The Unseen Angel in MHA


"Oh good he is getting back up and here I thought you killed him," Rumi says seeing Wolfram getting up from the ground after I kicked him away.

"No, didn't kill him yet. Figured you wanted to fight still," I say with a chuckle while Rumi smiles at me.

"Good then, let me see if I can stop this asshole," Rumi says launching herself toward him as Wolfram gives a battle cry.

He launches spikes of metal at Rumi in quick succession, but none land on her as she is able to easily dodge them. Since I healed Rumi she is back to one hundred percent, while Wolfram is injured more so now that I broke a few ribs in my kick. I stand watching and making sure none of the metal gets away from harming anyone else by accident. Should I need to step in, I can at any moment. Rumi is having the time of her life as she barely finds any villains who can put up a fight, let alone push her to her limits like this one is.

"You can't defeat me! I will kill you all!" Wolfram screams as Rumi lands another kick on his face, but he grins grabbing her leg and smashing her on the ground.

He goes to grapple her on the ground, but Rumi twists her leg and kicks his face again making him let go of her from the pain. Rumi jumps back and she is once again filled with bruises, I blast her with my fire healing her injuries once again. She looks back and smiles at me, Wolfram sees this and becomes more agitated. This time he launches countless metal bars at Rumi and she is forced to dodge. He uses this opportunity to launch himself at me, guess he forgot I'm stronger than Rumi.

"Once you die, I can easily kill everyone else here!" Wolfram yells while laughing madly.

"Fuck don't go to him!" Rumi says seeing that her fun is about to end and the villain takes her worry for me being weak.

He laughs as he goes to punch me, and I let him land his punch. Using my hand like a spear I pierce his heart once he lands his punch. Wolfram looks confused at seeing me unmoving and showing no expression, then the pain from my attack registers as he looks down. He coughs blood and falls to his knees, dying within seconds after having his heart pierced. I blast his body to nothing to ensure he is dead.

"This dick! That was the best real fight I had in way too long!" Rumi says landing next to me with an annoyed look on her face.

"You should be more careful, what if I wasn't here? Would you let yourself be this injured?" I ask Rumi as I blast her one more time healing all her wounds.

"But you are here, plus you know you love me," Rumi says with a teasing smile and I just shake my head at her carefree attitude.

"Yeah I do love you, but sometimes you can be too reckless," I say while pulling her close to me as we walk to where everyone else is.

Once we arrive back the coast guard finally shows up and secures the area. They help civilians and take statements about what happened. After a few hours of dealing with all of that, Rumi and I finally get back home. Time goes by as the weeks pass, with Rumi and my life going back to normal. Once again I'm sitting at home contemplating if I should burn my computer as I lost some money making another bad trade. Though before I can my personal cell phone goes off, and I see the caller is my Uncle.

"Akihiko, can you come to the hero HQ now?" my Uncle asks me.

"Sure, should I be in uniform?" I say while becoming interested in what he wants.

Once I arrive, I see Endeavor, Best Jeanist, Edgeshot, Tiger, Mt. Lady,

Kamui Woods, and even Gran Torino inside. At my entrance all the heroes turn to look at me, only my Uncle, Endeavor, and Mt. Lady recognize me in my hero uniform. The other heroes look confused at my entrance. Endeavor gives me his now normal glare, and my Uncle and Mt. Lady smile at me.

"Why is there an underground hero here?" Best Jeanist says seeing me enter the room.

"I invited him, he would be a very valuable asset in this mission. Though Rapture we request you do not kill anyone, even if you are legally allowed," my Uncle says and gives me a look.

"Sure, no killing. What's this about?" I say with a sigh since whatever this is must be important.

"We are raiding the location of the HQ of the 'League of Villians' and the issue is they have a student from U.A. hostage," a police detective says entering the room, and next to him is my old teacher Incognito.

"Shota told me that the angry blonde kid, Bakugo I believe was taken a few weeks ago," I say remembering the incident that Shota told me about when he took the kids to a training camp in the woods.

"Yeah that was the kid," the detective says and explains to me the situation.

"I can join, but–" I start to say when my work phone goes off.

"Rapture, we have an emergency mission for you from the top," Ms. Starlight says after I answer the phone.

"Shit it can't wait?" I ask since I was about to join this mission.

"No, the director called for you asap," Ms. Starlight says with a somewhat apologetic look.

"Ok be right over," I say before hanging up. Everyone looks at me with curious faces.

"Sorry I got another mission to do, I would've joined otherwise," I say before leaving the room not waiting for any responses.

Once outside and out of eyesight I change to my angelic form. I headed over to the director's office and once inside, he hands me another file. I open the file and as soon as I do, my neutral attitude turns completely into anger. The first picture is of All For One who escaped his prison a few hours ago.

"We need you to find and capture him. He is to be captured alive. You are not allowed to kill him, we are aware of your past issues with him but he is needed alive," the director says seeing me go quiet once I open the file he handed me.

"Accidents happen," I say with an angry voice.

"Maybe for other heroes, but not our best hero," the director says while giving me a look that says no killing.

"Fine, he won't die…..though I will ensure he does not escape again," I say with a dark voice.

"...As long as he is returned alive….we can overlook injuries," the director says with a knowing shrug.

I immediately head to his last known location, and see the police are still cleaning up the area. I spend about thirty minutes there, before finding nothing of value. I then wait while Soma looks through everything and anything that can give away his current location. After a few hours of waiting, Soma tells me that my Uncle and his team found him. My Uncle is currently fighting him and appears to be on the losing end.

I change to my angelic form and appear above the battle between the two. I can see my Uncle is going all out but is still being pushed back. Gran Torino is watching from the sidelines slightly injured, while a news helicopter is filming the whole thing. I drop down out of my angelic form and back into my normal hero uniform. My sudden appearance makes all parties stop and look at me. My Uncle looks hopeful and nervous at my appearance, while All For One is trying to figure out who I am.

"You look like you're about to use everything you have left," I say to my Uncle who gives me a complicated look.

"Rapture you can not kill him, please not in front of the world," my Uncle says while All For One looks me over with a calm poster.

"I was ordered not to kill him, but I have leeway for whatever injuries he gains from today," I say while looking over the man who killed my parents and my fire is screaming for vengeance.

"Rapture….I have heard about you from the underworld. You are considered the strongest underground hero, though you may want to leave this is a fight for the truly strong," All For One says with a deep chuckle in the voice that I heard years ago. It takes all my willpower to not burn him to nothing.

"You are right All For One, he is much stronger than me," my Uncle says while giving me a nod before falling back to Gran Torino. All For One watches my Uncle leave, before turning back to me as a tense silence takes over.

Then I charge him, appearing before him and punching him in the stomach at my full strength in my base form, which matches my Uncle in his prime. He doubles over in pain and grunts in surprise it seems. He then recovers almost immediately before blasting me with his wind sending me back a few feet.

"Are you his protege?" All For One asks confused since it seems he knows how my Uncle has actually chosen, but my strength suggests otherwise.

"Who knows," I say with a shrug and launch back toward him.

Seems All For One is still capable of using his full power as he is tanking my full-power blows with minimal injuries. Each of his strikes is surprisingly injuring me, just slightly as I'm getting paper cuts from his winds and small bruises from his strikes. Seems my base form is capable of being injured by humans still. After what feels like hours of me punching the shit out of All For One and releasing all of my anger and frustration on him, he is slowly being pushed back.

At one point he stopped fighting back either from the many injuries I placed on him or from becoming unable to resist. As I keep pummeling him into the ground yelling in anger as all deep emotions get released at once. I then feel a hand on my shoulder and I see my Uncle looking at me with concern, he dropped his big form and is in his real form now. I look down and see a bloodied, heavily injured All For One who is unmoving. He is still alive, unfortunately, but I feel so much better like my emotions are no longer suppressed and this fight gave me what I needed to come to terms with my past.

"You beat him, quite easily too. Seems time has caught up with us all," my Uncle says while looking down at an unconscious but breathing All For One.

"Too easy…..though I feel better now," I say with a shrug, but my instincts are making me feel a negative premonition.

"That's good and thanks for not killing him on live TV," my Uncle says and gives me a pained smile.

"I'm gonna retire. Today showed me how much I've fallen behind," my Uncle says to me once we leave the area and hand over All For One to the authorities.

"What are you gonna do then?" I ask feeling much better as I feel normal again, like before my emotions disappeared.

"Not completely sure…..though I will probably focus on making sure Izuku can replace me once he graduates," my Uncle says with a thoughtful look.

"...Would you consider taking my place at U.A. teaching the kids as their hero studies teacher? Especially now that I'm not really capable of using my quirk anymore," my Uncle says to me with a curious look.

"....I'll think about it," I say since now that I got my issues resolved and Rumi wants to start a family, being an Underground hero is no longer really good.


AN: Happy international Bear day!

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