Chapter 62: 61. Ennies Lobby
Jon & the others have arrived at Judical Island, Enies Lobby. The island is surrounded by waterfall. Yes, waterfall. Jon can't understand how could there be waterfall in the sea. Where did all those water go or how could the island did not fall.
This is really unlogical, but this is another world filled with strange power. So Jon didn't think much about it, or he will go crazy. Also, this is grandline, a place that defy logic itself. So it's better if he just didn't think about it and stressed himself.
The train stopped and the CP9 bring the prisoner out. Jon still reading his book even when he go out from the train. Also he has take off his handcuffed, so the agents put the new one again. They are confused how Jon could take off the handcuff.
No one has ever succeed at taking off the seastone handcuff. But Jon didn't even try to run when his handcuff is gone. Normally, many prisoners will try to take off the handcuff because they want to run away. But Jon did it only because it's uncomfortable.
When walking, Jon also look around the place, he saw many office filled with Marines and Agents. There are many prisoners too, they're brought to be judged here. Then they will either being sent to impel down and rot there forever or being executed.
Jon also look at the giant gate at the other side of the island. The Gates of Justice, it's connecting three island of Justice. Judical island Enies Lobby, World biggest prison Impel Down, and Marine Head Quarter Marineford.
There's special sea current in the sea between these 3 islands and the Gate if Justice is the separator. When a ship come inside the current, it can't get out except the gates are opened. Jon know this from Alabasta library because it is known by every Kingdom affiliated with World Goverment.
Then the three of them are brought to the tower of justice at the other side of the island. Normally, prisoners will be judged first by the authority here. But the prisoners that being brought by Cipher Pol agents will be judged by the goverment directly. So they will be brought directly to the tower of Justice and the Goverment will sent their order and punishment directly.
The three of them got inside the tower of justice after passing many buildings. It's on the other side of the island and close to the Gate of Justice. They enter the tower after passing through a bridge that immediately got lifted after they passed.
"Hahaha, welcome you criminals."-???
Jon look at the man that has wait for them inside an office. His voice is really bad and sound like a wretched stupid villain. He wore a mask that cover most of his face and have light purple hair. He also behave like a maniac, really suitable with his voice.
'Good, now i meet with a maniac.'-Jon
Then some more mens come inside, they ate the rest of CP9 agents. The idiot maniac is actually their leader, Spandam. This fact of course make Jon surprised in disbelief. He thought that Lucci is the leader because the other listen to him.
"H-hey, is he really your leader?"-Jon
"Yeah, why?"-Kaku
"T-thi-this, my condolences."-Jon
Jon put his right hand on his left chest and close his eyes. This make everyone surprised, but the they all understand what he mean. The CP9 agents sigh and nods, while Franky laugh loudly and Robin giggling. Spandam fumes in rage and want to beat Jon but Jon can always avoid his attacks.
After sometime, Spandam got tired and order the CP9 agents to beat Jon, but they don't even move. They look at Lucci instead, but Lucci jusy silent so they don't move. Now Jon sure the actual leader is Lucci. Spandam got angry but can't do anything so he left to his desk.
'Heeh, they don't respect him at all. Maybe he climb his way up using his connection so no one like him. They must've think that Lucci is the one suitable to be their leader. Yare yare daze, corruptions are everywhere even in another world.'-Jon
Jon look around and inspect his surrounding. He will make a plan of what he will do later to win and save themselves. Jon has always make plans for everything he will do. It's one of basic and important lesson as a ninja.
He know that plan is important, even if it didn't always work the way he want, but plan is the foundation. Madara could be a Rikudo because of his plan, but Black Zetsu's plan is greater than Madara, that's why he succeed. Altough he lose in the end, because of plot armor.
Black Zetsu manage to resurrect his mother but her inexperience at fighting make her lose to Naruto & Sasuke that has been fighting for their whole life. That's why Jon always make many plans and think of any possibilities that can happen. He don't know the future, but he know that without plan, he will only walk or run aimlessly.
When Jon make plans, suddenly he heard a loud bang. The CP9 agents punch their friend, the big guy with zippered mouth. Jon look at him but he is fine and then he said a number. They are measuring their power level and they use doriki scale, and this make Jon surprised. He has searched datas about this doriki scale but only find it now.
'System, scan the doriki scale measuring!'-Jon
[Understood. Scanning target....]
The sytem scan the agents while they try to measure their power. The last one that being measured is Lucci, and he got the highest level. But the doriki only measures phisycal strength, and can't measure something like devil fruit power.
[Scan complete!
Lucci: 4000
Kaku: 2200
Jabra: 2180
Blueno: 820
Kumadori: 810
Fukuro: 800
Kalifa: 630
Normal Marines: 10
Spandam: 9
Integrating measuring scale to system.
Integration to other attributes commence, will be finished in 2 hours.]
'Pfft, Spandam is even weaker than normal marines. So i am right, he use connection to climb this high. Maybe he's a pampered boy back then.'-Jon
Jon try to hold his laughter and no one seem to notice him as they're focused more on the power measuring event. Jon look at the system's notification again.
'Hmm? Other attributes?'-Jon
[Doriki measuring technique only count total physical power. But system can separate them into parts like strength, agility, or chakra.]
'Ooh, then i can scan my enemy with that?'-Jon
[Enemy scanning can only show total physical power and chakra. But host can't measure someone that are too strong for host. If it happen, host will get three question marks (???)]
'Hmm, that makes sense, but it's still helpfull. But i didn't use this scanning feature that much. I feel like i'll underestimate my opponent then lose, or maybe i will feel scared when meet someone stronger and didn't want to fight.'-Jon
Jon then sit at the corner of the room and leaning on the wall. He continue reading his book while thinking of plans. He has stored many chakra in his Yin Seal so he is ready to fight anytime. Now he only need to wait for his friends to come before he can start his escape and saving damsell in distress plan.
He still need escape plan even if his friends are here. He know that Marine HQ must've been notified with Robin's capture and will send some ships to get her. She is a very valuable prisoner, so they will use many soldiers to escort her to Impel Down.
When Jon think about all those things, Spandam talk with Franky. He ask about the Pluton blueprint, but Franky didn't say anything about it. He keep denying that he have it, and Robin seem to be a little angry about it. She has read two poneglyphs about ancient weapons, and she didn't like it.
Then suddenly, Spandam's denden mushi rang.
"What is it? I'm busy."-Spandam
"Reporting, the Strawhat crew have reached Enies Lobby and now start to fight the agents and marines toward the tower of Justice. What's your order sir?"-Officer
"Tch, useless people."-Spandam
"Nonono, you're the useless one. The soldiers need a specific command, you can't just tell them like that."-Jon
Spandam got angry again and want to attack Jon but it's useless like before. He even use his sword that has ate a devil fruit and become elephant sword. It can extend it's sword body/trunk but still useless and can't hit Jon. Then sometime later Spandam got tired and his denden mushi rang again.
"WHAT IS IT?"-Spandam
"S-sir, the Strawhat crew have breached the defense and have arrived at courthouse. They have defeated almost 2000 of agents and marines. Half of the defeated numbers are from the Captain, Straw Hat Luffy alone."-Officer
Now Spandam is surprised and start to panic. The CP9 agents didn't got surprised, they know the Straw Hats power and normal soldiers and agent are not their opponent. But they are still confident they can win if fighting the Straw hats again.
They have beat them before when they met at the way to Blue Station. They are strong, but the CP9 can defeat them with some effort. So the CP9 agents have confidence that they will win again. Not to mention, the other members are here too.
While this happen, Spandam give the CP9 agents a box. It was filled with 2 devil fruit and the one that will eat it are Kaku and Kalifa.
'Devil fruits? It will be more troublesome. But they only got their devil fruit now, so they will not be familiar and use it very well soon. But it will still boost their base power.'-Jon
Then the CP9 from Water 7 move to the other room and left the guys that just come before. They also send Blueno out to hold the Straw hats. They need to stay because Jon can take off his handcuff easily, so they need to supervise him.
When all of them got distracted by the devil fruits, Jon make a clone stealthily. He send the clone outside to the courthouse which connected to this place by a bridge. The clone will wait for the crew there and told them the plan. The clone hide in the shadow near Blueno that stand on the rooftop.
Inside the tower, Jon activate his sharingan to see the other room. He want to inspect what the devil fruits power are. He saw them ate the devil fruit with manners but, yeah, it didn't seem to taste good. Then Kaku and Kalifa try their new power there.
'Bubble and s-square giraffe? Pfftt.'-Jon
Jon try to hold his laughter but he can't and finally he laugh out loud. The other got confused why he laugh. Jon just didn't care and still laugh. It's really hillarious, a square Giraffe. Now, it's not just his long nose that is square, he can even change his whole body into a square shape.
While the agents got busy with the devil fruits, Luffy arrive on the rooftop. The agents know he will come there, because he need high view point to find Robin. Also the bridge that connected the courthouse and the tower has been lifted. So they can only come up to the rooftop.
When Luffy arrive, he see Blueno is there and wait for him. He got into the battle stance, and Blueno seem to be relaxed. He didn't think that Luffy can beat him with his technique. He is very confidence that he can win.
Then Luffy and Blueno fight, while Jon's clone watch from the shadow. He want to learn the CP9's unique technique that they always used before. Then he saw with his sharingan, Blueno use soru, tekkai and kami-e to fight Luffy.
'So Soru is a fast movement skill, Tekkai is defensive skill, and Kami-e is dodging skill. I can understand how he use soru and tekkai, but i can't understand the kami-e. Maybe i need to search the manuals here. I hope they put one manual here.'-Jon
Luffy is at the disadvantage here, and can't give significant damage to Blueno. Then Luffy spread his legs and put his right arm on the ground below. He want to use Gear 2nd, but Jon's clone won't let Luffy tire himself now.
So the clone immediately wear his wolverine claw and use lightning mode. He fuse his lightning chakra into the claw and flickered behind Blueno. Blueno feel his presence at last second but it's too late. The clone stab Blueno's chest and defeat him.
"Yo Luffy."-The clone