The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 290 Presenting Gifts (Adding Changes For The Head, 25)

Chapter 290 Presenting a gift (addition for the head, 25)

Among the three roses, the one with the least reputation is the black rose Wendy in front of her, who looks a bit like a loli who hasn't grown up. In the past, she was either asleep or as gluttonous as she is now. The thing that went down was enough to weigh half of her, but the stomach didn't see any ups and downs.

But Sean knew that this seemingly harmless guy was the strongest fighter around the Princess Regent.

There are some people who cannot be judged by common sense, and this one in front of him is just that.

Back in the Yongye army, Wendy the Black Rose had a friendly exchange with McGee the Skull Crusher. As soon as the death scythe came down, even McGee, who was born with supernatural power, was slapped into a dazed face, and almost didn't suffer a big loss.

Are you hungry too? How about I give you some? As if sensing Sean's gaze, Black Rose Wendy raised her head and asked, seeming to remember the identity of Sean's guest, and handed over the dessert in front of her. Come over, the pain on the little face is undisguised.

No, you can eat it yourself, thank you. Sean refused with a smile.

I let you, this is what you don't want to eat! Black Rose Wendy put away the snack plate ten times faster than before, and said with a smile on her face.

However, this made Wendy open up the chatterbox, and while eating unabated, she asked, Did that little fat man next to you come with you this time?

Fatty? You mean Julian?

It's the one who is good at cooking and making all kinds of delicious food.

That's Julian. He's been promoted and won't be my bodyguard anymore. I didn't expect her to be very familiar with Julian after several meetings. It doesn't seem to be surprising that Julian got mixed up.

Oh, the fruit cream cake he promised to make for me last time hasn't been made yet. Wendy's face was full of disappointment, but the disappointment wasn't that she didn't see Julian, but that the fruit cream cake was gone.

Although Julian didn't take it with him, he brought a lot of apprentices taught by Julian. Sean's heart moved, and he asked inadvertently, Are there not many dessert shops in Valesta? How many do you want to open here? How about a dessert shop?

Dessert shop? Black Rose Wendy's eyes are shining brightly, That's good, this is good, in this way, I can have dessert every day, Valesta has a dessert shop, but it's just that way back and forth. Several varieties are far worse than those made by Julian, wait for your dessert shop to open. I will definitely introduce many, many friends to eat there.

Okay, I'll give you a 50% discount when the time comes. Sean replied, his mind spinning quickly, and he almost forgot about it. The sugarcane planting in the Swamp of Despair is being promoted on a large scale, and Valesta is undoubtedly a huge The market, after all, is known as the gathering place of lords and nobles.

Rich lords and nobles grabbed a lot of them, and only they can afford this kind of sweets these days.

Just selling raw materials is a very bad thing. It is the kingly way to directly make finished products from raw materials and send them to the stomachs of customers.

What is 50% off? Wendy asked with a puzzled expression.

You go to eat, and only half of your price will be charged. Sean explained casually.

From the first moment I saw you, I knew you were a good person. Wendy sent a good person card to Sean with a smile on her face.

Black Rose Wendy also has a familiar temperament, she doesn't have a good mouth, she chats a few words, and doesn't need Xiao En to use any questioning skills, just like an inverted bamboo tube, talking about a bunch of interesting things she thinks.

But with her confused personality, the things she thinks are interesting are probably weird and weird, and can only be heard as anecdotes.

Having said that, Sean didn't plan to extract any top-secret information from her, but just passed the waiting time.

It can be regarded as passing quickly.

Accompanied by the sound of crisp footsteps, Sophie Liya walked out swayingly. Not to mention Sean's eyes lit up, even the woman Wendy's eyes widened, and the dessert handed to her mouth fell to the ground I don't know it yet.

Sophie Liya is now wearing a standard evening dress, but the material used is quite special, neither linen nor animal skin, but spider silk produced by the Eternal Night Army.

The spider silk of the hunting bird spider played a major role in earning the first pot of gold for the leader of the Yongye army.

Its strong toughness and plasticity make it widely used.

The hunting spider is naturally also the research focus of the Biological Anomaly Research Institute, and a breakthrough has been made a few years ago.

After the mutation selection, the hunting spider has a greater silk production, and its attributes have increased by dozens of percentage points.

Of course, they are out-and-out carnivorous creatures, which limits their breeding scale and output, and they are not yet luxurious enough to make clothes in large quantities.

In the process of researching bird hunting spiders, the leader of Yongye discovered that there are silkworms that can also form cocoons and spin silk. Naturally, the performance of all aspects cannot be compared with bird hunting spider silk, but the two are combined together to weave In terms of clothing, the finished product is quite good. It is unbelievably thin and thin, but it can withstand the puncture of most sharp blades. This is not only a set of clothes, but also a layer of armor.

The one on Sophilia's body was completely woven from bird hunting spider silk and was not colored.

The bird-hunting spider silk itself does not eat pigments, Yongye Junling tried many kinds of materials, but the coloring effect was not good, so he simply went through a special process to keep the original color.

The tarantula spider silk itself has no color, or a single strand is in a transparent state, but after overlapping multiple layers, it will turn silver, and it will change between bright silver and light silver with the light, that is to say , viewed from different directions, its color is not the same.

The evening gown on Sophie Liya was obviously tailor-made and fit perfectly.

However, it has not been extremely prosperous.

The more scarce materials are in the era, the looser the clothes of those lords and nobles, otherwise it is not enough to show their wealth.

Valesta is also in this state now. Those who wear short shirts and shorts are definitely the bottom-level people among the bottom-level people. The poor can't even afford serious clothes.

Those lords and nobles with status must wear formal clothes when they go out. Let alone the cumbersome decorations, the clothes themselves are thick and scary, almost like wearing a layer of light armor.

It's better in winter, but if you wear it like this in summer, you'll suffer old crimes. From morning till night, you feel like you're soaking in a pool.

The silk evening dress worn by Sophie Liya is contrary to the norm, it is as simple as possible, and the surroundings are also trimmed with gold thread, as a decoration, there are not many patterns on the whole body, even if it is decorated, it is still done by the material itself.

A gap was intentionally left in many places, not only to facilitate her movement, but also full of a kind of silent temptation.

Especially when she was walking around, her whiteness suddenly appeared, which made people's eyes involuntarily follow the touching scenery.

The shoulder-length silk gloves seemed to be attached to her body, which did not affect her actions in any way, but added a wordless temptation.

The diamond-encrusted pointed-toe high heels of the same color are looming under the skirt.

At the beginning, the princess regent was obviously not used to it, but the great knights are all masters who can dance on the tip of their swords, let alone a peak who is only one step away from the champion knight. This new shoe type, It's not a big challenge for her.

After walking dozens of steps, I not only got used to it, but also mastered the biggest mystery of high heels proficiently. The body shape swayed with the steps, swaying and swaying, showing the beauty of female lines to the fullest.

The most important thing is that this is not just an ordinary evening dress, so the defense is nothing to say, even though it is only a thin layer, ordinary chain mail is not as strong as its ability to resist penetration and slashing. Only the blunt protection against heavy weapons is not strong.

The hem of the skirt is pulled up and tied around the waist, and the high heels are thrown off, so it can be worn directly in battle without affecting the action at all.

Black Rose Wendy, a tiger pounced in front of the regent princess, her eyes sparkled, she looked like she wanted to touch it but was afraid of getting it dirty, her saliva was about to flow down her face, and she kept admiring: It's so beautiful! !

You mean clothes? Or people? Sean asked a bit playfully.

Of course it's the clothes... Although Wendy is confused, she has a strong ability to survive. Of course the clothes are beautiful, and the people are more beautiful.

Eating so many desserts all day long, even my little mouth has become so sweet. Sophie Liya pinched Wendy's little face affectionately, and the smile on her face showed that she was very happy in her heart.

But when it came to Xiao En, all eyes turned into blank eyes, and he said angrily: This is your big show? Who came up with the crooked idea of ​​these shoes? It can't be you, right? I didn't expect that you usually Acting quite honestly, but came up with this kind of hurtful trick to torment women.

Xiao En licked his face indifferently and said, Your Highness, what do you think of the audience for this kind of clothing among those noble ladies and noble ladies?

Just look at their appearance. This little guy has never known beauty or ugliness before. Sophilia nodded to Wendy who was circling around her like a puppy.

Then I'm relieved, but if you really want the effect, you need to wear more clothes to attend the grand banquet. Although Xiao En has deep confidence in his products, after all, it has been verified by the past.

He is mainly afraid that these things are too advanced, and it will be difficult to be accepted in Valesta.

But looking at the reactions of the Princess Regent and the others, my worries are a bit unnecessary. Valesta's ethos is far more open than what the information said, and her ability to accept new things is naturally faster.

Especially those noble ladies and noble ladies who have always been at the forefront of fashion, claiming to lead the fashion of the entire Byron Alliance, and even the entire Arshann.

Now the leader of the Yongye Army has set his mind on these people. Xiao En's experience in his previous life told him that in this world, women earn the most money, especially those nobles who have a strong mentality of comparison and have a lot of money and have no place to spend it. Ladies and ladies.

Xiao En felt that it was necessary to save the aesthetic views of women in this world and help them establish correct consumption concepts. In the process, it should not be too much for him to obtain a little secular coin full of rancid smell.

However, if you follow the conventional promotion mode, even if you really have good things in your hands, the arrogance shown by the Valestans, especially those noble ladies and noble ladies with high eyes, will be dismissive at all.

Therefore, Sean did not take the usual path, and set his mind on Sophie Liya.

Even if this woman with the most honorable status in the Byron Union was wearing a bed sheet, some people would applaud her and follow suit.

Such things as rights often do exist.

Not to mention, the silk clothing carefully prepared by Yongye Army Leader, no matter the materials or styles, are all carefully designed.

This kind of elaborate design was not something Sean thought up by himself with a group of tailors.

It is based on the information collected by Hawkeye Secret Service, analyzing Valesta's customs, favors, and habits, and then incorporating some advanced elements.

Oh? The Princess Regent showed a smile that was not a smile. She was very obsessed with economics for a while, and studied a lot of things in this area. Sean just started to feel his thoughts. This is to let me advertise for you, what benefits do I have?

Sean was overjoyed by the princess regent's rhetorical question. Since he didn't directly reject it, it would be a joke.

Inviting celebrities to advertise requires high advertising fees, let alone inviting an incomparably noble princess. Of course, people cannot work for free.

10% dry stock. Sean offered a huge profit directly, lest the other party would not understand the meaning of dry stock, explained, Your Highness doesn't need anything, just go to various banquets and wear the clothes we provide. If Laista sells a piece of clothing, 10% of the profit will go to His Highness, and the tax that should be paid to the royal family is even less.

Sophie Liya always maintained a half-smile expression, neither nodding in agreement nor refusing.

Counting it carefully, the two have been dating for six or seven years since Sean asked to come to the door because of Jacob's Jiang Fuliu incident.

All kinds of negotiations, I don't know how many games have been conducted.

Every time, the princess regent thought confidently that she had taken advantage of it, but when the final result came out, she found out that the piece of cake she thought accounted for only a small part of the whole matter.

Fortunately, the leader of the Yong Ye army has a high regard for the long-term interests of both parties, and every time he takes the initiative to give up the benefits without their knowledge. Afterwards, he finds out that what he got is only a small part of the total benefits, and they can't pick it. Something went wrong.

If it is said that the Princess Regent is not angry at all, that is a lie.

However, this kind of anger is not purely aimed at the Yong Ye army leader, but also angry with himself.

Because she analyzed afterwards and found that, in addition to the fact that the Yongye army leader took the initiative in the plan each time, there was also a serious deviation in their estimates due to the unequal information and knowledge.

To use a very simple analogy, according to the princess regent's evaluation of this transaction, the profit should be 100, because I don't know the situation, so I estimate it higher, and calculate it as 150.

They fought hard and got ninety, or even one hundred and two, occupying the absolute majority.

When the results come out, well, eight hundred, or even one thousand, what they earned back then is not enough for a small change, and there is no such thing as the inadvertent profit of the Yongye Army Leader.

Therefore, since then, the princess regent has learned to be shrewd. Every time she negotiates, she will no longer take the initiative to bid.

Especially when there is no way to accurately estimate the profit like this.

Who knows how much the production of this kind of silk clothing is Yongye Junling?

What is their selling price position at that time?

How popular is Valesta?

Sophie Liya has always looked up to Sean enough, but in the end it turned out that she still underestimated the young man in front of her.

Judging from the other party's series of operations, the movement made this time will definitely not be small.

Because after wearing it for a few minutes, she already liked this kind of clothing, not only did it fit perfectly.

The fabric is even better, the soft and silky feeling is not comparable to linen clothes.

I don't know if it's her illusion, but this kind of fabric always exudes a faint chill, and there is always a feeling of spring breeze blowing, which even offsets the heat of early summer a lot.

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