The Serpent Empire

Chapter 6: Meat

Zack the man that stoped my bleeding and Nate stood guard as the others killed the bird by continually stabbing it

Henry exhaling " stand up and move to the door get the commander and those that are not injured heavily move some of the wood we got that's an order" they started to gather everything they could gunpowder was very little as almost all of it would be used on the bird some soldiers instead of just getting the wood decided to cut and get the meat of it they returned back to the door. Zack and Nate ran to the door with support of the soldiers and rushed me to a tent that was a hospital

Zack " hold the wounds and keep him breathing" hours it took to stabilize him we had very little medical supplies but for now he was stable as long as he doesn't move he would be alright. Messengers where sent to the council

Martin had been raising his support in the people he had a good hold on public support "and how are we gonna solve the food problem people wanna eat protein the can't just live on beans and pasta" M " it's a good point but hunting or growing animals won't be possible anymore our only option would be the roches food is food" " sir urgent report from the door a small force was sent out and was attacked by.a bird "What how many did we lose did they even come back" yes they did but they were able to kill the bird and they brought meat the send some with the messenger" " bring the meat and messenger here now" " sir" solutes and goes for them

M "this looks good so your commander is out and in a coma" N" yes we don't know if he'll be up now or in a month sir" M "mmm who is your commander now* N" sir it's Henry he was Jakes second in command" M" tell this Henry he is now a temporary general as Jake has been promoted" N " yes sir" M " you can leave"

Martin. Call all council members to gather and discuss the promotion and futer plans for outside. About 10 people arrived and settled in there seats M " let's begin a little while ago a messenger arrived telling me about an unoterize expedition outside of the door by Leo.. he didn't send word even to you by your flabbergasted expression"

Maurice thought 'that idiot he should have at least told us' Maurice" so what happen how many did we lose"

Martin" Nate explain what happen" N " sir we had collected wood but where attacked by a bird 2 died and about 40 percent were injured but we managed to kill it but our commander is severely injured but we have also brought meat"

Martin " so I have personaliy rewarde them by making him a general any objections"

Maurice " Let's do it so we the council will appoint him as general" Martin " this army will be given a name mhm how about the serpent army you will slitter outside and kill our enemies" so they held a parade for us and they sent the rest of Leo's army to gather the bird meat and wood

I felt groggy as I awoke everything hurt I move my head sideways but stoped it hurt to much I just laid there and waited for a couple of minutes a nurse? Came in she called for someone that was outside and Zack came in I couldn't say anything he started to check me and my pulse " well look who awoke been almost a month you feel any discomfort just move or something how about it" I spent here for about 3 weeks when I was able to talk slow progress kept going like this

" Henry how you been" H" been good how are you feeling" J " i should be able to move in a week or two" but I realized my fingers were really chopped of I cried two days straight H" hey I got good news for you" j" what" H " guess who got promoted " J "that's great I'm happy for you " H " no no the promotion is for you" " you do realize I'm kinda handicap right" " yeah but you'll get better plus the men won't let anyone else be in that position they respect you after what you did" respect I always wanted it but it cost me three fingers haha sniff I cried

Henry I guess I should leave " hey you did good and they didnt forget it where waiting for you general" I left and went to a new restaurant where Nate , charles and Zack

Charles" so how is he doing" Henry " good for now he might be a little emotional but he will recover" Zack " that's good so what's the plan are we going back immediately" Henry ". Zack your going to stay here and guard him with 3 other soldiers and the rest of us will go back when he is ready to return to service send a letter to prepar" Charles " alr you got it"

H " now Julia bring us some food willya" Julia " of course"

we feasted all night

Henry" hey what time is it" my head is dizzy

Zack " it's exactly eleven am sir" H" Zach get up we need to go back hurry"

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