Chapter 29: 29 Target Aquired
Lifted his hands up, Ketan looks at the girl, fascinated. "Oh, I see why you are here now. There have been too many unknown deaths that are happening here in the mall, so you are here to investigate what is going on, little hunter?" Stating this, he teleports out of reach from the scythe.
"If you already know why I am here, then leave me the fuck alone, Vampire." Brielle's eyes narrow in at him as she pulls the scythe back. She looks closer at his face and sees that his eyes had turned blood-red. She saw that his brown hair was messy after he ran his hand through it. "It would be best if you stay out of my way, Vampire."
Ketan looks at the girl smiling. "Getting in the way of your investigation is that last thing that I want. I am here on a break from my normal life. I am here for other supernaturals, not humans. The last thing I want is to get addicted to the taste of human blood, Hunter." He makes a disgusted face.
"Then we will stay out of each other's way; I will not bother you and your meal." Brielle shook her head, left the elevator, and went to her room. She slides the key in, enters the room and turns, glaring at the vampire before slamming the door in his face.
Ketan chuckles and sniffs the air, taking in her unique scent. 'I want this hunter, but I will try my best to avoid her this weekend and get what I came to do. Her blood is different from others.' He turned and went back to his room, but not before touching her door, leaving a bat symbol on the door that only he could see. "Follow her and let me know if she is in any danger."
Brielle covered her heart that was racing. 'I knew that some vampires could disguise themselves, but I had never met one before today. I was surprised that I found one after all this time in the business.' She held her ear to the door but didn't hear anything. She frowned but got ready for her patrol shift that was going to start in a few hours. Brielle quickly unpacked her items and slipped her black card into her pants. Attaching her scythe to its holster, Brielle leaves the room.
The bat on the door flew, landing on Brielle's back and relayed that she was on the move.
Brielle went to the coffee shop and grabbed a cup of coffee, then walked around looking for a store that would carry the coffee pot that she wanted and an electric tea kettle. She sips the coffee and walks around the deserted mall. She walks to the store, walking in.
"Hello, madam, we were not expecting anyone to show up during the break between the day and night world. What can I help you find?" The lady greets Brielle looking at the pole attached to her side.
Brielle smiled and watched that witch. "I am not here for you. I was looking for a coffee pot like this." Pulling out her personal phone, she shows the cashier the coffee pot, "and an electric tea kettle for boiling water."
Looking at the phone, the witch lets out a breath. "Oh! That is an excellent choice. I have a few different ones in stock." She walks away, leading Brielle to the collection on the wall. "If you would like a recommendation, I would personally recommend this one. It works fantastic, and you can use any type of filter that you want with it."
Brielle inspects the box, "I will go with your suggestion then. Do you know of any mystery attacks that are going on in the area? You are not obligated to talk to me unless you want to. I know that it can be a bit unnerving conversing with the enemy."
The lady grabs the hem of her shirt and looks at Brielle, holding back for a moment, then decides to tell Brielle what she knows. "Let me show you the electric kettles, and I will tell you what I know." She leads Brielle to the kettles and picks up one. "My sister was murdered a few days ago. It was a werewolf that attacked her. I know this because I saw him attack and kill her. The werewolf did not see me, but I witnessed the whole thing. I recommend this one."
Brielle took the second box and looked at it. "Where did it happen? I am sorry for your loss. I am not supposed to go after supernaturals while here, but I will do what I can to bring justice to your sister. I will go with your recommendations. Are you able to show me the area that she passed?"
They walk to the cashier counter and the girl nods, "just leave the purchases on the counter. I will take you to the location before you pay." She waited and saw Brielle placed the items down and wave her to lead the way. "My name is Susan. My sister was the only family that I had left. She passed away here." whispers some words under her breath, and the spell concealing what happened lifted.
Brielle watched fascinated and saw the blood on the ground as well as the splatters on the walls. "Susan, I am terribly sorry for your loss. This would've been brutal to witness. I can understand why you have not cleaned this up yet, and I appreciate the cooperation that you are giving me. Do you remember what he looked like?"
"I can do better than that." Susan went into the office and came back with pictures and handed them to Brielle, "if you catch that son of a bitch, give him what he deserves."
Taking the pictures, Brielle smirked, "I will do what I can. I should change my tactic. I could probably draw him in to attack me, then I would be able to give him what he deserves. Do you know if he has attacked others?"
"As far as I know, he was slowly killing and got a human. I was not surprised to see that you arrived here to take out that trash. He seems to be drawn to ladies that are dressed sexily." Susan leads Brielle back to the front and covers that scene with magic once more.
"Excellent. I will go shopping for this hunt instead." Brielle picked up and package of filters and placed them on the counter.
"Thank you, I know that we are enemies, but without your help, I would not be able to bring my sister justice. So I appreciate it. Would you like some coffee? I have homemade coffee that I will sell you, and if you like it, I will even ship it to you." Susan turned and picked up seven bags of coffee.
"I'll take all of them. Thank you, one can never have enough coffee. I will stop by with my business card. I did not bring any with me." Brielle placed her card on the counter and watched as Susan scanned everything.
Susan beamed with her eyes tearing up. "Thank you, I appreciate that you will be a supporter of my store. Do you want me to send you more filters? I can send those in bulk so that you will not run out?"
Brielle smiled happily and wiped the tear that was falling from Susan's eyes. "I would greatly appreciate it. I drink a lot of coffee. So after I know how long your coffee will last me, I will give you a call and let you know the timeline of when I will need more. These items are actually for my personnel office. This morning, I have a trainee, who made me a coffee using a pot like this, and I fell in love. Fuck she makes a wicked cup."
"You will not regret it." Susan swiped the card and handed it back to Brielle. She handed her a pen and the receipt to sign her name.
Brielle signed and picked up the two bags. "Thank you for the information; I will get him for you." Brielle waved and left the store, heading to a clothing store that showcased some sexy numbers. She walked in and placed the bags down on the counters. She wandered around until she was drawn to a black number with two slits in the front of the dress that came halfway up the thighs and was sheer fabric with silk underneath to make it opaque. The skirt came up to the centre of the curves on the sides of her body with a hidden zipper, making it easier to get the dress on. The top was two pieces of fabric that covered from the skirt to cover the breasts that came up in a triangle attached to a string. The strings crossed over onto the back and attacked near the bottom of the top strips. The top part of the dress was covered in sequins that shone when light reflected upon it.
Taking the one that was her size off the wall, Brielle went to the change room, changed and looked at her reflection in the mirror. 'Yes, this will do perfectly.' She changed back into her clothing and looked at the black strapped heels, picking a pair with modest heels. As well as a purse to hide her scythe. As she went to the counter to pay, a jewellery set caught her eyes, so she added it to the pile. After paying for everything, she rushed to her suite and changed into the disguise. She placed her scythe in the purse, styled her hair and walked out of the room.