The Midnight Owl

Chapter 34 - Go ashore

On a mast a dozen meters high from the deck, Qian Ai stepped on the crossbar and leaned back against the main mast. His arms were rounded, and the red flames like fire and meteors seemed to draw a round space-time door at the top of the mast!

The wind rose in the blazing fire.

The sails were blown up in a huff, and the speed of the boat said goodbye to “leisure” in a flash and entered a new era of “ride the wind and waves”!

Qian Ai expected that he should be able to get rid of the sea monster, but he had no time to watch it.

When others fight, he just throws his arm away. He also throws away his arm, and the accuracy of the operation is quickly measured with a vernier caliper. It is necessary to blast and maintain one’s own balance. It is necessary to work hard to lift the arm, and pay attention to not let the wind direction deviate from the channel. Lastly, and most importantly, the flames must not be allowed to burn the sails.

Does this **** fight or engage in scientific research! ! !

“Old money is great, you are the best–“

The flag-waving cry of teammates with the surname Kuan came underneath, giving Qian Ai a kind of instant return to the kindergarten, and the subtle feeling that the aunt in her arm would send a cookie as a reward.

Kuang Jinxin carefully observed the “Flame Teammates” on the mast for a while, and confirmed that there were no signs of encouragement: “Captain, Brother Qian seems not to like my assistance very much.”

Xu Wang squeezed the shoulders of his teammates: “You are young and don’t understand people’s hearts.”

Let go of Jin Xin, Captain Xu looked up and shouted: “Old money old money, lying down to make money–“

No one answered on the mast.

In the bright fire, these good wishes spread into the sea fog a little bit.


The flame at the top of the mast lifted a few meters high without warning, and the arms with strong biceps, turned fast enough to see the shadow, the blast of wind screamed in the fire, with the momentum of thousands of horses!

The wind is blowing, the sails are flying, the wooden boat becomes a speedboat, and the waves are breaking.

Kuang Jin held the telescope tightly, and in the oncoming wind, there was an illusion of riding a black motorcycle.

Xu Wang watched the sea monsters in the battle getting smaller and smaller, and finally became a small wave at the far end of the sea level, and finally the hanging heart was put down.

In the cockpit, Wu Sheng, who was not very clear about the ins and outs, held the rudder in his hand, enjoying the joy of “Yingchuan” with peace of mind, and closed his eyes from time to time, fantasizing a line of beautiful code refreshing in front of his eyes, taking a sip, clear Breathy, breathing in two, the world is invincible.

Eleven or twelve minutes later, a sailboat possessed by the soul of the speedboat rushed to the shore of West Treasure Beach. The speed of the boat was so fast that it rushed for more than ten meters on the beach before stopping and completely stranded.

Two minutes later, there were four people on the boat, three fighting spirits were vigorous, and one of their arms was hanging down, and their eyes fluttered like ghosts.

“Old money, cheer up!”

“You can’t make such unreasonable demands on someone who has lost their arms.”

“I guarantee with my 5.1 vision, your arm is still there.”

“But they have lost their souls.”

When a teammate becomes a poet, let him be quiet. —— “Captain Xu’s League Building Manual”

The dark clouds did not invade this small island. Under the bright blue sky, the white sand beach glowed with silver.

Stepping on this soft beach and facing the sea, it is easy to give birth to the tranquility of the years.

Fortunately, the four companions who had broken into the wind and waves left only the tall lighthouse on the reef in the distance.

“We have to go faster,” Xu Wang said while looking around vigilantly. “This island is not necessarily just us. Standing on this beach is too dazzling and unsafe.”

Wu Sheng looked back at the stranded sailing boat and reminded him very resolutely: “With the wind we just landed on, we just remembered it low-key and it might be a little late.”

Xu Wang didn’t look at him angrily: “Can’t you say something positive?”

Wu Sheng did not deliberately disturb the military, he felt that everything must be realistic, like the positive energy, there are also: “As of now, there is still only one treasure chest opened, and we have already landed on the island, as long as there is no accident, absolutely You can grab the unpacking quota. “

His voice has not yet fallen, and another “ding” rang through the endless sea.

: West Treasure Beach (2/3), open the treasure house for the second time.

Another team or individual reached the top of the tower.

Just before they walked out of this beach.

One quota left.

Looking at the information rolling on his arm, Master Wu Jun pondered for two seconds and raised his head apologetically: “The accident came a little bit faster.”

Xu Wangding looked at him with earnest eyes: “From now on, please be a quiet beautiful man.”

The reef pile a few tens of meters away is the highest point on the island, and the lighthouse at West Treasure Beach is located on top of the reef pile. The lighthouse is completely white, but it glows with golden light in the sun. Look carefully. It turned out that a golden stripe was painted at intervals, but the lines are too thin. You can only see them when you get closer.

Just like a flying sailboat sculpture on the lighthouse tip of the flying island, the lighthouse tip of Treasure Beach also bears a treasure chest that symbolizes your identity. The shape is retro, mysterious, and the chain holes are all golden.

A group of people used their hands and feet together-except for Qian Ai, who was all on their feet-climbed to the top of the reef, and unexpectedly did not meet other competitors, but looking at the flat here, in fact, there are large and small reefs, just like some Regular stones were thrown onto this basketball court-sized open space, and then a tower was built in the gravel pile.

The lighthouse with a gold pattern on a white background is only closed by a door on the tower base below and a square hole near the top of the tower above.

The four did not dare to approach the lighthouse hurriedly, but hid behind a large stone block seven or eight meters away in front of the lighthouse, and secretly peeped at the top of the tower to see how it looked like a square hole in the machine gun.

“Mao Qiping said,” Kuang Jinxin whispered, “The tower guard may be melee in the door or attack remotely from the top of the tower.”

“The door is in a straight line with the upper mouth,” Xu Wang can be sure, “It’s remote.”

“Is it a machine gun fire or a random arrow?” Qian Ai asked.

“If you try, you will know.” Wu Sheng said as he picked up a small stone and threw it to the lighthouse door with all his strength.

The stone fell to the ground, making a crisp impact, and then the bones rolled forward.

The cold light flashed in the hole at the top of the tower, and the four people only saw something appear to come out, but flickered like lightning, and couldn’t see what it was at all. In a flash, they heard the sound of “popping popping”.

From mutation to return to quiet, only a brief moment.

In the salty sea breeze, four people looked intently, where the small stones rolled, there was a row of long nails, the nail tips were deeply immersed in the reef, there was no more visual inspection, and seven or eight inches were still exposed. long. As for the previously rolled small stones, it has long become an innocent soul under the nail, and it is hard to find traces.

“Nail gun.” Wu Sheng defined the “weapon” they were about to face, and then added, “But the nail specifications are a bit fierce.”

The three partners looked at the nine-inch spikes and they all felt a pain in the heart.

Not only is it a bit fierce, but also the specs of nailed vampires! ! !

“Give up,” Qian Ai couldn’t see the dawn of victory at all, and all that looked down was bloodshed. “We can’t walk a few steps and we have to make people sieve.”

“Don’t always talk about discouragement,” Kang Jinxin is not as good as his teammates, but the optimistic revolutionary fighting spirit absolutely kills eight Qian Ai. “We can’t use bare hands. We can still use stationery.”

“It doesn’t have to be hard,” Wu Sheng suddenly stood up, reaching for Qian Ai, “bow and arrow.”

After successfully shooting the sea monster with an arrow, Qian Ai firmly tied the bow and arrow to the back and waist, and never left, even if he climbed the mast and blasted, he did not pick it. It’s not that he has any long-term plans, but he feels that there are more weapons to defend himself, and he is more at ease.

Hearing Wu Sheng’s request, he was both surprised and surprised. He quickly untied the bow and handed it over: “Will you still have this? Why didn’t you say that early!”

“Just played,” Wu Sheng held the bow, and then pulled an arrow from Qian Ai’s quiver, and put it gently on the bow string. “Try it.”

The arrow is facing the top of the tower, Wu Sheng calmly and elegantly fills the bowstring, looking directly at the square mouth of the black hole, quiet and sharp.

Xu Wang didn’t move, but he couldn’t see anything except Wu Sheng. It seemed as if I had returned to the high school classroom to peek at this person. At that time, Wu Sheng was sitting by the window. When Xu Wang peeped over, he felt that there was only Wu Sheng left in the world, and there were bright sunshine.

Wu Sheng finally let go, and the feather arrow broke through the wind in the powerful sound of the bow string, reaching the square mouth!

Xu Wang and Kuang Jinxin held their breaths and Qian Ai, who had just recovered his consciousness, clenched his fists subconsciously.


The arrow poked on the tower wall eight hundred feet away from the square mouth, and then planted down crookedly, and fluttered to the ground suddenly.

“It’s okay, don’t play it for sure, it’s better to try it a few times.” Xu Wang really cheered up, both for his teammates and those he liked. “Old money, take another arrow!”

“No,” Wu Sheng didn’t let Qian Ai take the new arrow, but instead returned the bow. “Sure enough, it still doesn’t work.”

Xu Wang frowned: “It’s not your style to give up so easily.”

Wu Sheng shook his head: “When I used to play, I always missed the shot. This is normal play.”

Kuang Jinxin: “…”

Qian Ai: “…”

Xu Wang: “… Why did you just look so handsome !!!”

Ignoring the unlucky military division who said, “Always have to try it, in case it’s hit”, Captain Xu made a decisive decision: “Use stationery.”

This has not yet reached the next level. I have already used an “invincible hot wheels”. Xu Wang actually does not want to consume stationery anymore, but he has reached this point. If he is cut off by others, he will grab the last place. He can vomit blood.

“Armor or armor?” Kang Jinxin quickly responded to the captain’s call.

“Equipment,” Xu Wang looked up at the top of the tower, frowning between the eyebrows. “The armor let us enter the tower at most, or we must confront the tower guard directly. It is best to use the equipment to solve him directly, once and for all.”

“Then it’s nothing for me, I’ll have an armor left,” Qian Ai closed her eyes and tried to summon the flame again, and finally opened her eyes and shook her head. “The Hot Wheels are also time-limited.”

Xu Wang stared at his stationery box with his lips straight. “Cao Chong weighs the elephant” does not know whether it can be moved, even if it can, the name is really not in line with the current battle situation, Chang’e flying to the moon seems to be able to fly, but I’m afraid that I haven’t flown outside the Fangkou Nailed back to the ground.

Only Wu Sheng and Kuang Jinxin can hope.

Xu Wang looked up and looked at the two teammates.

Wu Sheng volunteered to ask: “As long as I can send me up, I can stare him affectionately to death.”

Kuang Jinxin did not fall behind: “‘Come and hit me’ sounds arrogant, maybe he can shoot a nail gun!”

Xu Wang took Kang Jinxin’s hand without any hesitation for a second: “It’s up to you.”

Kuang Jinxin nodded hard: “Relax, Captain, I must kill him!”

Wu Junshi, who withdrew from his own stationery box, felt a trace of melancholy.

After hiding the big stones, Xu Wang, Wu Sheng and Qian Ai withdrew a little, leaving teammates with enough space to display.

Kang Jinxin took a deep breath and solemnly placed the grimace icon in the stationery box-.

When the fingertips touched the skin, a layer of crystal clear film rose from the foot of Jin Xin’s feet, along the outline of the body, covering his body a little bit, and finally closed at the top of the head. The film was like jelly, with the sea breeze shaking slightly, under the sun’s illumination, occasionally refracted a trace of colorful light.

The three partners hadn’t had time to speak, and the film suddenly disappeared again.

It was like a soap bubble that broke in the sun, silent and silent.

The onlookers were a little bit confused, but Kuang Jinxin had a firm look: “Captain, I am ready.”

Who knows who uses such things as stationery? Since Kang Jinxin said so, Xu Wang chose to believe.

“Be careful.”


Kuang Jinxin stepped out of the back of the stone a little bit and headed towards the lighthouse gate. The pace was not fast, but it was solid step by step.

The three partners who were still in place trusted their teammates, but when they thought of the peg-like spikes, they still felt unconscious.

Cold light flashed!

More spikes than before when shooting small stones, came out sharply from the square mouth, with the sound of wind, went straight to the face of Kang Jinxin!

The three partners held their breath together in unison!

Jin Xin, who had already reached halfway, stopped at this moment and suddenly looked up, as if coming over against the spike!

In the electric light and fire, the rain-like spikes have arrived in front of Kuang Jinxin. From the perspective of the three teammates behind the stone, the nail tip has almost poked Kang Jinxin’s forehead!

Mutable things happened at this moment.

The long nail didn’t move forward anymore, but stopped without any warning in front of Kang Jinxin’s forehead. The nail tip seemed to touch Kuang Jinxin’s skin, but he didn’t even go forward even a millimeter, as if flying like lightning I came over a dozen or twenty meters just to give Kang Jinxin a “mosquito bite”.

The ensuing dense nails stopped at the last minute exactly like this “predecessor”, as if a “fixing spell” had been cast.

The spikes were fixed, but Jinxin did not.

He waited patiently until the last spike stopped, then took a deep breath and rushed towards the “spike rain”, or at the top of the tower of the black hole forming a diagonal line with them, and shouted: “Ah Ahhhhh— “

Although the roar was more like a scream, the spikes seemed to be guilty. After this roar, they turned around and rushed to the top of the tower at a faster and sharper speed than before!

“Pap Pap Pap–“

Numerous long nails are embedded in the wall around the square mouth closely, and the central part of the curtain-like nail rain does not fall, all shot into the square mouth!

“Woo …”

A painful moan came from Fangkou, and then there was no more movement.

The three partners behind the big stone finally understood, “Come and beat me”, that is to hurt the rebound!

“Captain!” Kang Jinxin ran back da da da, with a happy face, there is still a bit of the previous momentum, “solved!”

Xu Wang was stunned. The rebound damage is indeed very good, but it is not a second kill?

“Are you sure?” Qian Ai asked doubtfully.

Obviously, Captain Xu was not the only one in the bottom of my heart.

Wu Sheng didn’t ask, just picked up the stones again and threw them vigorously.

The stone fell again next to the original row of nails, and rolled out again, but this time it rolled far away, and there was no movement at the top of the tower.

“Facts speak louder than words.” Wu Junshi’s record for his teammates was stamped and certified.

The dust settled.

Even the sea breeze is peaceful and peaceful.

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