Taming the True Fire (HP)

Chapter 113: Chapter 113: Loyalty (4)

Lucius Malfoy rapped sharply on the heavy oak doors of his father's private study, his thin lips pressed tightly together in anticipation to find out the reason behind Abraxas Malfoy's angry summon. Since his return from Hogwarts, relations with the head of the Malfoy family had grown strained at best. Lucius felt confined by his father's expectations, still treated as if he were a mere child expected to obey every command and cower in fear when his father was displeased. However, the young wizard harboured entirely different ambitions, some of which were already set in motion.

"Enter." – came the cold, hoarse voice from within.

With a swift motion, Lucius pushed open the door and stepped into the spacious room, filled with shelves upon shelves of old books. Comfortable green velvet armchairs were arranged around the empty marble fireplace, adorned with stone gargoyles. Portraits of esteemed Malfoy ancestors hung on the walls, their pale faces illuminated by the flickering candlelight that danced around the room.

Abraxas Malfoy sat behind his ebony desk in a grand chair with a tall back, sorting through rolls of parchment scattered across the glossy black surface. A tall, well-built man in his sixties, he exuded an air of importance and power. His blond hair, streaked with white, matched his well-kept beard. Deep wrinkles around his grey eyes gave him a stern and distant appearance. Dressed in expensive green robes, he held a lit cigar between his fingers, filling the study with the aroma of exotic tobacco. His gaze turned icy upon seeing his son, whose impeccable black robes with exquisite silk details contrasted with his platinum blond hair and grey eyes, resembling his father's.

"I've expected you earlier." – Abraxas stated with a hint of evident dissatisfaction.

"Apologies, father. Business in London detained me past the dinner hour." – Lucius answered politely, but not overly apologetically.

Abraxas's frown deepened as he drew a long puff from his cigar, exhaling a cloud of silver smoke into the air. "Is this again about this club you are so set on running?"

"Indeed." – the young Malfoy nodded affirmatively – "Everything progresses smoothly. I've been fortunate in securing a suitable venue and assembling a capable staff. Lord Silverthorn has been invaluable, aiding us with equipment and connections to the right clientele."

"Glad to hear it. His Grace spoke highly of him. Ensure your demeanour is respectful and deferential. He's of House Whiters, and if we play our cards right, this collaboration could strengthen our ties with multiple major Houses at the same time." – Abraxas remarked, his eyes gleaming with ambition.

"I assure you, that His Lordship is well taken care of. Our collaboration brought more than satisfactory financial results, not to mention the incredible satisfaction… of work well-done." – Lucious explained, a subtle smirk gracing his features.

"You know, I don't care what you do in your personal time, and I certainly understand a young man needs certain things on regular basis. However, I wanted to warn you about being too public with your tastes and preferences. We cannot risk tarnishing our family's esteemed reputation within the wizarding community!" – the elder wizard warned, his tone suddenly serious.

"If you're worried that anyone can associate us with Obsession, you needn't fear, father." – Lucius declared with a scowl – "We took every precaution to erase traces to our companies. No one would be able to prove anything. Furthermore, if they insist on digging around, they'd need to explain their presence in such a place themselves. People who frequent such establishments are very discreet!"

"That's not what troubles me." – Abraxas shook his head, extinguishing his cigar into the silver ashtray shaped like a dragon's nest – "I spoke with Cygnus Black this afternoon. He's on edge, poor fellow, after the disgrace he was forced to endure with his oldest daughter... He's genuinely concerned about your intentions towards Narcissa."

Lucius arched a pale eyebrow, finding amusement in House Black's desperation. "She is a nice girl, father, and she could potentially make a good wife in the future, but nothing more than that. For now, we're simply dating, and I certainly won't restrain myself. There are certain things dear Cissy just cannot provide for me. Moreover, weren't you the one who advised me to keep my options open in case I manage to charm a witch from an aristocratic family?"

"I stand behind my words." – the other man assured him – "However, in the event this plan doesn't pan out, Narcissa Black is a perfectly suitable choice for your wife. Valeria also speaks highly of her as a modest, refined, and well-behaved young woman. Her family blood-status is impeccable, and according to Cygnus, we're set to receive quite a substantial dowry. All I ask is that you exercise more discretion around the Blacks. While you may have wrapped the girl around your finger and bent her to your will, her parents were less than amused by rumours of your dalliances with other women, not to mention your other activities. I'm particularly concerned about stories of my son fooling around with Mudbloods."

"I'd be equally concerned about such gossip!" – Lucius replied, his handsome features contorted with disgust – "You know my thoughts on that scum. I endured their presence enough during my time at school. Why subject myself to such torment now that I've finally escaped the cesspit Dumbledore turned Hogwarts into?"

"I'm warning you because I know you well, son." – Abraxas stated, undeterred – "I know you're sometimes tempted to compromise your principles when pursuing what you desire. But don't repeat the mistakes of your great-grandfather. It was bad enough my father had to tolerate that disgraceful woman who dared to call herself his sister!"

"I'm not going to dilute the Malfoy blood, rest assured!" – the young wizard declared, his nostrils flaring – "There's not going to be another Persephonna in this manor! I know Grandfather suffered for years after she was gone, I assume back to the Muggles she originated from, but we won't allow this to happen ever again, regardless of how tempting a Mudblood might be!"

"I'm heartened to hear that, son." – Abraxas nodded with satisfaction – "Especially since you'll need to demonstrate your commitment and resist temptation."

"What do you mean, father?" – Lucius asked, confused.

"I want you to take my position on the Hogwarts Board of Governors." – the other man responded, his gaze fixed intensely on his son – "You understand the importance of this task, especially when an old fool like Dumbledore seeks to dismantle every tradition our wizarding education is built upon."

"I understand, and I'll do my best to thwart Dumbledore's Mudblood-centred agenda!" – the young wizard declared with internal pleasure, noting how things had unfolded even better than expected, especially considering the effort he had invested in planting this idea in Abraxas' head.

"I'm pleased to see your enthusiasm for the task." – the Head of the Malfoys nodded, as if he had read his son's thoughts – "However, keep in mind that this assignment has little to do with your personal interests or promoting someone else's vision for the future. I won't go as far as forbidding it, but you'll have a different objective when you visit Hogwarts. His Grace wants you to keep a close eye on Lord Gregory McMahon. If anything suspicious arises, you are to inform me immediately!"

Lucius looked at his father, taken aback. This task was certainly not what he had anticipated. "He's just a boy. One can never even think he was an aristocrat by the way he behaves!"

"I'm not asking for your opinion!" – Abraxas snapped angrily, prompting his son to fall silent, his lips trembling with frustration – "Don't forget the blood of Salazar Slytherin runs in his veins! You are not to engage in any kind of disagreement with him! If you manage to befriend him, all the better! We need any useful information you can gather! Do you understand me, Lucius?"

"Yes, father!" – the younger wizard confirmed before turning toward the door.

"I'm counting on you!" – Abraxas emphasised as his son reached for the golden door handle – "Don't forget where your loyalties lie!"

Lucius didn't respond. He swiftly navigated the maze of dark corridors, their floors adorned with green tiles. Exiting into the garden, he continued his brisk walk down the wide driveway, flanked by tall hedges. Upon opening the wrought-iron gates, he felt some tension leave his body. Though the conversation with his father had been unpleasant, he had secured a golden pass to enter Hogwarts as needed. This would aid in one of his current tasks by granting him access to the students. Spying on Greg McMahon was not his priority. He believed he could easily gather the information he needed from some of his former classmates. That should suffice for both Abraxas Malfoy and Adrian Borealis.

'Loyalty is owed only to the greatest power. However, my father is too blind and entrenched in his ways to see the bigger picture of our changing world. Nevertheless, I'll make sure Malfoys make the right biddings.' – the blond wizard mused before glancing at his left wrist and disapparating with a loud crack.

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