The Unseen Angel in MHA


After I break the window I turn to my angelic form and drop appear at the roof of the skyscraper in the blink of an eye. I drop down turning back to my normal form then calmly make my way to the main security room. Once I walk onto the floor from the roof access, I can see a handful of armed villains securing the area. With a wave of my hand, my fire is let loose through this floor killing all the armed villains as they turn to me seeing my entrance. I see the villains have killed the people working in this room as a possible insurance for them not to undo what they did. Right as I entered the room I saw the massacre, though push past them to try to turn off the defense system or restart it. I call Soma because it has been half destroyed and I'm not a tech expert.

"Hey Soma, sorry for interrupting your day off. But remember how my wife and I were going to visit the I-Expo this year? Well, apparently some group of villains decided this was a good time to attack," I say after she answers the phone and I can hear she seems to be out with friends possibly.

"Oh shit! Ok…..Give me a few minutes and I can run over to the office," Soma says while telling her friends it is an emergency.

"Thanks. Though I'm currently in the main security center for the island and the villains have reworked it to their advantage. They also seemed to have destroyed the controls in an attempt to keep someone from fixing it," I say to Soma who is rushing over to the underground hero HQ.

"Those fuckers…..once I get to the office if you have the USB I can try to remote in, otherwise, it will take me some time to force my way in from the outside," Soma says as she makes her way to the HQ.

"I have it, let me know when you get to the office," I say with her confirming and hanging up.

I then look at the visible cameras seeing some of the students fighting the armed men and the few quirk users in this group. Rumi is almost done clearing the bottom floors, while my Uncle is rushing around trying to find his students. I call my Uncle and tell him what I'm seeing and he immediately rushes to the closest students while I wait for Soma to get in the office. After a few more minutes, Soma calls me and I place the earpiece in my ear to answer the call.

"Ready when you are Rapture," Soma says after I answer the call.

"The USB is in," I say after having found several different USB ports.

"Good...shit it's gonna take me a few minutes to fix this. Whoever messed with the programs knew what they were doing," Soma says while I stand waiting for her to finish and watching everyone working around the building.

It seems my Uncle has found and helped some of his students and is making his way toward his Protege who is fighting the masked man in charge a few floors below me. I can intervene if I really need to, but if I leave now someone could stop Soma from fixing the defensive system. Wolfram seems to have David Shield as a hostage with Melissa and Midoriya talking with him. Wolfram seems to be stalling for something, then he breaks the windows behind him before grabbing a rope and getting into a helicopter with David Shield. I notice that Wolfram is holding a briefcase which I assume is what he came here for, though I'm not too worried as I can catch the helicopter at any point.

"Ok, the system is fixed!" Soma says after I watch this all happen.

"Thanks, Soma," I say before removing the USB and hanging up the phone call to call Rumi. As I see her moving up to the floor where Wolfram is at once she answers the call I explain to her the situation.

I stand on the roof and see Wolfram laughing while holding David Shield is still a hostage. Midoriya with an angry shout jumps at the helicopter to intercept it, he grabs the helicopter's landing gear trying to bring it off balance. I watch this with a confused look since he can kill everyone on board including himself.

'This kid is a fucking jackass,' I say about to step in, then Wolfram shoots at Midoriya but David Shield manages to force the gun off course. The shot does make Midoriya let go and fall down, but my Uncle catches him before landing back down on the floor they were fighting at.

The helicopter pulls up and Wolfram is laughing as he thinks he is getting away, I see Rumi has finally made it to the floor to see this happen. Melissa is crying after her father, while David is telling her it is going to be ok. I then drop down landing on the helicopter's rotor which makes the large blades spin. Everyone looks at my sudden entrance, Rumi and my Uncle look more relaxed seeing me. Midoriya and Melissa look surprised and confused. While Wolfram looks around confused before spotting me with an even more confused look.

I just look at him with a blank expression before shoving my hand into the spinning blades. The blades come in contact with my hand, immediately get crushed, and snap off the helicopter. The helicopter then swerves off course falling down to an empty area on the ground. I use my hands to break open the metal at the same time, surprising the people inside further, I then grab David. Once he is in my hands I bring out my wings and fly us to the place where everyone is waiting.

I land next to everyone on the floor they were fighting, Midoriya is now looking at me with even more confusion in his eyes. I place David on the ground and his daughter runs up hugging him in happiness at his safe return.

"Is this your second quirk?" Midoriya says breaking the happy reunion of the father and daughter.

"No, this is me using my quirk at its fullest," I say looking down at the helicopter as it crashed but Wolfram seems to have lived by using whatever was in that briefcase.

"Wait where is the briefcase?!" David says realizing that I didn't have it.

"Didn't have the time to grab you both out before it crashed, plus didn't see it immediately so I grabbed you. I figured everyone would have died in the crash, guess I was wrong," I say while motioning to the crash and they all see now Wolfram getting out of the burning wreck with all the metal nearby coming to him.

"We need to evacuate the civilians from the area," I say grabbing the father and daughter while still in my angelic form.

"I will distract him long enough for the building to be cleared," my Uncle says jumping down to fight Wolfram while I take the father and daughter away. Rumi and Midoriya go down the floors to grab the civilians on lower levels.

"Thanks again," David shield says after I place them down away from the combat area, by the only entrance to the island. Most of the people evacuated to this area once the alert went out.

"No problem," I say as everyone sees me in my angelic form and takes pictures of me. I fly away and go back to the building while helping evacuate the main building.

My Uncle is fighting Wolfram who appears to have the upper hand surprising me. Once we get everyone out of the building, I see the kids looking back at the fight with worry.

"Rumi takes the kids to safety I will help All Might," I say to Rumi who gives me an annoyed look as she wants to fight.

"Can you?" Rumi says while looking at the fight.

"Fine, but be safe," I say before she smiles and rushes off to help my Uncle.

"We should be helping too!!" the angry kid with blonde hair yells as I escort them away. I switched back to my normal form before helping the kids out of the building. Only Midoriya saw me in my true form earlier, plus the civilians at the dock.

"No," I say with a hard look and usher them away. The blonde kid looks like he is about to blast me with his quirk before Midoriya speaks up.

"Kacchan, Mr. Yagi is right. We would only get in their way," Midoriya says to the blonde who turns to him with extreme anger.

"Shut up! Trash like you shouldn't talk!" the angry blonde screams ready to fight it appears.

"We need to move," I say trying to make the kids move faster so they don't become liabilities in the fight.

"Kacchan I'm–" Midoriya starts to say.

"SHUT UP! YOU USELESS–!" the blonde kid beings to scream.

'Fuck this, this little shit is actually nothing like Rumi. He is like a little dog on cocaine,' I think seeing his very annoying attitude.

"Listen you little shit, if you don't shut the fuck up right now and MOVE! I will shove my foot so far up your ass you won't be able to shit ever again!" I say extremely annoyed with this kid now and interrupt his temper tantrum. The whole class goes silent looking at me in shock, Midoriya's jaw is dropped and the blonde is very shocked going quiet.

'Guess the little fucker never had someone put him in his place before,' I think to myself seeing the kids' expressions.

"What are you idiots waiting for?! I said move!" I yell at them snapping them out of their surprise and they quickly move to the evacuation area.

I hear the blonde kid grumbling about beating me up if it wasn't for the fight going on between All Might, Rumi, and Wolfram. I just have an internal sigh at his anger issues, while bringing the kids to the docks.

"Ok, you all stay here. And if any of you idiots leave this area and I find out I'm gonna make sure that U.A. considers removing you from the hero course, suspending you, or even expelling you," I say once they all are with the civilians. I stare at the blonde kid emphasizing my point, they all just nod as the blonde kid gives me the angriest look.

"David, can you watch these brats?" I ask him after threatening the students.

"Yeah," he says while looking at them seeing who he is keeping track of.

"Good, I will head back to ensure they subdue Wolfram," I say jogging back to the fight.

Once I arrive I see my Uncle is fairly injured from this unknown villain, while Rumi has a few injuries on herself too. The villain looks slightly better than the two of them and it seems he has two quirks. One is to control metal and the other looks to be a physical enhancement quirk as his body is glowing red and he is easily trading blows with both my Uncle and Rumi. Rumi matches my Uncle's current strength which is still less than half of his prime, but that is amazing as most people even with physical enhancing quirks don't even match ten percent of my Uncle's strength from his prime.

"You guys need help?" I ask while watching Rumi jump around to land a few hits here and there while my Uncle is up in the villain's face to ensure he can't focus on Rumi.

"Yes please!" my Uncle says panting a little, seems he can't keep up as much as he used to.

"No!" Rumi says while shooting my Uncle an annoyed glare.

"Tap out," I say with a small laugh as I appear before the villain surprising him and spartan kicking him away. I pat my Uncle's shoulder so he knows I'm taking over for him.

"Thanks," my Uncle says as he catches his breath before jogging off to his students.

"Fuck and I was having fun," Rumi says with a huff landing next to me and just smirk and blast her with my healing fire.

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