The Wingman’s Rebellion

Chapter 12: Combat [2]

Everyone near the vicinity of the scuffle sensed the fluctuations of mana from Jun and Donovan. Seeing their demeanor towards each other made it more obvious that a fight was about to ensue.

They stopped their practice and started to gather around the two. Most of them were confused and some were enjoying the show as they looked on.

I sighed heavily as I looked towards where Vivian was watching.

No one in the class knows where exactly she was hiding except for me since I already knew where she hid in the novel.

It was obvious from the way she looked that she wanted to stop the fight immediately but also looked like she was trying to restrict herself from doing so.

'....As expected she's curious too but still..'

I'm aware that Vivian at this moment won't interfere until she sees what's Jun hiding even if it means bending her role as a teacher a little bit in the process.

It's understandable since she's looking out for the best interest of the class and the academy as a whole. 

It is a fact that Jun is considered an anomaly and carries uncertain risk for other students and I kind of understand her stance on this matter but-

'It still pisses me off...' my brows knit in annoyance and disgust as I turned my attention to the growing crowd, more so to Jun and Donovan.

"I said it was accident didn't I" Donovan shamelessly explained.

"....It doesn't look like that to me at all though. This place is too big to single me out on accident and considering that skills were prohibited in the first place"

"Anything like that could happen at any moment that's why students in this place are trained to always be alert although I wouldn't expect that from someone like you" he smirked 

"...It just looks to me that you have way too much free time on your hands"

"Hah! your head is too big, why would I waste  my time on some fallen like you"

When the crowd heard that, most of them seemed to agree and even show support to Donovan.

"..I see so you're just an asshole I guess"

"Don't push you luck fallen, you don't belong here"


Everyone watching tensed up when both parties became quiet. It became more tense when both of them drew their swords and readied themselves in a combat stance.

Brian was watching in amusement as he observed the two. Even the heroines were looking on intently, wanting to see what would unfold.

As for me, I was just watching calmly as I knew that nothing serious was going to go down in the end.

"Know your place you filth!"

Donovan's shield glowed red while he placed it forward.


Jun placed his sword right in front of him, seemingly ready to intercept.

'..Dude you know you'll get blown away if you do that right'

I retorted as I knew that Jun's skills and stats were still trash because of his constitution.

Just when they were about to clash, a mechanical voice resounded throughout the building which caught everyone's attention.

"[Barrier Limit Exceeded]"

Exactly as it said, the barrier like thin film surrounding everyone disappeared signaling that our use of the facility has been exceeded.


Donovan then withdrew his skill as he stored his sword and shield within his vrace.

"..Damn it.."

Jun clenched his hands in frustration as he did the same and became unarmed.

The two were still glaring at each other but immediately stopped when Vivian appeared out of nowhere.

"Time is up everyone, store your weapons and those that borrowed some of it here should return it. Proceed to your dorms and we will see each other tomorrow. Class dismissed"

Everyone then proceeded to disperse as they acted as if nothing was going on earlier.

Donovan then passed by Jun as he gripped his shoulders.

"Next time, nothing's going to save you. Remember that"

Jun then aggressively brushed off Donovan's hands off his shoulders.

"I could say the same for you"


"Hey you two! I said class dismissed" said Vivian as she pointed at the two.

Both of them then went away in frustration, feeling unsatisfied of the events that ensued.

'Well you would have gotten your ass handed to you Jun if you really fought. It's not yet your time to be talking back like that man, you're just making more enemies which means more work for me'

I mused as I exited the facility.


"Damn it! what is wrong with me?!" said Vivian in frustration as she was left alone in the combat facility.

Vivian was lamenting over her earlier behavior which was not ideal for an educator that she aspires to become.

She had let her personal bias and prejudice get in the way of her own duties as a professional instructor for future delvers.

It got to the point that she would allow students to break the rules and engage in an unsolicited dispute.

"...Damn it.."

She clenched her hands tightly as she heaved a heavy sigh.

Looking back, she had already felt it was going overboard but the thing that made her think so was not herself but the way one student was seemingly looking at her in disgust and disapproval.Chastising her for her inaction.

However that wasn't possible because she had cast a spell which made her existence close to zero which meant the focus of everyone would not wander to where she was nor would they even question what she was doing.

The only one that would be able to notice her would be an individual with insane level of sensory stats, through the use of a skill, and by being aware of the spell used by the person.

Any of those three methods were not available for freshmen and even if they used a skill she would have noticed right away but the fact is that she didn't detect the use of any skill whatsoever.

He was just staring right at her, as plain as day. His sky blue eyes seemingly seeing right through her.

" …What am I thinking? It's just a coincidence, he couldn't have possibly known. It's just due to my guilt that I'm having thoughts like these"

She brushed off her own train of thought, feeling that she was overthinking about a simple matter such as a fight between students.

She then proceeded to leave the premises but not before murmuring her regrets.

"..Seriously what is wrong with me?"


"Whoah this place looks nice.."

I checked out my room in the men's dorm on the right wing part of the academy. The women's dorm is on the left wing of the academy.

The room was fairly simple even with enough space for self training although the training facilities are still much better to use.

One could choose a better room with better quality but that would cost some money on the student's end.

The one that I opted to use was the free of charge buildings which was already covered by the school.

I sat down right on the couch after taking a quick shower.

"Now let's see, Status"


Mystic Tier: 2^ (upper ceiling)

Profession: Pathfinder


Class Skills: Gunslinging Arts(Lvl 1),

Nature: Null

Skills [1/5]: Opticpoint Mana Operation (B), [skill converted], 

Personal Distribution [3/4]: Precision (Lvl 2), Sense (Lvl 2), Agility (Lvl 2)


"Hmmm it seems that I need a little bit more push to transcend to mystic tier 3 but overall, this is good"

Mystic tier in this case refers to the true and objective measurement of the system concerning an individual's power levels which takes into account their stat levels and their class skill levels.

I've also unlocked my agility stat due to the awakening which leaves me one more personal stat to unlock.

Personal distribution indicates which stats have the highest point and is subject to improvement among other general status of the body and mana channels such as strength, speed, intelligence, mana capacity, mana control and such.

This in turn guides a person which type of training and style one adapts in order to level themselves up.

Although other stats will still rise due to training, the ones that ultimately makes one stronger are the one that are on the personal distribution stat which are shown to have a limited slot that the system reveals once discovered and unlocked by an individual.

It is the norm in this world that one cannot overcome tier 2 without gaining their class as it is a part of the evaluation.

In my stats, I'm nearly at the third tier due to the indication of my tier 2 hitting it's upper ceiling.

Although most notably, my class skill indicator has been opened seeing as I have the gunslinging arts at level 1 already which also resulted in my [Magic Bullet] skill being converted just as predicted.

I then looked further at my main class skill.


Gunslinging Arts (Level 1)

*The art of gunfighting both in mid and close quarters. Boasts high mobility and lethality at both range.

First Level of Mastery: Reload Belt [Skill Converted]

=Forms a revolving belt of mana bullets in one's hand in a matter of seconds. 


"Yeah this is the one" A smile appeared on my face as relief that my knowledge had not failed me yet.

I was worried that my magic bullet skill would have gone to waste but it seems that it still stands true that the gunslinger class needs that skill to unlock the first level of mastery.

Well it could have gone an entirely different route if I didn't possess the skill in the first place.

Not all class have the same skill through their mastery, some branch out due to learned skills and attributes being adapted in strange ways by the individual and the system.

Although none of that matters because by the end of the first week, the class would be going to the first level of the labyrinth.

It also means that I have the opportunity to acquire some juicy treasures and tests out my skill sets in a live combat situation.

"I can't wait to start the road to being filthy rich" 

A greedy laughter escaped my lips in delight.

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