Chapter 29: CHAPTER : 29
Malfoy, for one, had been targeting her ever since first year and everyone knew his father used to be a Death Eater. And how had the staff responded to that? Why, they had made him a prefect of course.
The sheer...the bloody stupidity...the level of incompetence on the part of the let something...someone so utterly vile…
She felt like screaming in rage. If she had been anywhere else but the library she would have indeed screamed.
Why? Why had she returned to Hogwarts this year? Even a person with a fraction of her IQ could tell that there was trouble brewing on the horizon. The magical world was on the precipice of another war. Why was she sticking around for that?
A part of her wished that her parents had thrown McGonagall out on her ear when she had first turned up at their doorstep prattling on about magic and witches and...
Not once had she ever mentioned the discrimination against muggleborns. Not one word was ever said about trolls or basilisks or dementors or wizards hiding as rats or bloody Dark Lords who were capable of coming back from the dead and announcing their return by murdering innocent handsome Hufflepuffs. The...the...there were no words really. Fine bloody head of house she was. Turn a turtle into a teapot, why don't you. That will keep you safe from people like Voldemort.
She needed to write her parents a letter. It should not be that hard to convince them All she really had to do was show them any one of the books that spoke about the last war and tell them that another one was about to start.
Yes, it was time to look into other options. After all, there really was nothing keeping her here at Hogwarts. Truth be told, what with teachers like Snape, Binns, Trelawney, Umbridge and yes even Hagrid, no matter how nice he was personally, the man was a bit of a joke as a teacher - It really should not be too hard to find a magical school that was better than Hogwarts.
Albus Dumbledore could not believe the situation he found himself in. How could this have happened? How was it possible that no one could remember anything about the Boy-Who-Lived? What could have possibly caused such an utterly devastating turn of events?
The Order of the Phoenix was meeting in his office at Hogwarts as for some reason they had been unable to get into Grimauld Place. He did not have time to wonder about Sirius Black though. He would deal with him later. For now it was imperative that he concentrated on understanding exactly what had happened.
Speaking of Grimauld Place, perhaps that was it. Perhaps...yes, that might explain exactly what had happened.
"Could it be that the Boy-Who-Lived has managed to hide his identity under the Fidelius Charm?" he asked.
There was a stunned silence as the people in the room digested his words.
"Is that even possible?" asked Moody.
"Filius, what do you think?" asked Dumbledore of the tiny Professor of Charms.
"It would be unusual", said Professor Flitwick, "but it might be possible that he has done just that. It certainly would explain why none of us can remember any details about the Boy-Who-Lived. Order Headquarters for instance would have been well known to former members of the family that owned it. Yet, none of them would be able to even see it or remember where it existed after it was placed under the Fidelius Charm."
"So, what are you telling me?" asked Moody. "Is the Boy-Who-Lived currently invisible to anyone who is not party to his secret?"
"That would depend on what the charm is tied to I think. When we cast the charm at Headquarters, the secret was tied to the location. The wording used could have conceivably been tied to the fact that Headquarters was in fact - Headquarters. That would have simply prevented anyone from disclosing which building was used for the Headquarters of the Order. However the intention of the caster was to hide the building, which is why no one who is not party to the secret can even perceive it. I don't think anyone would make themselves permanently invisible though. I don't see how anyone could live like that. No, in this case, I would say that the intent of the person who cast the charm was simply to hide who the Boy-Who-Lived is", said Dumbledore.
"How come we remember that there is a Boy-Who-Lived then?" asked Dedalus Diggle. "Shouldn't that have been hidden by the Fidelius as well?"
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