Swirling Chaos (Naruto)(discontinued)

Chapter 31: Tsunade Senju

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Naruto finishes up with Kushina and goes to see Tsunade.


There’s an undeniable feeling of power to fucking the Fifth Hokage over her own desk. Pounding into her, slamming his cock home into her cunt, listening to Kushina cry out as he does so time and time again. Her pussy walls flex and clench around his dick in such a satisfying way too, showing Naruto that she’s enjoying him just as much as he’s enjoying her.

Holding her back against his chest for the moment, Naruto gropes her first breast with his one hand and then decides to bring the other around to her front to do the same with her second. Reaching past the side opening in her sleeveless top on both sides, he practically mauls the red head’s beautiful rack, clenching her tits in his palms, rolling her nipples in between his fingers, and pinching them to tug them every once in a while.

Kushina’s back arches in response, her ass and hips slamming back into his crotch to get his cock deep inside of her cunt again and again, while also pushing her chest forward into his hands as she seeks out pleasure from his touch. She’s losing all semblance of control, but with the Hokage’s Office on lockdown, she doesn’t really need to control herself, does she?

Naruto certainly isn’t going to take her to task for that. He’s loving every moment of this after all. Feeling her beautiful, bountiful body giving way under him. She’s soft in all the right ways, while also being built for battle. Every ninja is made to be a weapon after all, and the Hokage is no different. One might think that sitting behind a desk would have made Kushina Uzumaki too soft to be a warrior, but just fucking her, Naruto can tell that’s not the case. She’s steel covered in velvet, but right now she’s all his.

All the while, Kurama is laid back watching. Eyes lidded, the Nine-Tailed Kitsune has a wicked little grin on her face as she takes in the sight. In a very real way, everything happening right now can be laid at her feet. But it’s quite clear that she doesn’t feel guilty over much of it. No, if anything she’s proud of what she’s wrought now that Naruto has forgiven her for lying to him.

Kurama’s hands roam over her own body, even as she watches Naruto ram into Kushina from behind through lidded eyes. However, all good things come to an end eventually.

Feeling himself reaching his peak shortly, Naruto pushes Kushina forward once more, bending her over her desk properly yet again. The Fifth Hokage gasps as she lands on the furniture’s surface, her hands clawing at the wood as she shudders and her legs quiver from the pleasure. His hands find her hips and he holds onto her with an iron grip even as he slams home into her cunt once, twice, thrice… before finally tipping over the edge.

They cum together, the two of them. Moaning and groaning in unison, they both reach that moment of climax at the exact same time. Kushina’s head tosses back and Naruto can see her eyes rolling in her skull even as his balls empty out. Her pussy juices gush down his pulsating member as he fills her up. Together, they both spasm for a second before finally going still.

Leaning forward, Naruto hugs Kushina from behind briefly, until she finally stops trembling from the release. Only then does he pull back, sliding out of her slick, wet insides regardless of how tightly they try to grip at him. Pulling out of her, he brings the chair she’d been sitting in back forward and eases her back into it, leaving the disheveled and half-naked Hokage glistening with sweat as she looks up at him with lidded eyes.

Grinning, Naruto tilts his head to the side. In the space of a second, he’s tucked his cock away and fixed up his clothing.

“I’ll go ahead and see to convincing Lady Senju that she should take over the office temporarily while we’re away on our trip. You see to recovering.”

Recalling Kurama to his body, the pouting Nine-Tails disappearing with a pop, Naruto takes great pleasure in slipping out of Kushina’s office. Especially with the last thing he hears being her panic.

“W-Wait, don’t-!”

She’s worried because she thinks he’s going to blow right through the security seals currently locking down her office and not letting anyone in or out. But did she already forget how he came upon her, Mikoto, and Kurama the night before? Slipping through these seals… well, let’s just say it’s become old hat for Naruto.

Kushina is cut off entirely BECAUSE Naruto doesn’t actually break anything on his way out. Meaning that she’ll probably have a moment of mortification at the thought of her ANBU guards seeing her freshly fucked before realizing that the security is still intact. Of course, once she gets done cleaning up and brings down the security seals, she’ll probably have a lot of curious ANBU on her hands who will be wondering where the fuck her son went and how he slipped past them.

But that’s not Naruto’s problem, or so he figures. Seeing as Kushina had saddled him with convincing Tsunade, Naruto figured he could saddle his esteemed Sensei with some extra work of her own.

And to be clear, Kurama, he’s not procrastinating going to talk to Hanabi about everything.

Mm… sure you’re not.

Naruto rolls his eyes, feeling Kurama’s amusement through their bond. It far outweighs her sense of judgment, but the judgment IS still there. Really though, he’s serious. Kushina has made bringing Mikoto and Hanabi along on this trip contingent on him managing to convince Tsunade Senju to take on the Hokage’s Office on a temporary basis without Lady Uchiha as back-up and support. If he can’t convince Tsunade, then he doesn’t want to give Hanabi any false hope.

Sure. It has nothing to do with the fact that since you and her last spoke, you’ve fucked both Kushina and Mikoto. Nothing at all. You’re definitely not worried about her reaction, right Naruto? Not one bit~

He can’t help but wince a little. On the one hand, Hanabi had made it pretty clear with Satsuki that she didn’t mind sharing him… in fact, she was actively seeking out potential kunoichi to join them in bed. And on top of that, she’d seemed to respond relatively well to Kurama by the end also. However, that was a bit different from finding out that he’d suddenly fallen into bed with the Fifth Hokage and the Uchiha Matriarch.

… Naruto would tell her. He would. He just needed a bit of time to get his thoughts in order first.

Kurama’s answering silence to that thought almost feels more damning than anything that the amused Nine-Tails could have said otherwise. But Naruto just puts that out of his mind as he arrives outside of Konoha’s Hospital, whistling lowly to himself. The version of him from this timeline didn’t have much reason to visit this place, but with his memories from the future timeline, Naruto can see all of the signs that Tsunade is in residence.

The place is bustling with activity and has never looked better funded, and half of the doctors and nurses are wearing Konoha Headbands somewhere on their persons, marking them as at least Genin-Level Med-Nins on top of being civilian medical professionals.

Tsunade’s dream has come true and knowing her, the best part is, she didn’t even have to put on her grandfather’s hat to do it. That thought causes the smile that had been unconsciously forming on Naruto’s face to dip a little bit. After all, he was here to try to convince her to do so anyways, regardless of how temporary or ‘stand-in’ the role was for her.

Letting out an explosive breath, he forges onward all the same, stepping into the Hospital. He considers just hunting Tsunade down via her Chakra Signature for a moment before shaking his head and stepping up to the front desk. Better to put his best foot forward, he figured. His younger self barely knew Tsunade in this timeline. Certainly not well enough to be running through the Hospital and interrupting her unannounced.

“Hey there, can you tell me where I might find Lady Tsunade?”

He’s half-expecting the receptionist to stone wall him, but instead the woman behind the counter gives him a polite smile.

“Oh! Genin Uzumaki. Yes, Lady Tsunade has been expecting you. Please take a seat and I’ll let her know you’re here.”

Wait what? She’s been… expecting him? Naruto is so caught off guard by that idea that he actually does as the receptionist says, taking a seat in the Hospital’s Waiting Room of all things. To be fair, the place is sparsely populated, a testament to Konoha’s general health as a village AND the efficacy of Tsunade’s own initiatives. But still, he feels kind of weird just… sitting and waiting.

However, before he can throw caution and politeness to the wind and go hunt Tsunade down anyways, he feels her Chakra Signature suddenly turn and begin moving in his direction. And though she doesn’t come sprinting in to the waiting room or anything like that, it only takes her a moment to traverse what feels like half the Hospital before pushing open the door and narrowing her eyes at him.

“Oi! Brat! With me!”

Feeling more than a little flabbergasted at this point, Naruto swallows and quietly follows. Tsunade leads him through the hospital’s halls at a clipped pace, eventually bringing him to an examination room. Once the door is closed behind them, Tsunade activates the room’s security seals, sending a small jolt through Naruto that she doesn’t fail to notice judging by her eyes narrowing. The hospital room’s security seals are nothing compared to the ones in the Hokage’s Tower, but Naruto can’t help but notice them all the same.

“Hm. Interesting reaction. Alright brat, shirt off.”

He might be off center here, but that could only keep him compliant for so long. Raising a hand to bring this to a stop, Naruto shakes his head.

“Um… Lady Tsunade, I’m not sure why you think I’m here, but it’s not for an examination.”

Tsunade narrows her eyes at that.

“Excuse me? Did your mother and aunt not tell you that I wished to see you immediately? Why the hell are you here then, brat?”

Hang on, what? Ignoring the last part for a second, Naruto chooses to focus on the first.

“Why would they tell me that? Why would you want to see me?”

Stomping up to him, the Slug Princess looms over Naruto, her eyes still narrowed and her hands planted firmly on her hips.

“Barely a few days ago, I received a report from the Fifth Hokage about you self-modifying the seal holding back the Kyuubi. She said she’d investigated it herself and found nothing wrong, but I wasn’t convinced. For all that Kushina Uzumaki is a Seal Master and a credit to her lost clan, I wanted to be able to provide a second opinion… so I told her to send you over as early as possible.”

Naruto’s mouth opens and closes at that. Kushina had told Tsunade? No… that actually made sense, he supposed. At the time, it wasn’t like Kushina knew anything about what was going on with him. Trust but verify and all that. Though it also sounded like Kushina had considered her report to Konoha’s foremost medical expert more of a routine thing than anything else, especially if she hadn’t actually sent Naruto over like Tsunade had requested.

“THEN, a day later, I receive a report from Mikoto Uchiha detailing a potentially dangerous technique you’ve apparently developed that rapidly destroys and regenerates your cells on command, allowing you to increase your strength, speed, and capacity by enough that you’re able to take on a Chunin on the cusp of becoming a Jonin despite just freshly graduating from the Academy!”

… Shit. Yeah, okay, Mikoto tattling on him also made a lot of sense.

“She too tried to tell me that after looking into the issue, she hadn’t found any long term ill effects. And like I told her, that’s bullshit and I wanted to see you myself to follow up and make sure you weren’t killing yourself with this brand fucking new technique of yours.”

Tsunade growls now, reaching out and prodding him in the chest with a finger.

“From the sound of it, neither of them actually told you to come here so I could give you a proper examination, did they? Which begs the question of why you’re here looking for me now. Unless…”

Her eyes narrow even further in thought and Naruto wonders if she’s already sussed him out. Maybe she already knows about Kushina’s trip? After all, it certainly sounds like they talk. A lot. Maybe she’s about to realize what he’s really here for and kick him out. Only… no, that’s not what happens.

“They tricked you into coming here, didn’t they? Made up some excuse for why you had to come visit me and got you into this room without you being any the wiser. Heh, your father was just the same, you know? Had to be tricked into going to all his check-ups, back when he was still Jiraiya’s student.”

Wait… there was no way, right? For a moment, Naruto actually believes it. But that… no, it couldn’t be possible. That would mean the entire trip around the Elemental Nations was faked and he didn’t believe Kushina would lie to him like that. He didn’t believe she COULD lie to him like that.

Rather… wasn’t it more like his mother had managed to kill two birds with one stone? Not only was she aware that Tsunade wanted to see him, but she also needed Tsunade to be convinced to temporarily lead Konoha while she was gone. So… she’d sent him along without all the relevant information so he’d wind up blindsided by an overprotective medical provider.

… He was going to have to find a way to get revenge on Kushina for this eventually. But in the meantime, Tsunade had her arms crossed over her chest and was giving him a pointed look now with a raised brow.

“Well? Shirt off, brat. Whatever they used to trick you into coming here, it doesn’t matter. Might as well get this over with, because you aren’t getting away from me now that I’ve got you here.”

Oh? Part of him was tempted to make a bet on that front. Or maybe a bet on the results of her tests. He was confident he and Kurama were just fine regardless of the changes he’d made to his father’s seal. He was equally confident he could give Tsunade the slip if he really had to.

… But maybe it would be better to be the best patient he could be, get on Tsunade’s good side, and then ask her for a favor once they were all done? The idea made the prankster in him squirm in disgust, but at the same time could he really afford to piss Tsunade off right now?

The Patreon Vote:
[ ] Bet Tsunade that he CAN get away from her if he really wants to - 23%
[X] Bet Tsunade that she won't find anything wrong with him - 62%

[ ] Don't bet anything, be the most cooperative patient he can be - 15%


Also shameless plug time: Just started a new Free Write and it would mean the world to me if you guys checked it out!

An Iron Resolve (Marvel)(Time Travel)

Summary: Tony Stark travels back in time after the Snap determined to get things right this time. Even if he has to take over the world to make sure everyone actually works together against the threat that Thanos poses. He's not going to let everyone down. Not ever again.

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