Taming The Mind and Your Destiny

Chapter 26: Forming Decision's

In forming major decisions in your life it is important to understand what part of you is making the decision and why. We are a multiple made up body, a mind, a subconscious mind and a soul.

Each one of these parts of us has its own perspective and agenda. They do not always agree with one another, unless we connect and control!"

Yet one must take counsel with all these parts and listen carefully to what each one is saying. This is a far better way of forming decisions than just going with our feelings or our logic.

The body gives us information in feelings. Whatever the logic of a situation is, our body has its own wisdom not over and above logic, but different from logic.

So always ask yourself what feels right. Do you get a strong feeling one way or another? Imagine both scenerios playing out, and examine which one feels better?

Sometimes we get a clear feeling; other times we're not sure. If it is a clear feeling, then that's important information for you to consider. If you're not clear, keep returning to it over and over again until you get a feeling about it one way or another.

If it is a major decision, a life-altering decision, you should be able to get a clear feeling about it.

The second way of evaluating a choice is to go to your conscious mind. What does that part of you think? What logically looks like the making decision? What do you think?

Does one option look more attractive than the other and why? Always ask why. Why does the mind think one way is better than the other? What is its criteria? Why does the body feel strongly about it? Why are those feelings there?

The the third method is to harness your intuition. What does your intuition tell you? What does the still small voice that is beyond the inner chatter, worries and concerns of life have to say?

The subconscious facilitates both the body and its feelings, and the soul and its intuition. Take councillor with these parts of yourself. They are part of who we are and function when called upon.

This is why we have these faculties. We are not alone in forming decisions. Read yourself thoroughly and listen to your mind, your body and your soul.

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