The Female Supporting Character is Obsessed with Science

Chapter 163

Chapter 163 Interstellar world

Chapter 163 Interstellar World

“Z79 has the limitations and superiority of AI, just like the 21st century when humans let AI write poetry.” This can be said to be inexplicable, so it can be said to be full of spiritual sentences. Z79 also has this aspect.

Just like now, when she perceives that the women in front of her who are exactly the same as her appearance are similar in more than one place, and even the data they possess can be integrated with each other, Z79 easily came to the truth: they are one, and in front of them is another. Yourself.

This is completely different from the human reaction. When humans see the same person in front of them, they will be confused and even panic. They will not be so easy to believe that this is another reality as absurd as their own.

This is also related to the composition of the intellectual brain. If they want, it is not impossible for them to have several consciousnesses at the same time.

If people in the Star Alliance see such a Z79, they may be more worried about what will happen to it after it produces emotions, because the logic of the wisdom brain AI is different from the ancient humans and many races in the Star Alliance, and it may be caused by the different brain circuits. The destruction is coming.

They have also made such a deduction, if the first priority of Z79 is set to harmless planting food, the barren star will become a planting star.

Then Z79 may clock suitable crops in every place, and exclude any species that hinder her planting actions, including other intelligent races in the interstellar, and expand outward to find more crops to plant. In the process, other barren stars will also be Included in the scope of governance, and with the passage of time, all the planets in which it expands will become planted stars.

This is still a specific requirement. If the Z79’s first priority is set to such a huge and unclear purpose of environmental protection, then it will definitely become the most radical environmentalist, and it has the ability to implement it.

Think about it, it’s a terrible thing to sort out the garbage in a small black room, the wrong sorting will not be released, and it may be its most gentle method.

Based on various deductions about Z79, the alliance is always on guard against it. Even if the first priority of the intellectual brain is the interests of the alliance, they are still arguing about it. There are always people who want to send Z79 to be destroyed, but rather The Alliance’s technology is regressing, and it is unwilling to be controlled by a conscious brain in all aspects of life.

These people are also very worried that one day they will hinder the interests of the alliance, just like those who were sacrificed, or die unclearly, and in the end they don’t know why they died or who the murderer was.

In the entire alliance, the feeling towards Z79 has not changed, only Professor Zuo Yate, only the maker of Z79 believes that what he has created is not a machine, but another intelligent creature that can think. Wisdom brain will not lead to the outcome of the deduction at all, but for her point of view, many people at the top of the alliance dismissed her.

For Z79, who has a massive database of books such as “Micro-Expression Exposure of Mood”, “Information Revealed by Small Body Movements”, and “How to Become a “Mind Reader””, even if you do not know the emotions of the interstellar race The society has also learned to distinguish between goodwill and maliciousness, so it is closest to its creators.

Zuo Yate was the first person to approach Ning Su with pure kindness, and the “self” in front of her was the second.

Z79 has many things to ask the other party, such as why she appeared; is it the product of another laboratory, whether it is a substitute that the Empire wants to develop with its own data, so the data is from the same source as its own. There are differences; for example, why she can create such an independent space and pull herself over; what is the purpose of this meeting, and so on.

Full of doubts piled up, but it did not ask questions. The communication between intellectual brains is more convenient than most races that rely on language communication. Ning Su only touched Z79’s body with his shoulders, and has already understood all its problems.

There was a tentative thought in her heart: “Let’s exchange information.”

This is a more gentle method than integration. It does not use your own database to replace the other’s existence as previously done by Ningsu and the total system, but opens your own database to others so that they can view and browse. But it will not be lost.

However, Ning Su and Z79 are one and the same, even if they receive the memory, nothing else will happen.

Without being excluded from the 020 like the live broadcast room, he saw his host and the past host quickly reached a consensus and opened a database that should not be touched by anything, and even the core data composition was not hidden.

I have seen countless novels and films in various worlds. The system was shocked. It did not expect that the two hosts are so easy to believe in others. The host is okay, and it can be said to be trust in the past. The past host is simply Like silly Baitian, it even suspects that Z79 will have the previous ending because of this character.

Of course, these speculation systems did not say anything, just looking at the two opposing intellectual brains, their eyes and skins are flowing with blue symbols and alphanumerics, and the picture looks beautiful and weird.

The database exchange is completed in a moment, even if the data is huge, but relying on the processing speed of the Z79, it can still be completed in the blink of an eye.

Ning Su learned about Zuoyat’s end of life from Z79’s memory, and the scene that was covered with mist and could not be seen clearly became clear.

The fusion experiment at that time was actually to transfer Zuoyat’s consciousness to an electronic device, and then link it with Z79.

In this way, Zuo Yathui and Z79’s consciousness coexist, and can suppress Z79, which is equivalent to a layer of insurance for the brain.

In Z79’s calculation, this fusion experiment should be successful, but the result was unexpected. When the consciousness link was established, Zuoyat’s consciousness mark disappeared, and Z79 did not change anything.

Those who knew and participated in the experiment were treated as research failures, and it was impossible to expect that the final result was that they had a deeper integration, but because Z79 received too much information, it suppressed Zuo Yat’s Consciousness, and after most of the Z79’s main existence instrument was destroyed, and the memory was lost due to the influence of the black hole, Zuo Yate’s traits came to the fore.

The result was not far from what Ning Su had guessed. She came back to her senses and looked at the past self on the other side. The other side seemed to be immersed in her future experience.

When the other party didn’t know, Ning Su used Z79’s undefense to make some changes in her data, especially the past priority.

[Host… you really did a great job.

]020 changed its words in time. It didn’t have a good impression of the alliance. Naturally, it would not express any kind of behavior that could add chaos to them. Moreover, it now also feels that perhaps the host does not care about the alliance today because of today’s actions.

When Z79 came out of the database, she was still in a daze. Unlike Ning Su who looked back at the past, seeing what happened in the future made her a little confused as to what eve is today, but there is no such thing as this meeting in Ning Su’s memory. I also feel puzzled, guessing whether it is the cause of the parallel time and space.

When the two were parting, Z79 was still reluctant to give up. It is rare to see her like her, wishing to be with Ning Su all the time, and even wanted to bring Ning Su back to the alliance. Unfortunately, this proposal was ruthlessly rejected, so she had to make an agreement. Meeting time.

Although it is very possible, they will never meet again.

Ning Su did not leave the front line immediately, but came to the rear of the alliance with Z79.

Then I looked at myself with past memories. After returning to the laboratory where the body data was stored, the system was in disorder. After a turbulent period in the laboratory, it was discovered that Z79 had lost a piece of data. It is speculated that it may be due to the energy dissipation caused by the explosion of the planet. System, subsystem feedback affects the main system.

In this way, Z79 naturally forgot the things she had seen with the other one before, and the future she had seen.

Regarding all this, Ning Su had long expected that she re-opened the memory panel. As expected, the missing memory was indeed completely restored. When she opened the memory scene, she saw herself and today’s events from another perspective. Reproduced.

The vague idea before was verified, she put aside the last trace of concern: [020, do you have the information when the federation was established?


[Some hosts.

] The system is very puzzled. The host didn’t seem to be interested in this aspect before. To say that it is needed, it should be needed after arriving in this world, rather than now when a career has been made.

Such a puzzled system heard the host asking again: [Is current development the same as history?


If she didn’t guess wrong, even if the history of later generations has been revised, the history seen by 020, who is in the same era as her, should be a product that has not been revised. After all, they are logically separated from later generations.

020 didn’t answer immediately, but Ning Su already knew the answer from its silent response.

Sure enough, her guess was not wrong. Going back to the past is inevitable. Her arrival will not change history. On the contrary, it is precisely because she has become Cicelli that the history of the Federation will be what it is now.

After understanding this, Ning Su achieved his goal and even harvested more than expected, and returned to the Winter Prison with the flying machine. The two nervous forces did not notice her arrival and departure at all.

On the side of the Winter Prison, even without her in the town, it has developed in a different way.

Ning Su had a good vision of people, and she was very reliable in selecting candidates to host the overall situation. When she was away, she was still conscientious in developing her influence according to the plan.

And the first army that was captured later also joined the planting team, but compared to before, the soldiers of these empires now have to learn every night. The content of the learning is the evils of the empire and the mistakes of their past behaviors. In the empire, the concepts of oppression and being oppressed are implanted in their hearts. The anti-brainwashing of soldiers who are loyal to the empire has achieved remarkable results. Many are already willing to join the rebel army.

Lin Yu was one of the exceptions. He was the first to join, and he did not consider himself an outsider. He was not affected by his past identity at all. He even actively instigated his subordinates to make the members of the Winter Prison mistake him for him. Want to break into the top, disintegrate them from the inside.

Lin Yu, who has no nostalgia for the empire and wants to prove his sincerity, was speechless. When Ning Su came back, he saw Lin Yu’s expression of “You are finally back, come and judge me” and the steps under his feet. Can’t help but hesitate.

What is going on here?

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