The Midnight Owl

Chapter 33 - Sea monster

The ship sailed out for a long time, no one spoke on the deck, and the gray mist enveloped the vast sea, and it also caught people’s hearts.

Things in the world are multi-dimensional.

They see this side, others see that side.

They thought they had worked very hard, but it turned out that they should rejoice, rejoice that they are still unconcerned, still young and vigorous, and they can say that they just let go, and they said they set off.

“What’s the matter, one is scratching his head?” Wu Sheng, who had stabilized the rudder in the right direction, came out of the cockpit and saw three partners sorrowful and misty. “What did Mao Qiping say? This route also has Have eggs? “

Immediately guessed that it was related to Mao Qiping. It was Wu Junshi ’s extraordinary wisdom. As for the final point of departure, it completely deviated. It is normal for Wu Junshi who has never taken the unusual path of thinking.

Xu Wang looked at the classmate who didn’t understand the atmosphere of the deck.

Wu Sheng also looked at him, his head tilted blankly frowning, suddenly revealing a trace of sprouting.

Suddenly, the fog on Xu Wang’s heart suddenly dispersed.

For the first time, he found that Wu Sheng, who is always in his channel, is very good, rational and pragmatic, and discusses things, not to diverge and think deeply about the things that are not there. His eyes are always on the top of the mountain in front of you. , Energetic.

“Is the course no problem?” Xu Wang skipped Mao Qiping’s topic and threw a new question directly.

This was considered to be Wu Sheng’s heart, he immediately smiled slightly, and his eyes were filled with the words “the world is under my control”: “Of course, leave me at the helm, then …”

“Small situation–” Xu Wang suddenly turned his head and called Kuang Jinxin, “The telescope is handed over to you, and you can report any situation at any time.”

Kuang Jinxin stood upright: “Received!”

Seeing the situation Jin Xin ran to the stern, Wu Sheng was in a complicated mood: “It is polite to listen to people to finish talking.”

Xu Wang looked back at him: “Yes, please remove the self-touted part.”

Wu Sheng: “…”

Wu Junshi, who was deprived of his only pleasure for two seconds without a word, turned around and returned to the cockpit pitifully.

Qian Ai, who was watching the whole process, finally found an opportunity to express his emotions: “This is really ten years from the east to the west, and he went to high school when he killed you, and now it is reversed.”

Xu Wang suspected that the two of them had not lived in the same three years: “At that time, my head was a bit heavier than him. If I beat them both, at least they were evenly matched.”

Qian Ai shook his head in disapproval: “You can’t just count the force, you have to add intelligence.”

Xu Wang: “…”

Qian Ai, who did not hurt the captain’s consciousness, suddenly looked around and wondered: “Is the sky dark?”

Xu Wang froze, looked up at the sky, as expected.

In the vast fog, visibility and light are not good, but when I met Mao Qiping, the overall view was still a “not too bright day”, but now, the clouds are densely covered, just a moment after they looked up, the clouds became black clouds There was almost no light, and even the mist around him was drawn into this dark place. Looking at the sea, there was only a dark cloud.

“Small situation, can you still see the lighthouse–” Wu Sheng asked from the cockpit.

“Yes,” Kuang Jinxin looked at the telescope closely, “The lighthouse is bright, but now it is more obvious.”

“Okay, stare at—”

“No problem, I can’t run!”

One at the helm, one at the lookout, these two became a tacit understanding team.

Xu Wang and Qian Ai looked at each other, without words, consciously separated, and one person guarded the side deck railing.

As the division of labor of the four partners was completely clear, and the sea became quieter, the sound of the breaking water of the sailing boat became the only background sound.

Suddenly a ray of light rose from the deck, warm and striking under the darker sky.

Xu Wang, Wu Sheng, and Kuang Jinxin, who looked at the sea, turned back from their respective positions, and saw that Qian Ai raised her arm like a statue of liberty, but did not hold the torch, because they clenched their fists, which was a small fireball.

“Can you still control the flame range?” Xu Wang thought that the invincible Hot Wheels could only be on fire.

“Not only the scope, but also the size!” Qian Ai actually just discovered this, so he showed his teammates with great interest, “Look, the fire is getting bigger, hey, the fire is getting smaller, you like the atmosphere of the campfire party, I still like the sentiment of candlelight dinner, despite asking— “

Xu Wang: “…”

Wu Sheng: “…”

Kuang Jinxin: “…”

Looking at the teammates who were playing big and small and having fun, the three prestigious students of Jin did not feel the warmth of the bonfire nor the romance of candlelight. The only thing that can be thought of is the gas stove. The kind of extremely unstable gas.

On the sea like night, singing sounded suddenly, whispered, and gently.

Like a woman in a foreign language, humming and singing slowly, the notes passed through the thick dark mist, came to the ship, and came to the ears of the sailors, with the tide of the sea water, with the mist and mist.

Qian Ai quickly extinguished the fire.

The sailboat then blended into the dark protective colors.

The four partners who are holding on to their posts, converge and be alert.

[First head north, see the first monster at treatment, then sail straight to the lighthouse. 】

This is the strategy given by Mao Qiping, and now, they have been driving north for a short time, they should also meet this first water monster.

The ship was moving forward slowly, and in the soft waves, the singing and singing were clearer and more charming.

The string in the hearts of the four people stretched to the extreme.

It ’s not terrible to be suddenly attacked. What ’s scary is knowing that there will be ghosts, but do n’t know when it will emerge, the kind of anxious waiting.

Qian Ai couldn’t bear it. He grabbed the railing in one hand and clenched the spear inherited from Wu Sheng in one hand. His palm was soaked with sweat.

When he was scared, he wanted to talk, just like walking alone in the dark corridor, always wanting to use his mobile phone to put some divine music boldly: “Have you ever seen the Pirates of the Caribbean? Is there a mermaid in this kind of song that lures to kill Sailor’s. “

The suffocating silence was broken, and Xu Wang, who turned his back on him, briefly sighed, loosening his already tingling hand holding an axe: “Do you mean this sea monster is a mermaid?”

“It may also be a water demon,” Qian Ai thought very comprehensively. “It’s the kind of particularly beautiful female sea monster, gentle, mysterious, and dangerous, who kisses you slowly while killing in the touch and lingering. you……”

Xu Wang: “…”

Obviously a very cruel thing, why is it like a fun activity after being described by teammates like this ===

“There is light in front!” Kang Jinxin, who is in charge of the lookout, is staring at the lighthouse most of the time, but from time to time, he sweeps the overall situation. With this sweep, he sees the shimmer in the mist.

Xu Wang and Qian Ai ran to the bow together and looked up.

Just in the direction of the ship’s advance, about a few tens of meters away, a little dim with warm light reflected a big slap of light.

“The female Kraken carrying the lantern.” Qian Ai looked forward, very determined. “There are always such monsters in Japanese blame. Snow night, kimono beauty, carrying the lantern, knocking at the door of the mountain wilderness.”

“…” The teammate’s coverage is too wide, Captain Xu can not catch the topic.

“To be really beautiful, do you say I burn or not?” Qian Ai was completely distressed by the true feelings.

Xu Wang turned his eyes into the sky in the dark: “If you don’t burn her, she will kill you.”

Qian Ai also knows this reason, but: “I can’t do it–“

During the talk, the distance between the boat and the light was getting closer and closer, so close that the glowing object could be seen slightly.

It is really a delicate little lantern.

The top of the lantern stretched out a thin long line with a curve, just like someone used this hard wire to pick the lantern, and the other end of the long line, together with the person who picked it, was hidden in darkness.

The distance between the boat and the lantern is less than ten meters.

“Qian Ai,” Xu Wang suddenly said, “turn on the light.”

Hula flames jumped.

“The Statue of Liberty” reproduces the world.

The flames, which were fiercer than the shimmer, did not know how many times, and the whole ship was illuminated at once, and it was also illuminated ten meters away.

At the other end of the lantern, finally under the eyes of the four people, the original shape was illuminated.

A five-meter-long monster fish, half body on the water and half body on the water, has a huge head, protruding eyes, a thread is born on the forehead, and the lantern is picked up. The exquisiteness of the lantern contrasts with the extensiveness of the body.

“Old money,” Xu Wang swallowed, and the enemy is still not forgetting to comfort his teammates. “It is indeed the lantern, which is basically the same as you think.”

Qian Aiyu cried without tears: “Who the **** controls the lantern! My focus is beauty, beauty !!!”

In the shattered sound of romantic disillusionment, the lantern monster fish suddenly accelerated and came straight towards the bow!

Its mouth opened rapidly during the accelerated swim, even like a snake, with an opening wider than the entire head, revealing a full of jagged fangs!

Qian Ai ignited a blazing flame in one arm, clenched a spear in one arm, and Xu Wang raised his axe, just waiting for the lantern fish monster to approach, and the short soldiers joined!


The beep sounds out of time.

Xu Wang listened to a toothache, whether to watch it or not, this **** is a problem!

“Don’t worry about the water monsters, they’re all firm–” Suddenly Wu Sheng shouted from the cockpit.

Xu Wang and Qian Ai, who were preparing for the battle, were unclear. Therefore, Jin Xin, who was guarding the telescope, was puzzled. He was in a daze, and the ship on the road suddenly came to a sharp turn at full speed!

Xu Wang and Qian Ai were almost thrown into the sea, fortunately the railings caught at the last moment!

Kuang Jinxin firmly embraced the telescope tripod fixed on the ship’s board, as steady as Mount Tai.

Wu Sheng’s rudder made the ship turn around at a gorgeous 135 ° when it was less than five meters away from the lantern fish monster, avoiding the result of the encounter and completely changing the route!

Lantern fish monster took a bite and swam diligently, but it has turned from oncoming to chasing after!

“Where is this–” Xu Wang couldn’t see the way ahead and could only ask the driver.

Wu Sheng worked hard to calibrate the direction: “Lighthouse!”

Xu Wanggang wanted to ask again, Qian Ai, who was holding the fire unicorn arm blankly, said: “Don’t the sea monster fight?”

“The condition for turning is” to meet the first sea monster “, not” to knock down the first sea monster “-” Wu Shengqiang answered forcefully from the cockpit. As a programmer, the execution of conditions must be clear and unambiguous.

Qian Ai Yusai.

Damn, it makes sense

Xu Wang rubbed his face, fortunately, his mouth slowed down.



Two four-in-one new information prompts sounded next to each other. In addition to the previous sound, only a few moments to turn the boat around, three new messages have arrived.

Xu Wang and Qian Ai, who were going to the stern, did not stop, but they raised their arms and checked.

: East Treasure Beach (1/3), open the treasure house for the first time.

: West Treasure Beach (1/3), open the treasure house for the first time.

: North Flying Island (2/3), the second ship sails into the clouds.

Although they were prepared for the thought, it would be nice for them to get to the last place in the tower when they set off late, but Xu Wang still felt a bit stunned when he saw the second message.

People, always think about “in case”, in case all the ships going to West Treasure Beach encounter the most difficult sea monsters, in case all the teammates competing are at the same level as the previous Chi Yingxue What?

But how can there be so many “just in case” for you in this world.

There are two places left in West Treasure Beach.

“It’s a good deal to choose the southern flying island,” Qian Ai envied, “nobody went there at all.”

“According to the probability, it is more likely that those who chose that route were buried halfway down the sea-” Wu Junshi enthusiastically corrected the wrong perception of his teammates in the bow cockpit of the entire deck.

Qian Ai speechless: “Are you downwind ears !!!”

The sea breeze became slightly stronger, the sails were struggling, and the speed of the ship was faster unconsciously.

During the talk, Xu Wang and Qian Ai had arrived at the stern. They didn’t wait to see it. Jin Xin, who was in charge of the long-distance lookout, had first reported: “It seems to be boring …”

Kuang Jinxin said facts.

I saw that in the swaying fire, the lantern fish monster and the stern had drawn a short distance. Although the strong sea breeze accelerated the boat’s progress, according to the previous speed of the fish monster, it was far more than just falling so much, but look carefully at its Swimming is indeed slower than before.


Xu Wang leaned closer to the stern railing and frowned to observe the fish monster more seriously, and found that it was not swimming at a constant speed, but found that it was swimming twice fast, then paused, then chased the boat twice, and paused again, not so much it The speed has become slower, it is better to say that its swimming is incoherent, as if there are concerns or fears, dare not chase it.

The problem is that Qian Ai’s fire hasn’t burned it at all, what is it afraid of?

“Captain …” Generally, Qian Ai called her old classmates, but he was shaking in his heart. “Do you think that the ship doesn’t seem to have stabilized just now?”

After being reminded by Qian Ai, Xu Wang found out that it was really shaking a little.

This is not Wu Sheng’s problem, because after the previous sharp turn, he stabilized the boat again. The reason it shakes so much is the problem of waves.

At the bottom of the ship, the waves became urgent.

Xu Wanggang thought this way, a huge impact force came up from the water, “Boom–” and the whole ship was lifted up!

After the sailing boat took off two or three meters, it fell back to the water again. The stern of the stern grabbed everything that could be grabbed. Wu Sheng in the cockpit hugged the rudder tightly before he was thrown into the sea!

In the sudden turbulent waves, the “bottom” and “bump” collisions came again and again from the bottom of the ship. Although it was not the first intense, it also caused the people on the ship to be shocked.

Something hit their ship underwater!

Wu Sheng, aware of this, turned sharply again!

A beautiful rowing of the hull in the water, from vertical to horizontal!

In the next second, it was too late to change direction so that it hit an empty “thing”. Under huge inertia, it broke out of the water and jumped into the air!

In the light of fire, it was several times the size of a whale, almost covering the sky, covered with armor-like scales and knots, shining cold green light.

The three people in the stern stared at each other in horror!

This fish-like crocodile monster they have seen is the one who attacked the flying carpet before!

Xu Wang suddenly understood that the lantern fish monster’s erratic pursuit was not afraid of them, but of it!

The monster that rushed to the highest point fell quickly, hitting the water heavily, splashing a huge wave!

The sea rushed over his head and his face, and the three of the stern held their breath, withstood the wave of shock, no choking water, but soaking from head to toe.

The ship hull was back under the operation of Wu Sheng and continued to ride the wind and waves.

But the sea monster that hit the water at the stern had no movement.

One second.

Two seconds.

Ten seconds.

Twenty seconds.

The ship had sailed for some distance, and suddenly something floated up where the sea monster fell into the water.

Qian Ai automatically consciously made the flames warmer and brighter.

The floating white was finally clear-the lantern fish monster, with his belly full, motionless.

“No,” Qian Ai swallowed hard. “You kill yourself …”

Before the words fell, the body of the lantern fish monster was suddenly opened by a row of dorsal fins emerging from the water.

It was the dorsal fin of a fish-like crocodile monster, and they all recognized it as gray.

Not giving them time to buffer at all, the dorsal fins are directed towards their stern, and they swam swiftly at a speed sufficient to kill the lantern fish monster!

“Wu Sheng!” Xu Wang shouted, “Speed ​​up–“

“It’s useless to call me, you have to call the wind–” Wu Sheng always pays attention to the fighting situation, and knows that it is time to accelerate the horsepower run, but the operating space left by the boat for the pilot only has direction! Such a high-end thing as the wind and the rain can only be left to God.

It’s a pity God didn’t care.

The wind is still that wind, but the sea monster is getting closer.


The sea monsters broke through the water again, opened their mouths that almost swallowed half of their ships, and rushed straight at them.

Qian Ai had burned himself into a fireball, Xu Wang swung his axe and stuffed the spear into Kuang Jinxin’s hand.

Three husbands should be guarded.

With a determined determination, Wu Sheng suddenly turned again!

The sea monster that fell down was caught off guard, barely reaching the side of the stern, biting off a few railings and falling back into the water!

“Don’t fight against it, the risk factor is too high,” Wu Sheng shouted, “Our goal is a lighthouse, and try to delay the time as much as possible is the optimal solution-“

Xu Wang has a complicated mood.

He also wanted to work around and procrastinate. The problem was that the sea monsters were going to do it! ! !


Suddenly Xu Wang felt that his body was crooked, and he stumbled to the left!

Not only him, Qian Ai and Kuang Jinxin also lost their balance!

The three of them hit the railing on the left side together, and finally grasped firmly, and finally saw clearly, not that they suddenly felt out of balance, that the ship was crooked, and was tilted to the left seriously!

“Grilled squid–” Kuang Jinxin suddenly exclaimed.

Xu Wang and Qian Ai looked in the direction he pointed. I saw a row of burnt black tentacles on the left rail of the deck. I was struggling to pull the boat to the left!

This is really a leak in the house, and the night rain boat is late and encountering the headwinds, one is not resolved, and the **** is the second! ! !

With the help of the octopus monster, the ship was completely dragged by it, and its speed was halved.

In the next moment, it even came out of the water, and for the first time revealed a huge and smooth octopus head!

The size of this head-killing lantern fish monster is not inferior to that of a fish like a crocodile.

But Xu Wang and Qian Ai didn’t have time to admire, a few arrows rushed to the railing on the left side of the deck, one took the axe and cut it mercilessly, and the other burned with fire!

But this time, the octopus seemed to have made up its mind, but it did not retreat at all, either chopped or burned. Although it would still hide, it did not withdraw, but moved along the railing, and worked with you, if you beat me Run, if you retreat, you will come in. After a few rounds, there are not many tentacles. It has more and more bodies floating on the surface.

Is this product a revenge after reading the art of war? ! !

“Xu Wang–” Wu Sheng shouted suddenly.

Xu Wang thought that he was too slow for the ship and was already in a hurry. This time he was even more worried: “Me and the old money are fighting, but this time it is changing the routine, not to drag us down, but to get on board– “

Wu Sheng originally wanted to give his teammates tactical A, but when he heard Xu Wang said that the octopus monster wanted to board the ship, he immediately adjusted it and replaced it with tactical B: “Ignore the foreigners–“

Qian Ai, who is “fire-grilling”, was blinded by such flamboyant words: “What is it?”

“Old money,” Xu Wang stopped the axe in his hand and made a decisive decision. “Don’t burn it.”

Qian Ai looked at the captain in disbelief: “Do you understand?”

“Yes, don’t burn, hide here!” Xu Wang didn’t have time to explain, directly pulled Qian Ai to the railing on the other side of the deck without tentacles, and held firmly.

“Small situation, hold on–” Xu Wang shouted again at Jin Xin.

Qian Ai finally affirmed that the captain and the military division did communicate clearly and effectively.

This **** is high-tech! ! !

“Captain,” Jin Xin’s voice came from the stern, but instead of responding, he was anxious. “The monster rushed over again—”

He is talking about fish like crocodile.

“Don’t care,” Xu Wang shouted, “You just hold on–“

The sound of the word “stable” just started, and the ship suddenly turned!

Because of the octopus monster, the speed is greatly discounted, but the hull is still open and slowly striking.

The fish-like crocodile monster has flown, and the octopus monster has risen to the surface halfway. However, when Wu Sheng turned down, the left railing turned to the original stern position. I bit my octopus head!

The two sea monsters immediately entered the water, and under the huge impulse, the tentacles with suction cups pulled the entire left side railing of them!

Fortunately, the hull was unharmed and floated strongly in the rough waves!

Qian Ai finally realized the meaning of “controlling foreigners with foreigners”, and the knowledge points of “teaching foreigners to combat foreigners” learned in the history class were also returned.

But … can’t we just say that it provokes sea monsters to fight sea monsters? ! !

In the huge waves, the two sea monsters that were fighting together were ups and downs, but people with clear eyes could see that it was only a matter of time before the octopus monster went to the lantern fish monster to drink tea.

There is not much time left for them, Xu Wang can only urge Wu Sheng again: “Can you hurry up!”

Wu Sheng’s strength was gone, and he turned back bitterly: “Say the wind, the wind …”


Xu Wang blessed the soul in Wu Sheng’s repetition over and over again.

“Old money,” Captain Xu suddenly raised his head, his eyes shining, “Aren’t you called” Invincible Hot Wheels “? I saw the fire, what about the wind?”

“This …” Qian Ai looked at the captain who was in a hurry to take care of the doctor, and he was exhausted with a word. “The hot wheels are called to show this powerful …”

“No,” Captain Xu shook his head firmly. “After so long observation, I can say responsibly that every word in the stationery will never be given in vain.”


“Don’t be any more, you try raising your arms.”

Qian Ai was not wrong, but had to bite his scalp and swept his still burning right arm twice.

Captain Xu was almost stunned except for his hair, he didn’t feel any wind.

Qian Ai sighed: “I told you early …”

“How about the two arms together?”


What if the persevering captain stands?


Qian Ai closed his eyes and stared, and the other arm was instantly shrouded in flames.

Take two deep breaths and his arms are raised together!

With the hot wind blowing, he lifted the hair of Captain Xu’s forehead and blew the collar of Kang Jinxin further away.

Qian Ai stopped her arm and was stunned.

Xu Wang patted his shoulder with relief: “Old money, go up to the mast, throw your shirt away and lift it up.”

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