Chapter 28: 28 First Encounter
~Sorry, it slipped my mind. I do not know if I should be sitting at the desk. I do not feel like I am doing enough. Furthermore, I was actually going to come with you two, but Asurlon asked me to stay.~ Came Leo's reply.
~ It's fine. I can deal with it being Will, anyone else?~ Brielle looked at Will, who sat beside her. "Are you going to be coming to the mall when you are done, too?"
"As far as I know, I will be joining you after I am done. There have been a few incidences that we need to look into. If the supernatural kill each other, we can't interfere with them during the night unless it escalates. If they start shit during the day, that is when we have to step in. I will switch shifts with you in the morning. I will nap and take over so that you can rest during the daytime. Besides, I already know that you will not switch to the daytime, so I will not bother asking that of you." Will placed his phone in a pouch in front of his seat.
"You are right that I would not switch with you. Even if you offered. It is not like I can sleep all that much…" Brielle looked down at her phone and sighed.
~No one else will be going with the two of you. There will also be no one meeting you two on location. You need to sleep. It will not do you well if you are not able to focus. I can already tell that you are tired, and no one told me. I just am used to you. Maybe you will meet a distraction that will allow you to sleep during this trip?~
~Fuck off with that. I have sworn off relationships, and you know that reason why. We're getting ready for take-off. BYE.~ Brielle tossed her work phone in her purse and dropped it on the ground. "Don't talk to me unless you have to." Brielle closed her eyes, irritated. It didn't take long for sleep to pull her under.
Will watched Brielle and let out a sigh. He got up when the plane's seatbelt warning sign was off and walked to the back of the plane. He fixed himself a bourbon and heard Brielle scream. Will dropped the glass and rushed back. "Brielle!" He starts shaking her awake.
Brielle opened her eyes and stared at a blurry Will. "Fuck, sorry." She covered her face and wiped the tears away from her eyes.
"Don't worry about it. If you want to talk about it at any point in time, I am here to listen to you. I know that this is beyond your control. Are you sure that you don't want us to hunt him down?" Will grabbed a tissue box and handed it to her.
"Do not sink down to his level. Just let me deal with this in the way that I want to." Brielle took the box and wiped her eyes. "I will be okay."
"If you say so." Will went back to the mess that he had made and started to pick up the broken glass.
Brielle got up and paced the walkway. 'Fuck, I need to get him out of my mind, it has been a while since that has happened, and I should not still be bothered by him.' She punched a seat, ran her hands through her hair, and joined Will to grab a drink. "I will make myself something."
Will turned and smiled, "I figured that would be the case, but I had made a mess; that is why I was here for so long." He picked up the second cup and walked past Brielle.
"Sorry, Will." Brielle saw Will wave her off before she turned and started brewing a pot of coffee. She pulled out a mug from the cupboard and saw a box with her name on it. She pulled it down, opened it and inside was a mug that said, 'Fuck People, the only one you can Trust, is YOURSELF!' She put the other mug back, filled the new mug with coffee, and returned to her seat. "So, which one of you got the mug?"
"Hmmmmm?" Will looked over and saw the mug that Brielle was holding up. "Ah! That mug was something that Leo and I found and decided that you might like it. So we bought it and placed it on the plane so that the next time you had coffee here, you would be able to use the mug. I take it that you like it?"
"I love it. It makes me feel a little better after that dream I had, and this suits how I feel at this moment." Brielle took a sip of coffee and sat down. "I already miss the coffee that Jenna made me this morning." She sighs, then drinks more.
"Leo will be happy to hear that you liked the mug." Will had typed out a message to Leo but placed his phone down. "Do you want to talk about it?"
Brielle finished the coffee off and looked at Will. "No!" her voice came out upset. "Thank you. I will deal with this independently, and talking it out with you and Leo will not do me any good. What happened in the past will stay in the past. I don't want to think about it anymore. Do you know how the hunt for Leo's girl is going?"
Will shook his head, "I will respect your wishes. Leo is having a hell of a time tracking her down. I did not know that she had so much money at her disposal. She lived a very moderate life, and when she and Sam would go shopping, Sam would always complain that Kitty would not buy much. She had to make Kitty wear a dress that she bought for her for our engagement party. Then again, Sam just wanted to help her friend. So Leo is in for a rough time finding her."
"Damn, I was not expecting that. Well, at least Leo has not given up. I have given up on love. I will just keep getting hurt, so I will just live through you two and watch your love life come into fruition. So make a baby so that I can adore it." Brielle smiled and watched as Will's face turned red and the seatbelt light blinked back on.
"I'll let Sam know what you think." Will looked forward and closed his eyes.
Brielle looked out the window, watched as they landed and pulled up to the tarmac. Once the seatbelt light blinked off, Brielle got up and picked up her purse. "Good luck on your mission." She went down the stairs and quickly left Will behind. By the time she reached the tarmac, she could see her suitcase. She smiled and took the handle, walking away. Brielle fast-walked to the doors, walking into the VIP room. She went straight through and found a taxi for herself. She hopped in and gave the address to the mall. Once she reached the mall, she went straight to the hotel.
Ketan had wandered through the mall and walked past the reception desk, seeing a human chatting with his next meal. 'A human is a rare sight in the night mall hotel. I wonder if she knows what she is getting into?' Shaking his head, he walked to the reception. "Hello, when will you be off work, Sweetheart?"
The receptionist giggled, then handed Brielle her key. "I still have an hour to get through, Sir. I promise that I will show up."
Brielle turned her head and glared at the man beside her. Her eyes traced him from bottom to top. While checking him out, she could see that he was physically fit, with pale skin and when she looked at his face, their eyes met. Looking away, Brielle could still picture the sea-green eyes that stared into her soul. "I wouldn't meet him if I were you; you never know what he might do to you." She took her key and glared at Ketan.
Ketan took her suitcase, "since I have made such a bad impression on you, please allow me to take you to your room." He walked away without waiting for a reply. He winked at the receptionist before hitting the elevator button.
'What in the actual fuck!? Who does this asshole think that his!?' Brielle stormed after him and got into the elevator. She grabbed back her bag. "I do not need any help for you." She glared at him, then pressed the button for her floor.
"Looks like we are on the same floor. The other room on my floor rarely gets used." Ketan had let her take back her bag. "Are you sure that you will be okay in this hotel?"
Brielle, having just about enough of his shit, grabs the compacted metal scythe and pulls it out, pushing the button and aiming the tip at his throat. "I will be just fine."