The Curse of Time (Harry Potter Fanfic)

Protecting the morale of Hermione

When the morning came, there was no reaction, which is logical because the first thing we do is not to look at the hourglass, which shouldn't change overnight. Around nine o'clock, there was the first reaction.

The students were puzzled as to how 50 points could have disappeared from our house, but the confusion grew when they saw that 100 points were lost for Gryffindor.

According to a conversation with Harry, Neville had tried to warn the trio about what Draco Malfoy was planning to do, but he got caught.

I felt a little guilty because, aside from offering a few words of comfort, there was nothing I could do.

Around noon, a rumor spread that the great Harry Potter had lost points along with some others.

Harry’s popularity dropped significantly, which normally wouldn't have bothered me, but it seemed to affect him.

I don’t know how, but the other culprits behind the point loss were found. Frankly, this person should join the Daily Prophet to have such a sharp deductive mind.

Fortunately, the resentment seemed less directed at Hermione and Neville than at Harry, but I could see they felt uncomfortable.

According to some, Hermione had been very discreet during class and no longer answered the teacher's questions. That’s when I decided to intervene.

That evening, in the common room:

"Listen to me, everyone."

Silence fell in the room.

"Thank you. As you know, we’ve lost a considerable number of points."

Most nodded and glared at Hermione.

"Wait until I finish what I have to say before doing anything. The culprit, as you all know, is Hermione."

The looks started again.


I gave Marie a little look of thanks before continuing.

"I know that losing 50 points is huge, and it’s especially noticeable at this time of year, but don’t forget that we can still win the House Cup. Nothing is decided yet. We have a Quidditch team determined to win the Quidditch Cup and earn us some points."

The Ravenclaw team players looked at me as if it were obvious.

"So, we need to stay united. Because of your reaction, Hermione no longer has the courage to answer questions in class, which could cost us valuable points. She will need to make up for it, but we also need to put in some effort because, remember, she has already earned us a lot of points before losing them, while some haven’t even contributed ten points."

I knew very well who the culprits were, and I stared at them for a moment.

"Moreover, if you still don’t know how to forgive Hermione for the loss of points, then let her earn them back. You don’t have to forgive her until she has regained the 50 points, but make sure you don’t harass her. Once she has regained them, I don’t want to hear any more about this, otherwise I will consider it harassment, preventing someone from flourishing. And I warn you, the consequences of such behavior will be very serious."

There was no hint that I was joking, which was logical, as harassment is something I take very seriously, and I would find a way to make them pay for their actions without remorse.

"Now, I hope you all understand, and that you will work hard with us to try to win the House Cup, starting with the upcoming Slytherin vs. Ravenclaw match. I wish the Quidditch team good luck."

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