The Heroes’ Reincarnation

Chapter 509: A Troubling Find


A bladed arm slid past Akiol's blade as he redirected it. Dashing forward Akiol cleaved a leg off the suit, once again proving they weren't controlled by humans. Despite his injuries Akiol was able to disable a number of suits, although the constant movement didn't stop the bleeding.

It became clear that these suits were designed to enhance humans, and weren't meant to be standalone robots. Excluding their robotic movements, their strength didn't reach the same level as the first suit Akiol fought. It was empty, and allowed Akiol to deal with the approaching enemy easier.

As the final suit fell Akiol let out a heave, his wounds had made his breath become labored. Right now he needed some first aid. Hank assisted with patching a few of the wounds while speaking, "Must've called a retreat, there's a chance they wiped the data."

"I doubt it.", Akiol replied.


"Confidence. Brand new tech suit unheard of, one being worth a hundred men. If anything they probably think whoever dares to enter here are idiots, and only had the members evacuate in order to prevent word from spreading."

"That's still a bold claim. We can't be sure."

"It doesn't matter to me anyway, you're the only ones here after the data."

"Fair enough."

Akiol stood back up and moved his body about, the quick bandage job would only slow the bleeding. For now it allowed Akiol to keep moving. Returning to his feet he moved towards the unmarked room. The suits hadn't arrived, it seems they were now unwilling to burn through them.

Turning the corner Akiol took a single step before an alarm blared loudly.

~ ~ ~

"They've gone through the available EXOs sir."

"What?! Do you have any idea how much those cost?! Each one has the power of a hundred men! Do you mean to tell me a mere two people went through that?!"

"I'm sorry sir. We're still in the process of gathering data on them. However it seems they're heading towards-"

"Damn it! I can't let them get their hands on any available info we have left. Moreover I don't want to deal with 'them'. . . Fine, let loose Subject."


"We have a better chance of catching Subject, what's important right now is that those two are dead!"

"But sir, 'they' won't be happy-"

"I will deal with 'them'! Just do it!"

"Yes sir. . ."

~ ~ ~

< . . . >

< Order Confirmed >

< Releasing Subject Otherworld >

< Removing subzero fluid >


< Opening Capsule. . . >

< Complete >


"Hmm? They let me go. . ."

A figure with dull grey hair and eyes looked about. Several tubes stuck out of their body, but only for a moment for the figure ripped them free. Standing up they rolled their shoulders, "Big mistake. I'm not gonna get caught again~"


The alarm rang, making the figure wince. Pulling a spare set of clothing they slipped them on with ease and walked through the hallways. Glancing about they questioned, "No one home?"

Turning a corner they paused, "Oh."

Two figures stood at the other end of the hall. One holding a sword, the other a series of firearms. Glancing at the weapons they asked, "Who are you?"

"On the ground.", the one holding firearms commanded.

"I'm not going to get captured again."

"On the ground last warning!"

"I don't think so~"


A bullet whizzed past, the figure moved slightly to escape with only a scratch. Feeling the low amount of blood on their face they let out a joyful laugh. One that would be pleasing to hear, but in the current situation only put others on edge.

The ground cracked beneath their feet as they leapt forward. Clearing the distance in the hall in no time. Extending a hand forward a strange grey energy crackled from their palm and across their hand.


A blast of grey and silver energy burst. The one wielding the sword blocked the outstretched hand, the force making them slide back. Immediately they took a stance and shouted, "Hank go!"


"No questions, just go!"

The one called Hank glanced both at the figure and the sword wielder. With a frown he lowered his weapons and retreated another way.

"Odd, why did you come here to run?", asked the figure.

"You're not supposed to be here. But it makes sense now, how they figured out those beasts, and the suits."


A sword flickered forward the figure caught the blade and grey energy struck against it. An impressed expression formed on their face as they saw the silver energy blocked their attempt to break the blade, "I haven't seen that before."


The sword was let go and instead a fist slammed against the figure's face. Receiving the full force they almost fell backwards with how far they leaned. A murmur leaked from their lips, "A willingness to abandon their weapon to gain an edge. . ."

A flash of silver let loose as a swing was performed. Dodging the blade the figure leapt forward with crackling grey energy. Slamming a palm into the sword wielder's chest they pushed them back with an incredible amount of force.

The next moment the figure was forced to lean back to dodge another swing, "With a swiftness to end the fight at the start."

Spinning at an almost impossible angle the figure performed a back kick. This was dodged and the sword swung down towards the extended leg, as if to chop it off. Grey energy snapped and the figure retracted their leg incredibly quickly. Flipping away the figure just barely managed to have the sword wielder back in sight before a flashing blade aimed for their neck.

"Seizing any opportunity. . .", the figure caught the blade with their hand, grey energy arcing furiously.

The sweet laugh rang out again, "It's you! I thought I was alone! You look so different Akiol!"

Akiol eyes narrowed, "You haven't changed at all Rue."

"What's the Hero doing here?"

"I could say the same for a Demon Lord."

Two emotions clashed between the two. One of pure joy, and the other of ferocity.

Rue, the Demon Lord he had painstakingly defeated before.

A battle that had brought him to this world, and now she was here too. Both of their strength were far from that battle, but right now Rue had an upper hand. In this place without mana she was still capable of using the demonic energy exclusive to the Demon Lord.

More importantly, the way Rue looked was exactly the same. As if she was entirely transported here, and not just her soul like Akiol and his party. That would explain how she still had access to demonic energy, but only spelt more trouble.

Akiol let go of his sword and delivered a swift strike with his fist. Rue dodged it with ease and flipped the sword to grab it properly. Inspecting the vibrating blade she complimented, "Your sword choice never fails to please."

"You don't know how to swing one."


Rue swung several times, each swing cutting through naught but air. Akiol spotted an opening and kicked Rue's hand, knocking the sword upwards. Grey energy crackled down the blade as she forced a swing regardless. Swinging around Akiol dodged the attack and pinned her arm. Moving quickly he threw Rue towards the ground and put her in an arm lock, twisting to free his blade.

Grey energy snapped towards Akiol, threatening to consume him. Silver Aura leapt to defend, small wisps clashing against the powerful arcs. Rue watched in interest, "You've learned a new trick."

Energy crackled up her arm as she forcefully swung upwards. Akiol was unable to maintain his hold and was flung towards the ceiling. Crashing into the metal ceiling Akiol lost the air in his lungs. Falling almost limp towards the ground.

Rue stood up and dusted off the borrowed clothes, "A fight like this is so childish compared to before."

Akiol sucked in a breath, silver Aura helped him flip forward and land on his feet. Dashing forward he collected his sword off the ground, swinging it towards Rue's neck.

{Way of the Galaxy: Photon Cutting Slash}!

"Ah?", Rue's arm crackled with demonic energy as she lifted an arm to block. Silver Aura and grey demonic energy sputtered from impact, the blade having broken past and creating a gash. Rue watched with an intrigued look, "You've done something very interesting. Your sword was never at this level before."

"Why are you here?", Akiol instead decided to interrogate her.

"I woke up at this world. Did you think I came here intentionally? After I lost our battle I was greeted with an unfamiliar place."

Akiol's sword retracted and flickered forward. Rue took a step back but noticed the wall was now behind her. Akiol's sword embedded into it and almost scratched her neck.

Rue raised her hands in a surrendering fashion with a smile, "Okay okay, let's calm down shall we? I'm not trying to die again."

"Why are you helping them? Those demonic beasts shouldn't be in this world."

"Assuming the worst of me? I was captured shortly after I awoke."

Akiol's eyes narrowed as he inspected her expression. Rue laughed sweetly, "We don't have to fight you know. This place isn't under the scrutiny of those gods."

"If you were captured, why are you here now?"

"They let me go~? Maybe they wanted me to kill you, since last time I tried to escape it was quite the spectacle."

"You expect me to believe that? With your history?"

"Oh come on~ I don't have an army to my disposal anymore. It's just me! I can show you were they held me, will that calm you down?"

Akiol was unsure. This very same being was who caused havoc and chaos in his world. To trust them so easily, his instincts screamed against it.

However there was a fair point. Part of why the Demon Lord was so terrifying was the army of demonic beasts under their control. Although Rue was stronger than Akiol, even with the advanced suit he wore, she lacked the fighting technique. In fact it was almost as if she hadn't spent any time developing at all.

Akiol's stare almost created a hole through Rue's eyes, but she remained silently smiling. Clicking his tongue Akiol pulled his sword free, "Show me."

Rue's hand flickered forward and grey energy crackled. Pausing just before Akiol's neck she flashed a dazzling smile, "Fair, worth a shot."

Akiol's sword was a hair away from piercing her heart. Retracting her hand she gestured for Akiol to follow, "What about you? Why are you here?"

"The gods sent me here."

"Sent you?"

Rue paused and looked up, "What are they planning now?"

"Keep moving."

"Yes yes, you really ought to stop following their words all the time. They do what's only good for their self interest."

"You say that, yet followed the evil gods."

"Neither of us had a choice then, you know that best."

"Willing to go against them now?"

"I wonder~"

Walking to a room Rue spread her arms, "Tada~! My home for the past few years."

Akiol eyed the words on a few computers, most of it incomprehensible. Moving towards a large glass capsule he gently touched its surface. Rue, placing her hands behind her back, spoke in a low tone, "I don't remember much after coming here. When they captured me I remember being in a liquid."

"What about the beast?"

"What beast? You know those things can't function without mana, and this place is devoid of it."

Akiol knelt down and studied the bottom, "You remember anything else?"

"Just one thing, the only thing I was able to see in that liquid. Hand me your sword."

Akiol instead stared at Rue, not moving to answer her demand. Rue extended a hand, "What, you think I'm gonna stab you? I need to draw something."

"Then use the pen and paper around."

"What's a pen?"

Akiol opened his mouth but paused, "It's a quill."

"Then just say that! Where is the ink?"

Picking up one of the clipboards and pens Akiol handed it to Rue. Upon receiving the pen she stared at it, "This isn't a quill."

Akiol had fully understood that his arrival to this world was relatively stress free. Using James' memories he had overcome the obstacle in knowledge. Picking up the pen he demonstrated how it works. Rue made an excited expression, "It doesn't require ink! Oh I hated writing, if I had this I don't think I would've minded it as much."

Finding a paper with a decently large blank space Rue scribbled a rough sketch. Inspecting her work she nodded happily, "Done! It writes so smoothly!"

Akiol took the clipboard and flipped it around. Looking at the drawing he paused.

For it was a rough picture of the sun setting over a horizon.

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