The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 291 Princess Spokesperson

According to what she knew about the ladies and ladies in the circle, it cost a lot of money to find such a good thing, and for them, they didn't even bat an eyelid.

Simply play psychological tactics, don't bid, and let Sean bid himself.

In view of the relationship between the two parties, Sean absolutely did not dare to black her.

And at that time, if something is wrong, she can make a second price adjustment. At that time, she will take the initiative.

Sophilia's long silence made Sean feel very uncomfortable, because it was completely different from the expected verbal confrontation, and there was no better spokesperson in this world than her.

In the end, Xiao En gritted his teeth and changed his words: Twenty percent shares.

The Princess Regent was still smiling, a smile that seemed softer and sweeter than before.

This is a new round of confrontation.

The two of them stared at each other for nearly ten minutes. Sean was like a year, but now he was a little uncertain about Sophie Liya's bottom line.

Her Royal Highness the princess is becoming more and more difficult to be fooled now. She is full of the smell of a businessman, and she always compares pennies and pennies. She is not at all magnanimous as a ruler of a country.

Okay, okay, you win. Sean made a gesture of surrender, Thirty percent dry shares, no more, otherwise our work will be in vain, but I want the naming rights of His Highness, and at the same time, the foundation of the store needs His Highness has come forward to settle the matter, of course it is not in vain, when the time comes, we will pay Her Highness the rent according to the market price or buy the land directly.

Sophie Liya still didn't nod her head in agreement, but finally opened her mouth, Please explain what the naming rights mean first.

This guy is really getting smarter, Xiao En sighed in his heart, and could only explain patiently: The name of the store may be called Princess's Wardrobe or Court Clothing, and it will be publicized. Her Royal Highness's clothes, They were all ordered from there, and His Highness doesn’t need to admit it when the time comes, just don’t deny it.”

Princess's wardrobe? Court dress? Before the princess regent spoke, Bai Qiangwei frowned, Your Highness, this involves royal majesty, and this kind of precedent cannot be taken lightly.

Xiao En's heart jumped slightly. The name he just casually mentioned seemed a bit taboo. After all, these days, royal power is paramount, and anything involving the royal family is relatively sensitive.

I am used to being careless in the Eternal Night Army, forgetting that I am now in Valesta, I should take the initiative to avoid it, and hastily explained: I am just giving an example, when the time comes, I will naturally communicate with His Highness, try to avoid These……

No problem. The Princess Regent waved her hand. The dignity of the royal family is not obtained by forcing the citizens to do nothing, but comes from the people's support from the heart. Otherwise, the so-called ban is just empty talk. There is no problem with the princess's wardrobe. From now on, all my clothes will be made by the public. You are in charge, if you want to call it court clothes, you can also call it, the clothes from top to bottom of the palace will be handed over to His Excellency the baron.

Ah!? It was Sean's turn to be dumbfounded this time, and finally said a little cowardly, I think it should be called the princess's wardrobe. We still can't afford court costumes.

Ha ha……

Xiao En's confession made everyone laugh.

I'm just making a metaphor. The regent princess showed a sly smile.

So, we've reached an agreement. Although Sophilia played a little trick on him, Sean wasn't annoyed at all, because it wasn't a bad thing, but a good thing.

This represented that his intimacy with the princess regent had reached a new level.

If the Princess Regent acts like a businessman from beginning to end, he needs to be more careful.

The agreement has been reached. I hope the price given by the baron is fair enough, otherwise it will not be so easy to talk about next time. The regent princess said meaningfully.

Naturally, it takes time to see people's hearts. Besides, it's not a day or two since we have been dealing with each other. When have I ever eaten alone? Xiao En said affectionately.

Not before, doesn't mean there won't be in the future. Sophie Liya's words were not without the meaning of beating.

I didn't have it before, and I won't have it in the future. Sean doesn't like to do the kind of thing that guarantees his chest, but now he has to do it. Who makes the other party a woman? This promise and guarantee.

You also said just now that time will tell people's hearts. The regent princess didn't know what she thought of, and she was a little depressed.

Xiao En hurriedly changed the topic and said: This suit is just a sample, and there are still many styles in the back. After it is delivered, please take the time to try it on next to each other. If there is something inappropriate or unsatisfactory, feel free to talk to Sophia about it. The lady said she designed most of the clothes by herself.

Sean pointed to one of the maids who had previously served the Princess Regent to change her clothes.

She designed and sewed these clothes? The princess regent looked at the timid little maid in surprise.

She should be the most inconspicuous of the maids, not to mention dark and thin, and a little clumsy. When she was helping her change clothes, she almost tripped over herself. There is really no way to compare her with the skilled hand. Tailor linked together.

Ahem... Maybe I didn't make it clear. Sophia is a designer, not a tailor. She is only responsible for designing various styles, and the tailor has someone else. Sean explained with some embarrassment, There are specialties in art, Sophia's hands-on ability is not strong, but she has a unique design concept, especially for women's clothes, she has unique vision and ideas, believe me, she will not let you down.

Just like Yong Yejun led other industries, although Xiao En led the silk clothing, it really didn't develop and grow under his hands.

Still the same sentence, even if he has the heart, he is powerless. Military and government affairs have already involved part of his energy, and there is still personal cultivation that cannot be left behind. Even if he has extra energy, he has devoted it to research related to spells.

Sophia is a leader in the clothing industry of Yongye Army Leader. Although she is dark and thin, she has not grown up, in fact, she can be called a veteran in Yongye Army Leader, and she is serious Boys Army origin.

No one said that the Boys Army were all men, right?

When the orphans in the mountains were collected, there was no distinction between men and women. Compared with men, the proportion of women was even higher, because they were vulnerable groups that were more likely to be discarded.

In the beginning, when the Boys Army gathered, most of them were men, because they were always on their way to the battlefield.

After the Youth Army was reorganized into the Eternal Night Army, these female youth soldiers began to come to join one after another.

The Yong Ye army leader can flourish, but they have made great efforts in the back.

Spinning and weaving of bird-hunting spider silk, sewing of Tang's studded nails, etc. These relatively grueling jobs are not something that the five big and three thick men can use to wield knives and guns with their carrot fingers.

With the vigorous development of the junior and middle-level processing industry in the Yongye army, there are more and more jobs suitable for women, and the value created is also increasing. I dare not say that women can hold up half the sky, but supporting a small world is still necessary. no problem.

Just like Julian was born interested in eating, Sophia has been interested in designing various clothing since she was a child. After accidentally hearing about the profession of fashion designer from Sean, she determined to become a great fashion designer .

Compared with Julian's ambition, Sophia's dream was an empty fantasy before the establishment of the Eternal Night Army. With her own ability, it was impossible to realize it. Without the most basic material foundation, most of Andy It is difficult for Sri Lankan people to dress, so how can they have the time to design clothes?

If there was no establishment of the Eternal Night Army, she would have stumbled around for a few years, and after not being able to find a way out of her dreams, she would probably find a man who was pleasing to her eyes, marry and have children, and wipe out the public.

However, just as the Yongye Army suddenly emerged, she had a place to use, and all the previous ideas spewed out, becoming one of the fuels for the growth of the Yongye Army leader.

People like her are definitely not a minority in the Yongye army. Many people's achievements are far less dazzling than hers. Most of them shine in their own humble positions. It is precisely because of their existence that the Yongye army exists. lead now.

The reason why Sophia was brought here was naturally because the Valesta clothing market expanded by the Yong Ye army this time was mainly targeted at women, especially aristocratic women.

The defense between men and women in the Byron League can be called very strict or very loose.

Very strict means that there are many taboos in it, especially for the opposite sex of different levels, it is a taboo to talk too much with each other.

It is very loose because the noble circle is notoriously corrupt, such as the noble lady having an affair with a servant, the noble lady eloping with an unknown knight, and the lord and noble taking care of a lover outside, these are all routine operations, as for the more chaotic family relationship and private Sharon, not to mention.

Not only are many lords and nobles not ashamed of this, but they are proud of it, and even encourage their daughters to participate in such banquets and salons more. Prepare.

Sean didn't intend to get involved in this bottomless muddy water, he just wanted to finish the so-called lord canonization ceremony smoothly, and take a look at any money-making projects by the way. Come to the world's brightest pearl in vain.

Sophilia stared at Sophia for a few times, and then she was relieved. There is no shortage of monsters in this world, and there are quite a few around her. Not to mention the black rose in front of her, she can't be measured by common sense. .

Although she is only one month younger than herself, she still looks fifteen or sixteen years old, and her strength is at the peak that ordinary people cannot reach, but she is still far from being able to fully tap her potential. Training hard, not sleeping, or eating, it seems that everything will come naturally. ,

In comparison, what is so unusual about a fashion designer who can't tailor?

Another layer of meaning hidden in Xiao En's words aroused Sophie Liya's strong interest, and asked in surprise: You mean, you have prepared more than one set of this kind of clothing?

A woman's nature will not change with the change of the world and status.

It didn't explode before, just because there was no chance, and now the Princess Regent has been aroused with great interest, and she is full of expectations for the remaining costumes.

I don't know what kind of surprises there will be.

I believe that the Yongye military leader will not use those things to fool people. From the time they realized it to now, they seem to have never done such a thing.

Naturally. Xiao En said with a smile, If we don't fill Her Highness's wardrobe, how can we call ourselves the princess's wardrobe?

Do you have mine, do you have mine? Black Rose Wendy jumped over, looking at Sean eagerly, like a begging animal.

Of course this is indispensable. You three sisters have prepared special gifts. I hope you like them. If you have any dissatisfaction, you can come to Sophia and make changes until you are satisfied. Xiao En said with a smile.

According to his all-encompassing temperament, he would naturally not forget to manage the three capable generals around the Princess Regent. Valesta is their home field. If they want to get money from here, they need their cooperation.

Some upfront investment, that's essential.

What's more, this kind of initial investment is worth the money. When the time comes, they will wear the silk clothing produced by Yong Yejunling, which is equivalent to advertising in disguise.

It is easier to cause a follow-up effect.

Great, I'll go ahead and have a look. Wendy the Black Rose rushed out with a whirlwind. Whether she was looking for information or to see when her new clothes would be delivered, it was only her. Clear.

A series of heavy gifts came down, even the regent princess smiled, and her interest was always high.

The two sides also conducted in-depth discussions on the matter of canonization and reached a consensus.

Sean doesn't know the way to do this kind of thing, and the Princess Regent has to handle it all by himself. When the time comes, Sean will be a marionette and just go through the process.

As for the process, while ensuring that the mouths of the academicians of the Academy of Heraldry can be blocked, everything is kept simple, and some unnecessary things can be saved as much as possible.

On the contrary, the Kingsley family who contributed to this matter did not discuss too much.

Because the two sides have already reached a strategic alliance on this point.

On the bright side, the princess regent can only remain neutral, at most it will cut off the Kingsley family's food supply, and there is no way to do other small tricks.

After all, the Princess Regent still needs to maintain the overall situation, and cannot easily use weapons internally.

Secretly, the Princess Regent is supporting the leader of the Yongye army to take down the Swamp of Despair, and not giving the Kingsley family a chance to get out of the grain. Cheap food in the Swamp of Despair.

Compared to the crazy price of food sold to the Kingsley family by those lords and nobles, what the Princess Regent offered to the leader of the Yong Ye army was definitely a price of conscience.

It took the emissary team led by Yongye Army three days just to enter the city.

Of course, it does not refer to the gift prepared by the leader of the Yongye army for the princess regent. It only took two hours to finish, and the rest are all goods that are ready to be spent in Valesta.

If so, Xiao En's name as an upstart quickly spread throughout Valesta, and everyone knows it, everyone knows it, and this hat will not be taken off for a while.

That night, the Princess Regent organized a relatively private party to cleanse Xiao En up. All the guests invited were nobles who were loyal to the Princess Regent, and they were also from the same trench, so they were familiar with each other.

The Princess Regent appeared in that silver evening gown, and she really overwhelmed the audience. Wherever she passed, not only attracted the attention of all men, but also the eyes of women fell on her like taking root, following her swaying footsteps while moving.

After a brief, suffocating silence, the entire banquet fell into an uproar, even the guest Sean was thrown out of the blue, and all went around the dress of the regent princess.

It's beautiful, it's so beautiful, I never knew that clothes can still be worn like this.

Silver represents luxury. There is a trace of charm in the luxury, and there is a sense of holiness in the charm. This dress is simply amazing. It perfectly blends with the temperament of Her Royal Highness. It is impossible to describe it in words?

Who can tell me, what color is His Royal Highness's clothes? Bright silver? Silver? Or gray silver? Is it my illusion? When Her Royal Highness just entered the arena, there was a silver light all over her body, which made me unable to open my eyes. Open your eyes, don't dare to look directly.

An illusion? Why didn't I feel this way just now? I just think His Highness is more holy than usual.

It shouldn't be an illusion. I also had this feeling just now.

Do you feel that His Highness is much taller than usual today?

If you don't tell me, I really don't feel it. Not only is His Highness three points more gorgeous and luxurious than usual, but his height has changed a lot. The secret should be in the shoes. You see, His Highness's shoes are not in the usual style.

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