Swirling Chaos (Naruto)(discontinued)

Chapter 30: In the Office

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Hanabi is addressed, Kushina is bent over~


Making up his mind, Naruto graces his mother with a big smile.

“I’d like nothing more, Lady Hokage. It would be my utmost privilege.”

Kushina flushes a little bit at being addressed by her title, but also smiles and sits up straighter, looking pleased with his response. Good, because he’s definitely trying to butter her up at least a little before his next request.

“That said, if you would allow me to make a request?”

Raising an eyebrow, the Fifth Hokage gestures for him to continue.

“… I think we should bring along Lady Uchiha and her new apprentice. Not just because Mikoto knows as much about me and my circumstances as you do at this point, but also because Hanabi…”

Here, Kushina gets a conflicted and altogether complicated look on your face.

“Ah. Right. Your new… girlfriend.”

It’d be rather funny watching Kushina war with herself between jealousy and happiness. On the one hand, she’d clearly been rooting for Hanabi and Naruto for longer than he’d been a merged amalgamation with one half of him coming from an alternate timeline. On the other hand, Kushina’s relationship with Naruto had evolved very recently and it was clear she was now wondering if she and Hanabi were going to be in direct competition with one another.

“You don’t need to worry, woman.”

In the end, Naruto isn’t the one who comforts Kushina, much to his own consternation. While he’s busy pondering, Kurama is the one who speaks up, causing Kushina to jolt and glance over at her. Smirking, the lounging Nine-Tailed Kitsune flicks a tail in the Hokage’s direction.

“The Hyuga has no sense of shame. She’s already resolved herself to building Naruto here a harem. All you really have to do is know your place around her and you’ll be fine~”

Naruto raises an eyebrow at that. A harem? Then again, he can’t really dispute Kurama’s claims. First it was Satsuki Uchiha. Then it was the way Hanabi had interacted with Kurama herself. The Nine-Tails wasn’t entirely wrong…

“My place? I am the Fifth Hokage of Konoha. She is just a Genin… and my best friend’s apprentice besides!”

Kushina, meanwhile, is put out by Kurama’s assertions. She’s not as angry as Naruto would have thought her to be. More… frustrated than anything else. And still very conflicted too. Kurama, eyes lidded into slits as she looks at Kushina like prey, grins a vulpine grin.

“And? Do you want to be in charge of Naruto’s burgeoning harem then? With all the work you already have on your plate?”

Kushina actually considers that for a moment… and seems to arrive at the exact conclusion Kurama is looking for because the foxy woman doesn’t even wait for a verbal response before nodding in satisfaction.

“Exactly. Let the little Hyuga have her fun. Let her have control. We’re way too old to be jockeying for position like that anyways.”

“I-I’m not that old! You’re the one who’s ancient!”

Kurama just cackles until Kushina growls and reaches out, Chakra Chains enveloping the snickering, almost yipping kitsune. In an instant the Nine-Tails is restrained and gagged, with Kushina glaring at Kurama’s bound form for a moment… before remembering that they’re not alone and what they were even doing in the first place.

Throwing a guilty look Naruto’s way, Kushina retracts her Chakra Chains, leaving a slightly disheveled and ruffled, but also incredibly smug-looking Kurama lounging once more on the couch.

“Ah… a-apologies for losing my composure, Naruto. In the end… I think you’re probably right. Mikoto should come with us… and it would look like terrible optics for the Lady of the Uchiha Clan to accept the Hyuga Heiress as her Apprentice and then leave her behind a week later so Hanabi will have to come too.”

Kushina still looks conflicted for a moment before suddenly groaning and dropping her forehead to the table.

“Ugh… and I was going to use Mikoto’s presence as a way to convince Tsunade to take over while I was gone too. How am I supposed to trick the woman into this office now?”

Wait, what? Naruto pauses for a moment, parsing that… only to realize that in his melding, he’d overlooked some of his memories from this timeline until now.

“Huh. I sort of forgot Tsunade was back in the village.”

Kushina’s head comes up at that and she blinks at him for a moment before slowly nodding.

“Ah, that’s right. The other you knew Tsunade Senju much better, didn’t he? Especially because he went and brought her back to Konoha after the Third lost his life fighting Orochimaru. But in this world, you haven’t had much reason or opportunity to interact with Tsunade even though I’m the one who brought her back here and set her up with proper funding to make a full-blown Med-Nin program at the Konoha Hospital.”

Here, Kushina smiles fondly and proudly, albeit with a hint of exasperation.

“She’s taken over the Hospital at this point with that program of hers. Not a single doctor or nurse that isn’t at least somewhat trained in the ninja arts, and every single Konoha Team has a Med-Nin on it as well. Her presence and programs have been as much of a benefit to Konoha as my Academy Reforms have been… not to toot my own horn or anything.”

That was great. And now that Kushina was talking about it all, Naruto was remembering it too. Yes, he’d barely exchanged two words with Tsunade in this timeline even after she returned to Konoha, but the effects of her presence had certainly been felt even all the way down to the Academy Level. He remembered medical classes in the Academy that he’d never been through in his other timeline.

“Still, she’s very much averse to this office, this desk, and this hat. Good for me most of the time because she’s really one of the only people who could lay claim to it all as the Princess of the Senju. However, she’s also basically the only person in the entire village I can trust to look after the place while I’m gone. And now I won’t even be able to tell her that Mikoto will be backing her up every step of the way… because Mikoto is coming with us.”

Kushina looks despondent for a moment while Naruto wracks his brain trying to think up a way to help. Before he can figure one out, however, his mother suddenly brightens up considerably, looking at him with a sudden blazing intensity in her eyes.


“Err… me?”

“You did it before! Or rather, the other you did it in that other timeline, didn’t he? He not only brought Tsunade back to Konoha like I did, but he also went a step further and convinced her to become Hokage. You can do it again!”

Naruto blanches at that prospect.

“Ah, Lady Hokage, I’m not sure-!”

But Kushina waves him off, not buttered up one bit this time by his attempted flattery.

“It’ll be even easier this time since you only have to convince her to occupy this office on a temporary basis. And it’s not like she’ll really be Hokage, I’ll still be Hokage while we’re touring the Elemental Nations. Yes, this is perfect… you do it, Naruto. Consider this your first mission, my Apprentice!”

Well shit. When Kushina put it like that, Naruto found himself straightening up and squaring his shoulders. It really shouldn’t have been that easy, but in the end he finds himself nodding sharply.

“Consider it done then.”

Kushina beams at him for a long moment… and then shakes herself out of it while glancing towards the clock.

“… We’ve probably let this meeting run long enough as-is I suppose. Can probably end it here and-!”

As the Fifth Hokage raises her hands to perform the seals necessary for ending the state of total secrecy and privacy in her office however, a chakra needle suddenly whips out, taking her in one fingertip and making her yelp.

Naruto’s eyes widen and he’s immediately on edge, looking for the assailant… only to realize it was Kurama of all people. The Nine-Tailed Kitsune scoffs from where she’s still laid out on the couch, having fashioned her chakra into a projectile and shot it from one of her poised tail tips. As Kushina nurses her finger and glares at the foxy woman, Kurama just shakes her head.

“Let’s not be too hasty now. Everything that needs to be done outside of this room can wait a little longer, can it not? In the meantime… don’t tell me you don’t want Naruto to bend you over your desk and make you moan like a wanton whore you little slut.”

Kushina freezes up and Naruto is almost ready to take Kurama to task before he realizes just how rapidly the Fifth Hokage is reddening. It takes only a handful of seconds for Kushina to go as red as her hair color as she sits there behind her desk, stiff as can be. She looks like she’s in danger of overheating… of exploding. Peering at her, Naruto raises an eyebrow.

“… Is that true, Ku-shi-na? Is Kurama right about what you want… and were you really going to just leave it at this without expressing those wants? Were you really just going to let me leave?”

Kushina’s answer is a whimper, but that’s more than answer enough. Naruto slowly stalks around the desk between them, watching the Hokage tremble. But not out of fear or trepidation. No, her trembling is full of anticipation and desire. She’s just still not entirely sure how to express it.

This relationship is something Naruto is still getting used to as well, but if there’s one thing he’s good at from all his time with Kurama, it’s handling an unruly woman. Smiling slightly, Naruto places his hands on Kushina’s shoulders.

“You know… earlier when you used your Chakra Chains on Kurama, you said sorry… but you didn’t really, truly make up for it, did you? Do you think… maybe… you need to be taken to task, Kushina?”

No more Lady Hokage here. Still, Naruto leaves it up to Kushina. If she says ‘no’ or doesn’t respond, he’ll back off. He’s not going to-


And there it is. Permission. Not just permission either, but vocally expressed desire. Moving his hands from Kushina’s shoulder to her head, he very gently and very respectfully takes the Hokage’s Hat off of her brow and sets it down on the stand behind her desk. Then, he not-so-gently grabs Kushina and yanks her up out of her chair, pushing it away from between them and bending her over her own desk in an instant.

As expected, she squeaks but doesn’t protest, even letting out a light moan at the rough treatment. It wouldn’t be ‘taking her to task’ if he went easy on her, after all. The Hokage’s Robes get in the way of course, so they have to be removed as well… leaving Kushina in just a sleeveless top and pants. Pants which do not survive for long before being dragged down to her knees along with her underwear.

Naruto’s hands grip at Kushina’s hips and ass as the red head leans over her desk for him, arching her back and thrusting her rump high in the process. His fingers find her slit a moment later and while she wasn’t sopping wet or anything like that, she was already in the process of becoming that way. Made sense really, until this moment they’d been talking about some rather heavy topics, hadn’t they?

Still, after a few moments of fingering her, Naruto is confident she’s ready for him. At which point he pulls out his cock and rubs it against her slit, teasing her incessantly.

“Is this what you want? For me to fuck you over your own desk, Ku-shi-na?”

Enunciating every syllable of her name definitely has a pronounced effect on the Fifth Hokage, even as she moans and nods her head rapidly. But that’s not good enough for Naruto.

“I want to hear you say it.”

“F-Fuck me! Fuck me over my own desk! S-Stick your-nnnngh!”

Mid-word, Naruto gives Kushina what she wants and begins plowing her right then and there. The Hokage squeals as she’s taken in her own office, fucked by her own… well, no matter. Naruto grunts, even as he fills every inch of her with his cock. Kushina’s pussy walls clench down around his member, flexing and gripping with all the strength they’d had last night as well and just like last night, fucking her is a phenomenal experience.

Kurama, meanwhile, watches from the couch with a satisfied smirk on her lips. Her own hands have already begun to wander, pulling a breast out to fondle and play with, slipping under her garments to finger herself. She looks quite content over there and Naruto can feel that she’s content as well. He doesn’t need to invite her over her find a way to include her… no, this moment is about him and Kushina and no one else.

Of course, that doesn’t mean Kurama isn’t going to enjoy the show~

Still, focusing back on Kushina… Naruto reaches under the red head with one hand and slides it past the opening of her sleeveless top, grabbing hold of one of her breasts and giving it a good, solid squeeze. In response, Kushina moans all the more wantonly and tightens up around him even more, shuddering and quivering beneath him as he fucks her senseless.

There’s no doubt in Naruto’s mind that he’s going to bring her to multiple orgasms before they’re done here. Though his thoughts do wander a bit, even as he starts working on the first. He now has two people he needs to talk to after this. Originally, he’d thought that Hanabi had to be his next stop after this meeting, but since Kushina is going to bring Mikoto on board and Hanabi is just going to come along as her apprentice, he doesn’t technically need to speak to the Hyuga Kunoichi just yet…

… Okay so he definitely needs to speak to her soon. He told her about Kurama, there’s no way he’s not going to tell her about Mikoto and Kushina. And… he probably needs to come clean in the same way he did with them as well and let Hanabi know that he has memories from another timeline. It’s only fair in the end.

On the other hand, he also had to get to Tsunade at some point and complete the first mission he’d ever been given as the Hokage’s Apprentice. And really, as his first mission, that was super important wasn’t it? So should that take priority?

Humming, Naruto considers his options even as he pulls back on the hand squeezing Kushina’s breast, lifting her up off of the desk somewhat and bringing her back against his chest as he fucks into her from behind with considerable strength and speed. First things first… bringing the Fifth Hokage to multiple climaxes on his big fat cock.

The Patreon Vote:
[ ] Go talk to Hanabi first after this - 35%

[X] Go talk to Tsunade first after this - 65%

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