The Paranoid Harry Potter

Chapter 30: CHAPTER : 30

"Like I said, it could be the intent of the caster to hide only his own identity and that he is who he is. On the other hand perhaps...the caster might have intended to hide his very existence, but...from what I do know that the Boy-Who-Lived is very famous. That has not changed. So perhaps the caster did not have enough power to eradicate all memory of his existence. The charm has managed to hide the true identity of the Boy-Who-Lived however. I would hazard a guess that the ones most strongly affected would be people who thought of the boy as simply...well people who would not think of him as the Boy-Who-Lived would be the worst affected."

"Fine, whatever…How do we break it?" asked Tonks. She was still tired and cranky from the long trip by international portkey.

"The Fidelius has never been broken unless the Secret Keeper has allowed it to be broken. Not once has anyone broken the Charm without the cooperation of the secret keeper", said Professor Flitwick.

"So, what then? What option does that leave us? How do we find the Boy-Who-Lived?" asked Tonks.

"For that matter, should we even bother? Shouldn't we be concentrating on You-Know-Who? Who cares about the Boy-Who-Lived?" said Moody. "I mean, surely if we can't find him, then neither can You-Know-Who. So, whoever it is, they should be safe enough. Why don't we just forget about him and concentrate on the real problem - Voldemort."

And with that, the Order members started a loud and boisterous argument that would go on for hours.


Dumbledore had finally gotten exasperated with all the bickering and called an end to the meeting. None of them had anything interesting to say after all. Nor did any of them know the true reason why it was absolutely imperative to find the Boy-Who-Lived.

Now he was hip deep in newspapers and records trying to dig up clues about the Boy-Who-Lived. Unfortunately for him the charm was working only too well.

Oh, there were a great many references to the Boy-Who-Lived. There were many articles mentioning him, but wherever there should have been a name or even just a description of any sort - That information was hidden. He did not know if all that information had been erased from the papers or it was just the charm, making him unable to read that information even though it should have been right in front of him.

Even his tracker - All the diagnostic charms he had tried reported that it was working perfectly. Yet to his eyes - the dials were just spinning randomly. Clearly the Fidelius would prevent anyone from perceiving any information that would help them find the boy.

Perhaps he should attack that problem from another angle. An oblique approach might work better.

What exactly did he know about the Boy-Who-Lived?

He knew the rough birth date of the boy. Luckily, he could still remember the prophecy. He could not remember who his parents were though. The only child he knew off who matched the criteria mentioned in the prophecy was Neville Longbottom. Unfortunately, he knew that Neville was not the one. No, he was absolutely certain that Neville Longbottom was not the Boy-Who-Lived.

So, what did that leave? He used to be a student here. That was still clear. He was supposed to have rejoined Hogwarts but had not shown up this term. Checking the student rolls had been useless. There were no students currently in the rolls whose location he was not aware off. There were some inconsistencies in the records though.

For example, there was a note about the sorting of the students from the year that the Boy-Who-Lived was supposed to have been sorted. The note still said that five boys were sorted into Gryffindor even though the official records only listed four names.

So, he was a Gryffindor! What else could he deduce about the Boy-Who-Lived? There were newspaper articles which talked about his participation in the Triwizard Tournament. He could not remember a fourth participant, even his pensieve had been useless there, but...he had records that said that four dragons had been transported to Hogwarts for the First Task. Similarly, he had records of four hostages for the second task.


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