Chapter 26: There's more than just food in this market
Ethan finished cleaning up the pharmacy first, after all, it was a single establishment compared to the various restaurants that were left to the girls. He grabbed all the medicines and personal hygiene items he could find and made his way to the food court in quick strides.
Sete and Bianca still had to scour three restaurants, but judging by their findings in the previous establishments, they wouldn't find much apart from one or two different spices, some well-preserved grains and canned vegetables.
The young man with the huge circles under his eyes set off to help them immediately, and soon the three of them had finished their thorough search. Now it was time to go to the market, which took up the entire second floor of the mall.
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The group decided to split up once again to explore the aisles of the supermarket, as they wanted to get back to the bunker as soon as possible.
Scanning the long shelves with their eyes as they walked silently, the three of them got further and further away from the entrance to the place and from each other. Many things had been looted before, but there were still products that would be of some use.
They filled their bags and backpacks with everything they could find. However, just as they were turning to head for the exit, they were paralyzed by the sound of clawed paws running across the ceramic floor of the market.
Sete's eyes widened when she heard the monsters sniffing the air. She couldn't see them, but she was pretty sure they were those mutant hyenas she'd spotted on the streets of Ousbury. What's more, having no idea exactly where Ethan and Bianca were made everything even more desperate.
— Ah! — It was Bianca's voice, and she seemed to have tripped and fallen. The Chaos creatures ran towards the noise, the terrifying sound of their claws hitting the ground echoing through the place.
Sete ran in the same direction, listening to the mutant canids bumping into each other and into the metal shelves, which made them shake and knock over some products.
At the back of the market, in the penultimate aisle, the young deity finally found Ethan and Bianca. The girl was sitting on the floor and the boy was holding her arm, helping her up. However, before Bianca could stand, five dark-coated hyenas appeared at the beginning of the corridor.
The animals growled hatefully, putrid saliva dripping from their mouths full of yellowish teeth. They calculated the size of their prey and, concluding that they would be able to beat them, leapt to attack the nearest pair.
— Get out of here! — Sete shouted, taking an orange seed from her pocket and turning it into a long spear.
She jumped in front of the heirs and ran to attack the hyenas, pushing the first one against the rack on her right, which collapsed under the weight of the huge creature. The monster was stunned for a few seconds and struggled to get up, the other four canids attacked in the meantime, but Sete deftly warded them off with her spear, holding them back as Ethan and Bianca got up and ran away.
It didn't take long for the hyena that had been thrown onto the shelf to launch itself at Sete again, who struck the animal's huge head with the handle of the spear while fending off the others with the sharp point of the solid wood weapon.
— Ugh! — The young woman grunted as one of the creatures slammed her into the rack on the left with its paw, opening a deep gash in her arm with its claws.
The monsters squealed with excitement as they noticed the blood dripping from the little deity's wound onto the floor and once again attacked her mercilessly.
Luckily, Sete was mobile enough to slam the handle of her spear into one of the hyenas and drive the tip into the throat of another, which was already bending down to bite her.
As the monster fell to the ground, motionless, its partners let out a mixture of growls and guttural barks. They're angry.
— HEY! — Bianca shouted, attracting the attention of the Chaos creatures by using her power to control the wind to throw small objects at the animals.
At the same moment, Ethan pulled Sete by the arm and the three of them took off running down the corridor lined with empty shelves.