The Goddess Needs A Break!

Chapter 12 – Celebration

The very next day, Takei seemed to be on edge more than he usually was. Some of his classmates thought he was hiding something sinister, for a black aura was oozing from him. There were rumors circulating around school that talked about Takei joining a gang.

However, the truth was not as exciting as most people thought. He was just on pins and needles because his family was having a party for Akari today. They hadn't told her that the party was today, so it was a bit of a surprise even though Akari knew the party was in the near future.

"What's wrong?"

The two of them were walking home after school together. Takei was fidgeting around and not acting like his usual self. After spending so much time with him, Akari would have no trouble noticing Takei's weird behavior.

Takei needed to think of a lie quickly or he would be busted. "Umm, nothing. I was just thinking about the new term."

A/N: Term = A segment of a Japanese school year. There are typically three terms a year. The term that starts after winter break would be the last term of the school year.

This was the best lie he could've thought up in this situation. The new term that starts after winter break next week was the only thing that came to his mind.

Akari seemed to have bought his lie quite easily. "Ah, I hope the new term is even more fun than this past one."

Regaining his composure, Takei let out an indifferent answer that was a stark contrast to his anxious demeanor several moments ago. "I don't have high expectations for this new term though..."

Takei then remembered how fun the past couple of weeks were. He felt such a warmth in his heart that he hadn't felt in a while. It was, of course, all because of the goddess herself.

"...But I agree with you. I hope that this next term is a fun one." Takei finished his sentence off with a bashful tinge.

Akari's eyes seemed to dwell on something for a moment, but they soon cleared up as she looked at Takei resolutely.

"I hope we get to spend more time together because I have the most fun when I'm with you..."

An unbelievably destructive sentence came out of Akari's mouth. That single sentence was enough to destroy Takei's sanity. Akari's attack had done over 9000 damage to his psyche. There was no way he could stay unaffected after she told him about her feelings.

Takei turned to his side to see Akari also blushing madly. It seems like he wasn't the only one embarrassed.

Why did you say something embarrassing if you couldn't handle it? That attack affected the both of us, you know?

He could not believe that she would say something that boldly. As a result, the rest of the walk home became a silent one. Both parties were still recovering from the destructive attack.

After a couple more minutes, the duo reached Takei's home. The front door was locked since Flora and Airi were "out on errands." All of the lights were also turned off which left Akari questioning the situation.

"Why are all of the lights off?"

Another poorly crafted lie was made on the spot by the highly unadaptable Takei. "We've been trying to save more money, haha..."

Takei glanced at his smartphone and confirmed the time. It was perfectly aligned with the designated time he was supposed to arrive. With everything in place, he put the key in the doorknob and slowly turned it until the door separated from the frame.


Two people leaped out from the shadows of the dark house. No one was scared or frightened since the two mystery people were familiar faces. As anyone could tell, it was Flora and Airi that jumped out.

Akari didn't seem that surprised, it almost felt like she was expecting this due to Takei's weird attitude. However, she played along to ensure the good mood would not be spoiled. "Eek! You two scared me, jeez..."

As always, the goddess was perfect at anything she did, including acting.

Flora seemed elated since she had succeeded in scaring Akari. "Come in, come in! We're having your party today, so the guest of honor needs to be here."

Airi nodded in agreement. "Hurry up, Akari! We can't start the party without you!"

Both of them shooed Akari into the house leaving Takei outside wondering what he should do.

"What a riot..."

Takei usually didn't like noisy places or events, but today he felt different.

"Although, it's not that bad to be noisy sometimes."

A small smile crept up on Takei's face as he entered his house with a newly found feeling of satisfaction.


Akari's Affection Meter: 31 -> 32%

The surprise from the Tanaka family really tickled her heart in the right place. She is slowly exiting the realm of best friends and is about to reach the entrance of "something more than friends, but less than lovers."

Tomorrow's chapter will not be a continuation of the celebration mini-arc. It will be a short .5 chapter from the perspective of Takei's mother, Flora. The celebration mini-arc will return promptly in chapter 13.

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