The Curse of Time (Harry Potter Fanfic)

The bad ending

Apparently, the trio—Hermione, Harry, and Ron—were aware of Norbert’s existence and were eager to get rid of him, so they approved my idea and sent a letter to Charlie, Ron’s brother.

While waiting, I continued giving support classes and started getting them to focus on the upcoming exams, creating schedules to help them manage their time.

I was able to create schedules for the first and second years, but I had more trouble with the upper years because, although I know a bit about the subjects, I’m not sure how they’ll be examined.

Today was the day we received the document asking us to choose the options for third year.

Hermione, who was very interested, wouldn’t stop talking about the pros and cons of each subject, finally concluding that it wouldn’t matter much what she chose in two years.

I already knew which subject I was going to take: Care of Magical Creatures, because it's full of knowledge about creatures that will be useful. I would have preferred the course to be taught by Newton Artemis Fido Scamander, a huge expert in magical creatures, or by Hagrid, but I’ll have to settle for the teacher I get. However, I plan to ask Hagrid for more information if the teacher doesn’t provide enough.

The second course I chose is Arithmancy, which is a very complicated but fascinating subject. It requires a lot of logic and might be the most complex course I’ve ever taken, but I’m sure it will be exciting, even if it takes time to understand everything.

The last course I selected was Ancient Runes because it will bring me closer to my dream of learning the truth about ancient magic.

I didn’t take Divination because it’s more about talent, and I didn’t take Muggle Studies because I already know enough about them, whether from a wizard's or a Muggle's point of view.

Marie chose the same options as me, except for Ancient Runes, as it’s not practical enough for her. I can understand that, since it’s a subject that requires a lot of comprehension and theory. Apparently, it’s the course with the fewest students.

Ron’s brother’s response didn’t take long, and he set an appointment for the evening at the Astronomy Tower to take Norbert. When Hagrid heard the news, he was devastated and tried to enjoy his time with Norbert before he had to part with him.

It was decided that Ron and Harry would take Norbert to the Astronomy Tower, but on the day of Norbert’s departure, there was an unexpected issue: Ron couldn’t go because he had been bitten by Norbert.

Hermione was appointed to replace Ron, and she left.

Right now, I’m in the common room, waiting for Hermione to come back. The more time passes, the more I feel like something bad is happening.

Marie had already gone to bed because she didn’t think anything interesting would happen while waiting for Hermione’s return.

Finally, after what felt like forever, the door opened, and I saw Hermione in tears. Apparently, everything went well, Norbert left, but they forgot to use the Invisibility Cloak, and they got caught by Filch.

She was brought to Professor Flitwick, who took 50 points from Ravenclaw and gave her a detention.

He also said that he was very disappointed in Hermione’s behavior and believed she was the type to think before acting.

"Don’t worry, they’re just points. You may have lost Professor Flitwick’s respect, but you’ll have to work hard to earn it back. The most important thing will be the reaction of the other Ravenclaws."

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