The Girl Wants to Be M*rdered

Chapter 3

Riding this feels like a roller coaster.

In a pitch-black space, I was tossed around. Floating through the universe, feeling like I had nothing to depend on.

Up, down. In a darkness that seemed endless, I existed all alone.

So comfortable.

At the end, I found a ray of light.

Like a moth drawn to the flame, like a bug following the moonlight as a guiding star, I slowly flew towards that light ㅡ


We promised to call this “past life.”

Ah… this is reincarnation. It’s common for me.

“What are you thinking about, Aris?”

“Hmm… thinking about Remi Unnie?”

“Ahhh! I love Aris so much!”

Holding me tight in her small embrace, my older sister.

In a corner of the royal palace, a small flower garden. There, my big sister and I were playing. Carefully making a little flower crown.

I placed it atop her head. She smiled much more brightly than any blooming flower.

Remi, Remi Akaia. My current older sister and the princess of a small kingdom called Tesillia.

Maybe out of joy, her strength in holding me grew stronger. It was a bit cramped in my child’s body, but I faced Remi and hugged her back.

It smelled different from the flowers in the garden; it had a cozier, more human scent.


Being the second child, she was supposedly waiting eagerly for my birth. Even my name, Aris, was chosen by Remi.

Well, it is nice to have a younger sibling.

Inspired by the protagonist named ‘Alice’ from a fairy tale, she said it was chosen. Our parents also approved, saying it was a pretty name.

Maybe because of the name or simply because I was wonderful, Remi had hardly ever left my side since the day I was born.

Even when sleeping,


…and even when washing up.

Well, I didn’t mind.

Due to my first life, my inclinations leaned heavily towards being male, but thanks to the experience of living as a woman throughout the continuous reincarnations, I had long since grown accustomed to it.

“Aris! I love you so much!”

“I love you more!!”

“….!? I can’t give you up, Aris! Let’s get married!”

“Uh, that’s a bit much.”


My sister made a face like she had lost a country. Because of that, it was quite tempting to tease her.

Hmm, good reaction.

Every time I saw such a look, the impulse within me to make her cry overwhelmed me.

I want to make her cry.

What kind of expression would she make if I died in front of her?

If she could kill meㅡ that would be the best!

I ended my reverie.

I looked up. I saw her teary face. I dashed away, escaping from my sister who looked like she had been struck by lightning.

Run away!

I could see Remi chasing after me, calling my name from behind.

It was our usual game. Tag, like what kids my age would do.

As always, getting caught meant the end. Then I’d give her the snacks I had secretly collected.

The one who always loses is me. Where would you find a younger sibling who could beat their older sister?

Hehehe, the high-pitched laughter of a child filled the garden.

By the way, is the distance too close? Ah, she came right after me.

“Hey, Unnie!! 10 seconds! 10 seconds!!”

“Oh! Right! Uh… 10ㅡ! 9ㅡ!”

I see my sister coming to a halt. Slowly counting down the numbers, Remi. I quickly dashed out through the garden’s door.

It seemed far away, but I couldn’t let my guard down.

Whenever I was nearby, Remi would count diligently, but the moment I was out of sight, she would rush straight to zero.

It is a bit of a cheat, but, well, she’s cute, so I guess it’s fine.

After I got caught, she’d always wobble past any objections while rubbing her face against mine. Then I’d have no choice but to lose again.

So where to go?

Our parents, Marco Akaia and Mari Akaia, seem to have gentle natures, looking like kings and queens of a kingdom, yet still reigning as a king of a nation.

By now, they must be working hard, getting scolded by the ministers while buried in paperwork.

Poor them.

Those bosses of theirs are the ones being pushed around…

The sun is warm. Speaking of which, isn’t it almost lunchtime?

Oh, that means my eldest sister is probably done with class.

Anna Unnie. Unlike playful Remi, she’s serious and hardworking.

Right now it must be break time after class, but she’s probably reviewing what she just learned.

“Hmm…. Good!”

While effort is good, if you don’t let off some steam, you might blow up, you know?

If I entered Anna Unnie’s room, Remi Unnie would probably come looking for me soon. It’s a place I frequently visit during our games of tag.

Get caught quickly, hugged tightly, spin around, and then we’ll go eat. That’s a perfect plan.

I hit my head with my genius idea and headed for my sister’s room.

Here I go.

“So… you’re here..?”


Sigh… Aris..”

As expected, just as I thought. There was Anna Unnie, opening a book and studying again. She really needs to take care of herself!

Letting out a sigh, I crawled under Anna Unnie’s desk. I placed one finger over my lips, shh shh is just a bonus.

I spread my arms and hugged both of Anna Unnie’s legs. So refreshing.

I slightly pulled the chair back, lowering my head while looking up at her. Though she says she can’t help it, the hand that pats my head speaks the truth.

My family, all good people.

“Every day studying and studying. If you keep sitting like that, mushrooms will start to grow on you…!”

“What… what does that mean…”

“Hehe, but I like Anna Unnie just the way you are!”

When I was younger, we had a lot of playtime together, but before I knew it, she started to develop an obsession with studying. To be exact, it’s the responsibility of becoming a ‘good ruler.’

Why? Because—

“Unnie, you’ll definitely become an amazing queen one day!”


“Of course, you study every day!”

Because I made it happen.

Anna Akaia, unless something goes wrong, will become the queen who leads Tesillia Kingdom in the future; she is, after all, a remarkable individual.

Honestly, if we were to only consider talent, wouldn’t Remi be higher?

Me? I’m just an extra. I have no value. I’m simply a cheat. I can’t even stand on the same starting line.

But, Remi really loves to play and cuddle, so being a king wouldn’t suit her.

A lazy genius and a hardworking average. That’s the setup here.

And no one knows that better than her, Anna Akaia.

If you’re being honest, I can also seem like a genius on the outside.

Anna compares herself, the average, to us, the geniuses. Backing down isn’t an option. Because she must become a ‘good queen.’ I have expectations. I want to meet the expectations of my beloved younger sister.

From behind Anna, I was pushing her. Would that lead to the throne or the edge of a cliff?

Either way, it wouldn’t matter.

I’m just curious about how much this small crack will grow to swallow people.

I’m already looking forward to it.

Thud thud, footsteps were heard coming from outside. It’s the princess’s quarters. It’s hardly anyone’s habit to run around like that.

Except for the royal class, of course.

Soon, the footsteps stopped right in front of our room. Anna Unnie, with a wry smile, stopped petting my head and rested her arms on the desk.

Okay, good acting.


“Anna Unnie!”

“Ah… yes, Remi.”

The door swung open energetically, filling the room with a lively voice.

Well, just as I expected, it’s Remi. There’s no way it could be anyone else.

She approached the desk where I was hiding and began to chatter away at Anna Unnie.

“Aris~! I came to get you!! Give me!”

“Aris isn’t a doll…”


“Oh no… my head…”

Rubbing her temples, Anna began telling Remi that I was not here, speaking clearly so I could hear from under the desk.

“Aris isn’t here.”

“Eh~ that’s a lie… oh, I see~ Aris isn’t here!”

But I can see everything, the hand pointing under the desk where I was hiding.

Those intensely moving fingers!

Betraying me!

Well, I’m nice, so I’ll pretend I don’t know.

Seeing that gesture, Remi seemed to catch on and began giving an awkward reply. Her words came out stuttered, showing she wasn’t a great actress.

I just rubbed my cheeks against her cool legs and silently prayed for her to take me away.

Lunchtime was approaching. I was beginning to feel hungry.

Little kids need to eat a lot during this period.

Thud thud, I heard Remi’s footsteps heading back towards the door. Soon the door opened and closed, and I could feel her tiny steps coming back my way.

I tried to hide my sound, but it clearly didn’t work….!

Well, I do have some abilities to hear everything, but I don’t think an ordinary kid my age would notice.

I felt happy to discover some unexpected talent in Remi.

Counting numbers in my head. Five, four, three, two, one. Ta-da.


“Waah! I found you, Aris!”

“Aah! I got caught! How did you find me? I thought I was really well-hidden this time….!”

“Hehe~ I know where Aris is, no matter where!”

Despite finding me using a cheat, Remi puffed out her chest and proudly spoke, and I couldn’t help but burst into laughter. Her silly behavior was just too cute.

After pulling me out from under the desk, Remi, laughing just like me, spun around with me in her arms.

“Ah… finally things are calming down.”

As we gazed at each other, Anna smiled a small smile.

I wonder if she’s smiling while imagining how quiet the room will be?

Well, I don’t think so.

Ding… ding…

The bell rang.

Remi stopped spinning around with me and focused on the sound coming from outside.

The sound of the bell announcing lunchtime spread far and wide from the tower.

It’s our little bell tower, built to not lose track of time while we play. The history contained in that tower is so light. And my parents’ affection feels so heavy…!

I hope they don’t present it like that when we go on one of those royal tours later.

“This is an ancient bell tower. Why was it built? To inform the princesses when it’s lunchtime.”

Wow… that would break the vibe completely.

“Oh, it’s lunch! Let’s go, Aris!”

“Okay! Oh, Anna Unnie should come with us! Let’s go together~”


Watching us, with a small smile, Anna approached us from a distance. Grabbing onto her hesitant hands, the three of us exited through the door together.

Ah, how happy.

I hope all these faces would break down together.

Standing side by side with my sisters. Whoosh, whoosh, whistling as we head to the dining hall where our parents await.

In this life, my precious people.

I hope they’d mourn my death and hold a permanent place in their memories. I wish to become an unforgettable, intense memory.


Then, it would be truly wonderful.

So I say.

“Sisters— I love you so much!”

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