The Knight of Fairy Tail

Magic Council and A Play

Makarov is in a council room and he's currently sleeping. Alice is a little ways behind him, standing guard and her eyes are close and she's sweat dropping.

Council Member:"Uh, Mr. Makarov, hello!"

Makarov wakes up.


Council Member:"Court is in session, sir and we have a very strict policy of no sleeping while on the stand!"

Makarov:"Sorry about that!"

Makarov rubs the back of his head and he awarkly laughs. 

Alice:'Master, please take this seriously. Yours and my reputation along with Fairy Tail's, is on the line here.'


After the trail Makarov and Yajima are both sitting on a bench talking. Alice is standing nearby at the window looking out of it.

Makarov:"Phantom Lord's to be disbanded, and Jose stripped of his title as one of the wizard saints. Pretty much what I expected. But then, Fairy Tail was found innocent, which came as a bit of a surprise to me."

Yakima:"I spoke in defense of your character, Maki. I hope you appreciate that."

Makarov:"You know, I'm glad for the support, Yaj. I'd like it if you could drop by the guild once it's been repaired. And I'll treat you to some ramen."

Yakima:"I could go for a fairy ramen with 12 slices of roasted pork."

Makarov:"That's kind of pushing it, don't you think?"

Yakima:"Do you know what the penalty is  for violating the fourth clause of your guild charter?"

Makarov:"All right. I get the point. You can have 20 slices. Better yet, make it 30!"

Yakima:"12 pork slices will be fine."


Some wind blows and Alice's hair flows in the wind and her blue eyes sparkle in the sun.

Yakima:"Listen, I think it's time for you to rein it in. we're just not as young as we used to be, you know. Don't tell me that you've forgotten."

Makarov:"About what?"

Yakima:"What happened to our old pal."

Makarov:"Who, Rob? Course not."

Yakima:"Those were the good old days, the team of you, me, Rob, and Porlyusica. We were all so young back then, just a bunch of reckless fools. But we lived every day to the fullest."

Makarov:"We sure did. Fairy Tail was a great place to be until Rob left us. Erza sometimes shares her stories of what he was like in his later years."

Yakima:"I brought this up 'cause there's been increasing talk that Fairy Tail's antics have been getting out of hand lately. Niccolo and Org have been making noise in the council about wanting to disband the guild. There's only so much Alice can do to keep the council off the guild's back. A man your age shouldn't be dealing will all these problems. It's too much stress. You won't do anyone any good if you're dead. Don't go like Rob. Seriously, you've got to step down soon. You're not a kid anymore."

Alice is slightly shaking and she has a sad look in her eyes.


Mira:"Listen up, everyone. We're taking on, job requests again, starting today! You'll have to excuse the mess while we're under construction, but at least you can get back to work."

Everyone cheers and they gather around the request board. Lucy is sitting at the bar.

Lucy:"What's up with them? Most of the time, these guys would just be loafing around the guild hall all day."

Mira giggles.

Lucy:"I don't suppose you've seen Loke, have you?"

Mira puts her hands on her hip.

Mira:*Teasingly.* "Oh, don't tell me you've fallen head over heels for Fairy Tail's resident playboy."

Lucy:"It's not like that! It's just that apparently he was the one who found my keys."

Lucy holds up her keys then she puts them away.

Lucy:"I just wanted to tell him thanks for his help."

Mira:"Sure, I'll let him know if I see him. So were your celestial spirits mad at you? You know, for dropping your keys."

Lucy:"Yeah, you could say that. And there was one spirit in particular who was really POed with me."

Lucy puts her hands on her butt.

Lucy:"Just thinking about it makes my butt sting."

Mira:"Goodness me."

Gray walks up from behind and he out his hand and ice magic glows from it.

Gray:"I could cool it for you."

Lucy:"That sounds like sexual harassment to me."

Happy flies over.

Happy:"Lucy, can you show me how red your butt is?"

Lucy:"And with that comment, you've crossed the line!"

Natsu comes over and loudly whispers to Happy and he makes his hand catch fire.

Natsu:"How do you think she'll react if I make her butt sting even more?"

Lucy of course hears this and yells at Natsu.

Lucy:"Who are you, the devil?"

A barrels flies through the air and hits Natsu.

Erza:"Why don't you tell the others how you feel?"

Everyone goes silents and they look over and see Erza and Alice standing in front of Laxus, he's sitting at a table. Both Alice and Erza look angry.

Gray/Lucy:"What's going on?"

Laxus:"I have no problem telling 'em what I think of 'em. This guild's full of nothing but losers and wealings,"

Laxus looks behind him to Droy and Jet.

Laxus:"Especially the two of you morons. You were Phantom's personal punching bags. You know, I'm glad I never bothered to learn your names."

Droy and Jet down with guilt in their eyes. Laxus turns to Lucy.

Laxus:"Which brings me to the worst of 'em all, the rich little princess wannabe wizard. This was your fault."

Mira becomes angry and she yells at Laxus.

Mira:"Laxus, would you shut up? The master said no one in the guild" *Laxus stands up.* "Was to be held accountable for what happened, not even you. Despite the fact that I begged you to come help and you turned your back on us!"

Laxus:"Stop your whining! That fight had nothing to do with me. But if I had been there, you wouldn't be drowning your sorrows in this pile of rubble right now."

Erza:"Why, you!"

Natsu:"I heard enough out of you!"

Natsu runs forward but Alice grabs his shirt and stops him.

Natsu:"Alice! Let go!"

Alice:"You don't stand a chance against him. At Least not right now."

Laxus:"Yes, listen to the 'Knight of Fairy Tail'." *Aice glares at him.*  "I heard you tried to go against the Master of Phantom and you lost horribly, but you did atleast get a few hits in. But in the end you lost like everyone else."

Natsu:"Shut up Laxus and fight me! Alice let go!" 

Natsu struggles against Alice's grip end Laxus chuckles.

Laxus:"How do you expect to fight me when you can't get out of her grip, you dimwit. I can't wait to inherit this place and kick all you weaklings to the curb. Your days in Fairy Tail are numbered, kids!"

Alice shakes with anger and she lets go of Natsu and puts a hand on her sword.

Laxus:"Things are gonna be whole lot different around here. So I guess you losers will have to find a new place to hang out."

Laxus chuckles and he disappears into lighting and goes away. 

Alice huffs in anger and stomps away.

Lucy sits back down on her stool.

Lucy:"What a jerk. Why would anyone ever let him take over?"

Mira:"We may not have a choice. Laxus could inherit the guild because he's the master's grandson."

Lucy shouts in panic.

Mira:"Whether we like it or not, he's at the top of a short list of people who could assume command if the master were to retire."

Lucy:"Oh, really? That sucks. It doesn't seem right. Someone who talks like that about his fellow members isn't worthy of being Fairy Tail's leader."

Mira:"It's been rumored Master Makarov refuses to retire for that very reason."

Lucy:"Wow. Seriously?"

Natsu:"Man, I hate him."

Erza:"Calm down. It's just a needless waste of energy. Let's try to get your mind off him. What do you think about taking a job?"

Natsu calms down and looks to Erza.

Erza:"And we can get Gray and Lucy to come along with us."

Gray and Lucy slightly panic. Gray's mostly naked again.

Lucy:"Do what?"

Mira:"Hey, Gray, your clothes."

Gray yells in panic.

Erza:"We've all been working together since the Eisenwald incent, so I guess we're a team of sorts now."

Wakaba:"It took her this long to figure that out? We all knew."

Macao:"Yeah, those guys have been joined at the hip for a while now. And this is the first time she called 'em her team?"

Cana:"That's Erza for you."

Erza:"So what do you think about making it official, the four of us, including Alice, working as a team. Well, actuall six, if we include Happy."

Natsu:"Where's Alice?"

Erza:"She said she had a job to do from the Magic Council and she wouldn't be able to join us today."

Lucy sighs.

Lucy:"But you're sure you want someone like me on your team?"

Natsu:"Not someone like you. Lucy, it's gotta be exactly you!"


Natsu:"It just wouldn't feel right if we didn't have you out there with us, you know?"

Natsu smiles and chuckles. Lucy gasps then she laughs.

Cana:"Now that they finally realize it, I guess they're officially our strongest team."

Macao:"Yeah, it's about time."

Wakaba:"Is Lucy really one of our strongest?"

Alzack:"I know I'd be done for if she sicced that psycho Aquarius on me."

Droy:"She's got a real sharp tongue too."

Jet:"Yeah, she's one of the best in the guild."

Gray and Natsu are angrily looking at each other.

Gray/Natsu:'I gotta team up with him?' 

Erza:"Problem, boys?"

Gray and Natsu panic.

Gray/Natsu:"We're absolutely thrilled!"

Erza:"I've already got a job lined up for us, taking down an arcane cult in the castletown of Lupinus. With me?"




lice is at home and she's reading through her mail outside. She's sitting on a tree stump with her armor on. Amayori is resting beside her. Alice looks at a letter.

Alice:"From the magic council? But I just finished my quest."

Alice opens the letter and reads it. The she pales and falls over. Amayori freaks out a little.

Alice:*Exhausted.* "They've done it again. Makarov will never be able to retire now and I won't be able to rest!"

Alice sits up and starts to anime cry.

Alice:"I want some ice cream now- WAAAAAAH."

Alice starts to cry and Amayori rawrs in panic. 



Alice is walking down a town street and she looks exhausted; She has a satchel hanging from her shoulder.  Amayori is walking behind her. People move out of their way as they walk.

Alice:*Exhausted.* "Why did the council have to give me a big job like that." *Alice then shakes and looks to the sky in anger.* "There were thirty more bandits then the quest said!"

Alice yells and a paper flies into her face; Amayori laughs. Alice grabs the paper from her face and she reads it.

Alice:"Oooooo, there's a playing happening today! I'm totally going. Amayori, let's go!"



Alice enters the theater and sits down in the back. Alice sits back and relaxes. Alice doesn't have her satchel now.

Alice:"I really needed this."

The lights turn off and a harp us heard playing.

Lyra:"Ages ago, there lived a prince alone."

The certain lifts and Lyra is on stage playing her harp. Alice sighs and smiles.

Lyra:"His heart cried out, its echo returned. In a - distant land so far away."

A stage light turns on and it shine on Erza.

Alice's smiles turns to a bitter smile and her eyes twitch.

Alice:'I don't want to be here anymore. I hoped this was going to be a normal play.'

Erza puts her hand out and tries to speak but nothing comes out and she starts to tremble.

Alice:'She has stage fright.'

Erza:"Hear ye, hear-- my name. I'm a prince. I came to save the princess."

Alice puts her face into her palms.

Erza takes her prop sword out.

Erza:"And I wield the power of--" *Erza repeats the sentence a few times.* "I wield the power 'cause I have 10 swords!"

Erza requips and a few swords and other items come out. She launches them into the crowd. One flies right past Alice and gets stuck in the wall right next to her head; Alice has an unamused look on her face.

Alice:*sighs.* "And I gave Amayori all the food as an treat."

Then a tied up Lucy is lifted down onto the stage.

Lucy:"O my beloved Prince Frederick, please save me. I'm held in the terrible clutches of that fiendish brute, Steinhart."

Gray then walks onto stage.

Gray:"I am the great Julius. If you want to save the princess, then you will have to cross blades with me."

Alice is looking through a pamphlet.

Alice:"I'm so lost."

Erza:"I challenge you." *She shakes and trembles then her face turns blue.*

Then the stage is covered in smoke and when it clears Horologium is on stage with Erza inside him.

Horologium:"We will fight, duel, the prince says timidly."

Alice just blinks a few times and sweat drops.

Lucy:"How good of you to come, Great Clock. The brave prince is in urgent need of a moment's rest."

Then Erza returns to normal.

Erza:*Inside Horologium.* "Finally caught my breath. I'm back."

Erza exits Horologium and Gray casts Ice Make magic.

Gray:"Meet you doom-- my sword of ice!"

Gray is now holding a sword made of ice and Erza's stage fight comes back.

Erza:"Uh, very well. I will attack you with-- With my ten swords."

Erza then casts requip magic and shoots the ten swords around Gray.

Gray:"I'm out of here!"

Gray runs off stage.

Lucy:"Prince Frederick, thank you for saving me."

Erza goes down onto one knee and she holds a hand out to Lucy.

Erza:"Please, Lady Yanderica, let's get married and have many children. Like, 33."

Alice:"What's going on?"

Gray walks back on stage.

Gray:"The calm before the storm shall endeth noweth! Death waits thou. Now come fourth and char him, my dragon!"

Natsu in a dragon suit comes onto stage and he starts to breathe fire everywhere and Alice starts to cry.

Alice:"Why him."

Natsu:"I am a powerful dragon. I will destroy you all!"

Gray:"Let's vanquish this beast."

Erza:"Yes. We shall slay it."

Lucy:"I can take care of the dragon. You two get to safety!"


Erza:"Thanks. We owe you one."


Erza and Gray run off stage.

Suddenly Happy, he was holding up Natsu, drops Natsu and Lucy screams. Natsu falls onto stage and it kicks up a bunch of dust. Lucy's dress catches on fire and she panics.

Lucy:"Ah, I'm on fire! Help me, Gray. I need ice!'

Gray:"I'll save you. Here it goes. Ice make--"

Erza steps on him and jumps into the air and she cuts off Lucy's dress.

Lucy:"She cut off my dress!"

Alice gets a nosebleed.

Alice:"What kind of play is this!"

Erza covers Lucy with her green cape.

Erza:"Princess, do you now feel all right?"

Lucy:"How'd you end up getting the lead in this play?"

Natsu then starts to breathe fire everywhere and alarms wail.

Gray:"Geez, would you cut it out, Natsu?"

Suddenly Taurus bursts out from under Gray; Gray's sent flying.

Taurus:"The princess's hot body totally mo-o-oves me!"

Alice wipes blood from her nose.

Alice:"Please stop destroying stuff!"

Lucy yells at Taurus.

Lucy:"Who said you could just show up and embarrass me?"

Taurus:"Sorry, I thought you were in danger. I promised I'd always protect you, Miss Lucy, but I'll vamoose!"

Taurus returns back to the celestial realm.

Lucy:"My spirits are crazy."

Erza:"I have no choice. Punishment awaits all of you scoundrels!"

The place starts to rumble and the theater falls apart.

Alice:"Not again!"

People cheer.

Alice starts to cry at the damages caused. 

Alice:"Not again! WAAAAAAH!" *She cries.*

Amayori appears and she as a satchel stuck on her head.



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