The Shinobi of Straw Hats

Chapter 63: 62. Declaration of War

When Luffy prepare to use his Gear 2nd, Jon's clone act immediately. He wear his wolverine claw, activate lightning mode and flow chakra into his claw, then he flickered behind Blueno. He has watched their fight from earlier and hide nearby with his stealth skill. His position is right behind Blueno, really a coincidence.

When the clone appear behind Blueno, he got noticed at the last second. Blueno try to use his tekkai skill but it's too late. The clone stab Blieno's body, and he spat some blood, then fall forward.

This is the style of battle that he like as a ninja because he trained in it, sneak attack. He can defeat enemies stronger than himself using sneak attack. But the circumstances so far make him fight head on many times. He only use sneak attack sometime when he gather information.

"Yo Luffy"-Clone

Jon's clone greet Luffy that has made stance, make him feel awkward and angry because the clone take his opponent when he's about to finished it.

"JON, YOU-"-Luffy

"Wait, stop! Alright, i know you want to beat him yourself, but there's someone that you want to defeat more than him right?"-Clone

Luffy nod and start to calm himself. The clone then bring Luffy to hide in the shadow first.

"Alright, let me tell you, i'm only a clone, the original is still up there with Robin. The guy that you want to fight is there too, and he's in his best condition. That's why i don't want you to tire yourself. Here, eat this chakra pill, it will recover your energy a little."-Clone

Luffy eat the chakra pill and he feel energized a little now. Then the clone told him the plan that Jon has made before. He just ask Luffy and the other to defeat the agents. Jon will make sure that Robin is safe, and he can free her easily.

"Why don't you take her out now?"-Luffy

"We can't. If we take her out now, they will chase us again, and it will show them that we can't protect Robin. Some marine ships also come here to take her, so we can't run away without defeating them first. Also.."-Clone


"You need to convince Robin so she will come with us. She has been pressured and stressed about many things and she think that she is better to just die right now. You are the one that she trusted the most from all of us. I have failed to convince her before, so i leave it to you, Captain."-Clone

"Of course, leave it to me."-Luffy smile widely

The clone then give Luffy 6 small bag filled with chakra pills.

"These bags are filled with pills, give them to everyone. The biggest is for you, take them only if you feel exhausted and still need to fight. It will give you more energy, and tell the other to eat one pill when they arrive here."-Jon

"Ooh, this is good"-Luffy

Jon has prepared this since he is in sea train, he know the battle will not be easy since they can't stop the CP9 agents from taking Robin before. So he need to make sure his friends will always be in good condition when battling. He predict that they will depleted their energy in this battle, so he will not let them exhausted.

Chakra pills are very usefull for them because chakra is energy, so it became like energy supplement. But they can't eat too many, so he has prepare the safe amount. Luffy's case is special because he want to fight the strongest opponent, so Jon gave him more. Also because gear 2nd also take more energy than his usual skill.

After they finished, the clone dispelled and Jon got the information. He look at the agents who haven't found out about Blueno's defeat. He smirk and then he give Robin and Franky a chakra pill each. They want to ask about it but Jon didn't take shit and just shoved the pill to their mouth.

Franky yelled and got angry, he want to punch Jon but then he feel his body got energized. Robin also surprised because she knew what Jon did earlier. The pill work on Franky even tough his chakra system hasn't been opened. It works but the effect is lessened by more than half.

Franky is a cyborg so he didn't need physical energy that much. But he still have flesh and bones, so he still need physical energy. He must be exhausted before, so Jon give him the chakra pill. At least it will help him operate his robotic parts.

The CP9 agents didn't realize that Jon give Franky and Robin pills. They only heard Franky's yell and think that they're messing like before, so they let it be. They waited for a report about Strawhats but it didn't come.

Suddenly, they all heard a loud bang from the courthouse and Kaku checked it. He got surprised when he checked. Then a loud bang is heard again from the courthouse. Kaku report what happened to the others.

"It's Strawhat crew, they have arrived on the courthouse rooftop."-Kaku

The CP9 agents come out to the balcony and they also bring the three prisoners out too. Outside, they saw the Strawhats are circling and seem to talk while distribute something. Luffy is handing the bags to the others and tell them that they need to beat the agents. Jon will guard Robin and help her escape.

The crew members nod hearing this and take the bags. They look up at the tower balcony and see Jon wave his hand while smiling widely. They can only sweatdrop seeing him not behave like a prisoner at all. Even his handcuff has gone again, so Kaku put the new one.

"Tch, can't a prisoner get a more comfortable treatment?"-Jon

"You're a prisoner, of course it should not be comfortable."-Kaku

Everyone sweatdrop at Jon's complain. He ask for something so obvious. Well, he's never detained, so he don't know it feel this uncomfortable. Then Jon sigh and he lean at the wall behind him. He look at the crew that start to stand next to each other on the rooftop while posing cool. This, of course make Jon jealous.

'SHIT! THAT'S COOL. Damn, i should have just follow them before and pose cool too. Nono, saving Robin is more important now. But, that pose...'-Jon

Jon gritted his teeth and stomped his feet on the ground while cursing about not being able to pose there. Luckily, no one see him because they're too focused on the Strawhats, and the Strawhats are too focused on Robin. So no one paid attention to Jon.

Jon finally stopped his ranting, and he calm himself. He look around and see nobody is looking at him, so he start his plan. He make some clones and the clones infiltrate the tower.

The clones will take anything valuable and can be used by CP9 agents in their fight with Strawhats later. He also ask them to get that Rokushiki manual, and seastones. He know seastones are very valuable and World Goverment monopolized them all. So seastones are mostly used by WG agents or Marines.

The clones will also look for the crew's battle later. They will stay close to the crew if the crew need help later. But they will not show themselves unless it's needed. But now they will rob this place clean. A major island must have many valuable things.

Then Jon look back at the crew and agents. Spandam is talking about Robin's past, where her island is destroyed by something called Buster Call. It is a force that consist of some battleships from Marine HQ and led by some Vice Admirals. The ships are being sent to destroy an island until it disappeared.

'So this sonovabitch threatened Robin with this Buster Call huh? She must have a deep trauma about it. Then, i will destroy that trauma of yours Robin. No one can mess with my family, not even the world.'-Jon

Robin also said the she want to just die right now. But her voice is shaking, and didn't sound convincing at all. She also said that she will only become a burden and will make the crew killed in the future.

Spandam then continue to speak his crap. He said that Robin's enemy is the strongest force in the world, The World Goverment. Then he pointed to the WG flag that placed on the rooftop. Saying that the Strawhats can't do anything to save her from WG.

"Now i fully know, who is Robin's enemy. Sogeking, burn that flag!"-Luffy


Sogeking shoot a bullet that change into fire with bird shape, and he called it 'Firebird Star'. The flag is burnt and the agents, Franky and Robin are surprised. The other, including Jon are smiling with this.

"I told you didn't i, Robin? Not even the world will scare Luffy. His ambition is higher than the world itself."-Jon

Robin, Franky, and the agents who heard this didn't say anything. They are too shocked to react.


Finally, Robin's last barrier that blocked her from doing or saying what she really want is broken. She felt loved and needed by her friends, and she felt that she has find her light in the darkness. She cried and remember what Jon and Usopp said in the train before, that they will come for her.


All the crew smiled hearing this, finally they hear her honest thought. Now, they just need to bring her back. Jon already know that this will happen. He know Robin need a proof that all of her friends will save her no matter what, even if it will oppose the whole world.

"Guess we're really on the same ship now right, Robin? All of us are people wanted by World Goverment."-Jon

"Wuaa, you guys are really....I like you guys."-Franky cry

Suddenly the bridge began to lower but then some mortars were shot and stopped the bridge. But then, Franky suddenly stand on the railing and take out a blue paper.

"Spandam, this is what you want right?"-Franky

"T-that's, Pluton blueprint. Give it to me!"-Spandam

'Pluton? That ancient weapon? So they want it's blue print, that's why they need Robin. She is the only one who can read the ancient language. System, scan the blue print!'-Jon


Scan conplete]

'Maybe it will become useful in the future. I don't know why Franky take it out now, but he won't take it out just to give it to the WG. He has protect it until now afterall.'-Jon

"OI, STRAWHATS! I will bet the future to you, if you win then we are saved, if you lose the world will end."-Franky

'Did he mean that if we lose they will got Robin and could make Pluton?'-Jon

Suddenly Franky spat fire from his mouth and burn the blueprint. Spandam can't believe his eyes, the blueprint is in front of him and now it's gone. Jon feel relief he has scanned the blueprint. He don't know if it is useful, but maybe it will be handy in the future. It is also safe in the system because no one can see it except himself.

Spandam got angry and then he push Franky to the sea below. The crew are surprised, and Jon try to catch Franky but it's too late. But then, a sea train passed through the courthouse and jump to the tower and the Strawhats jump on it.

Spandam got terrified seeing them can reach the tower like this, and finally order the agents to stop the Strawhats while he bring the prisoners away. Then, the prisoners are being escorted to the bridge at the other side, Bridge of Hesitation.

Before the CP9 agents bring them to leave, Jon called the crew.


The crew look at him, even the agents look at him too. Jon just smile with cool expression, at least that's what he think.

"Don't worry about anything else! Leave the rest to me! Run amok to your heart's content!"-Jon

The crew also smiled while the agents didn't change their expression. On the way to the Bridge of Hesitation, Lucci talk to Jon a bit.

"Did you really think they can win against us?"-Lucci

"Of course."-Jon

Jon just smirk and didn't say anything else after that. The CP9 also didn't say anything, they just spread to move to their own post. Then, after sometime, they hear a loud bang from the tower.

"It's started"-Jon smirk

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