Chapter 19: Preconscious Mind Control
The preconscious mind is a part of the mind that contains thoughts and feelings that are not currently being used but are easily accessible.
Preconscious mind work:
It acts as a screen between the conscious and unconscious mind.
It's responsible for voluntary movement and attention. It contains memories and facts that are not currently being used but can be easily called up when needed.
It contains thoughts and emotions that are not consciously known but still influence behavior. Nonverbal behaviors, the effect of seeing an image. The contents of the conscious mind include all of the things that you are actively aware of.
The closely related preconscious mind contains all of the things that you could potentially pull into conscious awareness.
The preconscious also acts as something of a guard, controlling the information that is allowed to enter into conscious awareness.
Benefits of the preconscious mind;
Your preconscious mind can be very handy. It may provide several benefits that the conscious mind can't supply on its own.
Memory storage:
Long-term memories may be stored in your preconscious and unconscious minds. Keeping memories "push away" but close at hand allows you to access them when needed, without overwhelming the conscious mind with constant information.
Habit formation and behavioral patterns: Habits and behavioral patterns are also influenced by the preconscious mind.
This automation allows us to perform complex tasks, like driving a car or playing an instrument, with minimal conscious effort, as the preconscious mind guides much of our actions based on learned patterns.
For instance, it can help you in daily life by helping you store memories, problem-solve, and maintain a sense of intuitive understanding.
The more we think about more things, the more things come into view to think about. It's sort of like telescopes: Over the last century, as we constructed 'scopes that could see further and be adjusted to pick up wavelengths of light.
That we might not be able to perceive unaided, it turns out there are thousands of phenomena that we hadn't known were there, and the universe as a whole has become a many times larger.
So too with communications, travel, and the advance of civilization: We just know about lots more than we used to, which includes the depths of psychology!
As we dare to think such things, what happens is that a whole bunch more things begin to percolate up from the unconscious culturally as well as individually and we find ourselves faced with issues we never knew existed.
There are innumerable variations and forms of these that are still mentally, hardly recognizable, and as-yet-without words. Or they have words, but the mainstream culture labels them as silly, trivial, crazy, imaginary, magical thinking, or "Don't bother even thinking about it." This is called "discounting."
The point to note though is that fields of discourse expand so that what was topic is talked about, people can allow themselves to think thoughts that were previously unacceptable.
Bubbles of what used to be unconscious come "up" and enter the pre-conscious and from there into the private consciousness.
This is one way of thinking about the impact of a trend over the last century that I call "psychology-zation." It's also consciousness-raising.
Preconscious memories are not the same things as memories that are readily accessed, such as remembering your way home. They are unrepressed memories that we extract for a specific purpose at a specific time.
Through repeated actions and behaviors, the preconscious helps automate routines, making them easier to perform without conscious thought.
The preconscious can play an important role in learning how to work through problems and improve mental health.
Problems using the preconscious mind by identifying connections between your memories, fine-tune of your awareness, and helping you learn from past experiences.