The Breeding Goblin Has Reincarnated

Chapter 6: Unravel

“Haaa… Hah…” Silvia gasped after the physically weaker Goblin Mage finally fell asleep. Feeling that soft little thing inside her pussy became limb. The mark that infant goblin placed on her vanished, and she felt the restraints on her body loosening up.

It was at that point the familiar figure walked inside.

The creature she had been wary of all this time.

Her hairs stood on end. Wondering what kind of scheme he had. She’d learned not to underestimate this evil creature. The wickedness and intelligence in its eyes were unlike that of a scavenger. Not even the smartest of adult goblins, a ‘Mage’, was this cunning.

“What do you want?” Silvia’s face was pale.

Mentally and physically tired after the Goblin Mage had used more ‘magical’ means of torturing her. She had initially been wary of the guards posted around them, but now they were gone. All the goblins she’d wanted to genocide were killed thanks to her efforts.

But who’d benefit the most?

Though the Goblin Mage was asleep and the bindings on her were weak, she was in no health to struggle anymore. Seeing this wicked infant probably meant one thing… That he no longer had a use for her. Will he take this opportunity to kill her?

No… Maybe he’d use magic to subdue her mind.

The very thought made anger suppress her fear.

“I won’t submit to you.” When the infant goblin had circled around to look her in the eyes, Silvia took a stand. The spirit of fire within her was ready to attack. She was ready to even sacrifice her life force and lose a great portion of her lifespan to struggle.


…Only to see a sight even more scarier than before.

Despite being the same race, that infant did not hesitate to use its large and bulky arms to twist the neck of the mage. The bindings on her lifted, but she was frozen in fear when seeing this cannibalistic infant immediately devour the mage like candy.

Taking pleasure in every bite.

Would she be next?

The fighting spirit that had awoken at her darkest moment was snuffed out. She knelt on the floor with fatigue grasping her body and soul. Maybe it was better to die like this. She’d done all she could to altruistically save as many lives as she could.

It might have failed, but that was okay.

The spirits knew she tried.

Fill watched her in confusion. His eyes didn’t seem to show any hostility towards her. After all, she was a very useful pawn in his efforts… and he thought that in the most thankful way he could. Unlike those of his own race that bound his progress, she helped.

Wasn’t that reason to give her a reward?

Him coming here to untie her was that stingy repayment. Not having any particularly wicked plans to rape or ‘subdue’ her. He knew why she’d made all these efforts, and was willing to show her what that amounted to. Thus, Fill walked right past her body.

Not at all that moved by her beautiful appearance.

Nor craving her flesh.

He opened the way out of the tent.

A bright light shining on her attracted her attention.

“You’re letting me go?” Silvia was doubtful of his intentions immediately. There was no way this selfish, genocidal and wicked creature would give her anything good. A year was enough for her to understand that this wasn’t in any way a ‘person’.

This was simply a monster.

…Even so, did she have a choice?

The exit was right there. She had to go. The safety of those other people were uncertain. She had to go check if they were alright. This thought alone was enough to reignite her strength. At least enough to get to her feet and walk out without anyone’s help.

Silvia walked out of the tent with a dark expression.

Regretting the choice she’d made.

Looking towards the breeding facility in vague hope that what she’d find wouldn’t be twisted. That those she’d so hard to save were alive and well. Hoping that they’d be mentally strong enough to bring themselves out of this nightmare. Make it a memory.

One that was all in the past.

She heard the sound of breathing inside the place.

Staggering, Silvia forced herself to go inside despite her bad feeling. The women inside were okay. Those goblins had vanished. Not even a trace of them could be seen. The people inside were not enacting some horrid ritual or self-harm. They were on their feet.

“Are you all okay?” She looked at them carefully.

Only to realise the situation she was in.

None of them knew of her efforts. All they could have ever known about her before this was that she was a ‘slut who liked goblins’. Even if it was for them she’d stayed in this wretched place, reality was not so nice that all good people would be rewarded.

So what was this reaction…?

“It’s her. Isn’t she the one who burned t-them?” It looked like the woman who spoke this wouldn’t be able to even look at a goblin in future. Finding only the courage to speak up. The others who’d heard her words immediately looked at her with admiration.

The more than twenty women that had gathered here from in and outside the breeding facility thanked her. Their minds and bodies were ruined by the ways they’d been treated, but their eyes were still able to see reality. They did not seem brainwashed.

Their smiles were genuine. 

They had been freed from the torments, but the scars could not heal easily. Silvia believed that she needed to be the one to talk to them about their experiences. They needed to let out their grief before being able to reconnect with the outside world again.

Who else but her could do this for them?

That was her original thought.

They all looked as free and unbound as she hoped.

However, there was a suspicion rising within her.

They tried to hide it, but many of them had this near constant blush on their faces. Maybe she was being too cautious. This could simply be blood rushing to their faces in joy. At least, that’s what she WOULD have thought before seeing the marks on their hips.

It was a familiar power.

“Who told you this?” Silvia interrupted their praise.

Only to then did the creature she’d been wary of walk into this sensitive place. Those who should have panicked, like that girl from earlier, were all looking at this infant goblin affectionately. None of them having the courage to actually talk to him.

Their eyes alone were enough.

The entire group became silent.

She started to vaguely understand what happened.

But also felt dismay.

“You people…” Silvia bravely spoke up and gained the attention of the group. They couldn’t look at her in the eyes proudly. All of them feeling ashamed about what they were hearing: “Do you all not want to take off that mark? Don’t you know what it does?”

She knew they were adults. Most adventurers were very experienced people no matter how novice. The woman here knew that this mark on their body could restrict their minds. Indulging in the power of this mark could maybe even wipe away their intelligence.

“You can probably imagine why…” There was no angry response to the elf’s query. The sorrow in the eyes of these people were enough to make her understand their choice. Why they were willing to let this infant goblin walk around without attacking it.

She looked at Fill helplessly.

“I didn’t brainwash them.” His calm gaze was saying.

Fill did not ever intent to ‘brainwash’ anyone. His life in Hell had made him understand just how useless that was. Those under mental enslavement had no concept of independence. They had to be monitored constantly and given ‘correct’ orders.

This included eating and sleeping.

If they manage to break out of his hold, then their memories of their time under brainwashing would be perfectly clear. This was only asking to have a bunch of enemies that would risk their lives to kill him. Gaining enemies was not a smart choice at all.

Instead, he made them allies.

Instead of abusing them, Fill took advantage of the weakness that had been born in this place. He used his eyes to experience their grief. Knowing that they were unable to currently return to ‘human society’ due to trauma. Feeling ashamed of being assaulted.

Being free did not mean losing memories of grief.

They still remembered the horrors of this place.

Some of them lost their virginities to a wooden stick out of all things. Others were already carrying the offspring of the creatures they despised. They had been in the equivalence of ‘Hell’ this entire time, and killing those who harmed them did not heal a heart.

This was the first stage Fill’s plan in action.

He knew exactly why they could not leave him easily.

Scared he’d take their marks away from them.

The only ‘hope’ they were allowed in this hellhole.

This wicked Indulgent Mark may seal away their intelligence the more they indulged in their carnal desires, but the constant ‘conversion of discomfort into pleasure’ had kept them sane. The suicide rate of slaves had dropped thanks to his intervention.

Now that they were free, what had really changed?

They were physically and emotionally uncomfortable  with themselves. Feeling depression. Feeling hatred for themselves. Believing they were defiled. That the consensual sex they’d had with the goblins made them ugly inside. An opinion born from upbringing.

Fill could tell that the elf also understood them.

But what could she do?

Not everyone could be mellow and feel nothing about the pain inflicted on them. Feel no grudge towards their captors even after their death. Pain did not go away simply because the one inflicting it was gone. They’d never be able to ‘live normally’ now.

They had become addicted to the Indulgent Mark.

Fill welcomed this chaos in their hearts.

Though they could not be pawns anymore. He was sure his influence over them would prove useful in the future. Patient enough to wait until that was the case. Whether they stayed or left, this was nothing he was stressed over. Looking up at his first mother.

This scene having influenced her deeply.

Enough that the hatred she had for him seemed to fade into nothingness. Fill wasn’t sure what she was really thinking, but the important part was that seeing this place and having herself ‘freed’ at this moment affected her. Making her doubt reality.

This much was enough.

He didn’t need to convince her fully. 

He looked above his head. 

The red marker was gone.

[You have perfectly completed the ‘Growth Quest’.]

[Achievements: Triple Influence, Vilest Mutant Among The Wicked, Extreme Cannibal, Chaotic Evil Of Annihilation, Mastermind Who Had Planned A Genocidal Slaughter, The One Who Unbinds Slaves, Creature Of The Night, Deviant Among The Slavers.]

[Congratulations! You have achieved a tremendous amount towards your ‘path’. Your traits are being taken into account. Would you like to experience the ‘evolution phenomenon’ now? Please make a choice of what you will do with the momentum built up.]


1. Separately evolve you and your Evil Spirit by sharing your power. (Event: Halved Evolution)

2. Evolve only your body. (Event: Self Evolution)

3. Evolve only the spirit. (Event: Spirit Evolution)

4. Enter a new path. (Event: Twin Evolution.)]

Fill did not choose immediately. 

He looked at the situation that was happening in the real world. The system did not restrict his body this time. Allowing him to put this aside for now. He was relieved that everything had finally bore fruit. The efforts he’d spent this entire year was worth it.

He didn’t know what would happen right now.

“What is this feeling?” Fill round himself being left out when they started to talk to each other. They’d even carefully avoided his gaze. Making him into a silent ornament in the background. Unable to stop them or guide the conversation with his words.

“I’m not needed here.” His thoughts had given up.

Realising that his experiences in interaction without his lover was being ordered, informed, or not having his opinion taken into consideration. It was only when his lover obsessively gazed into his eyes without caring about her well-being did he feel alive.

Like he had worth.

“Hmph~” The cow woman secretly laughed at him after seeing the disappointment in his eyes. Eyes still lively as ever without the addiction of the Indulgent Mark. She was the only one he completely had no control over. Wary of betrayal despite their team up.

If it wasn’t for her natural intimidation, he wouldn’t have so easily got to the Goblin Elders and more prideful ones of this cave. They only allowed him to move around freely because she would often attack those who would try to get in his way. His ‘backing’.

Now that the goblins were dead… What now?

Fill accepted that he could only watch on with whatever choice they’d made. That was everyone’s right in this world, and it definitely wasn’t unique to him. Thus, he walked away without trying to concoct up any further plans. If his efforts all failed… so be it.

He was not someone who couldn’t start from scratch if needed. Waiting and accepting was his strength.

His eyes completely serene while he was leaving.

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