The Knight of Fairy Tail

Allied Forces, Assemble!

Mira is looking at a chart listing out the dark guilds and Alice is standing next to her. Lucy walks up to them.

Lucy:"What's all of this?"

Mira:"It's a chart listing out the dark guilds. 

Reedus:"Oui. She had me draw it up for her."

Erza:"A troubling sight."

Alice is reading all the names.

Alice:"There are far more than I'd realized."

Lucy:"What brought this on?"

Mira:"Unfortunately, they've been noticeably more active as of late."

Alice sighs.

Mira:"That means we need to strengthen relationships with our fellow guilds."


Gray:"What's the big circle in the middle supposed to be?"

Juvia:"I know exactly what it is. It's The Baram Alliance of Dark Guilds."

Lucy gasps.

Juvia:"The Three Major Players in that alliance are Oracion Seis, Tartaros, and Grimoire Heart. All powerful in their own right, but combined, they're the strongest force in the shadowy guild underworld."

Alice carefully looks at all the names on the board. 

Juvia:"Each controls lesser guilds that carry out the dirty work they don't wish to do themselves. However, there is one on this chart who remains independent. Raven Tail."

Lucy:"Oh, man... I recognize the name Eisenwald."

Erza:"I'm sure. That's the guild Erigor belonged to."

Gray:"So Eisenwald was actually just a kind of sub-guild that worked under this Oracion Seis?"

Wakaba:"I've seen a lot of these names before. But there are some missing."

Elfman:"That's because Alice took them down."

Macao:"I think some of them even used to be legit."

Mirajane:"There was one more, Ghoul Spirit, which the Thunder Legion took out."


Juvia:"Most of the guild that Gajeel and I destroyed, when the two of us were members of Phantom Lord were under Oracion Seis. Except for Fairy Tail of course. But we're all great friends now, right?"

Gray:"I wouldn't remind 'em of that if I were you."

Lucy shivers.

Lucy:"Creepy. Hey, you guys? Do you think they'll take it out on us?"

Wakaba:"Ah, relax. Don't worry your pretty little head about them. From what I hear, they've only got six members in the guild anyway."

Lucy clams down.

Macao:"Yeah, they should like small potatoes if you ask me."

MiraWewewewewewe:"Don't underestimate them. Those six wizards make up one of the most powerful guilds out there."

Makarov then walks into the guild.

Makarov:"Speaking of the Oracion Seis..."

Everyone turns around and looks to the Master.

Makarov:"Word has come down. We must destroy them."



It's silent for a few moments.

Mira:"Welcome back, Master."

Everyone groans and falls to the ground.

Mira:"I hope that you had a good time at the conference."

Lucy gets up and gasps. Then she puts a hand on Mira's shoulder. Everyone else gets up.

Lucy:"I'm sure."

Erza takes a few steps forward.

Erza:"But, master, what do you mean by that?"

Alice walks over and stands next to Erza.

Makarov:"Oracion Seis' recent activity was the focus of much discussion at the conference. They pose an urgent threat that can no longer be ignored. Therefore, they must be dealt with immediately. We will take them down before they can harm any of our fellow guilds we are sworn to protect."

Gray:"And we got to do all the heavy lifting, right? Typical."

Jucia:"Fairy Tail will be taking them on by ourselves?"

Alice:"It's a knights sworn duty to protect those who can't protect themselves."

Makarov walks down the steps.

Makarov:"This enemy is far more powerful than any other we have faced before. To fight them alone would be too dangerous. Our attack would surely incur the wrath of the entire baram alliance in no time. Which is why Fairy Tail will join a coalition of magical guilds."

All:"A coalition?"

Makarov:"Fairy Tail... Blue Pegasus... Lamia Scale... And Cait Shelter. These four guilds will select members to represent them in the allied force. Together, we will work to bring down the enemy!"

Natsu:"But we can handle it ourselves, Gramps. In fact, I could probably even do it alone."

Erza pushes her hand against Natsu's face. A few cracks are heard from his neck.

Erza:"Don't be a fool. The Master is wise to consider the long-term consequences."

Lucy gets chills.

Lucy:"Whoa, just hold on a second, you  guys. We're only talking about six people aren't we? I mean, are they seriously all that scary?"


Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Alice and Erza are all in a charge that's traveling through a forest.

Lucy:"I know I've said this before, but I've got a really bad feeling about this mission. And why am I here? I'm not all that strong. It's not like I'm gonna be able to help you guys, anyway."

Alice has her eyes closed and she's resting her hands on top of Fragrant Olive, which is on top of her lap.

Gray:"Look, this ain't no picnic for me, either. So quit pouting, would you?"

Lucy puffs her cheeks out.


Happy pouts and Natsu moans from his motion sickness.

Erza:"We're here for one reason. Because Master put his faith in us, so let's not disappoint him."

Erza turns to Alice.

Erza:"Right, Alice?" 

Alice doesn't respond.


Alice's head lolls to the side and she snores. A bubbles forms from her nose.

Gray and Erza sweat drops.

Lucy:"I know. You're right, but Gajeel and Juvia are better fighters."

Happy:"They can't go 'cause Master sent the two of them on another mission."

Natsu goans and he slides on the floor.

Natsu:"I don't care. I just... wanna... get... there."

Natsu tries not to barf.

Lucy:"It just seems like we're always picked for this stuff."

Erza:"You should consider it an honor. And today will be our first joint operation involving the other allied guilds. It's important that we all focus our efforts on starting to build a positive rapport."

Happy:"There is it."

Everyone looks out the front of the carriage and they see the mansion.

Happy:"The rendezvous spot."

The cart stops and everyone gets out. Alice stretches and yawns, a few cracks are heard from her back.

They then head inside.

Lucy:"Great, another creepy old mansion."

Erza:"It's the second home of Blue Pegasus Master, Bob."

Gray:"Oh, him. He makes me feel funny."

Erza:"Gray, be nice. Master Bob may be a little eccentric, but he does deserve our utmost respect."

Alice:*Whispers.* "Bob, creeps me out sometimes."

Lucy:"Yeah, Eccentric."

Natsu is sitting on the floor.

Natsu:*Moans.* "Just tell me when we're there, guys."

Happy:"Okay, we're there."

Young man:"Yes! They're here at last!"

Two Young men:"At last!"

Young man:"Hey, hey, hey, hey. Hello.


Young man:"Fairy..."


Young Man:"Tail..."



Alice tilts her head in confusion as three men stand in front of the group.

Alice & Friends:"Huh?"

All:"We're so glad you came."

Young Man:"We are..."

Young man 2:"The Blue Pegasus..."

Young man 3:"Elite Crew."

All 3::The Trimens."

Hibiki:"'Hundred nights' Hibiki."

Eve:"'Holy night' Eve."

Ren:"'Stil night' Ren."

Lucy:"The Trimens from Blue Pegasus. Wow, that is so cool. Those guys are like the hottest wizards around now."

Alice crosses her arms and puffs out one cheek. 

Alice:*Mumbles.* "They don't compare to, Millianna."

Lucy:"Hibiki Laytis is always near the top of 'Sorcerer Weekly's' most eligible wizard bachelor's list. He's been in the top-three for the last few months."

Gray is panicking and Natsu is leaning his face against a pillar, trying not to puke.

Gray:"Would you look at those guys? I feel totally underdressed!"

Lucy sweat drops.

Lucy:*Sighs.* "And they are not on the list."

Erza looks at the three men. Alice backs away from her.

Hibiki:"I've heard tales of your beauty... *He snaps his finger.* "And they're true." *He winks at Erza.*

Eve:"It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Titania."

The three men surround Erza.

Ren:"Please come with me."

Lucy is confused and Alice shakes her head.


Ren and Eve set up a couch and Hibiki brings Erza over to it and sits her down.

Hibiki:"Would you like to freshen up?"

Eve brings over a table.

Eve:"Or maybe something to eat?"


Hibiki:"Ah, but there's cake. Want some?"

Erza:"No, thank you."

Lucy:"Geez, what is the deal with these guys?"

Ren:"Please, have a seat."

Ren appears behind Lucy and she gasps.

Ren:"Oh wow. You're almost too cute."

Lucy begins to blush.

Lucy:"I am?"

Gray:"No joke, what is the deal with these cornballs?"

Natsu:"I missed something, who are they?"

Alice leans against a pillar.

Erza:"It's a pleasure to meet a future ally. I look forward to working together."

Eve:"You're so beautiful. It's almost unreal. It this a dream?"


Eve:"I hope not because I've always admired you."

Lucy and Ren are sitting on a couch together. Ren puts a drink on the table and slides it in front of Lucy.

Ren:"Here. You can have it if you want, but it's not like I made it for you."

Hibiki walks over to Alice and she glares at him. Hibiki turns around and walks away.

Hibiki:"Wel,, you ladies must be exhausted."

Erza and Lucy sweat drop.

Hibiki:"Feel free to spend the night."

All Three:"We don't mind."


Ichiya:"Calm down, men."

A midget walks down the stairs.

Ichiya:"Give these ladies some breathing room."

Lucy:"Whoa, that voice, it's silky smooth."

Ren:"Yes, Ichya, sir."

Erza:"Him? Oh dear."

Alice:"Oh boy."

Ichiya:"It's been far too long, Miss Scarlet."

Erza:"A long time, yes."

Erza starts to shake.

Erza:"I never expected to see you here."

Ichya:"Oh, how I've missed you my sweet honey. But don't cry. I'm here. Ooh."

Lucy/Happy:"My sweet Honey?!"

Lucy and Happy notices that Erza's shaking.

Lucy/Happy:"Whoa, she's shaking."

Ichya slides down the railing.

Ichya:"A surprise."

Trimens:"A surprise!"

Ichya:"A reunion."

Trimens:"A reunion!"

All:"Oh, yes! Oh, yes! oh, yes!"

Alice face palms.

Trimens:"We didn't know she was your girlfriend, Mr. Ichya."

The three turn to Erza and bow.

Trimens:"Please forgive our rudeness."

Erza points to Ichya.

Erza:"You know that is not true!"

Icya turns to the Trimens and he jumps off the railing and onto the ground.

Ichya:"You idiots! We have work to do!"

Trimens:"Right, boss."

The three run around and clean up the couches and tables.

Triemns:"Right, boss."

Lucy:"'Boss,' Huh? I think that's like the third thing they've called him."

Happy:"They're a bunch of mixed nuts."

Alice:"I wish to go home."

Ichya:"It seems that destiny has brought us together. Miss Erza, Miss Lucy, Miss Alice..."

He points to Gray and Natsu.

Ichya:"You two not so much."

Ichya begins to sniff the air.

Ichya:"Sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff. Sweet Parfum!"

Lucy begins to shudder.

Lucy:"He's creeping me out."

Erza:"Yeah. me too."

Alice:"Why do I have to be here?"

Erza takes a few steps back.

Erza:"I'd never choose to be in his company. However, he is a gifted wizard."

Gray:"Listen up, you Blue Pegasus playboy wannabes, You'd be wise to keep your hands off these ladies. We clear?"

Ichya:"Clear as crystal. Now take your leave."

Hibiki:"Thanks for dropping by."

Ren/Eve:"Thanks for dropping by."

Gray:"We're here on some serious business, you know? Can you pretty boys even fight?"

Ren:"You want to find out?"

Eve:"Yeah, we're real tough, pal."

Natsu:"Fight?! Well, count me in!"

Alice sighs and sweat drops.

Alice:"It's always with the fighting."

Erza:"Everybody needs to calm down this instant."

Ichya passes behind Erza.

Ichya:"My honey."

Erza gasps and shudders.

Ichya begins to Sniff Erza and Alice's right eye twitches. 

Ichya:"Your sweet parfum, it still drives me crazy."

Ichya moans and Erza punches him away.

Erza:"You stay far away from me."


Alice smiles and gives Erza a thumbs up.

Lucy:"Nice right hook."

The Trimens gasps and the doors to mansion open as Ichya flies to them.

Lyon stops Ichya with his hand and he freezes his head.

Lyon:"You dare to greet us with this flying buffoon? Lamia Scale deserves more respect. We insist on it."

Gray and Lyon notice each other.

Gray/Lyon:"It's you!"

Natsu:"Hey, so you went and joined a guild after all."

Lyon tosses Ichya away from him.


Ichya lands on his head and bounces a few times, breaking the ice on his head.

Ichya:"Oh no! Don't hurt the face!"

Ichya lands in front of the Trimens.

Gray:"What is wrong with you?"

Lyon:"He was the one who attacked me, Gray."

Ren:"Watch it, that's our leader you're messing with, pal."

Eve:"How dare you."

Hibiki:"You and your men should just turn around and go home."

Sherry:"I suppose that means women can stay and fight? Marionette attack!"

The carpet comes alive.

Sherry:"Carpet doll!"

Lucy runs away from the carpet.

Lucy:"What did I do?"

Lucy Stops.

Lucy:"Hold on, I recognize that magic."

Sherry laughs and Lucy sees her leaning against the door.

Lucy:"Sherry?! No way! You joined the guild too?"

Sherry laughs.

Sherry:"I was hoping you fairies hadn't forgotten who I am. But, please, do try to forget who I was, okay?"

Lucy:"Still crazy."

Sherry:"I have been born anew by the power of love."

Ichya gets up and bounces over to Erza.

Ichya:"More! I must breathe in more of your parfum!"

Erza freaks out and she requips a spear.

Erza:"Oh no! Stay back!"

Gray:"Let's go, Lyon!"

Lyon:"My pleasure!"

Natsu:"I'm ready to party!"

Sherry:"I could never love you."

Lucy:"Well, the feeling's mutual."

Alice sighs and she gets depressed.

Alice:"Can't we just have a normal adventure?" 

Then a slam is heard.

Jura:"Enough! We're here to work together as a group to destroy The Oracion Seis. This is not the time for use to fight among ourselves."

Lyon:"Ues, Jura."

Erza:"That's Jura?"

Ren:"So that's really him?"

Alice walks over to Jura.

Hibiki:"Lamia Scale's top-man. Iron Rock Jura."


Happy:"That guy is one of the Ten Wizard Saints."

Alice reaches Jura and she bows.

Alice:"It's nice to see you again, Jura."

Jura:"It's also nice to see you again, Alice."

Sherry:"So five from Fairy Tail and Four from Blue Pegasus? Ha! Funny, out guild only needed to send three members."

Tears prickle at the corner of Happy's eyes.

Happy:"Aww man, why do they always forget about me?"

Jura walks into the mansion.

Jura:"It seems we have representatives from three guilds. The members from Cait Shelter have yet to arrive."

Ichya is being held up in the sky by Erza's spear.

Ichya:"Yes, and about that guild, I hear they're only sending one."

Erza:"Just one member?"


Gray:"That's insane! We're supposed to be up against a powerful group here."

Lucy:"One? If that's true, how crazy intense is this guy gonna be?"

They hear a scream and a thud behind the, and everyone looks to see a child.


She gets up and dusts off her skirt.

Wendy:"Hi, I, uh-- I'm sorry I got here so late. I've come from the Cait Shelter guild. My name's Wendy. It's nice to meet all of you."

Gray gasps.

Lucy:"She's a kid?!"

Lyon:"A little girl?"

Natsu:"Wendy, Huh?"

Alice gains a small blush on her cheeks.

Alice:'I want to pat her head.'



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