Chapter 24: Planning and Strategy'
Planning and strategy.
the process of making plans for something.
"mass production methods call for detailed planning"
Planning is the process of thinking regarding the activities required to achieve a desired goal.
Planning is based on foresight, the fundamental capacity for mental time travel. Some researchers regard the evolution of forethought the capacity to think ahead, as a prime mover in human evolution.
Planning is a fundamental property of intelligent behavior.It involves the use of logic and imagination to visualize not only a desired result, but the steps necessary to achieve that result.
An important aspect of planning is its relationship to forecasting. Forecasting aims to predict what the future will look like, while planning imagines what the future could look like.
Strategy is a plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim.
strategy describes how the ends (goals) will be achieved by the means (resources). Strategy can be intended or can emerge as a pattern of activity as the organization adapts to its environment or competes. It involves activities such as strategic planning and strategic thinking.
Planning according to established principles forms a core part of many professional occupations, particularly in fields such as management and business.
Once people have developed a plan, they can measure and assess progress, efficiency and effectiveness. As circumstances change, plans may need to be modified or even abandoned.
In light of the popularity of the concept of planning, some of the idea advocate planning for unplannable eventualities.
Planning has been modeled in terms of intentions deciding what tasks one might wish to do; continuing towards a goal in the face of difficulty and flexibility, adapting one's approach in response implementation.
An implementation intention is a specification of behavior that an individual believes to be correlated with a goal will take place, such as at a particular time or in a particular place.
Implementation intentions are distinguished from goal intentions, which specifies an outcome such as running a marathon.
"war to control the mind" refers to a metaphorical battle where the goal is to manipulate or influence someone's thoughts, beliefs, and actions, often through psychological tactics, propaganda, or other means to gain power or control over them, essentially "winning" their mind without physical force!"
It can also be used to describe a personal struggle to manage one's own negative thoughts or mental states.
"war to control the mind" is a
Psychological manipulation!"This phrase often implies using psychological techniques to sway someone's thinking, like persuasive arguments, emotional appeals, or misinformation campaigns.
Cognitive warfare!" Cognitive warfare" refers to strategies aimed at disrupting enemy decision-making by manipulating their information and perceptions.
"Brainwashing" is an extreme form of mind control where someone is subjected to intense psychological pressure to completely change their beliefs and behaviors.
Internal struggle: "War to control the mind" can also represent a personal battle against negative thoughts, anxieties, or harmful beliefs within oneself!"
We need to take captive our thoughts and examine them. To take something captive is to take control of it and put it in a controlled environment, like putting a ferocious animal in a cage.
Then, we need to take a close look at our thoughts and consider what we are thinking or believing and why.
As we do this, we need to consider if our thoughts line up with what is true of God and our new life in him. Do our thoughts conform to the truths of the good story. Ask yourself: Am I thinking or believing the good news about God, others, or myself?
The enemies of our soul tell lies about God to tempt us, to breed distrust in relationships to divide us, and to rehearse accusing words in our ears to destroy us. What kind of words are we hearing?
One of the ways we fight the war of the mind is by considering the fruit we're presently experiencing, or the fruit we would experience if we engaged a particular thought or suggested action.
If the fruit doesn't resemble the fruit of the Spirit or the life of God, we can be certain that our minds are not presently in submission to God. Instead, we are submitted to someone or something else.
The Spirit brings conviction and leads us in repentance. Repentance is not simply a change of behavior, but a change of belief that produces changed behaviors.
We need the Spirit to reveal where we have believed lies and to lead us to the truth about God, granting both eyes to see and hearts to believe. As the Spirit moves, we will experience a change of mind that will change the way we live.
We do battle by having the truths of the good story around us like a belt, holding everything else up. Our hearts are protected by the God and Goddess righteousness.
We have a readiness a quickness to run from evil and chase after obedience because we know we are free and unhindered by guilt, shame, and fear.
Because of God, our guilt is removed, our shame is covered, and our fear is demolished, for he is victorious over our enemies.
Take up the shield of faith. Believe. Believe in all God has accomplished for you. Cover you minds with the helmet of salvation to protect you from the lies, accusations, and temptations you're bound to face. And wield the sword you have been given, the word of God. Speak the truths to confront the attacks of the devil.
And in all of this, continue to depend upon the Spirit in prayer. The weapons will never be enough if you don't walk in the power of the Spirit who empowers them all.
Take your thoughts captive and examine them closely. Bring them into submission. Consider the fruit. Then fight back with gospel truths. This is how we go to war.
It is a conscious as well as sub-conscious activity. It is "an anticipatory decision making process" that helps in coping with complexities. It is deciding future course of action from amongst alternatives.
It is a process that involves making and evaluating each set of interrelated decisions. It is selection of missions, objectives and "translation of knowledge into action.
"A planned performance brings better results compared to an unplanned one. A manager's job is planning, monitoring and controlling.
Planning and strategic are the goals!" Setting are important traits of an organization. It is done at all levels of the organization. Planning and strategy includes the plan, the thought process, action, and implementation.
Planning and strategy gives more power over the future. Plan and strategic decides in advance what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and who should do it. This bridges the gap from where the organization is to where it wants to be.
The planning and strategy, function involves establishing goals and arranging them in logical order. An organization that plans well achieves goals faster than one that does not plan before implementation.
Planning and strategy is not just a professional activity: it is a feature of everyday life, whether for career advancement, organizing an event or even just getting through a busy day.