Chapter 47
If the mage thought I wouldn’t hit him just because there were too many eyes watching, they severely underestimated me.
I raised my elbow and delivered a quick jab to the mage’s side. The mage let out a short groan, clutching their ribs.
|Pr. 9th Circle Archmage|: You violent…!!
I stuck my tongue out at them and was about to head toward my brother and Do Hain.
“Hyung! I’m not done talking Gu—Do Haun!”
I would have made it if not for the appearance of Woo Mahun, following behind Woo Mahan. The Demon King’s sudden arrival made Woo Mahan scowl as he pointed at me.
“Woo Mahun, why is that person here?”
That’s something you should probably ask Kang Hasu, but judging by his dazed expression, he wasn’t in a position to answer. More accurately, he looked like his soul had left his body.
The Demon King stepped in front of me, blocking my path, and answered Woo Mahan,
“Do Haun is my manager.”
“What? What did you just say?”
Demon King, could you move aside? I’m trying to quit this manager gig and head to my brother. But before I could voice my thoughts, the Demon King bellowed,
“I said, Do Haun is my manager!!”
So much for escaping. I glanced past the Demon King’s shoulder and quickly lowered my head. Woo Mahan was glaring at me with an expression that screamed, What exactly are your intentions with my sibling?
Please, Guild Master Woo Mahan, don’t misunderstand. I don’t have any ulterior motives. I’m just helping the Demon King explore something they seem to enjoy.
But Woo Mahan’s persistent glare didn’t waver, so I resorted to a desperate ploy.
“I… I fell for Wanghun’s acting!!”
Feeling the crushing weight of self-loathing, I covered my face with both hands. It must have looked strange to the others.
|Pr. 9th Circle Archmage|: So our guild master’s persona is a fanatic superfan, huh?
|Pr. Spirit Master|: You seem adorably shy, Guild Master――^^
These damn guild members! Not an ounce of concern for my reputation, only schemes to ruin it!
Grinding my teeth in frustration, I heard a voice from above.
“Hello, Guild Master Woo Mahan? Fancy meeting you here!”
The detestable Hae Roun strode forward, standing beside the Demon King without their artifact to conceal their face.
Upon seeing the revealed face, Woo Mahan’s eyes widened in surprise, and he quickly approached Hae Roun.
“I’ve been meaning to contact you! Is it true that you’ve teamed up with Haun? Why haven’t you been answering my calls?”
“Did the mage not answer your calls, Hyung?”
The Demon King’s innocent remark made the tension in the air rise palpably. Sure enough, I received a private message from the mage.
|Pr. 9th Circle Archmage|: Guild Master, please shut the Demon King upㅠ
Suppressing a sigh, I sent a private message to the Demon King.
|Pr. Godslayer (Guild Master)|: Demon King, let’s use actual names for guild members when in public, okay?
The Demon King shot me a displeased look, but I ignored it and pressed for an answer.
|Pr. Demon King|: Very well.
Satisfied with his response, I hid myself behind the Demon King and the mage.
Ignoring the Demon King’s remark entirely, the mage addressed Woo Mahan.
“Well, the thing is…”
“Isn’t it that he didn’t receive it because it was difficult to take, Guild Master Woo Mahan?”
It was my brother who cut off the mage’s words. He and Do Hain approached me, flanking me on either side. My brother placed a hand on my shoulder and responded to Woo Mahan’s irritated question.
“What brings you here, Guild Master Do Hajun?”
In a voice tinged with annoyance, Woo Mahan frowned. My brother, however, replied with a calm demeanor.
“I came to see just how impressive your younger brother’s acting is. And, as the older brother of someone who admires him, I wanted to check out what kind of person this celebrity is.”
The emphasis on older brother wasn’t a coincidence, was it?
Woo Mahan smirked, his lips curling upward in mockery.
“Then I suppose I should take a closer look at how your sister is treating my only brother.”
I shut my eyes tightly, groaning internally. I haven’t even started this manager job yet, and I already feel drained.
“That jerk dares to—”
Do Hain looked like he was ready to lunge at Woo Mahan.
Hain, please. Just stay calm.
Woo Mahan seemed to have heard Do Hain’s muttering, as he snorted dismissively before turning to Kang Hasu, who stood blankly as if his soul had left his body.
“CEO Kang, isn’t Mahun’s manager supposed to start today?”
“Yes? Ah, yes… that’s correct, but…”
Kang Hasu trailed off, clearly uneasy. Woo Mahan turned to me with a sly smile, his eyes glinting.
“Then what are you doing just standing there? Shouldn’t you be working?”
Oh, for f—…
Life doesn’t go the way you want, but this situation was pushing the limits. Officially, I was supposed to be the Demon King’s manager, but it was all for show.
I should’ve at least handed the Demon King some water or something, but Kang Hasu, who had been sitting like a statue, finally spoke up.
“Um, Guild Master Woo Mahan, there’s actually something I forgot to mention earlier.”
With an awkward laugh, he added,
“This person here will also be acting as Mahun’s manager for a while.”
Woo Mahan’s eyes widened as he alternated his gaze between Hae Roun and me. The Demon King followed suit, glancing between us before making his feelings clear.
“I don’t like Roun.”
“As if I like you either, Woo Mahun,” the mage shot back with a saccharine smile.
At their exchange, I couldn’t help but sigh.
And just like that, my job as the Demon King’s manager began.
“Hae Roun, I am thirsty. Bring me water.”
“Do you not have hands or feet, Mahun?”
“I have both.”
Yet somehow, it was always Hae Roun who got bossed around.
The Demon King had already sent the mage on more than ten errands. Woo Mahan eventually snapped and yelled,
“Mahun! You have two managers! Why are you only ordering Roun around?!”
But my brother interjected, his tone utterly unfazed.
“If Mahun prefers Roun to do it, what’s the issue, Guild Master Woo Mahan?”
|Pr. 9th Circle Archmage|: •́ㅿ•̀
|Pr. 9th Circle Archmage|: Hajun Hyung! You’ve betrayed me! The mage is so disappointed!!!
Despite the mage’s dramatic private messages, I ignored them.
The Demon King was about to start filming soon anyway, so just endure it for a little longer, mage.
As for the tent where the Demon King was stationed, only a handful of us were present: myself, Do Hajun and Do Hain of Haun, Woo Mahan of Hwarang, and the office-worker Hunter H.
It was quite the unusual mix of people, and frankly, it was a group that made me nervous just being around. And for good reason.
However, one more person entered the tent.
“Oh my, you’re all still here! Thank goodness.”
“CEO Kang? Weren’t you leaving?”
At my brother’s question, Kang Hasu awkwardly scratched his cheek.
“Well… about that…”
“I held him back, haha.”
The person who appeared behind Kang Hasu was none other than Director Na of Two Suns Beneath the Sky. Smiling warmly, the director spoke.
“With such esteemed individuals visiting the set, it seems the drama is destined for massive success.”
More like a colossal failure, thanks to the Demon King.
The director gulped nervously before revealing his purpose.
“So, um… I was wondering if you all might consider making a cameo appearance.”
At his words, Kang Hasu shut his eyes tightly while my brother, Do Hain, and Woo Mahan tilted their heads in confusion. Clearly, none of them understood what the director was saying.
|Pr. 9th Circle Archmage|: Omg, no way; am I debuting too?
But the mage seemed to have caught on. The message made me frown as I replied.
|Pr. Godslayer (Guild Master)|: You already debuted.
|Pr. 9th Circle Archmage|: (૭ ᐕ)૭?
|Pr. Godslayer (Guild Master)|: You debuted on national news, remember? ^^
|Pr. 9th Circle Archmage|: Ugh…
The mage had already appeared several times on broadcast news, albeit with their face blurred, due to their involvement in a recent Gate incident and the Sudden Test of Aptitude.
The mage’s shoulders slumped, their expression crestfallen. I stifled a laugh at their pathetic appearance.
Meanwhile, the director kindly explained the concept to the three who hadn’t grasped it.
“Guild Master Woo Mahan and Hae Roun would appear as close aides to Wanghun, while Guild Master Do Hajun and Vice Guild Master Do Hain would play the aides of Wanghyun, who opposes Wanghun…”
The director trailed off, gauging everyone’s reactions, then cautiously asked,
“Would you consider taking on these cameo roles?”
He quickly added that it was a minor role, so there would be no pressure. My brother and Do Hain exchanged glances before nodding.
“We’ll do it.”
Woo Mahan smiled as well and nodded.
“Count me in. It will be meaningful to watch my brother act up close.”
“Hyung, I didn’t realize you cared about me so much.”
Woo Mahan’s smile twisted awkwardly at his younger brother’s remark.
Unfortunately, office-worker Hunter H declined.
“I’m sorry, Director. I need to prioritize my current responsibilities.”
By responsibilities, he likely meant guarding me. For someone who seemed so ordinary, he did have a strong sense of duty.
Thus, aside from Hae Roun, my family from Haun and Woo Mahan from Hwarang began preparing to appear as special cameo actors.
Director Na of Two Suns Beneath the Sky wasn’t one to let an opportunity slip through his fingers.
When Doby of H-Entertainment threw a tantrum and quit, it seemed like a disaster. But with Woo Mahun stepping in, it turned into a stroke of luck.
“Director Na, I am no mere prince. I am a sovereign.”
Though it hadn’t been without its share of complications.