The Female Supporting Character is Obsessed with Science

Chapter 164

Chapter 164 Interstellar world

Chapter 164 Interstellar World

Ning Su flipped through the various reports, and none of the people she had deceived before. During this time, everything that happened in Rindong Prison was written into the report, which was exactly the same as the information collected by 020.

Below Oulande and Lin Yu stared at each other, worrying about Ning Su, their movements were not large, they were just trying to kill each other with a eye knife.

In fact, it was just a trivial matter triggered by the discussion, but Outlander, who had always been wary of Lin Yu, suspected that he wanted to seize the opportunity to seize power in the army, so it happened to find Ning Sujuli who had just gotten off the aircraft.

However, Ning Su ignored them, instead summoning all the responsible persons to watch the progress.

The development of their forces seems to be good. In addition to the galaxy on the bright side, they have also contacted many hidden rebels, and developed members or found allies in some colonial stars, and succeeded in doing so. It’s just that it has fallen into a bottleneck now.

Under the rule of the empire for so many years, fear has been rooted in the blood, but the word struggle has been erased from the hearts of many planetary races.

They have forgotten which planet they were from, and only regard themselves as citizens of the empire.

Even the colonial stars are inferior to the races, thinking about how to improve their citizenship, rather than resisting the rule of the empire and restoring the home planet to its former appearance when it was not invaded.

Among the very few rebels, some were for more benefits, and some were spies for the empire.

In the Winter Prison, there were also undercover agents sent by the empire, who were still lurking on the periphery. Ning Su knew about his existence, but did not take any action or show it.

Now the other party cannot access important information, and when they are prepared, not only can they catch more undercover agents through the other party, but they can also use this spy to send wrong information to the empire.

The specific implementation can be handed over to Aveiro, he is a talent in this area.

Ning Su flipped through a thick pile of reports and had plans on how to break the bottleneck. After guiding everyone to think in this direction during the discussion, they got a more complete plan.

After determining the general direction and goal of the next action, Ning Su announced the adjournment of the meeting.

When the office was rushing around, only Lin Yu and Oulande were motionless, still shaking each other’s eyes, no matter how Aveilo winked at them, they didn’t move.

In this way, in addition to Corsi, who ran away with Ning Su’s improved research data, Aveiro had to stay behind. After receiving Ning Su’s questioning message that “They do this every day,” he nodded with a wry smile. This statement is acquiesced.

Outlander and Lin Yu have never dealt with each other. Although it is not the First Army that invaded the Dominicans, Outlander has no good feelings for the high-ranking officers of the empire. On Lin Yu’s side, he is because of his relationship with Outlander. I was taken prisoner only after the fight, and I was so worried about the one who defeated me, and felt that it was not true strength, which caused him to make a fuss as soon as he met.

Aveiro also had a headache. He knew Lin Yu, the former commander of the First Army of the Empire, and the youngest major general in the empire. There were countless rumors in the empire. Now that he really gets along, I don’t agree with some anecdotes circulating in the empire.

He is rumored to be a rebellious and unpredictable character. At the same time, he also possesses completely different evaluations such as passionate and ruthless. After being captured, he is only left with a cheeky, passion and enthusiasm for the plan to subvert the empire. Profound gag skill.

The more active and harmless he was, the higher their alertness would be raised. Even if Lin Yu’s performance could not pick out any fault, he would never mention the direction that might cause vigilance, and share him unselfishly. Knowing about the empire’s intelligence, participating in military training, etc., is still under the label of “high risk”.

In summary, apart from being extremely naive in front of Oulande, Lin Yu still has a very reliable image.

As for Outlander, let alone, he has always felt like a mountain, calm and reliable to the other members, and it was the first time Aveiro saw him degenerate into a child-like behavior.

If Lin Yu really didn’t have any disagreements, maybe the two could still become friends, Aveiro thought.

Naturally, Ning Su would not let them see each other to the end of the world. She knocked on the table and focused the attention of the room on her: “I have a plan, and I need a strong helper to achieve it.”

“what’s the plan?”

Lin Yu and Oulande said in unison, and looked at each other in disgust.

“One day ago, the Cavinster family rebelled. Under the instigation of the Alliance spies, the side branch launched an assassination on the Duke Cavinster, causing him to be seriously injured and dying.

Now the Cavinster family is in chaos, and the command of the Second Army has been transferred to Cavinster, but some people are very unconvinced about it. ”

Ning Su calmly mentioned this period of family turmoil that should be secret. It is very common for aristocrats to not understand the line of power, especially if a female compatriot is jealous because they are not the eldest son and only get a fortune. Rebellions triggered by ambitions are very common, and so are today’s imperial emperors.

If the main branch wins, the rebellion will not end well, but if the main branch fails, then the new nobleman will naturally have gorgeous rhetoric and hymns to praise his legitimacy.

Today’s Cavinster has not yet identified a victor, and the situation is unknown. Even the emperor did not intervene. Just let Cavinster not disrupt the battle of the Second Army. This is their chance.

Ning Su looked at Outlander and Lin Yu, and slowly said: “I need to stand on the opposite side of the empire. No matter what the situation, we will not betray our strong man to the territory of Cavinster. If it goes well, I can Before the dust settles, reclaim their territory for your own use.”

Muddy the water, let Cavinster fall into internal friction, approach the nobles, go to be spies, and at the same time instigate the inhabitants of the planets in their territories.

This is a difficulty, but it will greatly stimulate the plan to overthrow the empire.

“I go!”

There were still two equally neat voices, Oulande didn’t know what Lin Yu had come to join in the fun, his trust here was extremely low, how could he be let out and let him participate in such a secret mission.

Although he is not very good at lurking, of course he is most suitable for such task requirements.

It didn’t take long for Outlander who was thinking about it to be slapped in the face. Ning Su’s final decision was to let both of them go, and they realized that she hadn’t stated the number of people needed before.

Let alone other people now, even Lin Yu himself was surprised at this trust: “You are not afraid…”

“There is an old saying in the ancient earth, the doubter doesn’t need to use it, he doesn’t doubt it.”

She looked at Lin Yu with a clear Lingling gaze, which made him feel a little nervous, as if he had gone back to the past, the first time he stepped into the army.

She suddenly bent her eyebrows and smiled: “Sir, you won’t let me down.”

She didn’t choose the question sentence, but her tone was very affirmative. Lin Yu wanted to sigh. He became more and more confused about how his original subordinate could retain his sincerity even in his current position, without being polluted by calculations and suspiciousness.

Lin Yu later found out that not only her, but also Outlander’s face looked much better when he looked at him. Even if he knew that he was going to do the task with him, he did not question it. On the contrary, Outlande also said that since Gerola Trust him, then he should be trusted.

You guys have clearly embarked on the road of rebellion, why are you still so innocent and credulous?

Lin Yu almost shook their shoulders and roared. Fortunately, he had excellent self-control and only simulated this process in his mind. Afterwards, he felt that he was also strange with them.

The departure of Outlander and Lin Yu did not attract too much attention. Everyone in this galaxy is very busy, and the tasks arranged are heavy, but I think that the members who are fighting for tomorrow will not even feel tired. Few, except that the captives of the First Legion were worried about an accident with the commander of the legion, it did not cause any disturbances.

The Cavinster family has no such good luck. With the fierce competition for location, the main star undercurrent surging, the sound of fighting will be heard at any time, and the other planets in the land are not at peace.

Had it not been for the war with the Alliance that had robbed Starnet’s attention, what happened here might have been discussed on the Internet for several years.

Lin Yu and Oulande both entered the main star after disguising themselves, ensuring that no one in the past would recognize them as they are now.

They entered two camps respectively, one is the side branch who initiated the rebellion, and the other is the little Cavinster. In order to avoid exposure, the two will contact each other until the task is completed.

When Lin Yu saw the little Cavinster, he couldn’t believe that the shape of the bones was standing, the color of the skin that would change with the change of mood became an unhealthy gray, with black on it, and bloodshot eyes in his eyes. Looks very tired, and doesn’t rest, and has no enthusiasm for everything.

When Lin Yu introduced himself, the young master actually fell asleep, and he secretly remembered in his heart that he was very generous on the surface.

Before he finished speaking, the butler looked anxious, and told Lin Yu about the recent nightmare of the young master as an explanation.

After the worried little Cavinster woke up, there was nothing unusual, and there was no endless dream. He almost cried with joy, leaving Lin Yu on the spot.

Lin Yu is also very good at seizing opportunities and using him to do a lot of work.

For this reason, Ning Su, who exchanged the “Pain” shielding instrument for both Lin Yu and Oulande, hid his merits and fame.

Duke Cavinster, who was judged to have not had a good life for a few days, was still unconscious from his sickbed, but at the same time he did not pass away, which made both parties scrupulous.

However, the civil unrest in the Cavinster family continued to intensify, reaching a moment that was difficult to quell.

At this moment, the leaders of both sides were assassinated, the two forces were dumbfounded, and the push pot competition began.

However, they did not wait for the results to come out, or they were selecting a nobleman, the inner star of the Cavinster family, and then initiated a declaration of rebellion and independence.

And this kind of situation happened not only in the territory of a big nobleman, although not all of them were assassinated by the side rebellion, but the final result was the same.

A discreet aristocratic power and a huge declaration of independence.

The desperate nobles even blew up the planet where the rebels were located, and Star Net was in an uproar.

Before being pressed by the empire, the sight that was shifted due to the invasion of the alliance reverted back to the original Winter Prison incident. This time the backlash was even more fierce, and more and more people seemed to favor the opposing side of the nobility and the empire.

The battered new emperor saw a familiar video on the login page of Starnet, and even had the urge to avoid it.

Also on this day, the name of the Free Federation spread throughout the interstellar, and the Winter Prison officially declared war with the empire and began to participate in this interstellar battle.

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