The Knight of Fairy Tail


Makarov and the rest of Fairy Tail are standing in front of the ruins of Fairy Tail. Alice is standing next to Makarov. 

Alice is still wearing her damaged armor and you can see bandages through the holes in the armor. Alice has a few bandages on her face.

Makarov:*Sighs.* "It's in ruin. They really did a number on it, huh?"

Lucy walks through the crowd and stops half way.

Lucy:"Master, I'm so sorry."

Makarov and Alice turn to Lucy.

Makarov:"Child, you've been through a lot lately, but don't let it get you down."

Levy:"Yeah, let's see a smile, Lucy."


Lucy looks to the side and sees Levy, Jet and Droy and Reedus, walking up.

Levy:"Yep, we're back."

Levy winks at Lucy.

Lucy:"You're all right."

Levy:"We beat Phantom, so there's no reason for you to be sad."

Droy:"Sure, they might have destroyed our guild hall,"

Jet:"But we're gonna rebuild it even bigger and better."



Levy"I'm sorry that we had you so worried, Lucy."

Lucy:"No, it was all my fault."

Levy:"We heard about your secret, but there's not a single person in the guild who thinks you're to blame."

Reedus:"She's right. In fact, I owe you an apology."

Makarov:"Lucy, though we may not be able to share our feelings of happiness and sadness entirely, we do share them to some extent. That's what happens in a guild. One person's happiness becomes everyone's happiness. One person's anger becomes everyone's anger. And one person's tears become everyone's tears. There's no reason for you to feel guilty, so don't cry. You should already know how much everyone here cares about you."

Lucy starts to sob.

Makarov:"Hold your head high, my dear. Because you are a proud member of Fairy Tail family."

Lucy then starts to loudy cry. Lucy falls to her knees and Levy comforts her.

Alice smiles and looks back to the destroyed guild hall.

Alice:"Don't mess with Fairy Tail." *Alice then sweat drops.* 'But I'm more worried about the council now. Makarov might even get prison time!'

Both Alice and Makarov start to cry loudly. 

Erza:"Master! Alice!"




It's been a week since the Phantom incident and Fairy Tail is starting to rebuild their guild hall.

Mira:"OK, time for a break you guys!"

Alice comes around a corner and she's wearing her repaired golden armor and she's carrying a big stack of lumber and she sets it down.

Alice:'Lucky it hasn't been that bad since Phantom.'

Alice thinks back.



The rune knights approach Fairy Tail.

Wakaba:"Oh boy."

Macao:"Guess our secret's out, huh?"

Natsu runs away and Happy flies away.

Natsu/Happy:"Run, guys!"

The rune knights manage to trap Happy and Natsu.

Alice facepalms. 

Alice:"Damn it, Natsu."

Mira:"You know there's no escaping the Rune Knights."

Makarov starts to cry louder.

Erza:"Pull yourself together."

Mira:"Oh my goodness."

The Rune Knights start to round everyone up and they take them to a military place.

Alice is sitting on a chair in the middle of a tent. There is a man sitting across from her and there are guards filling the room.

Interrogator:"Now, Miss Alice. Tell us exactly what happened."

Alice looks around the room to all the guards.

Alice:"Is this necessary, I thought the council trusted me."

Interrogator:"It's just an extra precaution. Now, tell us what happened. Leave nothing out."

Alice sighs.




Alice wipes her brow and walks over to Mira.

Alice:'I just hope I got us out of enough trouble.'


Natsu holds up a pile of lumber and he laughs. then he collapses under the weight.

Mira:"Oh, Nat."

Gray walks by holding one piece of wood.

Gray:"That's what you get for carrying to much, you moron."

Natsu gets angry and he blows the wood off of him and stands up.

Natsu:"What did you call me?"

A loud bonk is heard off to the side.

Gray and Natsu butt heads.

Gray:"You got a problem?"

natsu:"Yeah, I got a problem with your face!"

Suddenly then feel a massive pressure and they both look to the side and see Alice with an angry aura around her and a bump on her head.

Natsu/Gray:*Freaking out.* "Alice!"


Alice jumps at them and they scream like girls.

A few seconds later Alice brushes off her hands and grans some wood off the ground and carries it away. Gray and Natsu are on the ground with lumps on their heads.

Alice:"Now get back to work!"


Droy:"I wouldn't wanna work for Alice."

Jet:"She's still wearing her armor while doing construction work?"

Makarov is in giant form and he's helping rebuild the guild and Alice walks over to him and she tosses up the wood she has and he cathces it mid air.

Erza yells to Makarov.

Erza:"Hey, Boss, where do you want me to put this lumber?"

Makarov points his thumbs to the side.

Makarov:"Over there."

Alice takes a few steps and she puts a hand on her left side and rubs it.

Alice:'Still sore.'

Gray/Natsu:"Ow, that really hurt, Alice."

Happy:"You guys playing whack-a-mole?"

Alice walks off to find more lumber.

Macao:"Hate to say it--"

Wakaba:"But it looks a little too big."

Mira's behind them holding a piece of paper.

Mira:"We figured we might as well expand the place."

Mira shows them "Blue prints"

Mira:"Look. I've got the plans right here."

Macao:"Oh yeah?"

Wakaba:"I wanna see."

Natsu then appears.

Natsu:"I liked it just fine how it was."

Gray then appears.

Gray:"What's it gonna look like now?"

The guys see Mira holding a drawing and it looks like a child drew it.

Macao:"What the?"

Wakaba:"Wow. That looks great."

Natsu:"So which way is up?"

Gray:"Man, these are the worst plans ever. What idiot came us with these?"

Mira smiles then after a few seconds she starts sobbing. Gray panics and tries to calm Mira down.

Gray:"Mira, I didn't know it was you."

Macao/Natsu/Wakaba:"You made her cry."

Happy:"That's Gray for you."

Gray feels a great pressure and he sneakily looks to the side and sees Alice glaring at him while cracking her knuckles. 


Gray panics more and shakes his hands side to side.

Gray:"It's was an accident!"



Gray is sitting on a crate while rubbing his head. Natsu and Happy are standing next to him. Natsu is stretching.

Natsu:"Man, I'm starving."


Gray:"When's our lunch break?"

A water geyser soaks Natsu.

Natsu:"I'm soaked." 

Happy points to Gray's lap.

Happy:"A lunchbox.

Gray looks down and sees the lunchbox.

Gray:"Where did it come from?"

Gray opens the box and inside is food in the shape of Gray's face. Gray freaks out.

Natsu:"Oh, wow! That looks pretty tasty."

Happy:"Whoa, that's awesome. Your face is totally edible."

Gray:"I can't eat this. It's just too weird. Something's oozing out the side."

Natsu:"I'll eat it for you."

Alice and Erza walk over.

Erza:"Who said you could take a lunch break?"

Alice and Erza notice the lunchbox Gray's holding.

Erza:"Hey, is that supposed to be your face made out of veggies?"


Alice and Erza get some forks and stab them into Veggie Gray's face and Gray screams.

Erza and Alice take a bite.

Erza:"Hmm. This is good."

Alice:"It's fairly delicious. 

Erza:"I could eat the whole thing."

Gray:"Guess I should try it."

Alice:'I feel like we're being watch.'

Loke walks up to the group.

Loke:"Hey, can you guys do me a favor?"

Loke holds up Lucy's gate keys.

Loke:"When I was in town, I found Lucy's gate keys. Could you give 'em back to her?"

Gray and Natsu walk up to Loke.

Gray:"Oh, hey, man. We were wondering where you'd run off to."

Loke pusses up his glasses.

Natsu:"You were looking for her keys this whole time?"

Happy flies over.

Happy:"Are you OK? You're even paler than usual."

Loke:"Yeah, I'm fine, just a little beat. You know, being a gentleman is pretty draining."

Happy:"We haven't seen Lucy around lately. She's probably still too sore to help out."

Natsu:"We should go and check on her. Why don't you come with us?"

Loke:"No thanks, I'll pass. You know I'm no good around celestial wizards."

Loke starts to head off.

Natsu:"Oh, come on. This is Lucy we're talking about."

Erza:"Natsu, everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. Just leave him alone."



The group heads over to Lucy's house. 

Natsu and Happy go up to her window.


Natsu:"How are you feeling?"

Gray came through the chimney.

Gray:"Geez, don't come in through the window."

Erza is nearby drinking tea and Alice is sitting at the table.

Erza:"Hasn't anyone ever taught you boys to use a door?"

Natsu/Gray:*Sweatdrop.* "Since when are you Miss Manners?"

Happy:"For real."

They notice the lack of yelling.

Natsu:"Yeah, what's the deal?

Gray:"Normally, she'd be all--"

Happy:*Mimicking Lucy.* "Get out of here!"

Alice:"I wonder where she could be?"

Gray:"In the bath?"

Gray goes over to the bath.

Gray:"I know I'm asking for it, but it's gotta be done."

Gray opens the curtains.

Gray:"Sorry about this."

Natsu's in the bath and he waves away Gray/

Natsu:"Not here."

Gray:"Where'd you come from? Get out of here, would you?"

Erza's wearing towels. 

Erza:"It seems as though she's not home."

Gray:"Way to state the obvious, genius."

Alice pops out from under Lucy's bed.

Alice:"She's not here."

Gray:"What were you doing under there?!"

Everyone heads back to the main room.

Erza:"It's just not the same without Lucy."

Happy:"Nobody can yell like she can."

Gray:"My impression of her wasn't that bad. It's not like your was any better."

happy checks a drawer. 


Happy's eyes whiten. 

Natsu comes over.

Natsu:"She in there?"

Natsu's eye whiten.

Gray comes over.

Gray:"Yeah, like she would fit in a drawer."

Gray's eyes whiten.

Then Alice and Erza walk over and look in the drawer.

Smoke comes from Gray's head.

Happy:"Where do you buy underwear like this?"

Gray:"That's underwear?"

Erza:"I've never seen anything like it. How would you even wear that?"

Alice:"How is someone allowed to wear this!"

Natsu:"Family gathering."

Happy/Alice/Erza/Gray:"Definitely not."

Gray:"Come on. Would you shut the drawer already?"

Alice:"Please, I can't stop looking."

Happy shuts the drawer and looks around.

happy:"Lucy, where are you hiding?"

Happy starts to go around and open more drawers.

Gray:"Would you quit looking in weird places?"

Alice:"It's an invasion of privacy."

Happy then climbs up on a shelf and he grabs onto a box and he loses his balance and falls off the shelf while holding the box. Happy and the box crash into the ground and the box opens up and letters spread out along the floor.


Erza:"So many letters."

Lucy:"And they're still sealed."

Natsu opens up a letter and reads it.

Natsu:'Dear Mom, today was a very special day, because I join the Fairy Tail guild.'"

Gray:"Hey, man. Don't go reading her stuff."

Natsu grabs another letter and reads it.

Natsu:"'I met the most beautiful wizard named Ezra, who's actually really nice and cool.'"

Erza blushes.

Natsu:"'She's always yelling at Natsu and Gray.'"

Natsu picks up another letter and reads it.

Natsu:"'I made a new friend and her name is Alice. She's really beautiful.'"

Alice looks away and blushes.

Natsu:"'She may seem cold and stoic on the outside but really she's a soft person to her guild mates and Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream.'"

Gray crouches down to the letters and picks an unopened one up. 

Gray:"Are all these letters addressed to her mom?"

Happy:"Looks that way."

Natsu:"How come she never mailed 'em?"

Alice looks at all the letters strewed out along the floor.

Erza:"I found a note."

Everyone looks to her and Erza is holding up a note and reading it.

Erza:"Evidently, Lucy left it for us. It says she's going home."

Natsu, Happy, Gray and Alice yell in panic. 

Natsu/Happy/Gray/Alice:"No way!"



Lucy is standing in front of her mom's grave.

Lucy:"I better get back."

Team Natsu:"Lucy!"

Lucy turns and sees her friends running up to her.

Team Natsu:"Lucy!"

Lucy:"You're here?"

Happy flies into Lucy's chest.


Everyone starts to talk back and forth and at one point Alice hugs Lucy really tight while crying and everyone has to pry Alice off of Lucy so she can breathe.

The group start to walk back towards the train station.

Lucy:"I'm sorry, guys. I didn't mean to freak you out."

Erza:"There's no need to apologize. We shouldn't have jumped to conclusions."

Gray:"Yeah, we thought you were going back for good."

Natsu:"Happy here was crying like a baby."

Happy:"You cried just as much as I did, Natsu."

Natsu scoffs.

natsu:"No, I did not."

Alice:"Yeah, he barfed more then he cried."


Lucy:"Aw, is someone embarrassed all of a sudden?"

Gray:"I gotta tell you, I'm kind of digging your hometown."

Erza:"Me too. It's such a peaceful place."

Alice:"It's so calm and quiet."

Lucy:"Oh, it's not a town. This is just part of our gardens. The Heartfilia estate goes all the way out to that mountain over there."

Everyone stops walking and just stands there.

Lucy:"Huh? What's the matter, you guys?"

Gray:"Holy crap, she's rich!"

Natsu:"And acts like it's nothing!"

Happy flies over to Erza and Alice.

Happy:"Two of out best soldiers are down. Captain Erza, Captain Alice, what are your orders?"

Alice looks between the mansion and the mountain a few times.


Alice blinks a few times and she falls over.

Erza is looking to the sky.

Erza:"Wow, the sky is so beautiful."

Happy:"We need a medic. Captain Erza and Captain Alice have a screw loose!"


Lucy then starts to laugh.

Everyone calms back down and Erza helps Alice up.

Alice smiles and laughs.

Alice:"Let's go home."




1963 words

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