Chapter 33: CHAPTER : 33
Harry Potter needed a new name. He had initially planned on just changing his surname but he found that the Fidelius charm would not even let him introduce himself as 'Harry'. So here he was, holed up in yet another house whose owners had gone on vacation, trying to come up with a halfway decent name. He already had a long list written down on the paper in front of him, but he was not happy with any of them.
He tapped out a staccato rhythm with his pen as he looked around, not really noticing his surroundings, luxurious though they were. While he still had more than enough money to be able to afford motel rooms, he had found it easier to just have Dobby find a house where the owners were on vacation. That way he didn't have to deal with any motel clerks or answer any questions as to why a young boy like him was travelling alone.
Dobby was quite good at finding temporarily empty houses and for some reason he seemed to find a lot of beach-houses. The one Harry was currently staying at was in Malibu and was extremely comfortable. A few notice me not charms tossed around the property and he didn't even have to worry about any neighbours.
"Barry? Barry Topper? Cotter? Barry Trotter? Barry Allen?" he thought. "Nah, Barry...doesn't seem right. Larry - nah, Larry makes me think of sleazy upstairs neighbours for some reason. Parry...Perry...White? Perry Mason? Damn it, coming up with a good name is bloody hard."
Maybe he should just go with something like John Smith or did that sound too much like an alias?
Perhaps he could pull a Voldemort and create some sort of anagram. Hmmm, what sort of anagram could he form from Harry Potter - Hatty Porrer? Party R. Hoter? Parry Hotter? Ratty Ropher?
Dear God, what was wrong with him? Ratty? Really? Perhaps the isolation was getting to him. Well, he would start getting out more once he had his identity sorted out. He had to have a name to introduce himself to people by after all. Once he had that he was going to go to Disneyland. Yeah, Disneyland first, then Universal and SeaWorld and everything else he could pack in. But, first things first, he needed a name and the documentation to prove it.
At his age, all he really needed was a Birth Certificate and some school records. Both of those were easily faked using magic. Getting them into the system was not easy but he thought that it was still quite doable. Harry had spent several weeks covered by his invisibility cloak, sneaking around county record offices, hospitals and schools and he knew that he was perfectly capable of sneaking into the relevant offices and planting his fake records.
The paper versions at least - they were easy. Harry had already conjured copies of old birth certificates and school records that he had liberated from various filing cabinets. Creating copies of them was ridiculously easy if you knew a few spells. Duplication charms coupled with a bit of transfiguration and he had a complete set of paper records, ready and waiting for the insertion of his new name.
The computer records would be more difficult. Harry, having spent the last few years in a school where there wasn't a single piece of working electronics, knew absolutely nothing about computers. Even his old muggle school had barely covered the basics with them and he had forgotten most of what he had learned at the time. Still, by eavesdropping around the government offices he had managed to learn some things. He had learned that he there was someone called a deebee admin who managed the computer records. So, theoretically at least this deeebee person would be able to insert the data into the computers. The question was - How could he get this deebee person to do it? The Imperious curse would have been the obvious choice and though Harry had seen it demonstrated the year before by the Fake Moody, he did not feel comfortable performing something classified as an Unforgivable curse.
No, he would not do that unless he ran out of all other options. Right now, the best option seemed to be a compulsion charm. These could theoretically make a person perform a specific action and they could be pre cast on objects as well. He was a little wary of these as well. Although they weren't classified as an unforgivable, they still seemed have nearly the same affect as an Imperius Curse. Still, at this point they seemed to be the only choice available to him.
So all Harry had to do was create a note, say with his fake birth details and new name and charm it with the compulsion charm before leaving it on the deebee's desk. Then, he could get the deebee to enter in his birth details in the correct whatchamacallit without even thinking twice about it. Compulsion charms weren't even that hard to cast. Harry had already learned what he needed to do to cast one correctly and had tested it with an innocuous note to an unsuspecting muggle that made them wash their car rather more thoroughly than was required.
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