The Knight of Fairy Tail

Alice is the Best

(Short Filler Chapter)

Alice is sitting at a table in the Fairy Tail Guild Hall. She's cleaning her sword and she hears some laughing to her right and she looks ver and sees everyone laughing at Natsu, who's doing a dance on one of the tables.

Natsu:"Na, Na, Na, Na, Na."

Alice sighs and goes back to cleaning her sword.

Alice:*Mumbling.* "Such children."

Everyone starts to laugh harder at Natsu and Alice's eye twitches.

Gray:"Come on, Natsu, quit goofing around and let's get back to work!"

Erza slides up behind him.

Erza:"Would you put some clothes on already?!"

Gray panics and he moves away. Erza looks to Natsu and gains a tick mark on her head.

Erza:"What is wrong with you?! Did your powers finally burn that brain of yours into a lump of charcoal?"

Natsu keeps dancing.

Natsu:"Hey, don't be such a killjoy. It's important to take a break now and then. Isn't that right, Happy?"

Happy hums in agreement. He's dancing with Natsu.

Happy:"Aye, Sir. This sure feels great."

Natsu stops dancing and looks down to Happy.

Natsu:"And now the finale."

Natsu and Happy start to shake their arms around.

Natsu/Happy:"Chicka, chicka, chicka, chicka, chicka, chicka!"

Alice slams her face down into the table and groans.

Alice:'Why am I friends with them?'

Alice gets up and she grabs an empty cup and starts to walk out of the guild. On her way out she tosses the cup behind her.

Alice:"Natsu, please act your age." *She walks out of the guild.*

The cup falls onto Natsu's head and he falls of the table.

That Night

Alice is back at her house and she's outside laying against Amayori's stomach. Alice is reading a book.

Amayori gives a light roar.

Alice:"I'm fine. Just annoyed that Natsu is taking a long break. How is he even paying for all the food he eats?"

Amayori huffs and Alice's eye twitches.

Alice:"I'm perfectly normal!"

Amayori rolls her eyes and snorts.

Alice:"I'm just taking a small vacation from work. I saved up a few million to take care of things." *She then mumbles.* "And incase anyone breaks anything."

Amayori then laughs.

Alice:"Yeah, laugh it up."

The Next Day...

Alice is back in the guild hall; she's currently sitting at a table with a book in her hands. Alice picks up a tankard next to her and takes a drink, then she sets it back down and flips the page.

Alice:*Groans.* "Man, I wish there was more information about my magic in here."

Alice flips a few pages and skims over them.

Alice:"There's nothing in here about absorbing magic like I did."

Alice then sets the book down and looks to her hands.

Alice:"If it's not my magic - then what is it?"

A stool flies past Alice and her eyes start to twitch. Alice looks behind her and she sees that Gray and Natsu are fighting, again.


Alice grumbles and grabs her tankard and downs its contents. Sighs and a pink bubble enters her mouth without her noticing.

A purplish pink blush appears on her face. Alice grabs her tankard and holds it up in the air.

Alice:"I need more! I'll be better than this tankard!"

Alice yells.

Alice:"I'M THE BEST!"

Alice starts yelling.

Max and Warren sweat drop.

Max:"Alice, I thought you stopped being like this five years ago."

Warren:"And since when did you drink Alcohol?"

Alice stomps over to the bar and sets her tankered down and grabs a barrel of alcohol and opens the quark and starts to drink straight from the barrel.

After a few seconds she stops drinking from the barrel and she tosses it. A big drunk blush appears on her head.

Mira:"ALICE! Don't throw things at me! Unless you want to fight!"

Mira appears in front of Alice and Alice growls and butts head with Mira.

Alice:"What ya say, Stupid head!"

Mira:"That's doesn't make any sense!"

Alice punches Mira and she flies through the air and crashes into Erza.

Alice picks up her tanker.

Alice:"I'm the best in the guild!"

Alice suddenly glows golden and she requips into a new outfit.

Alice grabs another barrel of alcohol and runs out of the guild

Alice's cat ear flicker and her tail sways behind her.

Alice:"I'm the cutest in the guild!"

Alice grabs another barrel of alcohol and runs out of the guild. She's holder her tankers with her cat tail

Alice:"I'm gonna climb the tallest mountain and show everyone I'm the best!"

Mira is now in her demon form.

Mira:"Don't run away from me!"

Warren/Max:"Where are you going, Alice?!"

The Next Morning

Alice is looking around with wide eyes.

Alice:"Where am I?"

Alice is currently on top of a snowy mountain and she's in a snowstorm.

Alice's cat ears flickers and she looks down and sees a barrel and she gives it a light kick.

Alice:"And why is there an empty barrel."

Alice then grabs her head and yells to the sky.




767 words

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