Taming the True Fire (HP)

Chapter 112: Chapter 112: Loyalty (3)

The end of August marked the awakening of Hogwarts from its summer slumber. The house-elves and Filch were cleaning every nook and cranny of the castle. Meanwhile, Madame Pomfrey bustled about the Hospital Wing, meticulously restocking shelves with potions and bandages, preparing for the inevitable mishaps of another year filled with mischievous young witches and wizards. The teachers were preparing and updating their lesson plans, eager to impart knowledge upon the not-so-eager minds soon to fill their classrooms.

Dumbledore sat behind his spacious, claw-footed desk, reading some letters he had just received. The flickering light of the candles was casting deep shadows across the Headmaster's wrinkled face. His blue eyes behind the half-moon spectacles looked warry and tired.

"Good evening, Albus." – a familiar male voice broke the silence.

"Welcome back, Carsilion!" – Dumbledore's eyes twinkled with amusement as he greeted the newcomer – "I see you still rebel against the idea of common courtesies such as knocking on doors."

"I consider this more of a charming quirk than rebellion." – Carsilion replied with a smile, settling into one of the comfortable armchairs before the Headmaster's desk – "Besides, it also allows you to gather a lot of extra information when people can't immediately stop talking."

"You've certainly honed your skills in observation over the years, my boy." – noted the other wizard – "How was your summer?"

"Let's just say I found myself yearning to return here." – shrugged the Marquess, a wistful tone colouring his voice.

"It's quite understandable." – Dumbledore agreed with a smirk – "Hogwarts possesses a unique allure. Interestingly, Minerva expressed a similar sentiment upon her return."

"Did she?"- the auburn-haired man asked flatly – "I didn't have the opportunity to greet her yet."

"Such a shame!" – Dumbledore's smile persisted – "Well, the night is still young, and I wouldn't want to steal too much of your time. I'm sure you have much more enjoyable plans."

"Indeed. I plan to indulge in a bath with herbal oils and savour a glass of Mandrake Mélange Scotch while immersing myself in a good book." – Carsilion's response was accompanied by a lazy smile.

"Oh, my, it seems your idea of having a good time had changed significantly since the last time we talked about it." – remarked the Headmaster, resting his chin on his hand as he regarded the younger wizard with polite interest.

"I suppose I'm simply growing old, Albus." – suggested the DADA teacher – "Tastes and habits tend to evolve with time."

"My boy," – Dumbledore chuckled heartily – "even I heard about your adventures during the summer! Since when modesty became your new guise?"

"I don't know what you've been told or by whom, but you should be aware by now that my reputation precedes me and due to people being willing to believe everything about me, there's hardly more than ten percent truth in the rumours that circle around." – Carsilion replied coldly.

"Oh? So, the tale of a certain noble lady stumbling upon you in a compromising position with her sister and a member of another House in that first lady's own bedchamber... that's purely fiction?" – Dumbledore's inquiry dripped with feigned innocence.

"First of all, I had no idea that was Countess Cordelia Windermere's bedroom. Her youngest sister, Diana, practically dragged me inside, and I assumed it was her own!" – snapped the Marquess angrily – "Secondly, Lord Stirling was someone Diana had brought along. And thirdly, did Cordelia happen to mention that after making quite a public scene about the whole ordeal, she threatened me to rise this issue to the Council unless I fuck her till she can't walk?! Those were her exact words! Where on earth did you even encounter her?"

"I didn't have that last piece of information." – the older wizard replied casually – "Duke O'Dargan actually divulged that incident during a small congress on Wizarding education I attended in Berlin at the start of August. He seemed rather irate that it had transpired within his household."

"Of course, he would be." – Carsilion scoffed derisively – "As if that's more pressing than the fact that the Academy, under his jurisdiction, is churning out witches and wizards who couldn't cast a spell if their lives depended on it."

"He seemed under the impression that any issues the Academy faces are due to individuals like yourself, who, in his opinion, shirk responsibility and neglect their duties as educators." – the Headmaster remarked thoughtfully.

"Naturally, it's always someone else to blame." – the Marquess rolled his eyes – "Meanwhile, they manipulate the students to suit House O'Dargan's needs. It's a convenient way to secure their influence once these young aristocrats leave the school and join their families' ranks."

"Shaping young minds is a weighty responsibility. It's despicable to exploit their naivety for personal gain." – Dumbledore mumbled absentmindedly.

"That's his intention, isn't it?" – Carsilion inquired suddenly – "I've heard numerous rumours over the past two months, but it's challenging to discern what's true."

"This one happens to be true." – the Headmaster admitted – "He's an old student of mine, and Hogwarts holds a special significance for him. He approached me a few years ago, expressing interest in a Defence Against the Dark Arts teaching position, but I declined considering the path he had chosen."

"You're undoubtedly more acquainted with him than the rest of us." – Carsilion remarked, his long fingers nervously tapping on the arm of the chair – "He was a topic of discussion at various events I attended. Opinions seemed to vary depending on the House. From what I gathered, he did reach out to a few aristocrats, but none of significant influence."

"Lady Diana teaches Defence Against the Dark Arts at the Academy, if I'm not mistaken." – Dumbledore interjected unexpectedly, noting the surprise on the young wizard's face.

"Well, I highly doubt she's ever engaged in a duel, but yes, she imparts knowledge on combating the Dark Arts, in her own... unique manner." – the Marquess snorted – "But in anticipation of your next question - no, he hasn't infiltrated the Academy to my knowledge."

"That was also my conclusion after speaking with Duke O'Dargan." – Dumbledore nodded with satisfaction.

"You must consider that Raven O'Dargan is an extremely proud individual. I believe he considers even the rest of us beneath him. He wouldn't just meet with some random wizard, let alone allow him to influence his decisions." – shrugged the DADA teacher.

"You must not underestimate Tom. He can be surprisingly persuasive." – the Headmaster warned the younger wizard – "I think you and Duke McMahon need to seriously consider my proposal."

"As I mentioned before, we've already discussed this, and we feel this level of involvement on our part isn't feasible. We have pressing matters of our own to address, and we can't afford to divert our efforts elsewhere." – Carsilion replied politely.

"I fear you're not seeing the full scope of the situation, my boy" – Dumbledore exclaimed, rising from his chair and striding to the window, gazing outside – "This is a challenge that requires collective action and resolution because the threat is genuine and affects us all, including the aristocracy! You need to convince Edward to see this as well!"

"Albus, you know how much I treasure our friendship." – the Marquess declared, also standing up and heading toward the door – "You've helped me accept and find happiness in who I am. However, my loyalty lies with House McMahon, and their interest and well-being are my top priority. Edward and I are completely honest with each other, and I'm never going to do anything to manipulate or deceive him. The Light knows, I do it with everybody else. I need some honesty in my life!"

"I apologise, Carsilion." – the Headmaster stated sincerely – "I never intended to imply that you should manipulate your friend. I simply wanted to urge you to revisit our situation and consider the future you desire for Catherine and Greg. They're both intelligent and compassionate children who won't hesitate to fight for what's right."

"You're crossing a line!" – Carsilion snapped, anger flashing in his eyes – "I understand you have your own agenda, but do not involve Greg and Catherine! They're innocent in this chaos, and I won't allow you to entangle them in your plans! You know me well enough!"

"And yet, you still doubt my dedication to safeguarding those in need. Consider the people who rely on your protection, Professor Thorne!" – Dumbledore replied nonchalantly. 

With a hiss of frustration, Carsilion stormed out of the Headmaster's office, his hopes for a peaceful evening shattered by the conversation he just had and the impending start of the school year, with its daunting piles of papers to grade, classes to teach, and unruly students to discipline.

'I wonder what kind of headache Catherine has in store for me this year. That girl seems to attract trouble wherever she goes. At least Lucius Malfoy has graduated – one less thing to worry about.' – he mused warily.

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