidifies our own party system where duties are segregated. One is supposed to look for the path in the ever changing environment of the layers in the labyrinth, one leads in combat, and one aids in both fronts"

Sophia paused as she adjusted her glasses and then continued.

"But the most important thing about professions is the reward that the labyrinth gives out for achievements earned by delvers and that is the Labyrinth points or LP for short"

"We still don't know much about LP's but we do know that it can strengthen our status once used. One LP is equivalent in leveling up a stat while most would use it to break through their skill slot limit but that requires much more LP which increases for each slot opened"

"Although studies says that LP is for a more profound and important part in conquering the labyrinth which I strongly agree, we just haven't figured it out"

"That is all" Sophia the sat down after her long answer.

Vivian nodded in satisfaction for Sophia's answer as she followed up on more details on achivements.

"Excellent. What she says is true that is why I implore you to avoid being reckless using LP's  as it may be used for a greater purpose in the future however the academy won't force you to follow this guidline"

"You are being trained as delvers hence it is your responsibility wether such usage will lead in conquering the labyrinth or not"

"You must keep in mind that pursuing achievements in itself is a risk and is not the goal of diving"

"Fighters gain achievements through slaying named and boss mobs in different layers. Pathfinders gains LP through finding new areas, artifacts or treasures while supports gains LP through notable creations, and assistance points when aiding pathfinders and fighters in gaining achievements"

"All of this is just a generalization by the research department of the Alliance and may be more profound such is why it is best for you to find out more yourself"

"What's more it is-"

*Ding dong, ding dong

"Hmmm it seems our time is up. May I remind all of you to prepare yourself for our practical dive in the first layer tomorrow. It's best that you take your rest and maintain your weapons carefully and for now, class is dismissed"

Everyone nodded as they had seemed satisfied and also enamored about Sophia's knowledge about this subject. In addition to that, she was also consistent through all academic lectures in our class.

Even I was amazed by her intellect, the only problem was that she had a bias against someone like me.

Every girl still tries to avoid me but others go out of their way to even show their hate like this four eyes.

I felt a glare on me knowing fully well who's it from. 

I just closed my eyes, ignoring the passing fox girl on her way.

Just as I was about to leave my seat, Alice for the rest of the week as always called out to me.

"Hey Ray, do you have any plans for tomorrow?"

'...This girl...' I sighed inwardly. I could ignore her if I wanted to but that didn't work out for the past few days so I highly doubt it would make her stop anytime soon.

"..What do you mean by plans, we're just going to dive the first layer already so I'm just going to rest"

"Oh you finally talked!. Heh, I knew you couldn't resist me" she giggled as she grinned my way.

"You're really annoying you know"

"Yup I know. So anyway, what I mean is, do you have any goal of getting achievements?"

'What? wait how does she know?...No, I'm overthinking it again, she's probably thinking of something'

"Alice, don't even think about trying to destroy the walls, it's not going to work"

"Wha- wait did you just read my mind!?"

"...It's kind of obvious from your destructive behavior"

"Wha-, How dare you say I have a destructive behavior!? I'm still a lady you know" she pouted in annoyance.

I lifted my brows against her audacity.

"Hey how many dummies you've permanently destroyed then? and don't tell me that Professor Vivian didn't already warn you before"

"..." she just continued to pout.

"...Anyway, even if I wanted to gain achievements, it would be virtually impossible since the first layer has been cleared multiple times already, there's none left there for pathfinders to find"

She pondered in thought before pointing at my eyes.

"Well you can never be too sure right? You might find something with those or something"

"....I don't think that would be the case"

"Well I'm just saying"

'...You're too sharp sometimes that it's scary'

"Hey Alice let's go"

I turned my head towards the voice. Emily was calling out to Alice by the exit of the classroom together with Lily.

"Oh right! well see you later Ray!"

"Just go already" 

"Yeah and oh see you later too Jun!"

'Hmmm Jun?'

"Yeah you too" Jun waved just right behind me as he stood.

"...Dude how long have you been standing there?" 

"Huh? I've been here this whole time"

"...Eavesdropping is weird Jun"

"But I greeted to you just like Alice did, she even acknowledge my presence the whole conversation"

"You did?"

"Yeah I did"

'What, is my sense stat broken or something?'

"You were just probably too focused with your conversation that you didn't even notice me"

"No, she's just too annoying that my mind becomes clouded that's all" I quickly denied such assumption.

Jun laughed as he looked towards the emptying classroom.

"You might be right on that one but still she's a nice girl. She's not afraid to talk to both of us"


She's not supposed to befriend you at this point though. That's what I find puzzling although I have to admit that she has high social skills considering she can interact with the outsiders while still being with the popular kids.

"I have to thank you for that too I guess"

"..Thanks for what?"

"Well I wouldn't have been able to befriend her without you in the picture since I was able to converse with her because she asked me where you were after practice a few days ago"

'Wait so it's my fault?'

"Well I couldn't even answer since I don't know where you were in the first place" Jun scratched his head in embarrassment.

I sighed in defeat. It seems I've once again underestimated how my actions can cause this type of butterfly effect.

I looked at Jun and remembered the event that would take place on the first layer. I wasn't overly concerned for his safety since I knew nothing was going to happen to him, thanks to his plot armor and all that stuff but after seeing such an immediate change in the story made me a little bit more cautious.

"Hey about our practical dive, I have an advice for you"

"....Well that's out of the blue"

"Well just humour me this time"

"Hmmm sure"

"...Look out for Donovan and try to not stray out of the group, I would suggest to stick close to Emily's group if possible tommorrow. I suggest that you should be wary"

"...Why? where did that idea come from?" asked Jun, confused.

"...Let's just say I have a gut feeling that they're up to something. You can just ignore what I'm saying either way"

"...Ok I'll keep that in mind. I too have some history with one of those people anyway"

I nodded as I stood up off my seat, heading towards the exit. I turned around one last time as a reminder.

"Hey after practice I just usually go back to the dorms so tell her that the next time she asks"


As I walked through the hallway, the only thing on my mind for tomorrow was how I would ditch the class to go on my own exploration.

'Well Emily and Jun will have to deal with that without me for the meantime until I get what I need there. Until then, I will be missing my introductory scene in the novel'

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