The Legend of the Four Seasons - Power and Divinity Recovery System

Chapter 27: Quite a return

Sete had to let go of her spear stuck in the mutant hyena's neck, so she put her free hand in her coat pocket and grabbed another orange seed.

The four mutant hyenas — crazed for revenge — split up to ambush the group: two went to the right, one to the left and the last one climbed the metal shelves and chased them from above, jumping from one shelf to the next. 

Ethan and Bianca's eyes widened and they began to run faster; they had already reached the end of the market, so they made a sharp turn to the right. The monster at the top of the shelves noticed the movement of the three prey and jumped into the middle of the next shelves in order to land right on top of the youngsters. 

As a result, the almost empty shelves began to fall one after the other, like dominoes. Sete grabbed the heirs of the Deities and threw herself down next to them, just in time to prevent a huge shelf from falling on their heads with a crash. 

The hyena from the bookshelves stuck its snout in the gap between one shelf and another, trying to reach the group with its clawed paws. Ethan and Bianca cowered, screaming while Sete frowned as she felt the animal's putrid breath hitting her face. It didn't take her long to infuse part of her power into the seed in her hands, transforming it into another sturdy spear that pierced the monster's throat in the same instant. 

Black, fetid blood splattered on the clothes of the three of them, expressions of disgust very clear on their astonished faces. 

Sete rested her back on the cold ceramic floor, positioned her legs on the shelf above them and kicked hard. It would have been impossible for an ordinary human being to lift that steel piece of furniture with a single thrust, but the girl was a deity, so there was no surprise when the bookcase and the hyena's body tumbled to the opposite side.

They were barely able to get up or recover from the fright, as the creatures of Chaos coming from the right jumped on them in an attacking position. Sete nimbly kicked one of the monsters away while holding the other with her spear, she looked around desperately trying to think of something.

Then she remembered that she could infuse more power into the weapon at hand, and that's what she did.

A greenish aura covered the spear, causing flowers and leaves to grow on the branches that began to branch out from its handle. The weapon was now almost a tree, its roots wrapped around the little deity's arms.

The orange branches launched themselves voraciously at the two canids, hitting several of their vital points. The animals yelped and tried to fight, but none of their efforts had any effect on the plant. 

Gasping, Sete turned to Ethan and Bianca as the orange branches retracted and the spear returned to its original form. 

— Are you all r- — Spring's speech faded as a large black shadow fell over her, knocking her hard to the ground. The impact made her head and back hurt, and her vision spun for a moment until she understood what was happening.

Sete had forgotten about the last mutant hyena, which had surprised her from the left and attacked her. Luckily, in an instinctive move, she placed the spear between her neck and the animal's mouth full of teeth. He, in turn, bit the wood so hard that it cracked, threatening to split.

Just as the material of the weapon gave way and it was about to break in half, Ethan stepped forward and — without his usual black gloves — touched the side of the monster's enormous body. 

Spring could feel the life draining from the creature of Chaos as its hateful eyes lost their luster. Ethan turned away in disbelief, quickly putting his gloves back on. 

The hyena's corpse toppled over the young deity's body, its weight pressing her against the icy supermarket floor. Ethan and Bianca push the lifeless animal aside, helping Sete to her feet.

— I think it's about time we left. — She said, leaning on a shelf, still a little breathless.

༻ ༊*·˚ ༺

The three of them were now standing in front of the bunker door, waiting for Thomas to unlock the locks. 

Ethan and Bianca were clearly shaken, disheveled and covered in splashes of fetid black blood. Sete was in much the same situation: with a piece of cloth tied tightly around the cut on her arm, her clothes stained with blood and her hair in disarray. Except, of course, for her expression, which was something between joy, peace and satisfaction. 

It was this scene that Thomas and Kai encountered when they opened the reinforced door of the refuge.

— What the hell- — The boy with the wavy brown hair started to say, but was interrupted by Sete. 

— We'll have roast chicken for lunch! — She announced excitedly.

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