The Breeding Goblin Has Reincarnated

Chapter 7: Evolution

Fill looked for a place to start his evolution. It was his first time doing such a thing, and he wasn’t sure what would happen. He’d seen infant goblins turn into goblin scavengers instantaneously, but the actual feeling of evolving wasn’t familiar to him.


1. Separately evolve you and your Evil Spirit by sharing your power. (Event: Halved Evolution)

2. Evolve only your body. (Event: Self Evolution)

3. Evolve only the spirit. (Event: Spirit Evolution)

4. Enter a new path. (Event: Twin Evolution.)]

All of the choices given were viable options.

The first would allow him to grow alongside his lover separately. It might be a bit disappointing to have the evolutionary power halved, but it might give his lover enough power to create her own body. They could grow skills in separate directions this way.

Knowing there was no such thing as ‘perfection’.

One had to lose in order to gain more power.

It was like how insects thrived differently than other types of living beings. Not everyone was measured on the same scale. Humans may be a higher species than goblins, but they were much more needy and ate more food in order for their body to function.

The greater the power, the greater the consumption.

Fill understood this from witnessing evolutions.

There was value in ‘weakness’ when it came to survivability. Though higher existences could gain a greater advantage in one way, that didn’t mean they could immediately thrive. It made Fill carefully think of his options regarding how he’d evolve himself.

Currently, gaining a strong body would not help.

Being a bit stronger would be good, but it was probably better to not prioritise ‘strength’. He just needed enough strength to escape battle. Not make his body require too much food consumption to retain strength. ‘Skills’ were better to focus on.

At least something to cover for his weaknesses.

This would likely lessen the impact of what he could potentially achieve if he simply evolved into an ogre-like or orc-like being, but it was his belief. What he wanted to specialise in was ‘survival’, and would use any method at his disposal to keep himself alive.

Violence was only a tool. Not a way of life.

But would halving his evolutionary power be good?

If he wanted to achieve his desires easier, then it was better if he chose ‘Self Evolution’. He could take his time until everything was perfect before bringing his lover into reality. What would he gain right now? If he brought her into reality, could he protect her?

Fill remembered the cow woman at this moment.

And the fear he had of her despite his calm facade.

She was an uncontrollable element that could not be manipulated. Her mind was tough. He had no idea what she’d do or what kind of actions she’d take if she knew he had a ‘precious person’. From how she treated his mother, the answer was becoming clear.

He couldn’t bring his lover into the current situation.

His lover was not someone specialised in battle.

The most appropriate option right now was to focus on himself until he had enough confidence to protect his lover. Regardless of his plans, he wouldn’t be able to feed and take care of his woman with what he had currently. No guards or stable source of food.

Even if he decided to choose the option of ‘Spirit Evolution’ or ‘Twin Evolution’ and relied on her, it would be his fault if she was harmed by an unexpected variable. He was too ignorant to know if there were those who could harm spiritual bodies.

Since it was possible in Hell, then it would be here.

“It’s way too dangerous…” Fill became convinced inwardly that it was better to focus on improving himself right now. He had to make sure the next time he had this opportunity, that it would be when he had completely gotten rid of any uncertainties.

He was willing to risk his body, but not her life.

Anything but her existence.

“I miss you so much.” Despite this being a decision born of rationality, Fill felt empty inside. He wanted to see his lover again. Wanted to touch her lips. Kiss her. Caress her body with the love that he’d been holding in all this time. Completely break her pussy.

His mind indulged in fantasies about his partner.

Remembering the many times he impregnated her.

Nostalgically thinking about her eyes. That gaze that stared into his soul and made him feel naked. That all his emotions were being read simply by looking into her eyes. Compared to anyone else, he liked the eyes of his lover the most. Longing arose within him.

“I’m sorry…” He started to bite his lip in frustration.

Apologetic that he put ‘survival’ over seeing her.

“I’ll make up for it.” Fill hardened his heart. 

He’d make sure to struggle harder for ‘stability’.

To become confident in bringing her into reality.

[You have chosen ‘Evolve only your body’. The ‘Evil Spirit’ will stay dormant within you. Commencing the evolutionary event. Please be mindful that only your most inner desires will be considered while upgrading yourself. Your wisdom will be sealed.]

Fill felt his consciousness becoming blurry when he entered the evolutionary state. He felt a throb in his heart. Being whisked into an illusion representing what was happening. The world had faded, and all that was left was a bird’s eye view of his ‘paths’.

He saw data about where he was currently standing.

[Race: Goblin

Focus: Survival

Method: Propagation

Evolutionary Potential: Low]

That was the basic information, but his habit of careful observation allowed him to see the deeper context. The reason ‘Evolutionary Potential’ wasn’t high had to do with the way they existed. Goblins had an easier time cooperating than other races.

Humans had independent ability and likely had a higher potential in general, but they did not have the same ‘Group Mentality’. The seeds of goblins was also specifically designed to breed ‘pure blooded’ goblins regardless of race due to this capability.

They created more of themselves to survive.

Then combined their efforts as a group.

Fill could see not just one goblin, but an illusion of many where he stood. Quickly understanding where he stood in this world. The him of right now was driven by pure instinct. Restrained by his position and unable to move until presented a ‘Choice’.

[An administrator shall evaluate you.]

As soon as these words had appeared, a portal opened up in this dark space. A goddess-like being made of energy descended. Her wings and halo dyed in the same white her body was. In her left hand were his three influences, and her right his history.

Eventually standing before the goblin.

She seemed serious about her work and not having any intention of mishandling this evolution. Reading through the worldly memories showing what he had done before this point. It didn’t show his thoughts and intentions, but only glimpsed at his actions.

She brought up a system message from before.

[Achievements: Triple Influence, Vilest Mutant Among The Wicked, Extreme Cannibal, Chaotic Evil Of Annihilation, Mastermind Who Had Planned A Genocidal Slaughter, The One Who Unbinds Slaves, Creature Of The Night, Deviant Among The Slavers.]

The goddess-like administrator furrowed her brows.

Shifting through the many ‘choices’ he made. 

There was a year’s worth.

Gaining a slight understanding of his personality.

She seemed to want to question him, but did not speak without forethought. Believing that all things must be done in order. A mechanical look appeared in her eyes. Emotionlessly readjusting his evolution without any prejudice over what he’d achieved.

“Why did you eat your fellow companions?” This was her first question, and she knew that the current infant goblin before her could not lie. Unable to dress up his thoughts with sophistry. His raw and unfiltered personality traits were put on full display.

Fill spoke in response for the first time in his life:

“Because it was beneficial.” His eyes were empty.

“Did they taste good?” She stared at him.

“They did.”

“Would you have still ate if they tasted bad?”

“I would.” Fill never cared about taste. Even if he was told beforehand of their taste, he likely wouldn’t have ate them if it was detrimental to him. It wasn’t a mindset a goblin should have. Suspicion was bound to occur when he talked so straightforwardly.

There was surprise in the administrator’s eyes. 

Wondering how a goblin got these extreme thoughts.

“What do you desire most?” The administrator spoke the question she’d asked thousands of times to many other creatures. Some spoke of power, and others sought dominance. It was her job to assist these creatures in finding the evolution best for them.

Thus, their honesty was crucial.

“I just want to live a quiet life with my love.” Fill’s expression showed exactly what he hid from every other living being besides himself. This desire of his so ‘mundane’ that the goddess didn’t know how to follow up on this. Confusion laid in her eyes.

It became a bit difficult when seeing his desires.

She questioned him about many things in this illusionary space. Why he made his choices? The things that drove him. What he feared and what he was confident in. What specialty he was proud of and what he believed was his biggest weakness.

She reached out into his Skill List.

[‘Group Mentality’ has been removed.]

[‘Corrupt Seeds’ has been removed.]

[‘Rapid Ageing’ has been removed.]

[‘Carnal Love’ has been removed.]

One thing Fill kept in stressing was his desire for independence, but also his inability to feel safe without protection from others. He spoke of his love for the Evil Spirit dormant within him, and the fear of losing her. It was stronger than any other feeling.

[‘Outsider’ has been removed.]

[‘Cannibal’ has been removed.]

The only two traits the administrator left were ‘Mute’ and ‘Strong Arms’. The infant goblin kept on insisting that if he wasn’t mute, he believed his lover would look at his eyes less. This childish thought was taken into consideration more than any real benefits.

Insisting that his arms were his only weapon.

After taking this into consideration, she applied most of the ‘Bullkin Influence’ in her left hand onto his arms. Crafting a body that met basic criteria of strength, yet focused on speed. His arms being the only abnormal factor. Increasing his striking talent.

“That’s enough for that.” She thought like a sculptor.

Fill currently became the same size of a human, but his limitations were stronger. Rather than gaining the skills to grow in combat, the infant insisted that he ‘only wanted to survive’. He had enough energy to directly become a ‘Minotaur’, but chose this instead.

It was much weaker than what he could become.

The accomplishments he made were not small…

“Then what about his specialty?” The goddess grasped evil and holy influence in her band. There was a ‘faith’-based influence of a priestess and the depraved ‘lust’-based influence of a succubus. She carefully crafted the potential he was capable of.

When she was done, he looked extremely different.

His face was handsome to both inhuman creatures and humans. The muscles on his arms and body had slimmed down to suit his preferences. Their strength retained despite his ‘Strong Arms’ no longer being as easy to see anymore. Blending with his slim figure.

Finally, she finished her job.

[You have experienced ‘Evolution’.]

[True Name: Fill

Race: Deceiver 

Age: 1 (800)/ Adult

Special Traits: Mute, Strong Arms

Inborn Skills: Ocular Communication, Survival, Indulgent Mark, Spiritual Faith, Carnal Charm]

[Inborn Skill: Carnal Charm

Description: Illusionary talent that is specialised in influencing those experiencing arousal. Can only alter perception of the target. Can be interrupted if the target stopped experiencing arousal. Limited influence on those who do not fulfil conditions.]

[Inborn Skill: Spiritual Faith

Description: You are the perfect vessel completely devoted to nurturing spirits. All spiritual abilities are sealed. All spiritual energy will be focused on nurturing the spirit dormant within you. Trust from others will be converted into spiritual energy.]

Fill suddenly opened his eyes to see that his body had changed. Two horns had appeared on top of his head, and his body grew taller. He tried to feel his toes, but realised that they had become ‘hoofs’. A look of interest appeared in his eyes when moving.

Clacking his hoofs on the stone cave floor.

He didn’t remember what happened, but was very satisfied with his new Inborn Skills. He was even happier when he saw his life expectancy had risen by a lot. Although there were no combat abilities, the new ‘Carnal Charm’ was appropriate in this time.

The only thing that made him perplexed was the ability that sealed his talent in spiritual arts. He was happy that he could grow his lover’s spirit using this method, but was unsure how to gain ‘trust’. This was his first time having to gain such a sensitive thing.

It was then he turned his head after noticing a presence behind him- No, there were many of them.

They looked at his familiar eyes with clear shock!

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