The Heroes’ Reincarnation

Chapter 508: A Force Foreign To This Planet

Bullets whizzed past. Akiol wasn't confident in deflecting these, even if he was performing beyond a normal human's limit. They were incredibly small projectiles moving at great speed. Although deflecting was the only thing he wasn't confident in.

"What are you doing? Shoot him!"

Akiol's figure moved swifter than the guards anticipated. Their bullets always seemed to lag just behind, never hitting. As if the wind graced Akiol itself to never be hit. Approaching rapidly the guards grew fearful, "Move back! Don't let him near! Send the guard dog!"

The massive mechanical beast made whirring sounds as it stepped forward. The ground quaked slightly with each step. Its body moved so unnaturally. Akiol's face twisted, they can't bring these kinds of forces to this planet. That beast was of another world. One too sickening compared to this peace loving world.

Silver Aura clung to the edges of his sword as he dashed forward. The beast swung its talons and opened its jaws, but Akiol expertly flickered through its attacks. Jumping up he cleaved off its head with a single swing, and landed on the back of the body. The mechanical beast shuddered, took a step forward. . . and failed. Collapsing onto the ground its clicking and whirring faded away before stopping altogether.

Hank hesitated, staring through the scope he asked, "You saw that too right?"

". . . Yeah. Our tools can't cut through metal like that, at least not that quickly."

"Damn, I'm beginning to think this might work."

The guards pointed their weapons, but were hesitant. They've seen what the mechanical creation was capable of. Its armor often deflected bullets easily, so what was this?!

Akiol pointed his sword while still standing on the fallen beast, "You lack the resolve to continue this. Drop your weapons and leave, only chance I'm willing to give."

It took a moment before one guard felt he fully understood. Dropping his weapon he lifted his hands, "I can't die here, I have my daughter's birthday to attend. I promised."

"Then go."

"Thank you! Thank you. . . !"

The guard sprinted away. Akiol didn't look at them leaving and instead kept an eye on the others, "Well?"

These guards left too. Akiol heard a voice enter his ear, "Shouldn't let them leave, they're going to alert others."

"We won't be long."

Akiol stepped off the mechanical creature and approached the massive pair of doors, "Don't think entering through the front door is a good option."

"No other choices. Try as we might there was no information regarding the facility. This is the only way we know both in and out."

"Alright, how do we open it?"

"Small entrance to your left, should be able to break through the steel door."

Spotting the door Akiol approached it and attempted to open it normally. This failed, so he instead used his blade to cut an opening. Inside was several devices Akiol couldn't understand, but otherwise empty in terms of people. Hank also slipped inside moments later. Moving to a terminal he plugged a device in and said, "Now it's up to the other end."

Akiol closed his eyes and said, "Then brace yourself, we've got quite a bit of trouble."

"I should be saying that."

The voice in their ears spoke, "Got it, seems I might be able to scrounge up a floor plan. You deal with whatever is stopping you."

The doors creaked as they slid open. As soon as a person-sized gap formed something flickered out. A high pitched whirring sound filling the air. Another high tech suit. Spotting Akiol they didn't hesitate to charge forward. Speed normally impossible to obtain made the dust fling upwards as they moved.


Akiol slid back slightly, but his sword hadn't failed. A voice spoke in astonishment from the suit, "What?!"

The high tech suit was a bit different from the one that assaulted the manor. This one had thick blades protruding from the wrists. With a swift movement Akiol pushed aside the blade and swung, crackling silver energy hummed as he scored a clean diagonal cut across the suit. A gel immediately arose to block the bleeding.


Arcs of electricity snapped to Akiol's blade as he made another final move. His sword stabbed through the armor and dealt a fatal blow. Freeing his blade the suit fell to the ground and remained still despite the still active whirring.

Hank wasn't standing still during this rapid encounter. His weapons fired rapidly as he eliminated several more people with an expert level control. The duo managed to clear out the waiting guards before the doors managed to open entirely. Akiol eyed the guards and asked, "No mercy for these ones?"

"Mercy isn't my style. Too naive."

". . ."

Akiol flicked his blade, the gel and blood clinging to it flew off effortlessly thanks to the vibrations. Stepping forward he moved into the facility. Hank reloaded his weapons and eyed Akiol's expression, "Not a fan?"

"Doesn't matter."

"Then let's move. It's just the start."

~ ~ ~

"Facility 7-BA has pulled an alert."

"That one? Moronic group. Not a damn thing in this world capable of surpassing the defenses there."

"That's the thing. . . they've taken down Projects EXO and H-Y-O."

"That suit is designed to take on a hundred men. You mean to tell me they not only took one down but also the prototype beast? How many are assaulting the facility?"


"Two?! Send the other EXOs, I want them dead!"

"Already on their way sir."

"Verify the integrity of our defenses. If any data regarding these projects are leaked there will be significant consequences. I expect the identity of these two are to be found out immediately as well."

"Right away."

"Two people?! That would require them to have the same technology as us. But no one else is willing to partner with 'them'. . . so who?"

~ ~ ~

"I've gathered some floor plans. No data on potential storage regarding the information we're looking for. However I did find something of interest."

Akiol eyed the facility. Incredibly clean hallways, simplistic coloring, and colored lines meant to help navigate made the halls. He noticed some markings on the floor, large footprint-like imprints. He assumed this is where the machine came from and considered heading in that direction. Yet when the voice mentioned a point of interest, he chose to listen for a moment instead.

The voice explained, "Just about all the rooms and pathways have some sort of description. I was only able to access about half of the floor plan, but there's one room that has no information on it at all. It's the furthest away, and could just be a red herring."

Akiol spoke, "Then we move that way."

Something felt off. There wasn't much resistance in the facility. As if whoever was inside had quickly left the moment they breached. That or they were preparing an assault.

"Keep your eyes open", Hank warned.

It seems he too had his concerns. Akiol made a motion to signal his acknowledgement, but remained silent. As they moved through the halls he occasionally closed his eyes, but saw nothing.

"There's not much resistance. It was supposed to be heavily guarded, what's going on?", the voice spoke.

"Shouldn't have said anything.", Akiol spoke.

Their ears filled with sound almost immediately after. Turning high on alert both Akiol and Hank remained on guard. A group of high tech suits began to arrive down a different hall, high pitched whirring becoming louder by the moment.

Hank wasn't too confident upon seeing the army of advanced suits, "We should retreat, find a better area. This force is-", he didn't get to finish before seeing Akiol dash forward, "Are you insane?!"

The suits moved together, their movements sort of robotic. Akiol didn't intend to recklessly tackle them head on, rather his goal was to disrupt this synchronization they had going. Once chaos broke loose, Hank would stand a better chance at taking action.

The suit closest to Akiol threw a punch forward, but Akiol instead leapt over the suit, jumping higher than a normal person should be capable of. Landing in the middle of the suits his sword flickered about as he caused several gashes in the suits.

Several suits threw punches forward, some having blades on their arms. Akiol almost immediately noticed that none of the attacks were impeding on the other. A showcase of perfect teamwork. Yet also still holding the robotic feel to it. Akiol slipped through the attacks, mostly dodging underneath them. Supporting himself he kicked upwards, knocking the arms away. Pushing himself off the floor he executed a spin kick. The force from the impact made a suit stumble back.

"As expected, there isn't anyone real in these suits.", Akiol deduced, "Hank we have to disable their movements."

"In that case it's doable.", Hank replied as a loud bang traveled down the hallway.

One of the suits had their leg shattered to pieces. A gunshot from Hank's powerful weapon. The suit stumbled about trying to keep its footing, but only proved Akiol's words. The suits were empty! Most likely being controlled by artificial intelligence. Explaining their perfect teamwork yet robotic movements.

Without the quick reactions of humans, the A.I. was limited in its choices. Clearly it hadn't been fully developed yet since the suits struggled to make adjustments. Akiol moved faster, cleaving off the suits limbs with a swing each.


A suit lifted a strange object and aimed it. Hank spotted it and aimed his rifle, but just as he shot the suit also fired. Flames spit out of a rocket as it traveled down the hall, moving at an incredible speed. Akiol noticed the projectile, but he wasn't expecting the next move. A suit instead jumped in the way of the projectile, causing it to explode next to him!

Flames rolled through the hallway as the explosion spread. Hank dove for cover but held a lot of concern. How could anyone survive an explosion from that close? The truth is, Akiol wasn't able to escape unharmed! Instead he removed the enhancement of Aura around his sword and instead further increased his defenses. Just barely managing to take cover behind another suit Akiol had managed to get away with his life, but still sustained several injuries. Fragmentation from the explosion had dug into the suit and blood was beginning to leak through.

Hank quickly rushed towards Akiol when the explosion faded. Upon noticing Akiol's condition Hank suggested, "We should get you treated."

"We keep moving, this much I can handle."

Nothing fatal was hit, but his movement would be restricted somewhat. Akiol returned to his feet and moved his limbs about. Akiol felt in his heart that if he backed away now, there wouldn't be another chance to stop this.

He wasn't doing this for the betterment of the world. Rather he viewed this suit, and the fact that they may put a target on him, as a threat to he and his friends safety. Thus it would be best to end it here and now.

Just as Akiol returned to his feet, another set of suits came around the corner. Akiol gripped his sword and took up a stance, "Incoming."

Hank turned to see them and aimed his weapon, "This is ridiculous."

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